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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Brand Split

    If the WWE pushes new guys, everyone bitches they're pushing guys too fast. If WWE pushes old guys, everyone bitches they're not making any new stars. Make up your fucking minds, people!
  2. SuperJerk

    £90 for a fucking WWF DVD?

    3 years later, "WWE" still sounds gay.
  3. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    Love him or hate him, Czech's a funny motherfucker.
  4. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    I can't fling a dead cat without hitting a Pentacostal.
  5. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    I'll be the first to acknowledge I don't have a soul. I'm not a Democrat, though.
  6. SuperJerk

    Evolution is a Mystery

    How does the virus get in the petry dish? Do creationists claim that God created all viruses at the beginning of time? Have there been no new viruses EVOLVE into existence during our lifetime? While I'll acknowledge that "God created evolution" is a good compromise, that's not what the "intelligent design" bandwagon wants. They want to cast doubt on evolution, not show how it can exist side by side with creationism. Most people I know who believe in evolution, also believe in God.
  7. SuperJerk

    Democrats excommunicated from Baptists church

    That's what I thought.
  8. SuperJerk

    I don't usually do this type of stuff

  9. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Anyone got dream matches? Grievous vs. Darth Maul would be awesome.
  10. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I prefer to think of this place as somewhere where all nerds can live together in peace and harmony.
  11. SuperJerk

    Driver's license a hassle? It may get worse

    I thought this would be a good time to whip out my arguments against racial profiling: -What's keeping Arabs from disguising themselves as some other ethnicity to avoid suspicion? -If Oklahoma City taught us ANYTHING, its that ANYONE can be a terrorist.
  12. SuperJerk

    Evolution is a Mystery

    I'm so glad I started this fucking thread.
  13. SuperJerk

    Evolution is a Mystery

    credit: http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/11556379.htm
  14. SuperJerk

    Evolution is a Mystery

    ^That's not what the creationists are saying.^ Every creationist I've ever met has tried to disprove evolution, and claim that creationism must be true by default. Creationists are pushing the idea that the universe and life on Earth is the result of intelligent design. This may be true, but it is unverifiable using the scientific process, and thus has no business being taught in a science class. A lot like college tests written by crazy professors. So, a lot like a college test. That's a non-answer if ever there was one. Seriously, I want someone to tell me what would be on a creationism test.
  15. SuperJerk

    Evolution is a Mystery

    Evolution is a theory, based on scientific facts. It has been scrutinized and revised continuously for over a century by scientists, and scientists are constantly looking for new evidence. It is a teachable topic, because you can write a curriculum and give tests over it. Creationism has not withstood scientific scrutiny, and has no facts to support it. The only proof that has ever been given is attempts at disproving other theories, and then claiming creationism must be true by default. How can you teach that, exactly? What would the curriculum look like? What would the test look like?
  16. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Anakin = Rocky Maivia (1997-98) Vader = The Rock (1998-99)
  17. SuperJerk

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Only in the comics. Snakeeyes, despite his supreme overness and being the most interesting character, didn't get a lot of screen time. Actually, he was hardly used after the first season.
  18. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I'd actually argue that there was build-up to the Yoda/Dooka fight, sicne everyone had been clamouring to see what Yoda could do since the Empire training sequences. Regardless, I strongly dislike Yoda/Dooku because it was just a couple of random spots, and then ended with a count-out finish. Lucas certainly isn't booking the babyfaces strong. It always seems like they have to team up to beat the heels.
  19. SuperJerk

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 29-May 1

    A half star more than he gave The Godfather Part II, and * 1/2 more than he gave The Usual Suspects. Ebert's about as reliable as a Chevy Corsica. I love how week after week you take these cheapshots at Fever Pitch when it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. Instead of just looking at the star ratings and dismissing them, why don't you read his reviews? Just because you don't agree with him, doesn't mean he's not a reliable and good film critic. He gave Millions **** and I throughly disagreed with that, but his review was well written with well argued points. That's why he's the best film critic out there. Actually, bob, I was taking a cheap shot at Ebert. And I can guarantee with 100% certainty that Godfather II was a better movie than Fever Pitch.
  20. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I'm still not sure I understand. Has anyone metioned the Jedi Temple Battle Royal? That thing's gonna get Anakin some "He's hardcore!" chants.
  21. SuperJerk

    Anyone watch the Mirror Universe episodes...

    There were a couple of DS9 Mirror universe shows that were stinkers, though.
  22. SuperJerk

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Two other possible reasons: 1) The character was the main character of a movie made in the 1970s (before sci-fi movies took off), so weird names might have been frowned upon. Hell, even Obi-Wan's gotta call himself "Ben" in that movie. 2) He was named by his Mom, and if my mom's any indication, woman pick lame baby names.
  23. SuperJerk

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    The guy who voiced Flint is still around, so it wouldn't be too hard for them to get him to come in and do a few lines. I just don't think the joke would've worked if Duke or General Hawk did the lines. Flint was totally the star of that show.
  24. SuperJerk

    Anyone watch the Mirror Universe episodes...

    Hoshi can be empress of my pants. I only caught part 2 this weekend. Okay stuff, but it didn't make sense for the crew of the Defiant to back Hoshi after she assasinate Archer, but she did have Mayweather's backing. I went back and watched "Mirror, Mirror" after I saw it. Now THAT'S a great Star Trek episode.