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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    News to me. Or so I've read.
  2. SuperJerk

    It's splitsville for Rush

    "I'm proud of doing something I'm ashamed of." (Seriously, has there ever been a better line for this guy to say?)
  3. SuperJerk

    Secret Bush Tapes

    I think he means, "now that Bush BECAME president, I think he's a historic figure and that's why I'm releasing these tapes." I think you're wrong. He was answering a question about why he recorded them in the first place, not why he released them.
  4. SuperJerk

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    I disagree. Kerry's protesting of the Vietnam War was his right as an American citizen, but I can see how someone could say it wasn't friendly towards the military. His record as a senator regarding the military has improved greatly since he first took office.
  5. SuperJerk

    Alan Keyes Daughter

    When you say "believe in" to mean believe they exist, then you have a point. If you say "believe in" to mean "have faith in" (such as in the case of religion) you don't. Usually when people say "believe in" with regards to religions, they mean they believe they exist, but have no faith in. Usage determines meaning. You created this confusion when you posted: Obviously, you changed Your Paragon of Virtue's words around to fit your meaning. I'm sick of arguing semantics with you, though. In the case of what we were REALLY talking about, religion, I'm just going to come out and say what I really think: I have the right to think whatever I want about the concept of sin, regardless of whether I think a religion is true or not. Sin is a concept within a religious structure which I do not believe in. So? That's not a reason for me not to have an opinion on it.
  6. SuperJerk

    Miracleman Alan Moore Run

    You don't even want to know what popped up when I searched for 'animal man'. Eww, gross. Google would be would be awesome if there was a way to narrow searches down by category, rather than just key words.
  7. SuperJerk

    The Watchmen

    Rosarch was turned off by female nudity because of the situation with his mom. He's probably not gay, just traumitized and disturbed.
  8. SuperJerk

    A sickening feeling...

    HHH is the one who started the rumor JBL was on his way. Thus, in all likelihood JBL wasn't even within 20 miles of the arena that night. Of course Triple H is behind it.
  9. SuperJerk

    It's splitsville for Rush

    **waits for applause** Still waiting. **twiddles thumbs and whistles**
  10. SuperJerk

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    How was Kerry not a friend to the Navy? edit: Unless you mean speaking out against the Vietnam War and the actions of some people within the armed forces. Nevermind.
  11. SuperJerk

    Secret Bush Tapes

    The tapes were recorded from 1998 to 2000. Either the guy's psychic or the Karl Rove P.R. machine got an earlier start than I'd previously thought. As far as Bush smoking marijuana goes, there's nothing new there. He's neither admitted nor denied accusations that he was involved with drugs earlier in his life.
  12. I disagree. This was probably the worst WWE PPV I've ever seen. Still better than New Year's Revolution Match for match, NYRev was better. Plus, the poolside stuff with Christy was far better executed than the rookie Diva contest.
  13. SuperJerk

    Hunter S. Thompson, RIP

    Remember, guns don't kill people...
  14. SuperJerk

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    Perhaps I should re-emphasize his accomplisments before and after his term in office.
  15. I disagree. This was probably the worst WWE PPV I've ever seen.
  16. SuperJerk

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    They're spending way too much time and effort building up Cena vs. Batista vs. JBL considering its not going to happen.
  17. SuperJerk


    The songs are great yo. The only enjoyable one has to do with the gum chewing girl and that's because they just roll her about and ignore the fact she could explode at any moment. The rest are terrible. You do realize all of the Oompa Loompa songs are almost exactly the same, don't you?
  18. SuperJerk

    Lohan's Father Arrested

    Linsay Lohan has big ass titties. Sorry...that just seemed relevant for some reason.
  19. SuperJerk

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    Such as? I don't blame Carter for the economy. It was shitty before he got there. It was shitty when he left. He didn't do anything to help it, but he didn't tank it. You just answered your own question. There were infinitely bigger problems with Carter than the economy. But certainly enough economic problems to qualify as "a lot of shit".
  20. SuperJerk

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    Please elaborate on this.
  21. SuperJerk

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    Such as? I don't blame Carter for the economy. It was shitty before he got there. It was shitty when he left. He didn't do anything to help it, but he didn't tank it. You just answered your own question.
  22. SuperJerk

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    I wish there was a way to keep people from defending one guy by attacking another. What Rather did doesn't make what these other idiots are guilty of any less wrong.
  23. SuperJerk

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    He also got a lot of shit dumped on him that wasn't his fault, without the benefit of Karl Rove doing his spin control.