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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

  2. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

  3. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    At this point I'm kind of wondering why politicians still feel like its okay to use their families at rallies and on TV. And I'm definitely talking about both sides here. Good lord, Michelle Obama gives SPEECHES supporting her husband on national TV, and she should be off limits? Um, not really. It's not okay to lie about people, but I think it is okay to point out maybe that person isn't as great as we're being led to think they are, or to take issue with some positions they are supporting. Palin comes out last week and everyone says, "Wow, what an amazing woman to have 5 kids!" She was using her kids as props last week, and now it has bitten her in the ass. Hell, you could argue she's still using her as a prop to score points with pro-lifers by making a statement to the press about how proud the family was she chose to keep the baby, and she is proud to have a 17 year-old girl getting married.
  4. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I guarantee Palin's children will be treated more respectfully by Democratic candidates than Chelsea Clinton was by Republicans.
  5. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    For getting knocked up or for having a right-wing crackpot for a mother? Mostly the former, a little of the latter. I just hate it when shit like this (see "SHE SAID WHITEY!" and "B.O. HUSSEIN"!) happens. This is a girls personal life-it shouldn't be made an issue. Then again, maybe that's just my conscience. I just see it as mean spirited. I mean, I don't want to see McCain become president either, but I also don't want this happening. I already read a post on a news article where someone said this isn't as bad as the "fact" that Obama was born out of wedlock.
  6. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    For getting knocked up or for having a right-wing crackpot for a mother?
  7. SuperJerk

    You know there's a hurricane out there

    We're not out of the woods yet... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26496933/
  8. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    1. I don't think anyone really considers Michelle Obama off-limits, based on how viciously she's been attacked for the last year. 2. Palin's daughter isn't 'fair-game,' but her mother's hypocrisy is. I said before that I don't care if Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant. This is their personal lives, and it has nothing to do with how well they'd perform their jobs, but I am bothered by the utter hypocrisy of the conservatives on these issues. The Palins, the darlings of the "family values" crowd, who want to use government to impose their idea of Christian morality on other people....but their own lives are testaments to the fact that their own rules don't always work.
  9. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Polls aren't instananeous. It'll take a few days for information about Palin to be reflected in the numbers.
  10. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I found this quote at the bottom of the article amusing... Even though the rumors were partially true...and this is going to hurt Obama...AND THIS IS ALL THE DEMOCRATS FAULT!
  11. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Good point, but we also have to acknowledge the differences between primaries and caucuses, and general elections, in terms of voter turn-out. That could really throw-off the reliability factor.
  12. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    The McCain camp was predicting a 16-point bump in the polls for Obama to intentionally make him look like he'd underperform when the numbers weren't really turn out that high. People forget the reason Bill Clinton got a huge bump in the polls in 1992 was that Perot dropped out of the race during the Democratic Convention, and Clinton led by double digits for the rest of the summer until Perot jumped back in. (That info is easily forgotten by conservatives because it also disproves the theory that Bush would have won if Perot hadn't been running.)
  13. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Or, you know, you could just attack them on substantive policy issues and leave pointless personal bullshit out completely. John Edwards and Bill Clinton say hello. That's the dilema....should hypocrisy be exploited for political gain? Obviously the actual Obama campaign should remain silent on this, but the bloggers and the left-leaning pundits? That's a tougher call. Here's our latest polling numbers... As usual, CNN shows the smallest gap between the two candidates. No Zogby poll this time to throw the average in McCain's favor.
  14. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    See...here's the dilema we have. On the one hand, I don't personally care if McCain cheated on his first wife. I don't care if Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant. I don't care if Palin's running for VP after having just had a baby. This is their personal lives, and it has nothing to do with how well they'd perform their jobs. However, I am bothered by the utter hypocrisy of the conservatives on these issues. You know if these were Democrats, they'd be ALL OVER THEM for this stuff. The dilema is how to point out their hypocrisy without looking like you're criticizing the initial situation. Here we have the Palins, the darlings of the "family values" crowd, who want to use government to impose their idea of Christian morality on other people....but their own lives are testaments to the fact that their own rules don't always work.
  15. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    I loved this as well... I'm sure she meant the Alaska Constitution....and wait, gun control harms family life? THE HELL? edit: Bob Barr has some interesting things to say about Gov. Palin and the Republican Convention. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...nr.bob.barr.cnn Police raid headquarters of RNC protesters
  16. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Palin lied about the Bridge to Nowhere. So not only did she favor it when she was running for governor, but it was Congress that ended the plans for the bridge, not her. Rather than telling Congress "thanks, but no thanks" as she claims, she still accepted the remaining federal money for infrastructure projects. So much for building bridges yourselves.
  17. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Schwarzenegger's presence at the convention would be a big benefit for McCain...not because he's a popular celebrity (BOO!), but because he has executive experience (YAY!). Plus, he is knowledgable about foreign policy because California is next to Mexico. Too bad he couldn't be McCain's running mate, but there's that huge factor preventing him from being qualified...more of a disqualifier than being born in another country: he's pro-choice.
  18. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080831/ap_on_..._convention_rdp I can understand Pres. Bush and Govs. Jindal, Barbour, Riley, and Crist not going to the convention, but Cheney? Sounds like just a convenient excuse for him not to be there. And Schwarzenegger? Who knows.
  19. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Though viewed more favorably than Joe Biden, just 29% of voters say Palin is ready to be president if necessary. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_con...ably_than_biden
  20. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    The Cubs might win a few games this year.
  21. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    THIS was SARCASM? 2 More Questions: 1. If Republicans care so much about "executive experience," then why did they nominate Senator McCain? 2. If Republicans care so much about "executive experience," why not pick someone for VP with more than 20 months as governor?
  22. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    Just to remind you that Sarah Palin isn't the only right-wing ex-beauty pagent contestant in John McCain's life... Cindy McCain gets all offended and shit when people talk about the money she inherited.
  23. SuperJerk

