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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    So was the Rumble finish botched or not?

    The Rumble itself was what, 57 minutes? On the free-view show, the host kept calling the Rumble the "most exciting 60 minutes in the WWE" or something to that effect, leading me to think they planned on it going about that long. It kind of seemed like everything else ran over time.
  2. SuperJerk

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    Michelle: Well, that's easy. The difference is that... ...well you see, Joy, she uh... ...but Amy's differenet because she, um... ...I got nuthin'.
  3. SuperJerk

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    Nah, she could just break with JBL right before No Way Out, and then he'd blame Big Show. Their blow-off's in two weeks anyways. They're probably going to break up the cabinet if he loses the title to Cena anyways.
  4. SuperJerk

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    You've summed up exactly why she won. I'll agree she had the personality best suited to the job, but all they ever do with her anymore is have her shoot the t-shirt gun. Any one of them could have done that.
  5. SuperJerk

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    Is Michelle still on the show? I kind of like her. You know, the really tall blonde "personal trainer" with the southern accent. Hey, at least she has some kind of background in athletics. (Okay, I'll admit I had to think for a few minutes to remember her name.)
  6. SuperJerk

    Paul London action figure

    Definitely Cena. No tattoos.
  7. SuperJerk

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    Well, I'll admit, her ass is nice. <---Mad it's not Victoria.
  8. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Fight fire with fire.
  9. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    He had no credibility on the war. He tried to play both sides. If there was a "douche vibe", as you put it, it started there. It doesn't help that Democrats have been considered weak on defense issues since 1972.
  10. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    So terrible people are still talking about it.
  11. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    He got 57,288,974 votes. That's up 12% from the 50,999,897 Al Gore won the popular vote with 4 years ago. But I see what you mean. A vote for Kerry was never made out to be more than a vote against Bush. 60,608,582 people definitely thought otherwise.
  12. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Like I said, I have no problem with people posting conservative opinions. Sometimes they're right, and that's why we have freedom of speech. I just hate it when he started making his attacks ABOUT the people he was arguing with, rather than defending his views. I'm generally pissed off about the state of the world right now, and gladly took it out on him. Mike doesn't realize you have to GIVE respect to get respect. In the nearly two years I've been posting here, I've only gotten into 4 flame wars, two of which have been with Mike. I'm generally posting here because I enjoy reading what others have to say about wrestling, comics, movies, and current events (this thread can be particularly hilarious). I'll take a banning if the mods say its justified, but there's no way he should get out of this scott free. For all the complaining he did about this discussion reaching some low point, he had no problem leading the way.
  13. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Before I get banned, let me say the following things in my defense: 1. Mike started it with his name-calling. Now, I'll admit I violated the rules as well by joining in, but my posts were retaliatory. If you're going to ban me, ban him as well. 2. This argument actually spreads several threads, since Mike can't seem to contain his stupidity to one topic. 3. There's nothing more annoying to me than when I'm being perfectly honest about myself and someone accuses me of lying about it. 4. I think this whole situation, with its many rule violations, could be cleared up by just moving this thread to the Hardcore folder or something. 5. Aren't you even the littlest bit glad to see someone call Mike on how full of crap he is?
  14. SuperJerk

    The One and Only JLU Season 2 Thread

    Black Canary's voice by the chick who played Inara on "Firefly".
  15. SuperJerk

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    Not really, because then WWE could claim "But wait! The previous ones had established stars! This was a new broad we just picked up!" And they'd be right. I've enver seen a company so determined to set themselves up for failure.
  16. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    Are you going to threaten to kick my ass or something now? -=Mike I bet you wish I'd do something to your ass. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you're not my type.) I love how liberals get all PC with their insults. "You want me to do something to your ass don't you? Not that there's anything wrong with that of course. People should be allowed to practice whatever lifestyle they choose to as long as they don't impede on anybody else. You're still a bitch, not that I'm insulting women here, who deserve the same respect and oppurtunities as men, but I will fuck you up....not that violence is ever the answer, especially hate crimes..." You got me. Actually, I was trying to taunt him because I figured he was probably anti-gay.
  17. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    Until about a week ago I was Y2Jerk.
  18. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    Are you going to threaten to kick my ass or something now? -=Mike I bet you wish I'd do something to your ass. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you're not my type.)
  19. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    I was away putting grades in the computer. What did I miss? I'm sorry, Mike. Did I make you cry? This is you using a TIRED cliche. I am who I say I am, but I don't believe in God. Give it a rest, bitch. This entire forum is nothing but you lashing out at people because we keep owning your fat ass in these "discussions". Actually, that was a good one. That brings the score up to: You 1, Me 344. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHA! Seriously, asshole, I were to invent a biography, wouldn't I claim something a little more impressive that a history teacher who was in the Navy? "Was"? What did you do? Fall in a giant bucket of bleach? No threat was made. Although, like I said, I'd love to meet you in real life to laugh in your face. We both know you're too much of a pussy to ever let that happen. If you consider yourself "nobody", that's your problem, you bloody cunt muscle.
  20. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    To fight on after you've obviously lost is a great sign of gusto. Well done, old chap.
  21. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    Jesus, Mike, just shut the fuck up already. You LOST.
  22. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Anything to shut you, you ridicules blow-hard. You started this shit, bitch. I'm finishing it. Want to continue? You're "finishing it"? How? By repeatedly exposing you for the idiot you are. See, son, this quit being a liberal/conservative thing a long time ago. I have no problem exchanging differences of opinion with people who may have a different perspective of the world than I. That's life. You can call me a "twatrock" and an "idiot" all day, but the second you accused me of misrepresenting myself, you crossed the line. What I really can't stand is how you've made this personal. And when you made this personal, that gave me permission to make it personal. See, I don't really know you. You sure the hell don't know me. But I'm so sure that you're just as big a dickhead in real life as you are on this board, that I'm willing to call you on it. My guess is that you're some pathetic bitch loser with no life who can't function in real life so he makes up for his inadequacies by insulting people annonymously over the internet. Does that sum it up, "Mike"? Or is there something about you we don't know? Who is the real "Mike"? Because unless there's something about you I haven't already guessed, I'd absolutely LOVE to laugh in your face for doubting I am who I say I am. Put up or shut up, jackass. Let's finish this NOW.
  23. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    ^Wow, way to deflect our attacks.^ Come on, dude, I asked a legitimate question. Why DO YOU put your name on all your posts? I'm dying to know. Way to get me confused with someone else. I guess you're so used to being wrong all the names just blur together. Like I said, the intellectual level of this board has plummeted. There is no real difference in idiots. It's sad that Cerebus' photo thing is one of the more clever things anybody outside of me has uttered. -=Mike No love for my new episode? They take a while to put together.... You're the man. I'll admit it.
  24. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Anything to shut you, you ridicules blow-hard. You started this shit, bitch. I'm finishing it. Want to continue?
  25. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    You should, since it is true. Actually, brainiac, it was a joke about your education level. I was implying you wrote it while you were a little kid, since you obviously had little education beyond that. I see you're too dumb realize that. And I do honestly wish you would. -=Mike No you don't. It might require you to leave your parents' basement. Loser.