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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Cheri O'Teri?
  2. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    You gotta admit... Vladimir Putin looks like a James Bond villian.
  3. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    He was joking with an old veteran friend. Judge for yourself.
  4. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Why is Pakistan the ONLY country McCain doesn't want to announce the bombing of, and engage in incentive-based diplomacy with?
  5. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Even CLEAN coal?
  6. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I wasn't worried until that last part.
  7. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Obama Doctrine. McCain Doctrine. IN WHUT REESPECT, CHARLEEY?
  8. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    "My friends, you're my friend, my friends."
  9. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    "Four corners of the Earth" Cuz McCain's so old, he remembers before people knew the world was round.
  10. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, the women were going absolutely orgasmic the entire time he was talking about it.
  11. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Men don't care about children getting health care. Bastards.
  12. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Gold plated Cadillacs? Um, huh?
  13. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Likelihood of putting medical records online being a good thing: .00002%
  14. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Goodies! Like Werther's Originals!
  15. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    We can create a thousand bajillion new jobs in energy production. We can create so many jobs, we'll ALL be working for the energy industry! Yeah!
  16. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    We can fix Social Security... ...oh, AND Medicare? Well...um...so how, uh, 'bout them New York Metropolitans?
  17. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Hoover...really? Um...didn't FDR increase taxes on the upper class during the New Deal and WWII?
  18. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Did McCain say how much the over-head projector he keeps bitching about costed? Because he seems pretty pissed about it.
  19. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    BOLD PREDICTION: McCain will mention earmarks and energy indepedence in 90% of his answers.
  20. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    MMMMmmmm...pork barrel earmarks.
  21. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Obama: "You're not interested in politicians pointing fingers..." (promptly puts figurative finger away as he says it)
  22. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    "Senator Obama and his cronies" LOL. Hey, jackass, you're not at a campaign rally.
  23. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Maybe I'm biased, but McCain's already tanking. Sure, I'd appoint Warren Buffet to lead the Treasury Department, but is his main qualification really "someone people can relate to"?
  24. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    It was all Katie Couric's fault for asking the wrong questions.
  25. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    HE'S NOT A BLACK MAN! HE'S NOT A BLACK MAN! HE'S NOT A BLACK MAY-UN! New poll shows American people finally come to their fucking senses about McCain.