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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Christian is OVER

    I gotsta gets me one of those new Christian t-shirts.
  2. SuperJerk

    Five Year Old girl punched her teacher

    *High-fives Invader3k and Vyce**
  3. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    I'll say it one more time: I am not comparing anti-gay laws to the Holocaust. I was talking about the Nuremberg Laws, which also took place during the time the Nazis were in control of Europe. Everytime someone uses the word "Nazi", everyone thinks that person means the Holocaust. The Nazis did a lot more than just that. Whoa...whoa...whoa... I think you're taking my comparison too far. I never said anything about setting gays up for deportation and slaughter. As I've already said, I was comparing the discrimination gays face (both socially and in the form of proposed anti-gay legislation) to the discrimination Jews faced around the time that the Nuremberg Laws were passed. Gays are being labelled a "threat to families" and there are politicians who openly support barring them from positions of power, as well as limiting their ability to have families of their own (via marriage, adopting children, or becoming foster parents). Some political leaders went as far as to blame gays for the "moral decay" that allowed 9/11 to happen. Its already illegal for gays to have sex in many states (sodomy laws). An Alabama legislator even recently proposed a ban on books with gay characters! Major power-brokers within conservative politics (i.e. the Religous Right) have endorsed the idea that homosexuality is a social problem. You can't tell me that in no way resembles how Jews were thought of and treated around the time that the Nazis came to power in Germany.
  4. SuperJerk

    Five Year Old girl punched her teacher

  5. SuperJerk

    We got Pope smoke...

    You know why inner city schools suck so much? Administrators who let kids get away with everything. I'm speaking from first-hand experience here.
  6. SuperJerk

    Five Year Old girl punched her teacher

    I didn't see the video, but the version of the story I heard had the girl being generally destructive, and was restrained with a piece of plastic fastened around her wrists. This article debunks most of Your Paragon of Virtue's criticisms. credit: http://saintpetersburgtimes.com/2005/04/22...police_ha.shtml If I ever acted like that in school, my parents wouldn't have gotten me a lawyer, they'd have given me a beating. The mom and the lawyer sound like total jackasses.
  7. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    What I referred to as "inconveniance" was procedural, that is inflicted by the goverment. The Jews were NOT CITIZENS in Nazi Germany and institutionally set up for slaughter. The US government doesn't give tax breaks for marriage to gays and they might have some trouble with anti-discrimination legislation in the workplace. That's about it. Whatever intolerant assholes do, is their own personal business and actions, and they are justly charged and punished for their crimes. It's a world of difference which still makes Nazi Germany a stupid and insulting analogy... Only insulting to anti-gay bigots. You're vastly understating the amount of persecution gays face.
  8. SuperJerk

    Robot Chicken

    The Hulk skit was good, but would've been funnier if they hadn't just aired the "Family Guy" with the "Stewie as David Banner hitchhiking" gag.
  9. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I was surprised Angel put Spike over.
  10. SuperJerk

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    Yeah, the 3rd year was way hard to follow. Don't forget the problem with the ever-changing time slots.
  11. SuperJerk

    Brandon Routh as Superman

    I couldn't have said it better myself.
  12. SuperJerk

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 22-24

    The only way "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" will make $9 million is if everyone who knows that its coming out goes and sees it 3 times. Terrible marketing campaign.
  13. SuperJerk

    Non-Bias Attack: A gang of up to 30 black teens

    "It's a trap!"
  14. SuperJerk

    We got Pope smoke...

    Teach for America is hilarious. Kids fresh out of college with no training think they can snap their fingers and do the job better than trained professionals. Even if you spend 4 years of college preparing, you're still going to suck at it for a few years before you get it right.
  15. SuperJerk

    11 Mad Max fans arrested for re-enacting tanker

    To commemorate the 20th anniversary of "Back to the Future", someone should take a DeLorean back in time to keep these people's parents from ever meeting.
  16. SuperJerk

    Summer Movies.

    I hope so as well, but its inevitable that someone will whine that the new movie is "too dark". Hopefully, that person will be immediately bitch-slapped.
  17. SuperJerk

    First new Family Guy episode leaked

    You know, some of those shows came and went while Family Guy was still on the air.
  18. SuperJerk

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    Well, yeah. About 4 million people regularly watch Raw. About 4 million regularly watch Smackdown. 1/3rd of that 8 million watch both. So that's 6.64 million viewers. The US population is about 290 million. 6.64/290= 2.29% So no less than (but possibly more than) 97.7% don't give a shit about the WWE.
  19. SuperJerk

    Notes from the 4/25 Wrestling Observer

    So... first of why is Heidenreich in the bit about crusiers and second, how can Kidman develop a personality when he's never on-screen? Either you have a personality or don't. Kidman doesn't. He did when he was WCW Crusier champ. Methinks that he ain't so much the problem. Thats what marriage does for you. When given the choice between losing my personality and fucking Torrie on a regular basis, I'd pick Torrie. Of course, my personality sucks anyways.
  20. SuperJerk

    Does the public know it's no longer WWF?

    You may think he's exaggerating, but I did the math, and that figure's actually pretty close.
  21. SuperJerk

    Frustrations of Jericho

    Did it ever occur to those fuckers that pushing him might be an incentive for him to renew his contract? Its not like there's an abundance of skilled veterans willing to carry inexperienced workers and put younger talent over. The WWE needs Jericho. Look at Triple H's total incompetence when it comes to getting other guys over. Both Orton and Batista lost whatever heat they had the second they started feuded with HHH. Even HHH's feuds with veterans made the stars less popular than they were when the feud started. Jericho's much better at making other guys on Raw look good.
  22. SuperJerk

    File this under: Duh, but we're going to ignore it

    You make fun of his job, call him fat, etc. If you just challenged his views that'd be great. But you often stoop to flaming, too. Yeah, I flamed him back (after I challenged his views) because I was defending my profession by contrasting it with his. Why don't you save the lecture for the guy who actually started the fight? I culd really give a shit what you complainers think of me, I'm just questioning your rationale for not going after the Mikester with equal gusto.
  23. SuperJerk

    File this under: Duh, but we're going to ignore it

    Not as big as you, fat boy. I was making fun of South Carolina just to piss you off. You were calling Islam a "Death cult" and being perfectly serious. Stupidity, thy name is Mike.
  24. If you wrote a book about flaming, I doubt it'd have anything to do with the internet.
  25. SuperJerk

    We got Pope smoke...

    Once again, you demonstrate that you don't know what you're talking about. The pay and benefits at private schools suck, so most teachers would NEVER want to teach at a private school. People who do go into private education because they know they'll have an easier time (i.e. less discipline problems, easier to kick kids out if they screw up, parents more involved since they're paying for it directly....not to mention the abundance of corperal punishment at many Catholic Schools). Private school tend to get better results for those reasons (less discipline problems, easier to kick kids out if they screw up, parents more involved since they're paying for it directly), and because they're populations tend to be better off socioeconomically.