    Campaign 2008

    This argument that Republicans are making that Palin is qualified to be Vice President because Obama supposedly isn't experienced enough is irrational. They are saying that someone is experienced because they are just as experienced as someone who isn't experienced. Huh? And GOVERNOR OF ALASKA is a qualification? REALLY? Exactly what does that job entail? Meeting with oil company executives, signing some snow-mobile laws, and appointing people to regulate the fishing industry, I suspect. Less than 700,000 people live in Alaska...so essentially the equivalent to over 12% of her entire state's population showed up to watch Obama speak the other night. The pick of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate is just another example of his bad judgment. He has been telling us for the last 6 months that the president should be ready to lead on day one. John McCain has been telling us for the last six months that we need someone with a lifetime of foreign policy experience to be president. He picked a running mate who before yesterday he'd only met twice in his life, someone who is a complete tabula rasa on foreign policy, and has only just begun running a nearly-unpopulated state. So, there are two possibilities: either John McCain lied when he said what he thought the qualifications for high office were, or John McCain is so desperate to win he's willing to compromise his own beliefs about the nation's well-being. Susan Molinari, the former Republican Congresswoman, was on MSNBC last night and kept trying to argue that Mrs. Palin was only running for VICE president. Yes, but she will be vice president to a 72-year-old man who has had cancer 3 times and a history of psychiatric problems. There is a very good chance she will have to take over for him, and to run the risk that she'll be trained in foreign policy before this likely take-over occurs is irresponsible. The unofficial motto of the McCain campaign has been "experience counts," and they give us a person who's not even half-way through their first term as governor of one of our smallest states. Worse, they are even trying to argue that she has the same amount of foreign policy experience as Barack Obama, who has been dealing with national security issues for the last 4 years, has traveled the world and met dozens of world leaders, has shown a great understanding of the Middle East, correctly assessed the problems we'd face in the Iraq War before the invasion even occurred, and who has spent the last several years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. By now, we've all heard this: If a Democrat had said this, imagine the reaction. But, no, it's okay for someone running for VICE president to say it, so long as that person is a Republican. Now, I know what you're thinking...he picked her because she's a "reformer" with "executive experience." Because apparently McCain had to go all the way to Alaska to find a Republican governor who wasn't a crook.
  24. SuperJerk

    Lower the U.S. drinking age?

    Ok. That makes perfect sense.
  25. SuperJerk

    Lower the U.S. drinking age?

    Okay....what's a lingerie foam party?