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Posts posted by Perfxion

  1. He was shot AT 9 times, not HIT 9 times. He got hit once in the cheek and one in the ab region.


    As for this poll: what makes you think he is less popular. He is about to release a second CD and is making money hand over fist with anything that has G Unit on it. Don't forget his last CD sold 9.5 million. For an opening(mainstream) CD to sell that much is something that might never get topped.

  2. This is one I wrote about the internet


    Shes taken her top off

    laying down, view spread eagle

    What, free tour over?


    This is to follow this thread


    Angel was first name

    Did like me and cut down name

    Post whore he is, too.

  3. Let me throw some gas on this fire...


    1: Eminem is one of the top selling rap artist of all time. Not many have more sells than him. Off the top of my head I can only think of Jay-Z and Tupac. Not saying Eminem is the best rapper of all time. But he is fucking great, no question. Doubting his talent is not knowing what the fuck you are talking about. Eminem got a career for being white and being on Aftermath. Eminem kept a career for having good fucking talent. Over 30 million sold world wide and growing. He has made as money in the short time of his career as it took Jay-Z with like double the CDs and tours.


    HOWEVEr, he does rap music and gasp, NOT everyone likes rap. So people's opinions on the genre itself will make them blinding like or hate him on this alone.


    2: On the whole MJ thing. Michael Jackson is the top selling artist of all time. His album thriller sold a little over 58 million copies world wide. Bad sold over 40 million copies world wide. Off the wall sold over 19 million copies world wide. Dangerous sold a little over 12 million world wide. Thats 129 million copies sold world wide, NOBODY is touching that record for a while, if ever. Michael Jackson is the king of pop because of that. He is the man. Hell his worst selling album, "Blood on the dancefloor" sold only a million plus in the US and multi worldwide. Everything he touches goes Pt.


    HOWEVER, he does pop music and gasp, NOT everyone likes pop. Ditto what I said before, and his personal legal troubles are not helping matters. Michael isn't guilty of anything except getting a bad nose job. Nobody can label him anything else. He hasn't helped his case but still, he hasn't broken any laws yet, until a verdic is reached.


    3: Saying which one of the two is better is fucking stupid. They are two different things. It is like comparing apples and rocks. The only two comparing traits are that they both make music, and they both sell alot. That is it. End of discussion.


    4: Knowing rap around here, I do know that alot of rap fans hate Eminem because, well lets call a spade a spade, he is white making "White people's rap". His core fans are white teens to early 20s who listen to him in frat houses next to Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit. It is a fact, but most selling rappers are listen to by white teens to early 20s who listen to him in frat houses next to Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit. People like Common have talent, but doesn't make him liked by everyone, I think he is a great rapper, but not my style. I don't listen to him often enough to know all his albums and stuff. If he is on, I don't turn him off, but I don't give a shit enough to invest, time money or effort to listen to him. He is in my sig for being in a remix of Jadakiss song. I listen to Jadakiss, and put his verse in. I more stumbled across this one.


    5: People can have different opinions. Not everyone thinks windows is the worst thing to hit a computer. People in the early 80s saw rap as a fad that would die out like disco. Some saw it as the future of music. Opinions on what is good is different. Some people think artist like Hendrix, Elvis, Miles Davis, and Nirvanna suck. And who is to say they can't be wrong on that? Who is to say they can't be right. It is fucking subjective. Because he said something you don't fully agree with doesn't make him "A god damn fucking dumb shit that needs to have someone shit in his mouth". The problem with this folder is that anyone who likes anything off the "good" list in here is the worst person ever with the worst taste in music ever.


    6: BTW, if someone has noticed that no matter what they say and they are getting blasted for it, it doesn't mean they have nothing left in the tank. When everyone jumps in ONLY saying "You have no taste" What is left to say when hardly anyone is saying anything back. You can't have a one person debate(unless you are Kerry).

  4. This just sold another million CDs. And boo hoo, Eminem is crying because he lost the support of a washed up singer and a washed up actor. Both are crying the blues about something that is just a joke video. If michael and Steve wanted to revoke Em's "ghetto pass"(what the fuck is that anyways, he is more ghetto than both).


    Besides, the video wouldn't get much airplay on BET. It did show once or twice on 106 and Park, besides that show, no other show would show that video. It maybe rap, but rap city shows "Street Cred" videos only.

  5. I reformatted my PC and run Norton bi-weekly. My PC is clean. The problem is that I been hacked once on AIM. And I got around that problem with using a 12 alphanumeric password. I would, need to find out my old email address. Problem is I used to have a few hotmail accounts for my graphics holding, since stop using them, all are inactive.

