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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Poll shows solidly Dem state leaning to Bush

    We all have to vote on the same day (November 2nd). I wish it was over, too.
  2. SuperJerk

    Went to the RAW house show last night...

    That's the only type of heat he's been getting in the last 2 years. I'd argue that his overness rivals that of Lex Lugar, Sid Vicious, or several other untalented hacks who were pushed to the moon (not quite as over as Ultimate Warrior, who is the benchmark for undeserved popularity). I was at a RAW taping a month ago and he got a pretty good reaction from just about everyone there, not just the girls.
  3. SuperJerk

    SNL Review

    What's so fun about having your ears bleed?
  4. SuperJerk

    SNL Review

    Agree to disagree. I especially liked the "you're welcome" at the very end of the skit.
  5. SuperJerk

    SNL Review

    I thought the banana joke during Update was funny. The point was that the guy was trying to make bananas easier to eat when they aren't hard to eat at all. Amy's hilarious, damn it. As far as the Aslee Simpson thing goes, I liked the way she tried to play it off at the end, as if it was the band's fault she was lip-syncing.
  6. SuperJerk

    Went to the RAW house show last night...

    But Val's has had two gimmick changes in the last 4 years (RTC and Chief Morely), but neither got him as over as the porn star gimmick. Okay, the Chief gimmick could've worked if they'd had him work more matches instead of making him Bischoff Jr.
  7. SuperJerk

    Random WWE news

    Well Benoit & Nancy Sullivan have been together for what seems forever Did irony just punch anyone else in the balls?
  8. SuperJerk

    Your WWE Changes

    ^A top 5 list is a great idea.^
  9. SuperJerk

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 10/21/04

    My impression is that Angle doesn't care if the title's actually on him or not, so long as he's getting high-profile matches.
  10. SuperJerk

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 10/21/04

    You mean because of the injuries from 2001? Can you explain this differently? I don't understand what you mean.
  11. SuperJerk

    Your WWE Changes

    I think you're going too far with that one. The belt is a perfect way to get people to care more about a match. Now, I'll admit that those belts aren't being used to their full potential, but getting rid of them altogether would keep them from being used correctly the 15% of the time they still are used correctly. One thing I'd change right away in the WWE is that I'd turn RVD heel and have him feud with Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero. Another change I'd make is that I'd build up the B shows with storylines. The WWE has writers! Let them write something! I used to enjoy Sunday night Heat back when Raven was the top heel on that show and there was actually a reason to watch.
  12. SuperJerk

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 10/21/04

    Why would Kurt Angle really have a problem with Eddie Guerrero holding the title? They've had their issues, but Angle always seemed willing to work a program with him before now.
  13. SuperJerk

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 10/21/04

    Does Booker have a real chance of getting the title? Logically, if your ultimate goal is face challenger Undertaker vs. heel champ Angle at Wrestlemania 21 for the title, you'll need to transistion the belt to a babyface before Angle can get it.
  14. SuperJerk

    Is there anywhere to find out information...

    Its so bad it couldn't be contained.
  15. SuperJerk

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 10/21/04

    Technically, even a boring personality is a personality.
  16. Edge was in "Highlander: Endgame" for what? 5 seconds? <---"Highlander" mark. Not that anyone cares, but Goldberg was in Universal Soldier: the Return (the 4th one), not Universal Soldier 2. Although even Tony Shiavone called it Universal Soldier 2. (Shiavone screwing up something's name? I can tell everyone's dying of shock.)
  17. SuperJerk

    Raw rating

    Damn, even my high school GPA was higher than RAW's ratings!
  18. SuperJerk

    Unforgiven 2004 DVD at WalMart

    On the screwed up version, there's no sound for the last 14 minutes of the show.
  19. SuperJerk

    Raw rating

    The second half of the Farscape mini-series was also on Monday. Just saying.
  20. SuperJerk

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/18 Observer

    Is that the goofy kid from "Real World Back to New York"? Yes. Actually, that would be a good thing for WWE. RW/RR challenges, which he has been on 4 of, are a big ratings draw for MTV. It wouldn't hurt WWE if he is one of the top guys and I wouldn't be surprised if he wins it. I'm not sure if that'll translate into drawing power, since on the "REal World" he was on, he was pretty much portrayed as a dumb rube who constantly got his ass handed to him by Coral and her magnificent breasts. That was the last season of the show I could stand.
  21. SuperJerk

    Unforgiven 2004 DVD at WalMart

    Summerslam's fixed? I bought one at Circuit City two weeks ago and it was one of the messed up copies. I bought the Eddie DVD at Walmart about 2-3 weeks before it was supposed to be released.
  22. SuperJerk

    Next Monday's RAW

    I'm still guessing they'll save HHH/Orton 2 for Mania. Even assuming HBK's out for a while, they can easily keep the two away from each other by having everyone (Jericho, Orton, Benoit, Benjamin, Regal vs. HHH, Flair, Batista, Edge, and Christian) in a big 10-man elimination match at Survivor Series. Trips could then fued with Jericho leading up to the Rumble, while Orton is occupied with Edge or Christian. Benjamin vs. Christian or Batista also sounds good, as do Benoit vs. Edge or Edge vs. Benjamin.
  23. SuperJerk

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Can anyone explain this story to me? Christy vs. Carmella is next. That should save the show. Lingerie pillow fight which must in in a pinfall. The big thing was they were changing behind a cubicle. If you ever saw the NWO PPV years ago, consider yourself thankful. And if you missed this, well, it's the same story. credit: Meltz
  24. SuperJerk

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    Christy Hemme has a magnificent booty. That is all.