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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. I'm 5'11" and weigh 183.
  2. SuperJerk

    What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?

    Sure you have. I'd explain, but do you really want to relive the infamous Ten Commandments thread?
  3. SuperJerk

    We got Pope smoke...

    Congratualtions on basing your entire opinion of a religion on the actions of a few extremists. edit: That's the nice version.
  4. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    My metaphor is only applying conditions surrounding the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws to the anti-gay legislation in Texas.
  5. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Wow. So does blacks, hispanics, women, arabs, etc. Damn you Loss and Jobber for making me lose my job. Also, if you replace "Nazi" with "Left-wing academics" and "Jews" with "conservatives" the resemblance is even MORE uncany... Bullshit. Conservatives aren't even close to being persecuted the way gays are.
  6. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    I'm not trying to call Texas a fascist dictatorship, so I didn't bring Hitler into this. And I never mentioned this was comparable to the Holocaust. credit: Wikipedia Replace the word "Jews" with "gays" and the resemblance is uncanny.
  7. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Way to misunderstand my point, people. Did I say Not allowing gay to be foster parents was the same as the Holocaust? No. Did I mention Hitler? No. Are the restrictions on gays beginning to resemble the Nuremberg Laws? Yes. The comparison to Nazi Germany is definitely valid. No, they really, really don't. Well, unless homosexuals have to sacrifice all of their rights. This is how it starts.
  8. SuperJerk

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Way to misunderstand my point, people. Did I say Not allowing gay to be foster parents was the same as the Holocaust? No. Did I mention Hitler? No. Are the restrictions on gays beginning to resemble the Nuremberg Laws? Yes. The comparison to Nazi Germany is definitely valid.
  9. SuperJerk

    Advice On Meeting Wrestlers

    Edited for accuracy.
  10. SuperJerk

    Christian is OVER

    Having Carlito and Christian in the same stable would just be overkill.
  11. Who in the WWE would be John Rocker?
  12. SuperJerk

    New Diva to debuet

    Apparently someone on the WWE writing team thought Austin Powers 3 was hilarious. edit: People in the OTHER thread beat me to the joke on this one.
  13. SuperJerk

    Advice On Meeting Wrestlers

    Bullshit. Wrestlers HATE getting called by their shoot names, for the most part. Hell, even I hate it when people do it to me. Worked for me with Edge, Christian, Eugene, and Trips. And call them by Mr. or Mrs....not their first f'n name. If I met Matthew Fox from LOST, I wouldn't go "Hey Jack Shepard you're the man!" The gimmick name is considered more of a stage name than a character name. You wouldn't walk up to Ringo Starr and say "I loved your work on the White Album, Mr. Starkey."
  14. SuperJerk

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    Damn, Chris Masters' finisher really IS hard to break out of.
  15. SuperJerk

    We got Pope smoke...

    Its hard to get excited over a new Pope when you know Triple H is just going to win it back later.
  16. SuperJerk

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    No one knows who the fuck you are either, but that didn't keep you from posting your stupid opinion about it.
  17. SuperJerk

    "You screwed Matt!"

    Sadly, while the closed captioning accurately reported the "Slut!" chant, "You screwed Matt!" got turned into "You screwed up!" Kayfabe survives for the hearing impaired.
  18. SuperJerk

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    Someone has to say it... PWN3D. The use of the term "lover" implies they weren't married.
  19. SuperJerk

    Ethics DELAYed

    Yes, it matters when you're trying to make a distiction between a youthful mistake and reason to hold a grudge against someone for 60 years. Besides, if it didn't matter, Mike wouldn't have included it.
  20. SuperJerk

    Ethics DELAYed

    Suddenly Byrd's not just a Klansman, but a "high ranking" Klansman. Nice. Speaking of Ted Kennedy accidentally driving off a bridge because he was probably drunk...what's Laura Bush's excuse for running that stop sign and killing that guy? Oh, I see, you're willing to forgive Laura Bush because she's only human and made a mistake and has to live with the guilt of her accident for the rest of her life, but Ted Kennedy must have it mentioned about him every single time his name is brought up because WHY?
  21. SuperJerk

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    Will Bill Bennett's show be about politics or gambling?
  22. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    No, they didn't believe that. They were given exceptionally leading and inaccurate questions (polls skewing results? Color me stunned). I'm going to assume that you conducted your own unbiased poll and came up with a different result? No? Then how can you actually know what people really believed? Here's the "inaccurate" poll question: "Do you support or oppose the decision to remove Schiavo's feeding tube?" 63% said they supported it. The question was framed with the statement: "Schiavo suffered brain damage and has been on life support for 15 years. Doctors say she has no consciousness and her condition is irreversible. Her husband and her parents disagree about whether she would have wanted to be kept alive. Florida courts have sided with the husband and her feeding tube was removed on Friday." Your insistance that the question itself and the framing of that question altered the result assumes that the people being asked the question either had no opinion on the case before they were called, or suddenly changed their minds when hearing the way the question was framed because the statement was so devastating biased that it forced people to change their minds. Either scenario is highly implausible considering both how well publicized the case was, and because the framing statement was not at all biased. edit: I also find it amusing that people who bitched about this poll question were so hung up on the term "life support" when the question itself used the more specific description of "feeding tube".
  23. SuperJerk

    April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Homosexuals prefer to have sex with males, while "metrosexuals" prefer to have sex with females.
  24. SuperJerk

    Sunday Night Heat thread for 4/17/05

    Its pretty much been confirmed the Heartbreakers will be at Raw tonight. I'd say they're probably going to accept Regal's challenge, at least during the Heat tapings.
  25. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    I'm amused that Mike thinks this "issue" is important enough that it could decide the outcome of an election that is over 18 months away. Especially considering most people thought she shouldn't be kept alive.