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Posts posted by Perfxion

  1. My all time list in the US, just for fun


    1: Hulk Hogan: Without him and McMahon's hype machine, we would not be on a message board chatting about wrestling.


    2: The Rock has to be THE ONLY OTHER pro wrestler not named Hogan or Andre that the main stream REALLY knows. Highest rated segment of all time had him in it.


    3:Stone Cold: While being a #1 merch seller of all time, he doesn't have that total crossover appeal that Rock and Hogan have.


    4: Andre The Giant: NO body was big of a world wide draw as Andre. Vince Sr. idea of having him stay a few months per fed was smart to keeping him in the main event for like 20 years.


    5: Bruno: You don't have an 8 year reign without selling out the garden all the time.


    6: Dusty Rhodes: MAJOR star in the NWA and Florida from the 70s through the 80s. Its stupid not to have him on the list.


    7: Ric Flair: If it wasn't for dusty and Ole's booking in the late 80's to early 90's he would be much higher. If Flair had Vince McMahon behind him durring the 80s he could have easily been the biggest wrestler of all time. He had the gimmick that people just loved.


    8: Road Warriors: This might be the only pure tag team to put asses in the seats. Not many tag teams get clones of them in every major fed out there. I am sure after 1984, they were THE main attraction in the AWA to the point that when they left you knew that the AWA was done.


    9: nWo: the angle itself got Nash and Hall to be draws for the first time ever, Hogan over again, and people cared about Syxx. However, it would have been higher if they didn't add 20 people that nobody gives a crap about and just was there to wear the t-shirts.


    10: Vern Gagne: Since he owned it, number one guy in the AWA for like 20 years and kept the old school of style of wrestling alive for the longest.



    Note: HBK has NEVER been a draw. He was never booked well enough to be one. People in 1996 loved to see him wrestle since they were good matches, but the only PPV to do well with him on top was wrestlemania and that could be more to it being Wrestlemania.


    Bret Hart was 10 years too late to be a major draw. He did well but he wasn't setting the box office on fire. Same with Triple H, Chris Jericho, Billy Graham, Slaughter and Benoit, he just wasn't that major in getting people to shows. But it wasn't like the world fell under when they were on top.


    Goldberg and Warrior: Flash in the pan. They were big and huge and then dead within like 2 years.


    The 90's Horsemen, Kurt Angle, Sting, Taker, Chris Jericho, and Randy Savage were not too major of draws due to the horrible booking they have had in their careers. Each would have been killer if it wasn't for dumb angles and politics killing off any hot feuds.




    Top 5 draws currently:


    1: the name WWE: Ie. PPVs sellout before the cards are annouced. Oversea tours sellout due to the WWE going there. WWE is a name that has been put into everyone's home. Its the coke of the wrestling world.


    2: John Cena: duh


    3: Rey:


    4: DX: As much as people might hate their dumb dick jokes all the time, they do get ratings and do help put asses in seats.


    5: Undertaker

  2. Pretty much, buy the phone and card, and call up on a land line to setup phone.



    Count the mins you plan on using first, if in a given month, you are going to use LESS than 1 hour of total phone phone useage, go prepaid. If you are going to use more than that or do go over than, get a basic monthly plan. It is cheaper and will save you money on the long run.

  3. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"


    That doesn't say anything about not being allowed to have certain guns.


    That bolded part seems to get ignored quite a bit by the gun lobby.


    The problem is that it also says the right of the people. So unless someone builds a time machine and talks to Thomas Jefferson, we will not know his full intent. Does he mean people in the militia(or State/National gaurd/armed forces) or the citizens can form their own militias and "clip up"?


    And people allowed to have guns IS a check on the government. Let, lets just wildly and unbelievely say, Bush wanted to have his own "ultiamte solution" with blacks. The black citizens could change personal opinion with a barrel of a gun alot faster than Al Sharpton speeches.


    Besides, I am sure the founding fathers couldn't grasp a gun firing more than 3 or 4 rounds per minute. Having anything that could go faster doesn't mean that it should be banned. And it doesn't mean we should all only be allowed shotguns and flint locks.

  4. my two copper coins....

    • Unify the "World titles" to make a WWE triple crown and have it go on all brands.
    • Rename the following titles:
      • WWE Tag Team to WWE US tag team(With new belt to make it a US level title
      • World tag team to WWE World tag team
    • Bring back the TV title for ECW
    • Rename ECW brand and give the TV show a name. Hell, name the show Extreme
    • Don't fully end the split but have it to the point where fresher matches can be done. How many times can Edge and Cena wrestle? How many times can Batista and Booker wrestle?
    • Starting 2008 have 17 PPVs with them being 3 weeks apart, however rotate the storylines so that Cena/Batista/Taker/HHH/HBK are not on all shows and does a more UFC style where every PPV doesn't seem to have every same star on it.
    • Make a true 3rd brand for house show touring and make it more "old school" style where the territories have routes to make the few times some people come into areas sell the event more.
    • Rebuild a new main event class because the old gaurd is well too injured to be on three shows.
    Thats how I would do it.

  5. My personal def. of gun control: two hands steadying the weapon for a clean shot.


    I am all for background checks, paperwork, some redtape, banning of DRUG and VIOLENT crime convicted felons from getting a gun(Martha Steward is a convicted felon but her crime is not gun bannable in my book). I am against ANY gun from being banned. Just make it a tougher process to legally own a tommy gun.


    I read somewhere that almost all legal guns used in action are either under self defense OR domestic issues(IE: The Marvin Gaye case).


    I am for taxing all bullets, it makes people who own "big bad boom boom sticks" to pay money for the govt to ante up on their list of weapons. However, it is on the cities and states not to send their cops into scenes where its a colt .45 or bretta glock vs a tech-9 or AR-15.


    I hope people know that on the world market the AK-47(model 1963) is one of the cheapest guns on the market, for no more than 200 bucks and you can have one. So why do cops only have shotguns for back ups and not the also cheap M-16 or overpowerful M-14?
