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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Becuase it will save the government money in the long run in health care costs and AFDC payments. How do you know the people who think that passed or even took sex ed?
  2. SuperJerk

    The Bush Years Compendium

    All that un-conservative stuff you are saying they did were unintended consequences of their failed conservative tax and military policies. When you look at the massive military spending, foriegn invasions, restrictions on civil liberities, xenophobic immigration policies, tax cuts for the rich, state sponsorship of religious charities....that's a pretty conservative administration. The reason they didn't get the results they wanted wasn't because they weren't conservative enough, but because conservatism doesn't work.
  3. SuperJerk

    Global Warming: the Thread

    No, I don't. Trends are measured by taking measurments over time. Saying one year out of 100 is too small of a sample to disprove the 100 previous years worth of measurements showing a trend. The temperature goes up and down, but overall it goes up more than it goes down. That's why you have to look at it over a long period of time, not just the last 12 or 24 months. The 200 years before that doesn't take the spread of industrialization and burning of fossil fuels that occurred in the 20th century into consideration.
  4. SuperJerk

    Filling Senate Vacancies

    I agree.
  5. SuperJerk

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    Four things: 1) It's called the Congressional Budget Office, not the "congressional business office." 2) OMG SOURCE PLZ! 3) Conservatives want to argue that the stimulus isn't going to work because it isn't big enough? Can you guys please find an economic philosophy and stick with it? 4) In no way did the line about contraceptives and cabbage patch dolls make any sense.
  6. SuperJerk

    Changes made by Barack Obama

    What percentage of the American public doesn't have cable or satelitte again? Like, what? 18%?
  7. SuperJerk

    Christians Beat Special Ed team 100-0

    "Clearly inferior"? This was a school for kids with learning disabilties, not the mentally retarded.
  8. SuperJerk

    Tennis Thread.

    Why can't you guys just be one big happy United Kingdom?
  9. SuperJerk

    Christians Beat Special Ed team 100-0

    I didn't see that in the story. Why was the coach fired? Becuase of this, or some other thing?
  10. SuperJerk

    The Bush Years Compendium

  11. SuperJerk

    Global Warming: the Thread

    Your source is Republican Senate committee staffer's blog from a year ago that cherry-picks news articles for specific regions. What about 2008? And what about the 100 years prior to 2007? Global Warming is based in average temperatures of the entire globe, but every time there's a temporary lowering in one specific area, we're supposed to take this as definitive proof the entire planet is getting cooler, despite the fact that every study of the entire planet's average temperature over a prolonged period of time shows the same thing?
  12. I can't top a Blacula reference.
  13. SuperJerk

    The Bush Years Compendium

    I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, but since it's a neo-con publication....that fits under the umbrella of conservatism.
  14. SuperJerk

    Changes made by Barack Obama

    Yeah, that's a good point. I live in the middle of KC, and there's still channels I don't get with my antennae. I don't really know if the rabbit ears work any worse than the fancy ones...with digital, if you don't get the whole signal, it is just as bad as gett ing none of it. I don't know what he meant by the rest, though.
  15. SuperJerk

    Tax raises?

    You'd think that using them to pay off the debts would have help prevent the collapse. BruiserKC makes a good point about tax cuts not doing much for the economy at this point, which is why I think new government spending (not on just throwing money at th economy, but on thing we really need to do but have been putting off, and things that will lead to enhanced productivity down the road) is a good idea.
  16. SuperJerk

    Changes made by Barack Obama

    I'm confused because I've never had a problem picking up a digital signal with plain old rabbit ears, and my understanding on the converter box is that it switches the signal to analogue before it outputs it to the tv, and then carries it to the tv with a plain old coaxial cable (coax cables are capable of carrying either type....I have a coax cable attaching my antennae to my tv).
  17. SuperJerk

    Tax raises?

    And yet, the issue of fairness never seems to bother them when talking about inheritance taxes. Go figure.
  18. SuperJerk

    The feds got Blagojevich

    His lawyer quit.
  19. SuperJerk

    Changes made by Barack Obama

  20. SuperJerk

    Global Warming: the Thread

    That's not what I heard.
  21. SuperJerk

    Battlestar Galactica

    Call me crazy, but I'm actually siding with Tom Zarek now. A military alliance with the rogue Cylons is one thing, but Adama's taken it too far.
  22. SuperJerk

    Christians Beat Special Ed team 100-0

    The other team was students with learning disabilities, not the physically handicapped. The fact that the school only has 20 kids in it to build a sports team out of has more impact on the team's effectiveness than their disabilitiy status.
  23. SuperJerk

    The Bush Years Compendium

    Add Dick Cheney's name to the list of people unhappy with George Bush: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/22/che...ibby/index.html
  24. SuperJerk

    Executive Orders

    Either of those is preferrable to keeping them in a legal limbo with no chance of proving their innocence.
  25. SuperJerk

    Covering Coverage

    I never realized until now how racist I am because I want Obama to be successful....