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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I finally got done watching my season 5 DVDs. I loved it so much it made we want to go out and buy the other seasons so I could watch them all over again. Something weird to me, though: the Angel Season 2 DVDs are anamorphic widescreen despite the fact that the episodes weren't originally broadcast in widescreen, and it plainly says "Fullscreen" on the back of the box.
  2. I have no interest in seeing Edge win this just to get jobbed out to Batista.
  3. SuperJerk

    Vince McMahon Interview

    Translation: "Fuck guaranteed money."
  4. SuperJerk

    Orton's Immaturity

    Orton was champ? I seem to vaguely remember Benoit jobbing clean to him at Summerslam...but I thought the belt was already off of Benoit by then. Yes, the belt must have already been off of him because he had just come out of a midcard feud with Kane!
  5. SuperJerk

    Orton's Immaturity

    I'd like to see that. Only $49.95.
  6. SuperJerk

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    Cena, but they won't be here the same day.
  7. SuperJerk


    Only Batista did. That's one person. Evolution turned on Orton. In Hunter's mind, Orton turned on Evolution. (Wouldn't a better title for this thread have been "Is Evolution going Extinct?" I mean, really... "Has it gone the way of the dodo?" Who even says that anymore?)
  8. SuperJerk

    No Way Out buy-rate

    I ordered it back in early January as part of a 3-pack special DirecTV was running with New Year's Revolution and the Rumble. I think when I made that particular choice, I was assuming the belt would be off of JBL by the time No Way Out aired.
  9. credit: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/wo...ack=1&cset=true
  10. SuperJerk

    the WM run down

    Thats why Angles best matches were with people far more talented than him like Benoit, Austin, Guerrero, Mysterio etc. etc. Stick him in a match vs. random midcarder with minimum skills and the match would blow. Angle's had good matches also with Edge, Kane, and Shane McMahon, just off the top of my head. Brock Lesnar, the Undertaker, and John Cena also come to mind. Especially Cena, since those were TOTAL carry jobs by Angle.
  11. SuperJerk


    Good observation.
  12. SuperJerk

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    Congratulations on living under a rock. Yea, because everyone is a Star Wars fan. Yeah, I'm sorry, that was a little jerkish of me... **looks at username** Anyways, to answer your question: Episodes 4-6 were released in the late 70s/early 80s and take place twenty-thirty years after the prequel trilogy (Episodes 1-3). Episode 3 is the last Star Wars movie George Lucas plans to make. There were original supposed to be 9 movies altogether, but he decided against it after the focus of the series became the life of Darth Vader. Since Vader dies in Episode 6 ("Return of the Jedi"), there's no need to continue the saga.
  13. SuperJerk

    Interesting Big Show interview

    Big Show's the man.
  14. SuperJerk

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    I was wondering the same thing.
  15. SuperJerk

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    Congratulations on living under a rock.
  16. SuperJerk

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    I thought that idea was used since at least the George Perez run.
  17. SuperJerk

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    I never found arguments that they were better off on USA to be that convincing.
  18. I'd sure love it if someone would link to this wonderful Scalia decision everyone's developed a raging boner over.
  19. This thread has BY FAR the most comedic potential of anything to come down the pike since the "OAO Raw is Randy" thread last year.
  20. SuperJerk

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    Anybosy think this will change the quality of the product?
  21. Its not like us straight guys are cheering for Orton anyways.
  22. SuperJerk

    Triple-H and Wrestlemania

    I like the way we hate HHH so much that our problems with him get classified into multiple categories.
  23. NEWSFLASH: Not every male who watches WWE is straight.
  24. SuperJerk

    Who Would Sell More Playboys?

    Whu???? You mean women are people too????? When the fuck did this happen?
  25. SuperJerk

    Democrats say Bush Deserves Credit

    I'm just saying it'd be nice if for once we didn't repost the same tired old jokes about Ted Kennedy like you guys do every other time his name is mentioned. Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Jimmy Carter, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity...they've all become such easy targets around here that it hardly seems worth the effort. I'm going to take this as a sign nobody cares that the left is starting to warm up to Bush (which a few months ago would have been seen as impossible), and shut up.