  6. Someone stole my screen name Dynamite Kid714, it pisses me off not so much that I can't IM people on that name, is that I didn't save the buddylist and can't remember everyone's SN. I am trying to find a way to gain it back but it not showing under the email address that I signed the name under.


    How does one want to steal a screen name of mine, and why would they?

  7. A 200 GB disk is being used as the standard for the PS3? Just to put that into perspective, the whole collection of anything named MegaMan or Final Fantasy could be put onto the disk. With 200GBs of space, I would expect the best in visuals and sound. Hell, I expect huge games then that take 100 hours to beat minimum...

    200GB is good and all but 100 hours to beat a game? WHAT THE FUCK?!? Spending that long to beat a game is just tiring. I would get bored of it midway. See Vice City as an example of a game you get sick of playing before you finish beating it.


    Not every game has to be be like FFX-2.

  8. This track has Wycelf, Ashanti, Mary J, Fabolous, Jadakiss, Jaheim, Missy, Eve, Madonna, Brandy, Cindi Louper, Jamie Foxx, Babyface, ect ect.


    Its a good track, but does anyone do anything but just listen to it? Since like 1984( Christmas after All) there been dozens of these tracks but do anyone just get sick of the fact that 129 artist get together and make a track, then go back home to show it off on cribs? Can they atleast try to show off some kind of effort of caring?


    Anyone have a good track that had muliti artist for some "good cause"

  9. Racial mode on: Every first major song her releases is for white people who watch TRL to buy the CD. "My Name Is", "Real Slim Shady", "Purple P(H)ills", "Without Me", "My Band", and whatever the fuck this is called. All these songs fucking suck and all of these songs sell like crazy because its a white boy doing rap. But you think by now he can just release what he wants. Not having to do this stupid setup for each CD.


    Racial Mode off: His next few singles show off his talent. And his best work is never released off the CD, and for good reason. He would get banned from TV with it.

  10. Why I hate Electoral College/ Election Day:


    1: It is made so the people ARE NOT VOTING FOR THE PRESIDENT! It is voting for someone to vote for someone. If we didn't have a two party system, the House would be choosing the president as the Electoral College would make it impossible for a single person to win it.


    2: Dems in TX, WY, UT, AL, and LA; Reps in CT, NY, CA, MA, and NJ are all wasting their vote because they are not picking the president.


    3: The whole design of the Constitution is Anti-Majoritian. Meanings that the minority (Upper Class Elite) can control the majority (Lower and Middle Class) by not making them have a true voice. This is why we are a republic, not a democracy. We vote people to vote people in charge. And these people do not have to go by the popular vote of the people. Up until 1912, the only seats in Federal Government picked by the population were in the house. Now, all of congress is voted by the population. Wow, 1/3 of the government of the people is voted by the people.


    4: If someone gets 51% of the vote in a state, they win the state (DUH), but they then get the rest of the votes. Which is stupid because someone wins by lets say 500+ votes, they shouldn’t get the multi thousands of other voters that another person won.


    5: The popular vote means jack shit. 5 people can vote in the state of CT and it gets the majority of the states opinion on who should win.


    6: It’s a Tuesday when it isn’t a national holiday. So, some voters CAN NOT make it to the polls. It is as, mainly senior citizens and people who work 9-5 can vote in the elections. And there isn’t a law that people must vote, so a lot do not vote. Then they make a big deal that there is low voter turn-out. If you make the day a national holiday, then the voter turn-out will grow 10 fold.

  11. 1: Mix it up


    2: Either learn how to pass rush or cover D. A real person can't play both spots take or the other, then swtich later on.


    3: If all else fails the best defense is a good offense, be the 2000 Rams where you give up 30 or so points but score 40 or so.

  12. Delirious in a huge land slide.


    "Doc: Mr Johnson you have AIDS

    Johnson: You see my wife had kissed a fag on the lips and I must have got the AIDS that way.

    Doc: Suuure you're not a homosexual."


    "Norton How you would like to fuck me up the ass?

    I know that you know that I know that you want to fuck me up the ass.

    So when I bend over, start fucking"

  13. if the drive was 2 gigs then buy a new one, why waste 150 to 200 dollars on a shitty drive when you can buy one for less with upto 200 gigs on it. If you had one with atleast 20 gigs on it and you had 2 gigs left, unplug the drive from the PC, reboot, then restart and reattach it, the PC should do everything else needed.


    If all else fails, save all your files on to port. media(IE: Floppys, CDs, DVDs, Zip) and reformat the PC.
