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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Also, Bob, let's be clear about one other thing. For about a week, I posted some of Mike's more insane quotes in my sig in an attempt to draw attention to his...lack of discretion. His response was the put the following quote in his sig: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." If THAT isn't flame-baiting, nothing is.
  2. SuperJerk

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Mike was NOT the victim of my flaming. The flame wars I had with him were ALWAYS started by a personal insult made by him towards me. I guess all the times he flamed me first (which was ALL THE TIME) was pre-emptive strike or something? Let's be clear on what flaming is: Flaming is personal attacks and name-calling. I may have disputed Mike's claims, and pointed out how I thought his posts showed poor reasoning, but when it came to actually getting down and making ad hominem attacks, Mike was always the aggressor.
  3. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    credit: http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/e...es/11562618.htm
  4. SuperJerk

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    **Reads entire thread.** Please note that 95% of the bitching about me (i.e. the Nazi comparison when discussing proposed laws that discriminate against gays) was over something I did once. Its no secret that I despise MikeSC. I'm not really proud that I sunk to his level and flamed him back. However, my attitude towards him was purely retaliatory. In fact, a few months ago I even tried to make peace with him after he won an argument I was having with him. That last about 3 weeks before he started flaming me again. Things got REALLY heated when I posted evidence (actual government statistics) that contradicted his claims that welfare made poverty worse. He argued with me for DAYS, insulting me at every turn, for having the gall to contradict his "obvious" conclusion. Then, just a couple of weeks ago, I made my infamous Nazi Germany comparison which inspired Czech to start this very thread. Of course the Conservative Brigade rallied against me, and suddenly I was the most hated man in the CE folder. I did not back down, though, because I did not feel that my comment was completely without merit. The Texas/Nazi Germany thing was a one time only thing. I have not, before or since, compared anyone or anything to Nazi Germany. Just as that controversy finally started to die down, Mike goes and calls Islam a "death cult". This wasn't just factually inaccurate, but also offensive, and I stood up against him by attempting to show the error in his reasoning. This, of course, led to more flames (on both sides) rather than intelligent discussion. I'm not proud of my behavior, and I do understand that I'm on borrowed time. However, I'm fully intent on followng the rules from now on.
  5. SuperJerk

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    To clarify: I only flamed Slapnuts! in response to his stating that it was okay for Mike to flame people based on the grounds "If you can't take the heat, get out of the CE folder." I was trying to get him to see that it wasn't okay. Well, he reacted quite negatively to my flame (suggesting that I should be banned myself), thus nullifying his previous argument that flaming in the CE folder is an okay thing to do.
  6. SuperJerk

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

  7. SuperJerk

    The 2005 MTV Movie Award Nominees

    Maybe because it came out well over a year ago? Besides, "Napoleon Dynamite" was the most original and funny thing to hit theaters in quite a few years. And I'm not sure if it is entirely a coincidence that a parody of socially inept teen-aged boys would be recieving such a strong backlash from the Internet, of all places.
  8. SuperJerk

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I find it funny you'd say "If you can't take the heat, get out of the folder", and then whine that I need to be banned. Do you really think my comments went too far? Now you know how I felt about Mike's posts. Thanks for helping me prove my point for me. edit: We now return you to our regularly scheduled Howard Dean bashing, already in progress.
  9. SuperJerk

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    Maybe if you email Mike and ask real nice, he'll let you suck his dick in person. (Like you said..."If you can't take the heat...") Nice use of the Nazi comparison. I know you didn't mean it literally, but that didn't stop anyone from jumping my ass for 3 days the only time I ever did it. Mike was a stubborn jackass who couldn't back down even after he was proven wrong, which people have done to him on multiple occasions. I'm not saying he was wrong 100% of the time, but if anyone was bringing this folder down, it was him. He didn't offer any interesting perspectives, just the same Republican Party propaganda you get from the talking heads on TV. I'm sick of you guys defending him, and then acting like his personal security force anytime someone attacks him back. This folder will be a lot better without his stupid ass flaming people for three days when they have the nerve to point out one of his many, many factual inaccuracies. He started more pointless flame-wars here than anyone else. He couldn't follow the rules, so fuck him. Good riddance.
  10. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    WTF indeed. This comment is stupid on multiple levels. George Lucas came up with the plot and characters for this movie years before Bush was even President. credit: http://www.slantmagazine.com/film/film_review.asp?ID=1587 Someone forgot to tell this guy the movie was filmed 2 years ago. On a side note, the head of the Trade Federation was named after 2 famous Republicans, the Trade Federation's senator, Lott Dodd, was named after both Trent Lott and Christopher Dodd, a very liberal northeastern Democrat Senator. Lucas was just looking for political sounding names, not trying to make comments.
  11. SuperJerk

