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Posts posted by Perfxion

  1. Um, since most people running for president these days from Congress or are governor, that is a very good sign. If you can't win your home state and you sat on congress, how fucking bad are you? That isn't opinion, that is fact. Him winning TN would made FL a moot point.


    Wow, adding the content of people in power making sure they can get worthless shit while others need help. That never happens, thanks for the shocking info.

  2. HBK durring the first HIAC was good because it was mid air and when he hit the cade, the blood popped out. Which made it good.


    His match in the AWA in the cage was crappy because he bladed infront of the camera. Which was like 2 inches away. The only thing that made it better was it was a .4 muta with white trunks and blonde hair to make it look even cooler.

  3. I was talking about 2000. I stated talking about 2000. And BTW, he doesn't have a hope in hell of winning in 08. He won't get the nod at the DNC. Chris Shayes has a better chance of winning the DNC nod in 08.


    The way the country is now, its red vs blue. All blue states are in the north and west. If Gore couldn't win TN before, I doubt he will win again. Not winning one Southern state is what made him lose in 2000, and what made Kerry lose in 2004. And if the Dems can not get a person to connect to ONE state in the south, we will have another 4 years of red.

  4. You know what the real sad part of this is, the wrestler that sparked this mini debate on wrestling outside the WWF was infact WWF Lightheavyweight Champ in 1982(I know, I know, don't bother). Infact in 82 had a hell of a match with Dynamite in MSG.


    The thing is, WWF/E wants tocall itself a world wrestling company. They claim to have the best wrestlers in the world under their belt. Often times, a wrestler's career low is IN the WWF/E rather than other places. Ultimo Dragon and Ricky Steamboat are clear examples of this.


    Tying this all back to HBK, HBK is not that great and when people call him one of the best in North Americia, they are failing to look outside the WWE. I seen many a times that HBK was called the best worker in the world, god know why, and that makes it so every one under the sun can be brought in. And if you want to keep these things into the WWE only, he doesn't even keep in the top 10 of any given year.


    As for getting into Puro/Lucha/ect. Just use Kazaa or Limewire and download a match or two. Hell look up Full Match and have fun. Its free and it can download next to the cheap vivid porn that all those fanboys love.

  5. Benoit looks like an 82 Tiger Mask in the ring compared to HBK and his slowness.


    Eddie has always been faster than Shawn. It isn't saying much. But Eddie is better then Shawn in everything.


    RVD is fast, not as he used to be, but still can move better than Shawn has since his Rocker days.

  6. Micheals is slow. His moveset seems fast because his last major fueds have been against Triple H, Angle, Hogan, and now Masters. His matches against Angle were angle hugging his leg for 10 mins only for Michaels to forget the leg and jump off the top rope with something. Angle wrestled almost a complete ground game.

  7. How can one man win president if he can't carry his own HOME state. I can't be bothered to remember to ran in 84 and 88 again Ron and George, but they atleast won their own home state. Not winning your own home state is the complete deathwish of any one trying to win president.

  8. Thing is, NO told people to leave and said buses will be set up to either go to the dome or to BR, LA. ALot went out the few who didn't did not even bother to stay. And BTW, most of the bus drivers did the smart thing and got the fuck out.


    The problem is this, most of the area got out. The only ones to stay lived were really poor and couldn't get out. Of these people of the total pop. which is shy of 5 million, we are talking about a little over 100K staying. So 2%, give or take, stayed around this area. The mayor DID his job if about 98% of the people got the fuck out. The gov did their job by sending request for aid before the storm. The blame goes to two groups. The 2% who didn't leave and the gov for not aiding when asked until everyone and their mother could see that the mayor and gov were WAY over the head with this(no pun intended about the flood).

  9. My two cents are summed up this way...


    HBK is the 90's Flair and Angle is the 00's Flair. But that is only on the level of being entertainment workers who are good. However, this does not say that all three are the best. Flair isn't in my 10 best workers of all time. He gets high marks only because of how good of a total package he is.


    As for what JustJoe stated, by total package he is great all around because he is a par worker with great mic skills and crisma levels second only to Hogan. Total package is a term used to call someone great despite not being all that great.

  10. Well, when a person is dirt poor with 3 kids, where do you go and how do you get there? Walking to where? Over two HIGHWAY bridges out of town seems retarded. Plus the only thing the city of done was to tell people to get on the city buses out. But that is it. TELL people to get out. They can't force people. Force is only done by the gun.


    The problem with this whole thing is that people are telling Americans not to complain about faults they see with the government. I just can't agree to that logic because "we need to worry more about saving people and blame later". This whole country is built on the idea of questioning the government at every turn. If this country was about waiting later to question government we wouldn't be Amrericans, we would still be Britians.

  11. Because he uses this crisis to point out the stupidity of a former first lady? How is that awful? What she said is dumb. Its as bad as Kanye's "Bush doesn't like black people". But what she said makes people truely think that Bush and co does not like black people.

  12. Gas is about $3.40 to $3.60 a gallon here in Stamford. But the price seems to be dropping as oil is selling at the rate it was before. The thing that makes it ok is if you think about it. If someone where to buy coffee/lattes/ect. from Starbucks, they are spending about $80 a gallon for it. So spending 26 dollars a fill up isn't that big of a deal.


    Although I think the ceiling of this surge is about 75USD for crude. Anything more and enough bitching will force a drop in demand, even though US can support a demand of like 130USD for crude.

  13. Its easy of what went wrong when they stuffed 35K in NO without any idea of food storage or how the hell are we going to get these people out. If you were stuck in a building for 5 days next to 300 dead bodies while you are starving to death I would love to hear you say something nice. The problem is the most of the town is black. Most of the people stuck are black. Most of the dead from lack of fast aid is black. Anyone jaded of the government will say that it doesn't like blacks. Everything up until the Bush doesn't like black people is dead on.


    A very small few are looting for TVs and they send in the National Gaurd to "kill on site" is extreme. Yes there are few reported raping, shooting choppers and buses. But that is a VERY small few and with a MASSIVE group going in to kill on site doesn't make the blacks in the area feel easy(what little left of them).


    However, I will not buy into any of the if this was in Greenwich, CT then they would all be saved bullshit. Because of the fact that the way the planned this is that they weren't in the business of saving lives, they were in the business of storing bodies...live ones and dead ones. Plus displacing 110K is alot easier than one of the 10 largest cities in America.

  14. DipSet are more party bangers than Ghostface. Ghostface gets a hell of alot of play here in the greater NYC area. But DipSet kill him in airtime. Nelly is the second biggest party rapper ever. EI, Tip Drill, NaNa NaNa, Flap Your Wings, and Where the Party At? are played almost nightly around here. Number 1 goes to Jay-Z. Big Pimpin, Hey Papi, ect. ect. ect. still get play like its 98 again.



    As for Kanye, his first album is great if you take away the skits. The second almost so far is great, as long as you take away the skits. The only two skits on the first album I liked are the ones surounding We Don't Care.


    Speaking of ROC, is it me or is it just a tad annoying how all but Jay-Z and Kanye seem to rap about the same fucking things? And then those two rap about the same things.
