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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    3 things in Angel's defense: 1) I doubt he'd have taken the job if they hadn't promised to "fix" Connor. 2) When orginally presented with being head of the firm, they implied he could do whatever he wanted. It was only after Eve showed up to explain the "catch" that he learned he'd basically be a the Sr. Partners' collective mercy. 3) Lindsey walked away from the job. Who gives a fuck what he thinks?
  2. Because no one could have possibly known how shitty it was going to be.
  3. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    In order to work for the WWE, wouldn't he have to shut down his beloved wrestling school?
  4. SuperJerk

    Big Dave

    Reminds me of the time I was scared shitless meeting Steve Austin, as if I was expecting him to offer me a beer then stunner me or something.
  5. SuperJerk

    Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

    We were kicked out of England because we were too uptight for the English...it continues True. Very true.
  6. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    One of the few reasons why season 5 isn't better than season 4. That and the whole Lindsey thing. I just didn't get that story line, even though Lindsey showing up like that was awesome. I gotta disagree based entirely on the grounds that I disliked the Jasmine arc so very, very much. Speaking of Lindsey, I rewatched part of "Dead End" yesterday. The scene where he resigns from Wolfram and Hart, and the subsequent scene where he and Angel say their goodbyes was pure comic gold. "Stop it, evil hand, stop it! I just can't control my evil hand." "I'm glad I didn't have to do something immature here."
  7. SuperJerk

    Most overrated/underrated writers & artists

    Next Men was excellent and ahead of its time. Many of the story elements from Next Men have appeared and reappeared in other science fiction TV shows, movies, and comics since it was published, thus diluting the effectiveness of the original series. However, for when it was publish, the series was simply great.
  8. SuperJerk

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    I don't buy that for a second. Is there any proof of this other than Orton casually mentioning he was younger than Brock was when he won it? No. They were pushing Orton and wanted to put Orton in a title fued with Triple H before Brock even left.
  9. SuperJerk

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    They actually announced this match on last week's Smackdown, before anyone knew Marty was going to show up on Raw. Its part of Angle's "I'm going to do everything Shawn Michael's ever done" gimmick. One would assume the reason Shawn invited Marty to tag with him was specifically because Angle had challenged Marty to the match, and they thought it'd be a good a idea to remind the audience about his tag team history with HBK before Angle beats him on Smackdown.
  10. SuperJerk


    Ditto. It's also probably why I didn't think it was funny at all. After the movie came out, the scene was shown and parodied all over the place. I was familiar with the scene without ever having actually seen the movie (I don't suspect a lot of WWE fans actually have).
  11. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    Off topic, but: I have to say that MillenniumMan831's avatar and line cracked me up for some reason. I need to get one with Vince in an old suit saying "Get in there ref!" or "1...2...oh, so close!"
  12. SuperJerk

    April SD Magazine

    So he does...so he does...
  13. SuperJerk


    As if the WWE would fire someone right after they did a Playboy shoot... *remembers Sable* ...nevermind.
  14. SuperJerk

    April SD Magazine

    Anyone else remember the Rock vs. Brock (Summerslam 02) cover that was leaked while Undertaker was still champ?
  15. SuperJerk

    Big Dave

    That's because Dave's a mature adult.
  16. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    I thought the clip would be longer (it was loading when I first saw the sabers). Since it's just 3 seconds of lightsabers hitting each other... no surprise. I went ahead and changed it to be less of a jerk. **looks at username**
  17. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    Don't you know that PCP gives people superhuman strength? Only in video games like NARC. Tell that to the cops who beat up Rodney King. They used his possible use of PCP as a big part of their defense, and walked. You DO know that two people will be fighting with lightsabers at some point in the new movie, don't you?
  18. SuperJerk

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    Just how many montheistic religions do you think there are? Bush Administration gives money to faith-based charities, and allows them to get out of following various federal regulations.
  19. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    Don't you know that PCP gives people superhuman strength?
  20. SuperJerk

    Edge/Lita/Matt a work?

    The TV audience demographics compiled by Neilsen don't support that theory.
  21. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    He said in an interview that he thought Jericho's been handed too much to not be a bigger star than he is.
  22. SuperJerk

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    If Jake thinks Jericho has been handed everything...imagine what he must think of Randy Orton.
  23. SuperJerk

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    Your arguments are irrelevant. In my view, the government doesn't have to force people in order to be violating the First Amendment. It does seem like theist go out of their way to use the government to make themselves look more acceptable. Is that forcing religion? Depends on whether or not you consider social stigma enforced. Like I said, the government SHOULD BE silent on all religious matters, and SHOULD NOT be telling people what to believe. Just because them telling people this isn't reenforced with a potential punishment doesn't make it any less unconstitutional. In order to be fair, some of you need to try and look at this from an outsider's perspective. Take Brian's suggestion and replace the word "God" with the name of any other deity and see if you still think its okay for the government to use these words and phrases in its ceremonies and documents. Go ahead. I dare you.
  24. SuperJerk

    Weekend Boxoffice

    I was thinking the same thing.
  25. SuperJerk

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    Episode 1 > Episode 2. Seriously.