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Posts posted by Perfxion

  1. Cena broke his wrist by doing the 5 knuckle shuffle too many times.


    *nobody laughs, only weird glances*


    What....what do you mean that wasn't funny?


    Ah well, But Cena should come back with a cast on his hand ala Cowboy Bob Orton. Turn heel and keep it on for about 8 months, because you know those arm injuries never heal.

  2. Well, WM1 was at the garden. The heart of the WWWF/WWF/WWE has been the Garden. They always go to the Garden. WM10 was at the Garden. It is more of a history thing. And have you heard a Warrior(SumS 88), Austin(SumS98), Rocky(Rum00), or Hogan(WM1) pop from the Garden? It is pretty fucking loud.

  3. WM1: Andre vs Studd, Bodyslam challenge

    WM2: Piper vs Mr T, Boxing Match

    WM3: Savage vs Steamboat. IC title match

    WM4: Strike Force vs Demoltion, tag title match

    WM5: Mr Perfect vs Owen Hart/Blue Blazer

    WM6: Ted Dibiase v. Jake Roberts

    WM7: Rockers vs Faces of fear

    WM8: Rick Martel vs Tatanka

    WM9: Steiners vs Headshrinkers

    WM10: Alundra Blayze v. Leilani Kai

    WM11: Bam Bam Bigelow v. Lawrence Taylor

    WM12: Diesel v. The Undertaker

    WM13: Bret Hart vs Austin, Submission match

    WM14: Taka Michinoku v. Mr. Aguilla LHW/CW title

    WM15: HHH vs Kane

    WM16: The Godfather & D-Lo Brown v. Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan

    WM17: Vince McMahon v. Shane McMahon

    WM18: Rocky vs Hogan

    WM19: Angle vs Brock Lesnar: WWE Championship


    Edited to fix the double post of Taka

  4. Just curious, which Wrestlemania has had the best buyrate (and likewise, the worst?)

    I believe WM3 wins with the highest number for a buyrate with 8.0. WM17 is the highest number of people with over3 million buys.


    Wrost buyrate goes to WM1 since it wasn't on PPV but a 1.1 Close Circuit. As for PPV only Mainas, I think it is WM13 getting a .77 buyrate.

  5. My opinion: These are the best matches in terms of workrate, NOT crowd response/money match(So now Hogan/Andre or Hogan/Rock).


    1: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat, WM 3: Greatest WWF match ever, number 3 on greatest match I ever seen(2: Misawa vs Kaweda from 94 and 1 being Steamboat vs Flair from Clash 6)


    2: Steve Austin vs Bret Hart, WM 13: This match help save this card from sucking and inadverting helped save the comp.


    3: Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon, WM10: Great match


    4: Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, WM10: The intro for Owen alone makes it cool. This match almost stole the show and it was the opener.


    5: Randy Savage vs Ultimate Warrior, WM7: The only reason to watch that PPV. Great match, great post storyline.


    6: Steve Austin vs The Rock, WM17: Overbooking in the ending that killed this match from being one of the greatest. Alothough 17 chairshots is an easy way to kill a person long enough for a three count.


    7: Randy Savage vs Ric Flair, WM8: Savage wins but still gets out booked by Hogan....AGAIN. Such is life, but this match ruled.


    8: Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage, WM5: Megapowers explodes and Savage carries Hogan to a good match. Savage was a god back in the late 80s to early 90s.


    9: TLC2, WM17: Gimmick spot fest that worked. Plus enough overbooking to make it different and still good.


    10: Benoit vs Angle, WM17(see I like this event?): Weird ending aside, the second best match these two ever had(Rumble03 being number 1).




    Knowing the WWE, if half these matches make it I will be suprised.

  6. Frigid, please will you stop acting like a little bitch. What you are saying BPP is doing, you are doing right now. You are like the 4 year old who had his toy taken away and is whining to everyone. You asked for the mods to be stripped from their powers because, ahem, they deleted your folder. This is sad, really sad. It got deleted from OAOAST because it was so tasteless. If anyone who has it wants to post it in here, fine, if not fine. It will not change anyone's life because it is AN E-FED ON AN INTERNET MESSAGEBOARD! It is not the end of someone's life for seeing any of it.

