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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. You're right. In fact, we should redistribute his hard-earned wealth to the TRULY needy. Better yet, cancel his tax cut and use it to reduce the deficit. Better yet, keep my tax cut and use the money from garbage like "endowment for the arts" to pay off the deficit. Or we could cancel the Natl. Endow. of the Arts AND your tax cut and pay it down even more.
  2. SuperJerk

    Comedian Mitch Hedberg

    Again... Who?
  3. SuperJerk

    Hilary Clinton slams GTA, among others

    Um, no. Teresa is from Africa, but isn't "African-American" (you know, black) or some such nonsense. And, yes, Clinton was a dud President. Not quite Carter levels of dudness, but an unmitigated dud. -=Mike I'd list his many, many accomplishments, but you'd probably just give the Republican Congress credit for them. I'll cut off the debate right here and say that I disagree with your opinion, and leave it at that.
  4. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    And I'm saying it's wrong. Your wife should not have the power to say "Well, he wanted to die" without some REAL concrete proof behind it. So they should take her parent's word for it instead? Legally, the husband has more jurisdiction here than the parents.
  5. SuperJerk

    Checks and Balances question

    I dunno about that. What's to stop a President late in his 1st term from vetoing something in order to play to a critical part of his base in order to help his re-election? You'd hope a President wouldn't play games like that, but there's no guarantee. Well, then permit Congress to override the President's veto in this case. You do make a good point. I only say allow the President because he is the only one who can claim a national mandate for his leadership. -=Mike Yes, let's give Congress and the President absolute power. Brilliant. Not absolute power. Under that scenario, the Congress could vote itself absolute power, then override the president's veto, and the Supreme Court's ruling that the law is unconstitutional. No thanks. And I have zero faith that Congress could muster the votes to actually do that. How about we not take the risk and find out? Besides, it wouldn't take a majority. It'd just take a majority of all the members present.
  6. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    My parents lost their right to make decisions for me when I turned 18. My wife will only loose that power if I divorce her. It really is that simple.
  7. SuperJerk

    Checks and Balances question

    I dunno about that. What's to stop a President late in his 1st term from vetoing something in order to play to a critical part of his base in order to help his re-election? You'd hope a President wouldn't play games like that, but there's no guarantee. Well, then permit Congress to override the President's veto in this case. You do make a good point. I only say allow the President because he is the only one who can claim a national mandate for his leadership. -=Mike Yes, let's give Congress and the President absolute power. Brilliant. Not absolute power. Under that scenario, the Congress could vote itself absolute power, then override the president's veto, and the Supreme Court's ruling that the law is unconstitutional. No thanks.
  8. SuperJerk

    Checks and Balances question

    I dunno about that. What's to stop a President late in his 1st term from vetoing something in order to play to a critical part of his base in order to help his re-election? You'd hope a President wouldn't play games like that, but there's no guarantee. Well, then permit Congress to override the President's veto in this case. You do make a good point. I only say allow the President because he is the only one who can claim a national mandate for his leadership. -=Mike Yes, let's give Congress and the President absolute power. Brilliant.
  9. SuperJerk

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    Saddam at least WANTED people to think he had WMDs.
  10. SuperJerk


    Nobody I'd heard of. The art has a nice quasi-painted look to it, but is essentially stiff and lifeless.
  11. SuperJerk

    Cast of Surreal Life 5 Revealed

    I agree with the notion they need a wrestler on there. I'd watch Surreal Life to see someone power-bomb Omarosa through a table.
  12. SuperJerk

    Hilary Clinton slams GTA, among others

    I'm not interested in debating the Clinton record, but his accomplishments far excede your perception that he was useless. Um, no.
  13. SuperJerk

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    I hate to admit it, but Mike's got a point.
  14. SuperJerk

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    Exactly. And it extends post-war as well and into fiction. Would Raiders of the Lost Ark have worked as well if the Soviets were the villains? Indy would have been dead. The Russians didn't mess around. Bullet to the head, next person. They were pretty bad with James Bond. Well, James Bond > Indiana Jones. Yeah, I said it. At least Indiana Jones never slept with Grace Jones, or used a Duran Duran song as his theme music.
  15. SuperJerk

    Checks and Balances question

    And so, with the question answered, this thread has now achieved its goal without a flame-war erupting.
  16. ^I was talking about the Toyota Prius.^ "Fugly" isn't a strong enough of a word to describe it. You're right. In fact, we should redistribute his hard-earned wealth to the TRULY needy. Better yet, cancel his tax cut and use it to reduce the deficit.
  17. SuperJerk

    Countdown to Infinite Crisis, six page preview

    Picked it up today. Definitely a good read.
  18. SuperJerk

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    The Episode III graphic novel came out today. Although its an abbreviated verison of the movie, its a pretty good read. THIS MOVIE WILL RULE.
  19. That generalization is unfair. They drive Ford trucks, too.
  20. SuperJerk

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    Anybody told the Katie Vick story yet?
  21. SuperJerk

    Hogan vs. Austin for WM 21

    I'll say one thing about Hogan vs. Austin: That match sure would've sucked ass.
  22. Susan Hanafee apparently doesn't have much of an imagination. I can think of 10 things WAY more cowardly than that.
  23. Holy shit! They make a hybrid SUV? I didn't know that. Toyota's hybrid is ugly as sin, but those Hondas really do look sharp. Anyone know how well those things have been selling? And, more importantly, when is an American car company going to produce a hybrid?
  24. SuperJerk

    I Really Don't Get This Verdict

    There's libel and slander laws, of course, but was that really the case here?