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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    grenade thrown at Bush

    I blame Bob Shrum more than Kerry for the stupidity of his campaign, but Kerry should've been smart enough not to listen to Shrum's common sense-defying campaign "ideas". Plus Kerry was a hypocrite on the Iraq War (never clarifying whether he was for or against ousting Saddam Hussein, voting against the $87 billion but bashing Bush for not getting the troops the supplies they needed), and tried to milk the service in a war he was morally opposed to for political mileage. I had to keep telling myself that his presidency would not resemble his campaign (as they rarely do), to keep myself from voting for Nader again. I was a big supporter of his at the time, but only because I didn't think the man we saw on the campaign trail was the real him.
  2. SuperJerk

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    It was Judd Hirsch (from "Taxi" and "Dear John".)
  3. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    People are still hating on Salvatore for killing off Chewbacca. Even though the editors pretty much ordered him too, Salvatore was the only one who would do it, because none of the current generation of Star Wars EU authors would do it. Also, the editors originally wanted Luke to be the one killed, but can you imagine the shitstorm from that one? Leia could give Luke a blowjob (while Han watched) in the EU and I still wouldn't care.
  4. SuperJerk

    Box Office Report

    I predict $150 million in 3 days for that movie and people will still be angry about the plot twist...... You mean its true that Spock dies at the end?
  5. SuperJerk

    Anti Abortionist's views on Southern Living

    I hate to repeat myself, but ...
  6. SuperJerk

    grenade thrown at Bush

    Feel free to no-sell my subconscious at your own peril. Ever seen "Forbidden Planet"? Enough said. edit: Okay, yeah I was wrong. Damn facts always gettin' in the way of my opinions... He had a plan. If you had visited his website and searched it for an hour you might have found some reference of how to order a copy of it which I'm sure would have arrived on your door by November 3rd. Its not his fault you were lazy.
  7. SuperJerk

    Women in Combat

    I think the fear of rape plays a part, too.
  8. SuperJerk

    The British War Memo.

    Oh, you had to go and use the "M" word, didn't you? I was trying to avoid coming out and flatly saying that's who I was trying to refute.
  9. SuperJerk

    grenade thrown at Bush

    No. If Kerry had done a better job selling his national security plan, THEN he could've won, IMO. My theory states that most of the people who voted for him felt safer with him in charge than with Bush in charge.
  10. SuperJerk

    The British War Memo.

    I wasn't only talking about YOU, though. My noun of choice was "people" (which is plural, FYI). Since I was talking directly to you at the time, I'd have said "you keep dragging" instead of "people who keep dragging".
  11. SuperJerk

    I was just curious

  12. SuperJerk

    grenade thrown at Bush

    On a subconscious level, I think they did. This is purely conjecture on my part based on my understanding of political science, sociology, and psychology. Maybe 100% is an exaggeration, but I think the majority of voters were worried about terrorism, and it would have been impossible for Kerry to win without making national security his number 1 issue. Basically, I'm saying I think that the poll is wrong.
  13. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I think that theory gets shot to hell when Anakin turns to the Dark Side, though. There will be a lot of death and destruction. The only good-guy characters who die in this movie are nameless Jedi and boring-ass Padme. That's not exactly the same as Luke, Han, or Lando getting killed (ideas which were thrown around while the original trilogy was being written...vetoes by Lucas for the reason I already mentioned).
  14. SuperJerk

    grenade thrown at Bush

    I wasn't talking about the war in Iraq, but the "War on Terrorism". I guaran-fucking-tee that just 3 years after 9/11, 100% of the voters cared about the threat from terrorism. I'd count those 12 or so people in the 49% group I mentioned that voted for Kerry or Nader.
  15. SuperJerk

    The British War Memo.

    Wouldn't it be cool to be able to surf the 1998 internet? And by "cool", I mean "wierd".
  16. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I've got a theory that Lucas made the prequel characters boring on purpose so when future generation watch I-VI in order, the transition from one group of characters to the other will be easier for kids to handle. Remember, this is the guy who refused to kill off any of the main characters in "Return of the Jedi" because he thought it'd upset the kids in the audience.
  17. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    There's a simple explanation for that. The people who make the cartoons aren't the same people who make the movies. And Clone Wars Vol.2 was WAAAAYY better than Volume 1. Vol. 2 had an actual story, whereas Vol. 1 was just a collection of cool battles...and an "Akira" rip-off featuring Obi-Wan.
  18. SuperJerk

    SNL Review

    I hate it when that happens.
  19. SuperJerk

    Box Office Report

    Isn't there a Star Trek movie or something coming out soon? That might be a big hit.
  20. SuperJerk

    grenade thrown at Bush

    No. The natural human desire for physical safety overrides every other need we have. In a time of war, all other issues become irrelevant. Bush's campaign message was: "I may have made a few mistakes, but I'll keep you safer than Kerry will." 51% believed him, and 49% didn't.
  21. SuperJerk

    The British War Memo.

    ... I assume you're going somewhere with that... Just wanted to back up my point that Bush's actions were 2 or 3 steps beyond what Clinton did. A point totally ignored by the people who keep dragging Clinton into this.
  22. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    So we were BOTH right.
  23. SuperJerk

    Family Guy for 5/8/05

    I can't belvie I forgot that! He even sounded like the Superman from "Superfriends".
  24. SuperJerk

    The British War Memo.

    from the memo:
  25. SuperJerk

    The British War Memo.

    In the previous thread, which I ignored, the argument was made that there was nothing wrong with Bush Administration wanting to oust Saddam Hussein before the evidence was there because the Clinton Administration had also stated a preference for regime change in Iraq. Obviously the subtlties between wanting something and actually seeking out rationales to sell to the public and putting a plan in place to do it using a massive invasion were lost on our more conservative CE folder brethren, not to mention oddness of the shift in focus from Al Quaeda to Iraq so soon after 9/11.