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Everything posted by MixxMaster

  1. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    you must be joking or just really sadistic... Hey...I'd do her. well, he ass IS hungry....
  2. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    is the new Tough Enough going to be on that uber-crappy MTV????
  3. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    you must be joking or just really sadistic...
  4. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    no, because he would just bve distracted by the Chili....
  5. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    the only way the Diva Search crap is remotely watchable: STACY.... /still pissed that Maria got cut
  6. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    Mark Henry > Orton
  7. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    because he's big, and better in the ring than the current champ...not that it takes much. Yea...he is better then the current IC Champ. If you honestly believe that..then you definitely are an Orton hate just for the sake of being an Orton hater... no, it's genuine hate....
  8. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    well, at least Christian isn't wearing girls clothes again. ....Of course, he got winded just climbing the ladder.
  9. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    because he's big, and better in the ring than the current champ...not that it takes much.
  10. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    because he's "Special"???
  11. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    Where did HHH get that Axl Rose on a Iron Cross logo shirt?
  12. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    OMG!!!!! Nidia stole one of Brocks move! Now, where's the happy dance?
  13. MixxMaster

    Raw 9/6/04

    Well, nice to see that Orton still hasn't improved on the mic, as well as in the ring...yep, sure's not a "God Push" or anything...
  14. MixxMaster

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    Damn! nice too see the censors get all fucked up! Nothing like a skank who can talk dirty... /pissed that Maria got eliminated
  15. MixxMaster

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    HBK a Republikkan??? .....and the heel turn begins!
  16. MixxMaster

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    one guy makes three men (two of whom are roid monsters) scramble for safety? wow....so realistic!
  17. MixxMaster

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    WWR Raw presents the promo that won't fucking end! God, let's push Orton even MORE...sure. He only still blows on the mic and is only passable in the ring...
  18. MixxMaster

    Should WWE mention the anniversary

    well, I would be surprised if they DIDN'T mention it in some way. It of course would be better if they went all out and did a big video vignette, but I'm not holding my breath on that. By the way, don't know if anyone else has seen this, but here's an Owen Hart tribute page, with pics taken at the PPV before and after he fell. May be disturbing for some.Owen Hart Tribute
  19. MixxMaster

    An angle Randy orton could try

    I'd much rather see the Orton-back-in-OVW-angle(that isn't really an angle)...I don't see how having a garbage match highlighted by landing on some thumbtacks is "paying his dues", nor do I get how unimproving promos and ringwork are signs of "improvement".
  20. MixxMaster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    I was thinking that Gail Kim fell into that OVW portal. And don't tell me Hirohito is a promo for another new wrestler....
  21. MixxMaster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    maybe she fell into the OVW portal...
  22. MixxMaster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

  23. MixxMaster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    DO IT!!!!
  24. MixxMaster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    Lita with a new hairstyle..she still sucks. And yes, so does Gail Kim, but Gail looks better... ahhh, Kane SMASH, KANE DESTROY!!!!
  25. MixxMaster

    The OAO RAW Thread for 4/19 !

    big surprise there...