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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Oh, I will be. And, no, you REALLY weren't. -=Mike Before you go, answer some questions for me: What kind of a fucking jackass feels the need to type their name at the bottom of every post? Do you really think we can't see your username in big black letters to the left of your post? Or are you so in love with yourself you like to type it over and over, like a school girl writing an imagined married name in the margin of her notebook?
  2. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    Didn't insult their service. Just their incessant bitching about their service. You're not just a talentless internet hack, but you're also a hell of a fucking liar. Last summer you were so far up the Swift Boat Vet's asses you were practically going through reverse digestion. You spread some lies about Kerry's wounds, and accused Cleland of having his own limbs blown off by a grenade he was playing with. You even pulled out your patented "sandy vagina" metaphor then as well.
  3. SuperJerk

    Operation Northwoods

    WHAT? Mike dosn't know what the hell he's talking about? I'm shocked!
  4. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Way to get me confused with someone else. I guess you're so used to being wrong all the names just blur together.
  5. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Except I was talking about 1953. Did your mommy help you write it? See above, twatrock. "Twatrock" would also be an example of an ad hominem. Thank you for proving my point for me. Evidence doesn't mean telling people to find quote themselves or calling people "twatrock". Actually, I mopped quite few floors when I was in the Navy. But that was before I went to college and became a history teacher. What is it you do again? Your idea of "owning" someone leaves something to be desired, Mikey. So far all you've managed to do is embarrass yourself. Like I said, I wish I could meet you in real life and laugh at you to your face.
  6. SuperJerk

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    But I'd much rather see them in the buff than any of the recently-hired generic bimbos. Well, yeah.
  7. SuperJerk

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    I feel sorry for the bastard that has to research all of THOSE title changes.
  8. SuperJerk

    Rob Van Dam DVD

    I didn't realize until I watched this disk how good RVD could be on the mic. The WWE really fucked up by burying this guy in 2002. And 2003. And 2004.
  9. SuperJerk

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    The talented ones don't need to get naked. Only if you go by looks.
  10. SuperJerk

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    Anyone else feel like they've already seen Christy naked?
  11. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    I'm starting a delayed enlistment plan in the summer, getting my Masters' in Security Studies in the interim between my basic and job training. What about you? That won't work. I tried that on him when he was attacking Kerry and Cleland's military service last summer. Mike a pretty typical "I want someone else to do the fighting for me" conservative, but won't admit it.
  12. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    When calling someone retarded, try spelling correctly thx When you have nothing to respond with, bitching about typos is the next best thing to actual content, I s'pose. -=Mike And accussing people of "retardation" is just chocked full of intellectual content. You, Mike, need to admit when you've been beaten and just move on.
  13. SuperJerk

    Operation Northwoods

    The average will rebound significantly once you leave.
  14. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    You still don't get it, do you? I'll put my Bachelor's Degree in History against your Vo-Tech school certificate in TV/VCR repair any day of the week. No, you miss it. You support replacing a bad situation with a SHITTY situation. Not exactly wise decision-making. If he didn't nationalize British interests, he would've never been toppled. C'est la vie. Our choice was infinitely better than what followed it. I'm not even defending removing Mossadegh. I'm saying let the Shah fall and be replaced with Islamofascists was unbelievably fucking stupid. You said "millions slaughtered", not "thousands tortured". Slight difference, smart guy. 300,000 in the camps ALONE, skippy. Saving people from annihiliation? I've seen recent pictures of Vietnam. I doesn't looked annihilated to me. Ask the people who were slaughtered when we left how good things were. Keep in mind, the VC regularly mined REFUGEE ESCAPE ROUTES. They weren't quite nice guys. I hope your not alluding to the mythic ties to Al Quaeda. That was one of the many. Again, do a google search on Salman Pak --- you know, Saddam's terrorist training camp. Ask why Zarqawi went to Iraq for treatment. Go ahead. Oh, stop. We did play a part in the post-war decision making, and you know it. No, our input was minimal. The British and the French wanted vengeance and they got it. Wilson was quite clear what he supported. And the Germans surrendered on the pretense that they accepted Wilson's terms. Our input on the Treaty of Versailles was --- as it should have been --- minimal. We weren't a major player until the very end. The countries that WERE involved early on controlled the Treaty negotiations. You got gipped, horribly, on your alleged degree. Not that I'm doubting you. Because I'm TOTALLY not. Really. It's not conservatives' fault that liberals opt to not listen. That is YOUR fault. Bush mentioned human rights problems and enforcing UN resolutions as often as he mentioned WMD. To claim otherwise is to attempt to rewrite history. -=Mike I love the way you're trying to play both sides on the whole Iran thing. On the one hand you're saying its okay for us to remove Mossadegh to make way for a tyrant, while it wasn't okay for us to allow the Shah to be overthrown to make way for another tyrant. You say the North Vietnamese slaughtered millions after the war, but provide no shred of evidence, instead citing that they weren't nice people and tortured thousands. Let me explain how this works in the college-educated world, Mike. If you're going to cite things, and the person calls you on factual accuracy, you need to be able to back up your original claim without bringing in new claims to distract the focus away from the claims you never proved in the first place. When that fails, you resort to "witty" ad hominems. Your logic is piss-pour. Your evidence is shoddy. Your being shot to hell by multiple posters who are picking your posts apart with great enthusiasm. You might as well give up now, since whatever reputation you once had is now completely gone. You, Mike, are very bad at this. It is time for you to retire from posting on the internet and take up your true calling in the only profession where someone with your limited abilities might excel: conservative talk radio.
  15. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    I really wish I could meet you in real life, Mike, so I could laugh at you to your face.
  16. SuperJerk

