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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    Leave Funaki alone! I meant the only WORLD title that carries any historical lineage is around the waist of a glorified jobber.
  2. SuperJerk

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    Knowing for certain that the World Heavyweight Championship is not the WCW belt makes me a little sadder that the belt that carries any historical lineage is around the waist of a glorified jobber.
  3. SuperJerk

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    Its under "video of the day" on their main page. There is no direct link.
  4. WAAY 31 TV in Alabama reports the filing of harassment charges against Chris Jericho, Dave Batista and Ric Flair. The three allegedly harassed a Huntsville, Alabama man in a local Hooters Monday night. Dana Mixx claims that the wrestlers took his cowboy hat and refused to give it back. He went onto claim that they pushed him and threatened to beat him up if he tried to retrieve it - they eventually gave it back. Huntsville Police are investigating the incident. WWE has not responded too heavily to the charges, although claims that one of the wrestlers was in another location at the time of the incident. credit: lordsofpain.net The real question: why was Jericho at Hooters with Flair and Batista? [/billwatts mode]
  5. SuperJerk

    WWE wrestlers accused of harassing Hooters patron

    IQ isn't a competely accurate measure of intelligence, since according to educational experts, there are actually 7 or 8 forms of intelligence. IQ doesn't nearly measure a full range of possible forms. However, in Jessica Simpson's case, she probably took one of those internet IQ tests that inflate your score so they can butter you up and sell you something. Editing? No amount of editing can convince me that someone who lacks the ability to distinguish that tuna isn't chicken, or how to do laundry, has an IQ 60 points higher than the average person. Brains and fortune not withstanding, I'd hit it. The bitch is fucking hot.
  6. SuperJerk

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/title_history/world_hvywght/ Triple H is now officially the first World Heavyweight Champion. The final "fuck you" to WCW.
  7. SuperJerk

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    See the Armageddon Thread for the story behind the pic.
  8. SuperJerk

    WWE wrestlers accused of harassing Hooters patron

    By my estimation, it usually takes 2-6 months for the average man to realize when a hot chick is an idiot. Unless you're Nick Lache, then it takes until after you're married and got your own TV show.
  9. SuperJerk

    WWE wrestlers accused of harassing Hooters patron

    Pretending to be a bimbo = bigger tips. Women often act dumb because its to their advantage.
  10. SuperJerk

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    Trish should've played Natalie Wood.
  11. SuperJerk

    WWE wrestlers accused of harassing Hooters patron

    Or maybe they kidnapped Jericho so he couldn't compete in the Elimination Chamber? Maybe they were all like: "Hey, Jericho, we're going to keep the title away from you just like we're keeping this guy's hat away from him!" Yeah, that'd make sense.
  12. SuperJerk

    With all the bashing going down and no Savage

    There are many wrestlers I'd consider too big for TNA...Lesnar isn't one of them.
  13. SuperJerk

    Triple H on CNBC

    Or Cro-Magnon Man/Neanderthal Man. Unfrozen Caveman Top Heel "Maybe I don't understand your complex modern ideas like 'putting people over' or 'making new stars', but I do know this: I'm the biggest star in this company and I am that damn good."
  14. SuperJerk

    New John Cena United States Championship

    What's wrong with the Cruiserweight and Tag Titles? The SD tag belts just look so indy fed to me, maybe its all the blue on them. I also hate how the jacked the look of the old WWF tag belts to make fans think that the SD belts share the WWF World Tag Team line when they don't. The Cruiser belt is just the WCW model with a WWE logo slapped on it, and too just smacks of something you see defended in a high school gym. I like championship belts that look like they mean something rather than looking like something you get for sending away cereal box tops. The Cruiserweight strap only looks like WCW's old belt in shape . . . it's totally redesigned from the old one, it's one of my favorite belts, actually I remember at Backlash 02, it still had the WCW logo on it. I'm sure they've redesigned it since then, but I'm not sure.
  15. SuperJerk

    New John Cena United States Championship

    Did it have horns? I remember no horns. I think it the buckle was supposed to look like the Texas flag. (Note: You can't type "hardcore" into Google and expect the right results.)
  16. SuperJerk

    New John Cena United States Championship

    The new US Title looks like a patriotic wristwatch. I kept looking at it wondering where the hell the hands and numbers were.
  17. SuperJerk

    WWE 27/4 Video On Demand Service

    DAMN YOU DIRECTV~!!!!!!!!!111 They just looooooove to fuck over the rasslin' fan, don't they?
  18. SuperJerk

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    I guess that they feel that their fanbase IS smart enough to at least count. Maybe they should make us refs. BTW: Your back-to-back Mollys sig continues to bring me joy.
  19. SuperJerk

    New Year Revoloution Card

    But six of them usually suck. Wait a fucking second... ...six matches on the NYRev card will suck anyways. BRING ON THE TOURNEY!!!!!
  20. SuperJerk

    New Year Revoloution Card

    But six of them usually suck.
  21. SuperJerk

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    The obly reason I could come up with was Bischoff thoguth he deserved a title shot since he didn't get one the week he was Raw GM.
  22. SuperJerk

    New Year Revoloution Card

    I thought that show came on UPN Thursdays.
  23. SuperJerk

    This is just begging to be made fun of...

    There really are people who'll pop for anyone. When you're at a live show, its hard not to want to pop for people just because you know who they are and you see them on TV every week. I agree about the face thing you said, though. I'll be the first one to argue the guy's got his fans and a good share of pops, but he's a terrible babyface and just shouldn't be in that position. I have a hard time seeing him the way Vince McMahon expects me to see him, but there's a lot of people who disagree (hence my Lex Lugar comparison, since Lex also had his share of fans) and cheer for the overpushed guy just because that's what they're supposed to do.
  24. SuperJerk

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    As much as I loved the pay-per-view, the matches sucked. Just saying.
  25. SuperJerk

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    So long as its not blue.