  7. Look at it this way:

    Universal owns aftermath.


    Dre owns Aftermath, and all artist on his label give a part of the profit to him. Shady records is owned by Eminem, but under Aftermatch.


    Eminem gets all profit from Shady records. IE artist like: 50 Cent, Obie Trice, and D-12. G Unit is owned by 50 Cent, but under Shady/Aftermatch.


    50 Cent gets all profits from G-Unit records. IE artist like: Young Buck, Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo, BG, and G-Unit. It helps get a profit off their own music by producing it. That is why 50 Cent is the producer of "Beg for Mercy".


    Def Jam is harder since it (1)Def Jam, (1.5)Def South, (1.5)Def Soul (1.5)Island Def Jam (2)Roc-a-fella , (2)Ruff Ryderz (3)D-Block[under ruff] (2.5)Dessert Storm, (3) State Prop[under roc], (3) Bleek's label[under roc], ect. ect. ect.

  8. He raised money and have attention from the media for a few weeks. Dean got attention for being different, wasn't really the leader. Polls back then showed that most dems didn't even know who was running. One name they cought doesn't mean major front runner. Hell there were alot of stories on Shaprton around here, doesn't mean he is a major disaster. Sharpton was even on SNL. In fact, this is working well for Sharpton's plan. Stick around long enough to get atleast speaking time at the DNC.

  9. Lets see if I can get a rap discussion here on TSM...


    I got the Kanye West CD the other day, It is now one of me favs in the last few years. Excluding the skits, the CD is near flawless. Not one bad song on the whole CD and nothing that most people bash about rap is on the CD.


    Fav 5 tracks are: "We Don't Care"(with the first two skits makes this fucking funny), "Jesus Walks", "Get Em High", "Through the Wire", and "Never Let Me Down"


    I would rate this better than 50's CD easily. I would put this on Jay's Reasonable Doubt as in a great CD that might get sleeped on by people.

  10. And anyway, what does surgery have to do with it? (Since you brought it up.) Or hormone "therapy?" Or anyone's beliefs, come to that? Who in the blue hell cares whether you think you're a woman? Were you born with a dick? Do you have a Y chromosome? Fine, you're a goddamn man, and nothing's ever going to change that, and I don't give a flying fuck if you want to say you're a woman or a toaster oven, you're a man and a human being despite your almost inhuman stupidity and I'll see you in hell before I refer to you as "she" or "her." Jesus Christ this kind of monumentally surreal nonsense pisses me off, not just as a conservative but as a writer with great respect and affection, even love, for the English language. You're not only trying to turn society on its head, you're trying to make words themselves utterly devoid of meaning.

    Well, yes and no. You are right about biological meaning of a man and a woman. True enough. But comes down to this, in this country we have the freedom to go from man to woman and back. We have the freedom to get a tattoo of a person's name and then get rid of it when we feel like it. We have all these rights. And the English language is so fucked up now that there is atleast 4 majors versions(UK, US, AUS, and bad) spoken and written at a given time. It does not matter. It a personal issue. If someone or something wants to be a man then a woman or an it, so be "it".


    A marriage is between a man and a woman. I could say the sky is green and redefine "green" to mean "blue," but that doesn't mean I'd be right except in my own special little world where I'd imagine reality conforms to my rules. And that's precisely what you blithering idiots are trying to do.


    The problem is the sky isn't blue. At night, it looks right black, on a rainy day it looks a shade of grey. On a very sunny day it is blinding by the yellow. At sun rise and sun set purple and red take over. The sky changes its "defined" meaning, why can't marriage? Marriage is a religious notion that came into goverment. Just like we follow two or three of the 10 Comandments. It isn't a secular rule. If Germany is going to make a law allowing gay marriages why can't the US? Are they less civil. Civil Unions/Marriages do not need to follow religious laws when the goverment gets involved.

  11. I'll ask you a little question, then:


    Suppose gay marriage is totally legal.

    Ok, I will answer each one....


    Think of a reason that woul stand up in court why polygamy should be illegal?


    All marrriage laws state that ONE person can only marry ONE other person. Laws state you can't marry more than one person


    Why 15 year olds shouldn't vote?