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    Remember how I keep saying most of these political arguments are over semantics? There's no legal difference between gay marriage and civil unions. And yet, one gets significantly more public support than the other.
  12. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    That's been my experience as well. As a non-Christian, I find these inter-denominational arguments hilarious. As a Christian, I find these inter-denominational arguments hilarious. I mean, I'll always defend protestantism or whatever in front of ignorant Catholics, and if people that aren't Catholic bash it on false pretenses, I will defend that as well. But the whole idea of thinking that the other will go to hell or are weird is pretty lame.
  13. SuperJerk

    Brand Split

    No, just the ones who suck, namely Randy Orton. I have absolutely no problem with Lesnar, Cena, JBL or Batista. I've seen lots of people complain about all four of those guys rather recently. Face it folks, when people say EITHER "they're pushing guys too fast" or "they're not making any new stars", they're just projecting their own talent biases and masquerading it as a sound business strategy, rather than admitting what it really is: one person's opinion on who should be pushed.
  14. SuperJerk

    FDA: protecting America from faggot seed

    Cute way to not make any point whatsoever. Good job.
  15. SuperJerk

    FDA: protecting America from faggot seed

    Oh, please no, Mr. Slayer, sir...please stop flaming me for no reason...my fragile little ego just can't take it.... Come on, dude, that one didn't even make sense. You suck at this. edit: Say, why AM I being flamed here? Just curious.
  16. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    Maybe they just didn't want to admit it.
  17. SuperJerk

    FDA: protecting America from faggot seed

    Gee, I haven't heard that one before. Here's some others you might also try, Mr. Original: RobotJoke RobotJackass RoboDork DorkbotNerd and my personal favorite: RetardJerk.
  18. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    May 19th. Anakin's already taken the name Vader before he gets the suit. According to Lucas, he was less powerful after the lava injuries because he was half machine, and thus less connected to the Force.
  19. ^True, but Card is bashing it as a whole, and thus ignoring the good and while highlighting the bad.^ You gotta be shitting me. Better than "2001"? Better than "Star Wars"? Better than "E.T."? Better than "A Clockwork Orange"? Ridicules. Well, here's where individual preference comes into play, cuz I did like Eternal Sunshine more than any of those movies. The science in "Eternal Sunshine" is just as hokey, if not hokier, than anything in Star Trek. It was a well made film with compelling characters and situations, but it is only barely even sci-fi, and its big idea is how men and women get tired of each other...hardly anything new there. Card's full of shit to point to that as "the finest of all time", while ripping Trek for having "little regard for science or larger ideas". I'd say the most possible full of shit most of this piece came either when he said: ...which is crap because if you HAVE seen the original episodes, you know that the Spock character develops quite a bit from his earliest appearances through the end of the series, and even more into the films. Card simply doesn't know what he's talking about.
  20. SuperJerk

    FDA: protecting America from faggot seed

    Me neither. FDA just got pwn3d.
  21. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    That's been my experience as well. As a non-Christian, I find these inter-denominational arguments hilarious.
  22. SuperJerk

    Black leaders want new million man march

    Except for the bitchslapping on reasonable thinking that Farrakhan unleashed with his numerology diatribe. -=Mike I must agree.
  23. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I dunno...Vampire Willow from season 3 was pretty goddamn hot.
  24. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Dude, it's a WRESTLING message board... Funny how often people forget that. Not uncommon amongst fans who seem to want people not to think they're fans. Hell, the board I used to go to, you got flamed on sight for even mentioning wrestling outside of the Wrestling folder.
  25. I love it when holier than thou fuckheads try and tell other people what they should or shouldn't like. Gee, dickhead, its not like any of those dickheads actually, I dunno, WROTE FOR "Star Trek" or consulted with Roddenberry on ideas. Does this douche honestly think sci-fi could exist on TV (in the 1960s, no less!) without a action-adventure element to it. What a moron. Typical of people who have no concept of history and apply today's standards of quality to 40 years ago. Then again, I rewatched "Space Seed" and "Mirror, Mirror" recently, and found them quite entertaining. You gotta be shitting me. Better than "2001"? Better than "Star Wars"? Better than "E.T."? Better than "A Clockwork Orange"? Ridicules. "Wrath of Khan" was a fanastic film by anyone's standards, and was almost universally praised by film critics. You're free to like or dislike it, of course, but just don't expect anyone to agree with you.