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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Trish Stratus injured

    When you were a kid, you had a tree house with a "No girls allowed" sign, didn't you?
  2. SuperJerk

    Undertaker Injured

    And people wondered why I was such a big advocate of Taker loosing at Mania this year...
  3. SuperJerk

    These Kids Be Actin' Crazy

    credit: http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/11349777.htm Last year I taught at a school not too far from this. Administrators kept giving kids second chances, instead of expelling them.
  4. SuperJerk

    Low Taxes-->Robust Economy?

    Given the amount of whining done by Republicans whenever someone mentions raising taxes on higher income groups, you'd think taxes on higher income groups were the only things that ever factored into the equation. My view is that if taxes are taken, the money is not removed from the economy altogether (as libertarians seem to claim), but simply moved to another part of the economy via redistribution. Higher taxes on upper income groups could cause some to work harder by requiring them to be more productive in order to accumulate the same amount of wealth.
  5. SuperJerk

    Mania XXII Predictions?

    I predict Triple H will be in the main event.
  6. SuperJerk

    Trish Stratus injured

    If Victoria wasn't so damn hot, her job would be in a lot of danger right now. Fortunately, she's damn hot.
  7. SuperJerk

    Molly Holly released

    I'd peg it sooner than that and say La Resistance. The first one-trick gimmick of recent times that really insulted people's intelligence. It started around the time of La Resistance, but I'm saying that when Eugene got over it was COMPLETELY abandoned.
  8. SuperJerk

    Radical feminist Andrea Dworkin has died

    I fun game I like to play is read the first post in a thread, then jump to the 3rd page and see if anyone's talking about whatever the hell it was the thread is actually about. Derailing threads is an artform around here.
  9. SuperJerk

    These Kids Be Actin' Crazy

    As a professional educator, whole-heartedly agree. Kids today get too many "second" chances. The liberal argument is that you don't want the kids out on the street causing problems. This is one time when it is my sincerest belief that the liberals should shut the fuck up.
  10. SuperJerk

    It's Time That He Lets it Go

    An accident for which I am sorry. I accidentally pasted my own reply into your quote. It has been corrected. (That's what I get for not visiting for 3 days.)
  11. SuperJerk

    Low Taxes-->Robust Economy?

    Are you trying to argue that something that saved the government money did not contribute at all the the budget surplus, or are you just pointing out that the amount that Clinton's policies helped reduce the deficit had little effect on the overall debt? The causation you speak of is not an absolute. It CAN happen, but it might not always happen, and it might also effect it in different ways at different times. Given the multitude of other things that effect economic growth, you can't just point to one and say "this is it, this is the cause". Also consider how different tax rates are targeted at specific groups. Another big thing that effects economic growth is the distribution of wealth, which tax policies are designed to address. What about the even older non-ideological tactic of taking one thing one member of a group does and applying it to every member of that group?
  12. SuperJerk

    Storm/JBL/Holly dispute

    I have to agree with this.
  13. SuperJerk


    No, because the reason C3POs memory gets whiped, according to the novel, is because 3PO is a blabber mouth and Bail Organa didn't think he could keep a secret. R2, being the smarter of the two, knew better than to tell C3PO anything because he can't keep a secret. The real question is why neither Kenobi or Yoda seem to recognize R2D2.
  14. SuperJerk

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    You guys are killin' me.
  15. SuperJerk

    John Cena CD Cover Art

    Man, I wish Anglesault was here. Maybe its only on there because its the name of the album, and isn't actually on the real belt?
  16. SuperJerk

    WWE starts aplications for Second Diva Search

    Raw really needs a hot Hawaiian chick, don't you think?
  17. SuperJerk

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    ^I hope to God that was sarcasm.^
  18. SuperJerk

    Molly Holly released

    Dammit, they are so clueless. Not believeable? Ever since her heel turn I thought she'd have a tough time being a believable HEEL. They always say their characters are themselves turned all the way up, well with Molly she'd be the perfect face. The whole "their characters are themselves turned all the way up" rationale was completely abandoned around the time Eugene got over.
  19. SuperJerk

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    If Matt Hardy can get fired for ruining a TV taping for causing unexplainable chants directed at a heel, surely Rosey can be fired for jeopardizing the career of the guy who the entire promotion is built around. I find it sad that while Triple H has become so stale that even the tiniest hint he's been injured causes us to hold our breaths in anticipation that he might miss TV time, no one at the WWE has even realized people are tired of him.
  20. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Too bad it took 2 years for them to make the character even remotely likable. I still like Harmony better. I always wanted Joyce to be a regular...at least until season 5. Is it true that Julie Benz was offered a regular spot on "Angel"? How would that have worked?
  21. SuperJerk

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    Remember how in RETURN OF THE JEDI, Obi-Wan took the full blame for Anakin turning evil? That scene seems really weird now that I've seen/read all the prequels.
  22. SuperJerk

    Molly Holly released

    The WWE is run by retards, Exhibit 4325663464A.
  23. SuperJerk

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    I like it, even if it looks like something Rico would wear (in the parrallel universe where Rico actually won a singles title).
  24. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Harmony > Dawn > Tara > Riley.
  25. SuperJerk

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    That doesn't make it any less creepy. Not the kiss in STAR WARS, but that one in EMPIRE STRIKES BACK was down just plain gross.