    Comes down to an issue of matureity. It is stated that way only because at 18 you are allowed to fight for this country, you gain the rights to vote. 15 year olds aren't old enough for a draft. They also don't have the responseablity of driving down well enough to let them vote. It is also a CONSENT issue since they are minors and can not consent to anything without their parents involved.


    Why 15 year olds shouldn't drink?

    Again, consent. You need to be an adult to drink in this country for a reason. The laws will not change that. They dropped it down to 18 back in the early 70s and everyone saw how well that worked out.


    We MUST be allowed some arbitrary laws. If not, you have a hard time banning or forbidding anything.


    And, don't even go with the "Who'd argue for this?" line because you and I both know there WILL be people who WOULD argue for it?


    This is a serious question. And, keep in mind, you must come up with reasons that would stand up in court after this decision --- which means possible birth defects are totally out.



    You forget one thing, one major thing. It is the 14th admendment. If you forgot how it goes here it is.


    Amendment XIV



    Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


    That spells that you can not ban a marriage of two people based off of race, gender, or sexual preference.. This pretty much means laws of taxes do not override allowing people the same freedoms as others. If it is a tax issue about money, then you either ban tax cuts due to marriage, or you get rid of goverment in marriages, or you let homosexual marry due to laws of the above.

  12. Since you are in England, you might not know too well about our Constitution. The second amendment was made BECAUSE of England and their anti-gun laws. This country will never ban a person from owning a Windchester. This country will ban a person owning an AK-47. You see the difference here? One is a weapon that only slaughters, the other could be used for hunting. Gun control to alot of Americans is two fingers on the trigger.


    You are right about murders by shooting in England going down with anti gun laws. They just stab each other to death.

  13. If this guy is a leader of blacks in America, then the Grand Wizard KKK is a leader of whites. Whites don't have a race leader, why do you thinnk blacks have one or need one?


    As for Timberlake hosting Motown, the black radio around here basicly said "If Janet gets the boot from the grammys, Timberlake will get the boot here. He ripped it off, he should get the blame"

  14. As a black person, I would rule that option A is used since I find the word VERY racist. THere is no good way to say it. There is only hate. The word is hate pure in simple. If I was a mod, even jokingly, I would pull the ban trigger. Bottomline, the word is wrong. Let it go, because for some reason DH just hopes he can one day say the n bomb.

  15. Ok, since you made it hard...


    Fast to slow to be sweet to be loving to make loving.


    112 - "So Into You"

    Luther - "Never Too Much"

    Janet - "Thats the Way Love Goes"

    Donell Jones - "You Know That I love You"

    Keith Sweat - "Make It Last"

    Jon B - "They Don't Know"

    K-Ci and Jo-Jo - "All My Life"

    Jagged Edge - "Promise"

    Boyz II Men - "On Bending Knee"

    R Kelly - "I Can't Sleep"

    LL Cool J - "I Need Love"(Its rap but it works)

    112 - "Cupid"

    Jon B - "Now Wit You"

    Janet - "Would You Mind"

    Boyz II Men - "I'll Make Love To You"


    Older tracks to add to make good songs


    Favortie older tracks would be


    Jackson 5 - "Who's Loving You"

    Al Green - "Lets Stay Together"

    New Edition - "Lost In Love"

    New Edition - "One More Day"

    New Edition - "Still In Love"

    Marvin Gaye - "Lets Get it On"

    Marvin Gaye - "Sexual Healing"

    Marvin Gaye - "You're All I Need To Get By"

    Stevie Wonder- "Knocks Me Off My Feet"

    Stevie Wonder - "Ribbin In the Sky"

    Stevie Wonder - "As"

    Stevie Wonder - "17"

    Rick James & Teena Marie - "Fire & Desire"

    Temptations - "My Girl"

    Temptations - "Who's Loving You"

    Earth Wind and Fire - "Reasons "

    Earth Wind and Fire - "After The Love Is Gone"

    Michael Jackson - "PYT"

    Michael Jackson - "I just stop loving you"

    Michael Jackson - "Remember the time"

    Michael Jackson - "Butterflies"

    Luther - "here and now"

    Luther - "Power of Love"

    Luther - "The Glow of Love"

    Luther - "Power of Love"
