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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    This extended clip, I think, gives a lot of weight to the theory that Palin's just reciting what others have told her. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/27347418#27347418 I don't get how you can calling in a bomb threats and blowing up statues, and empty offices and bathrooms with "trying to destroy our capitol and our Pentagon." I don't get how you can say you're going to work for all of the people, but describe all people as being "hard-working, middle class Americans". I don't get how you can claim Bill Ayers's association with Obama is a legitimate issue, and then claim the real issue is whether or not he's been "forthcoming" about the relationship. I don't get how you can say elitism isn't geography based, then say "but I know where they live...our nation's capitol and New York City". I don't get how you can claim the Weathermen were trying to kill Americans and destroy America, when they warned people in advanced to get out of the places where the bombs were going to go off. I don't get how this campaign can claim Palin's ready to be president, when she can't even sit through an interview with NBC News without insisting McCain go on with her. How can anyone with any REAL knowledge of these things actually believe all of these contradictory ideas?
  2. SuperJerk

    Covering Coverage

    Newt Gingrich. Are Republicans in their own little world so much that the Contract with America was a failure with everyone outside the Republican base, that Gingrich spent his entire speakership getting his ass handed to him by Bill Clinton and the House Democrats, and that after losses in the 1998 election, Gingrich resigned because the Hpuse Republicans had lost all faith in his leadership?
  3. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    If presidential poll numbers were the only barometer, then Marvin's argument would have merit, but you also have to look at other stuff, such as which candidate to voters think would do a better job on the economy, favorable/unfavorable ratings, and trends over the last 6 months. 4 years ago, Bush had most of those things in his favor, and ran a more disciplined campaign than Kerry did. McCain not nearly in as a good a shape. __________________ I'm starting to feel sorry for Nancy Pfotenhauer. Could you imagine having the job of trying to public defend the schizophrenic statements being made by McCain and Palin? Let's watch! So she basically made the same defense of Palin's "role of the VP" nonsense that I did (after watching the video a few more times, I was pretty obviously wrong). When THAT didn't work, she tried to change the subject to Joe Biden, then tried to make it sound like Palin was just saying that Palin would be making policy recommendations to the senators of the same party.
  4. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Obama is not advocating socialized or nationalized medicine. Besides, most of the arguments against socialized medicine can also be made against the HMO-based system we have now. Every Candaian I've heard from is happier with their system than we are with ours. ___________________ Palin has no idea what "elitism" actually means, and the definition she does give could easily be applied to herself. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/27340370#27340370 She doesn't know what a "precondition" is either. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27328374#27328374
  5. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I read this and decided to vote for McCain. I am now scared of Obama. I mean, how can you argue with someone from THE FUTURE???? http://focusfamaction.edgeboss.net/downloa..._2012letter.pdf
  6. SuperJerk

    Star Trek XI

    No moment in Star Trek history sucked as bad a Picard taking orders from Janeway.
  7. SuperJerk

    SNL - Josh Brolin/Adele

    I remember when I was a kid and Comedy Central would show reruns of the 1980-81 season. WOW.
  8. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    The NY Times looks at the McCain campaign's constant attempts to re-characterize him, and the rational behind the Palin pick. A long read, but worth it. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/26/magazine/26mccain-t.html ___________________ McCain declares war on proper syntax.
  9. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I prefer a more conservative estimate...pessimism pays off if you're pleasantly surprised at the end of the race...though not as pessimistic as snuffbox. That robocall Guiliani did is stupid, since most of the crimes he talks about have laws at the state level. In those calls, he's acting like Obama's running for governor.
  10. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Olberman had about 4 different videos of her trying to differ from the constitution's job description Usually Olbermann tries to change the Constitution himself. He rarely needs the help of others. It's funny when anyone tries to quantify Olbermann as anything more than the liberal equivalent of Limbaugh, Hannity or O'Reilly. Oh I fully realize he's just the Democratic version of those guys... I object on the grounds that Hannity, O'Reilly, and Limbaugh are all completely different types of partisans. Hannity: ignore the facts and tow the party line; only have guest on that agree with you. Limbaugh: stick to your principles, no matter who or what facts say others wise; guest are irrelevant because no one can tell him anything he can't say himself in a more entertaining way. O'Reilly: on a mission to argue with the other side; have on guests that you can confront. Of these three, I'd say Olbermann is 65% Hannity (guest philosophy) and 35% Limbaugh (especially his "special comment" rants and value of being entertaining). To me, Hannity is the worst of the bunch because we will literally tow WHATEVER the Republican Party line of the moment is, with no thought or analysis. Olbermann can be pretty grating because while I appreciate he's calling attention to a lot of things that might get ignored, the one-sidedness of it is disconnected from reality or use of irrational arguments to draw attention away from the faults of Democrats.
  11. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I really hope that was just her quaint, cutesy way of explaining what a ceremonial presiding officer does to a 9 year-old...except its virtually the same thing she said during in the debates.
  12. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081021/ap_on_...n_family_travel This will be quickly forgotten, along with the Bridge to Nowhere, charging the taxpayers so she could stay at her own house, and the fact she can't put two coherent sentences together without a teleprompter in front of her. The Daily Show visits Wasilla, Alaska.
  13. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I bet we all couldn't wait for THIS issue to rear its ugly head... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081021/ap_on_...in_gay_marriage Oh, dear god, she's already running for the 2012 nomination. Yeah, despite the fact that her negatives are HUGE and conservative economic philosophy is about as popular as cancer right now, she'll claim McCain was weighing her down and if only they'd nominated a "real" conservative LIKE HER, they'd have won in '08 and liberals are ruining American and BLAH BLAH BLAH.
  14. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...-to-suppor.html Nasty Dem fearmongering. Republican fear-mongering: If a Democrat gets elected, really terrible things are going to happen. Democrat fear-mongering: If a Democrat gets elected, really terrible things are going to happen.
  15. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

  16. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    FactCheck.org examines the allegations against ACORN: http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/ac...ccusations.html
  17. SuperJerk

    Pictures I Like

  18. SuperJerk

    SNL - Josh Brolin/Adele

    Yeah, screw you guys, I thought the whole show was great. I don't think they can ever do another Palin skit again now.
  19. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Someone went and proved my point for me...
  20. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    The irony here is that most of the conservative Republicans who are supporting McCain don't like him that much either, but have been too fear-mongered into believing that Obama is some kind of terrorist sleeper-agent to dare say anything critical against McCain. I mean, remember the Republicans for Hillary movement? I'd also cite Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" here, but the point of that became lost once Rush kept changing the objectives after-the-fact to reflect whatever the outcomes were.
  21. SuperJerk

    Covering Coverage

    That was a rhetorical "why" to illustrate the intellectual dishonesty of a so-called news organization giving a recent presidential candidate free airtime to push his agenda, or how a guy who claims to not want the spot light (after being used in the last debate as the human embodiment of a fake argument against a particular policy) appears as an in-studio guest on a talk show that's pretty transparently a campaign commerical for Republicans.