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Everything posted by SuperJerk

  1. SuperJerk

    The Republican "Budget"

    http://www.examiner.com/x-6434-Baltimore-P...andemic-control I'm writing my Congressman and asking for legislation authorizing a "National Punch A Republican Day."
  2. The circle is now complete.
  3. SuperJerk

    Pictures I Like

    That's impressive, but I'd be REALLY impressed if those girls were Jewish.
  4. SuperJerk

    The Youtube thread

    According to IMDB, the girl who plays Stephanie turns 18 next month. Just sayin'.
  5. SuperJerk


    TSM has gone from being a message board to a message bored. Thank YOU! I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
  6. SuperJerk

    Matt Young

    Matt, I'm accusing you of clocking in late, stealing from the register, and taking 20 minute breaks instead of the 15 minutes everyone else gets.
  7. SuperJerk

    Comic Request thread

    That's still pretty generous, though.
  8. SuperJerk

    100 Posts of Solitude

    I agree with Battlenuts 100% The metaphor I was thinking of was it was more like a high school clique where the members were picked based on popularity. These are the folks who had a tournament to get people kicked off of TSM for fuck's sake. (Before someone calls me a hypocrite for my attitude towards MikeSC a few years ago, let me point out that I long ago changed my mind about that and admitted I was wrong. Yes, there are circumstances under which people should be banned, but posting opinions--even bigoted ones--is not, inmy opinion.) Leena, despite his/her whining and hypocrisy, was right about one thing: too regularly a poster would get ganged up on because they refused to back down from an unpopular opinion and the majority's response was to throw insults at that person at every opportunity. That's an unfortunate by product of free speech and I can live with it, but then giving the majority the power to exclude the people they disagree with from the discussion will inevitably lead to a homogenous board where the highest priority is to conform. Once I found out they were keeping the board private, I lost interest and never applied.
  9. SuperJerk

    The Bush Years Compendium

    A former FBI Agent wants to clear the record on how effective our interogation techniques (the ones people who are pro-torture claimed were not working) were before the CIA and the Bush Administration's Justice Department decided to get creative. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/23/opinion/...tml?ref=opinion
  10. SuperJerk

    Gas Price Check...

    Dear Congressman Barton, The only person "puzzled" in this clip is you, because you cannot comprehend plate tectonics. It is a scientific concept taught to children as early as elementary schools, or apparently the origin of fossil fuels as being the remains of fossils (hint: it's in the name). In other words, you are an ignorant moron. Signed, Planet Earth
  11. SuperJerk

    Covering Coverage

    Eat it, fuckwads.
  12. SuperJerk

    21 States Claiming Sovereignty

  13. SuperJerk

    Comic Request thread

    Yeah...it was the Ultimates/Squadron Supreme crossover mini-series.
  14. SuperJerk

    Box Office Report 4-19-09

    Was this as dumb as it looked?
  15. SuperJerk

    Saturday Night Live

    The show is horrible, and yet the internet has been abuzz with how hillarious Andy Samburg's digital shorts, Weekend Update, and the run of Sarah Palin skits have been this year. For a show that hasn't been funny since (fill in favorite year here), it sure seems to keep churning out stars and memorable characters. Hell, they did a best of Amy Poehler show last night, an actress who was constantly derided for most of her years on the show, and it was great. Do I think the show consistently comes up with enough funny material to fill a 90 minute episode every single week? No. However, it is rare that a episode completely lacks anything amusing.
  16. SuperJerk


    Yeah, but the Lionel Ritchie song has cheezy goodness. I just wasted 10 minutes trying to find clips from The Rock's speech on the June 17, 2002 episode of "RAW."
  17. SuperJerk

    2009 Tea Parties

    http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/15...tests-expected/ This report from Fox News states it is anti-tax, but other reports suggest it was anti-stimulus, anti-bailout, or anti-Obama. I have not found an exact number yet, but the closest thing I've found (and its unverified) is over a quarter-million people showed up for these on Tuesday.
  18. SuperJerk

    2009 Tea Parties

    Though its not much of a secret the times either party is most concerned with the deficit is when they are out of power, there are people out there who genuinely believe that Obama has doubled the national debt in the 2 months he's been president because of the blizzard of out-of-context numbers thrown at them by Hannity, Limbaugh, et. al. I remember Bill Clinton shutting a lot of people up when, as a president in his first term, told everyone the budget would already be balanced if they didn't have to pay interest on the debt run up under Reagan and Bush. Obama might want to use a similar line. Here's an article about the Tea Parties that explains the rationale behind them quite reasonably.
  19. SuperJerk

    Comic Request thread

    By the way...Do you have "Ultimate Power"?
  20. SuperJerk


    ^I was gonna say that.^
  21. SuperJerk

    2009 Tea Parties

    Here's what I've kind of been thinking about the protest... A lot of the people in the crowd were obviously misinformed about a lot of things. And there were also, like at EVERY protest march (no matter what the issue), a lot of lunacy. Somewhere in there, there was probably a small contingent of well-informed people with a legitimate point to make. These are people who might be aware that Obama isn't planning any major tax increases now, the effects of deficit spending from both the Bush bail-out and his stimulus package will add a substantial amount to the national debt. And these people are worried about what effect that debt will have on future generations of tax-payers, long term effects deficit spending might have on the economy, and are concerned that an unplanned tax increase may become necessary very soon. This group of people were not represented at all by the conspiracy-theorists and office-holding demagogues that we saw on TV, or the inflammatory rhetoric of the yellow journalists at Fox News.
  22. SuperJerk

    Covering Coverage

    Indeed. http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jh...de-Tax-Protests
  23. SuperJerk

    2009 Tea Parties

    I can't argue with that logic.
  24. SuperJerk

    The Bush Years Compendium

    More torture memos released: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/04/16/us....ents/index.html
  25. SuperJerk

    21 States Claiming Sovereignty

    Why does Texas hate America? http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2009/...ssion-possible/