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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    What will Orton do at WM?

    And have him wrestle Mr. T at Wrestlemania.
  2. SuperJerk

    DVD player or burner?

    That's largely because the DVD recorders are single layer DVD recorders, the studio produced are dual layer, so you have 9 gigs for data instead of 4.7, so you've got have the space for video information. more compressed = less gooder Forgot about the whole dual-layer format thing.
  3. SuperJerk

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Only in certain parts of the country.
  4. SuperJerk

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I'd much rather have a tournament to decide the #1 contender than yet another Battle Royal. Battle Royals have been done into the ground lately. Since WE ALL KNOW Batista's not really jumping, it makes sense to go ahead and have the tournament in place. I just wish all the matches of the tournament were televised. I assume the final match will be at No Way Out. The show sounds good. Looks like I might start watching every week again.
  5. SuperJerk

    Wild Pegasus vs. Lionheart

    Only three words need to be said in response to the idea of Jericho and Benoit having a submission match from Japan: Holy. Living. Fuck. Any other comments are redundant.
  6. SuperJerk

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Doesn't he always?
  7. SuperJerk

    WWE News and Notes from the 1/31 Observer

    Eddie = Ratings.
  8. SuperJerk

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Geography is your friend.
  9. SuperJerk

    Must See Matches

    I didn't see it, but did anyone mention Angle/Benoit vs. Mysterio/Edge from No Mercy 2002? Fantastic match.
  10. SuperJerk

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    ^Not bad.^ Angle and Reigns join..........whatever happen to the Maven joins Evolution buzz? Good sense prevailed.
  11. SuperJerk

    DVD player or burner?

    For some reason home DVD recorders don't get that great of a picture when you extend the recording time past 2-3 hours (compare this to studio released DVDs from 7-8 years ago that have extremely good pictures playing at a maximum of four hours). The technology hasn't been perfected yet, in my opinion.
  12. SuperJerk

    Wrestlemania Card

    The only thing more boring than a heel Trish is a face Trish. Give Molly a face turn, I think she's earned it, since she got her head shaved for the charity/business last year. In this nor any no alternate universe can this woman be considered boring.
  13. SuperJerk

    The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

    Since Mania's not for two months, I'm betting they'll drag out Triple H talking Batista into challenging Bradshaw for at least a couple of weeks, with Dave being all non-commital.
  14. SuperJerk

    The OAO WWE Royal Rumble 2005 Thread

    Well that sure changed, didn't it?
  15. SuperJerk

    Interview with HHH

    This entire thread has been an exercise in selective memory.
  16. SuperJerk

    The 2005 Rumble

    I ordered it as part of the DirecTV "Road to Wrestlemania" 3 pack, along with NYRevolution and No Way Out (this was before I learned what the "No Way Out" main event was).
  17. SuperJerk

    HBK/Edge news from the Observer

    ^That just might be Meltz showing he'd make a better booker than the current crew.^ Four most common phrases on wrestling "news" websites: "most insiders" "backstage sources" "in recent memory" "some blame Triple H"
  18. SuperJerk

    Worst WWE PPV you've ever ordered?

    Hey, at least you got the debut of the greatest entrance ever. It was pretty cool. I think I liked the shorter one better, though. Especially with the "look at the tongue" edited out.
  19. SuperJerk

    Star Wars opening 'Best Special Effect'

    Jurrasic Park has held up very well, even 12 years later, the dinosaurs still look real to me. The STAR WARS opening itself was a rip-off of the big reveal shot of the Discovery in "2001", except the Discovery was moving slower and wasn't shooting at a smaller ship.
  20. SuperJerk

    Projection Screen TV

    Invader3k, its the basic GE model without the glass-protect over the screen (hence the low price). And I turned the contrast down first thing, like someone suggested. Is it true that the light gray bars that format the screen for regular TV can also burn in? If so, why not make them black. I'd think that black bars would be less likely to burn in than light gray, but I could be wrong.
  21. Don't get all hostile. Take it as a compliment if you ONLY got called an idiot. If you get on some of these people's nerves, they can make your life a living hell, so take it in stride. AIGHT?!?!?! Brison Well excuse the fuck out of me for posting a non-serious reply to a non-serious reply to my original non-serious post! Nobody's perfect. **Obvious second attempt to get someone to make a Curt Hennig joke.**
  22. SuperJerk

    Worst WWE PPV you've ever ordered?

    No Way Out 2003. The ultimate in pre-Mania filler.
  23. SuperJerk

    Interview with HHH

    Someone seems to be forgetting the DX days when HHH was the second most over face in the company only behind Austin, as well as the fact that he was being pushes towards the world title before he even began dating Stephanie. If you want to get super technical, he was in line for a King of the Ring win and a major push before Hall and Nash even left for WCW, so I would hardly blame all of his success on Stephanie. I challenge you to find anywhere in my post where I use the word "Stephanie". His earlier pushes were the result of being buddies with Shawn Michaels.
  24. SuperJerk

    Interview with HHH

    There's an old cartoon of three fish of three different sizes. The smallest fish is thinking to himself "Life isn't fair" as he's about to be eaten by the medium sized fish. The medium sized fish is thinking to himself "Life is sometimes fair". As he's about to be eaten by the biggest fish, the biggest fish thinks to himself "Life is fair." People who get to the top through some unfair advantage always rationalize that they deserve to be there, and that the people below them aren't in their position simply because they're not as good as the top guy. In any event, for Triple H to assume that he can connect with fans better than RVD is ridiculous in its arrogance. One only has to look at RVD's WWF career during 2001 to see that he connected with fans on his own in a way that Triple H was never able to do. Then they jobbed him out to the Undertaker. Booker T also got over in a big way at the end of 2002, but was buried at Wrestlemania XIX by Triple H himself. He's got a point that Austin and Rock got over on there own, but he himself did not. Triple H needed Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels to get over, and if he really thinks that he has some special quality that Booker T and RVD lack, he is simply the most full of shit person currently in professional wrestling.