    Operation Northwoods

    Again, the fact that the story is also about how we're just now finding out about it, today in the year 2005. Kind of like if we found ruins of an ancient alien civilization on the moon it'd be a current event, despite the fact that the aliens left them there thousands of years ago. Again, a plan that was REJECTED before it was even seriously considered is considered current events or even important how? -=Mike Did you even READ the story?
  17. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Read his fucking rhetoric, you fucking idiot. Really, not that complicated. You've already demonstrated non-existant knowledge in history. Let's try to avoid adding to that list. -=Mike Maybe I fucking expect you to actually be able to fucking back up what you fucking say instead of resorting to half-ass replies to my fucking posts. Burden of proof lies on the person making the claims, not those attempting to examine them. Where'd you get YOUR history degree? Correspondence courses from inside Sean Hannity's ass? By the way, "non-existant" isn't even a word.
  18. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    You still don't get it, do you? If we'd never overthrown Mossadegh, the none of that would have happened. Operation: Ajax, and the arrogant assumption we could determine who should be running other countries, set into place a series of events that we're still living with. You said "millions slaughtered", not "thousands tortured". Slight difference, smart guy. Saving people from annihiliation? I've seen recent pictures of Vietnam. I doesn't looked annihilated to me. I hope your not alluding to the mythic ties to Al Quaeda. Oh, stop. We did play a part in the post-war decision making, and you know it. I'll put my Bachelor's Degree in History against your Vo-Tech school certificate in TV/VCR repair any day of the week.
  19. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    As a primary voter, I was not impressed with Dean’s comments regarding Osama bin Laden presumed guilt (a statement he later retracted), and his (I felt) overly populist and energetic to-a-fault speaking style which also got him in trouble with the national media. I also, in all honestly, couldn’t imagine—no matter how right he may have been—the governor of a small rural state debating foreign policy with the President, given 9/11. I wasn’t the only one, since Dean’s early lead soon collapsed and he became a campaign footnote. This isn’t to say he wasn’t important, since he managed to do several things that needed to be done within the primary process: he gave a strong voice to those who opposed the war in Iraq (which was becoming more and more unpopular with the general public as the campaign went on), and he pointed out the problems the Bush Administration has been having putting forward a domestic agenda that truly benefited all Americans. His image as a "wild man" would of course cause him to loose, but the strategy of expanding core-support rather than playing to the so-called moderates ended up winning George W. Bush a second term. Being Party Chairman is not some token position that you give a consolation prize. It requires hard work and a clear set of goals. One of Dean’s goals would be to turn the Democrats back into a national party, something neither party has done successfully in almost a generation. This is not a good time for the Democratic Party to give up anywhere in America. The President won the election based on foreign policy issues (Iraq and terrorism combined dwarf “moral issues” in importance in the minds of the voters on election day), but allows the Religious Right to set the agenda for his domestic policy. We are closer now than we’ve been in 30 years to a woman’s right to choose being abolished on a national level. The next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court will probably be a rude, pompous right-wing jerk. The federal government’s budget deficit continues to soar due to the combined effects of over-spending and tax cuts which have not helped the economy one bit. An effective national opposition party needs to emerge to fight for the true good of the public. The Dean philosophy is the correct one if the Democrat Party is to prosper. It cannot allow itself to concede any state to the Republicans, and (more importantly) put sound national policy in place. Dean’s goals, and it should be the Democrats goal, is to win 538 electoral votes in 2008, instead of the 270 John Kerry aimed for.
  20. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    I'm going with his rhetoric, you fucking moron. -=Mike Yeah! Why should you have to provide evidence for your own claims? What a fantastic job your doing showing us you're right, Mike.
  21. SuperJerk

    Operation Northwoods

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Again, the fact that the story is also about how we're just now finding out about it, today in the year 2005. Kind of like if we found ruins of an ancient alien civilization on the moon it'd be a current event, despite the fact that the aliens left them there thousands of years ago.
  22. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Its not up to him to find it, its up to you to find it. Right?
  23. SuperJerk

    Shias demand sharia law

    Ah, missed Carter refusing to aid him when it became apparent he was in trouble, eh? Good for Carter. The Shah was a tyrant. I seemed to have missed the reports of millions of South Vietnamese being slaughtered after we pulled out. The dishonorable part was getting involved in the first place. Yup, that's life. So how do we know the next group to run the place won't be worse than Saddam Hussein? Bush has already changed the reason for the war once. Reason one was to get the WMDs. When that proved pointless, he changed it to freeing the Iraqis from Saddam's tyranny and provide elections. Then what was the point of removing the tyrant Saddam? So another tyrant can take over? Bringing up Germany only proves my point for me. Our success rate with installing German governments is only 50%. The first time we tried it, the Nazis took over and World War II happened.
  24. SuperJerk

    Do you have a problem with what

    I still haven't found that quote from Schumer in the report, though.
  25. SuperJerk

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Then prove it once. Feel free. http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/Pres_Ele...ort10_21_04.pdf On this we agree. Carter couldn't have won if Vietnam was still going on, and Clinton couldn't have won had the Cold War not just ended, in my opinion.