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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    One of my professors once told me that the main difference between Hitler and Stalin was that Hitler took his show on the road.
  2. SuperJerk

    What if they?

    Wow. That's the best fantasy booking I've ever fucking read. This man is the future of TSM. Indeed.
  3. SuperJerk

    Smackdown spoilers from Houston

    They need tag belts on each show to give midcarders with no programs an excuse to be on TV.
  4. SuperJerk

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    Benoit looks like an Oompa-Loompa on steriods, but he's still one of the best in the business. edit: Why are we talking about Benoit all of a sudden?
  5. SuperJerk

    Smackdown spoilers from Houston

    My thoughts exactly.
  6. SuperJerk

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    Raw has become "The Triple H Show" and Smackdown's just another bad UPN sitcom.
  7. Whether you intended it or not, I am taking that as a compliment.
  8. SuperJerk

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    Yes, by all means, let's add quotas measuring political affiliation to college hiring practices. It seems to me like conservatives dominate departments for fields that conservatives tend to go into (i.e. business and economics), whereas liberals dominate departments that liberals tend to go into (i.e. sociology, education, social work). That's just kind of the way it worked out.
  9. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    In this case, I definitely think they are. Sensationalism has become the media's bias of choice. Its not jsut the media, though. This is the biggest thread in this folder, and that's WITHOUT pages-long arguments over the meaning of the word "clear" or gay sex skits.
  10. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    Yes. Yes, it is.
  11. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    A lot fewer than in the past. Things are actually going better in Iraq. And I'm sure it's a coincidence that press coverage has tapered off. -=Mike Press reports what stories they think will get them the most ratings. People care more about Shiavo than they care about Iraq right now, which is sad beyond belief.
  12. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    They recounted the votes to see who would get Florida's electoral votes. That's hardly acting as if electoral law did not exist. So you're saying that the whole month we sat waiting to find out the result of the recount, it was absolutely clear to everyone what the outcome was going to be? And that when the recount was stopped, there was no controversy over it?
  13. SuperJerk

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Man, I can't wait until after she's dead so everyone can see how stupid they're being about this. Its just ONE woman, who hasn't had a coherent thought in over a decade. How many soldiers have died in Iraq in the last month? I'd rather save my tears for THEM.
  14. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    Well, the papers who recounted. And anybody who studied it. If it was so clear what happened, why did the papers do recounts? Why did others even bother studying it? Hmmm????? Because people have a habit of studying elections. Clinton's wins ALSO got studied. It's called history. -=Mike No, they studied it because the outcome was controversial. Newspapers did not do recounts of the states Clinton won. They studied it results of the election were not clear. When Theodore White wrote the "Making of the President" books back in the 60s and 70s, he wasn't going to Florida and examining dimpled chads. He was doing it for history. The studies by the press were done to CLARIFY what happened during the election because the outcome wasn't CLEAR. The recounts were done because the outcome wasn't CLEAR.
  15. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    Well, the papers who recounted. And anybody who studied it. If it was so clear what happened, why did the papers do recounts? Why did others even bother studying it? Hmmm?????
  16. SuperJerk

    I Really Don't Get This Verdict

    I don't get it either. Even if the newspaper reported them in a way that actively helped the mayor's opponents, they should still be protected by freedom of the press.
  17. The sad part is that you might be right. "Wow, that one car over there is going to save me 50% of my gas costs over what I'm currently driving, but it doesn't look as good as that new H2 that gets 2 mpg!" People are so fucking stupid.
  18. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    Mike, you and the Bush Administration were the only people who the results of that election were clear to.
  19. SuperJerk

    Johnnie Cochran dead at 67

  20. Damn, those hybrid cars that get 50+ miles to the gallon sure are flying off the lot. Blame the consumers for not buying them. Car manufacturers are trying to find ways to produce them more cheaply because if they can pull that off, the sky is the limit for how much money they could make. -=Mike So what makes you think the consumers will want to buy a car with an oil alternative? Why would car manufacturers want to spend billions developing a product no one wants to buy?
  21. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    So there WERE irregularities in Florida that put the outcome in question, thus making it less clear! I knew it!
  22. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    It was close --- but it was clear. In Washington, it was close --- and not even remotely clear. -=Mike **cough**double standard**cough** **cough**Bush didn't win only after losing 2 recounts**cough** **cough**Bush didn't have a Republican stronghold with more votes than voters than the overall margin of victory**cough** -=Mike **cough**ballot irregularities that favored Bush in Florida**cough** **cough**ballot approved by both parties before the election and designed by a Democrat**cough** **cough**The state attorney general was involved with the recount and was a Gore campaigner.**cough** **cough**And I suppose a mention of anything Harris did wrong will be forthcoming**cough** -=Mike **cough**your just proving my point for me that the outcome wasn't clear because there were multiple irregulaties on both sides**cough** **cough**Except no irregularities actually occurred**cough** -=Mike **cough**but you just named like 5 on your own**cough** edit: This has now become the world's most unproductive doctor's exam.
  23. Damn, those hybrid cars that get 50+ miles to the gallon sure are flying off the lot.
  24. SuperJerk

    Woman jailed after threatening to kill WA Gov

    It was close --- but it was clear. In Washington, it was close --- and not even remotely clear. -=Mike **cough**double standard**cough** **cough**Bush didn't win only after losing 2 recounts**cough** **cough**Bush didn't have a Republican stronghold with more votes than voters than the overall margin of victory**cough** -=Mike **cough**ballot irregularities that favored Bush in Florida**cough** **cough**ballot approved by both parties before the election and designed by a Democrat**cough** **cough**The state attorney general was involved with the recount and was a Gore campaigner.**cough** **cough**And I suppose a mention of anything Harris did wrong will be forthcoming**cough** -=Mike **cough**your just proving my point for me that the outcome wasn't clear because there were multiple irregulaties on both sides**cough**
  25. Why would car companies want to not spend the money to totally redesign their product when their current product is selling so well? Hmmm, why could that be????