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Posts posted by Perfxion

  1. Here is an idea off the top of my head. Spilt the WWE folder into two folders.


    1 - News, Interviews, recaps, OAO RAW threads, and the like.


    2- WWE general chat. Where all the opinions on wrestlers and all poll like questions go.


    It would split all the shit up. So all the problems people have with the folder are adressed rather quickly. But some of the rules will still work for both folders. And to add it up, add the wrestling polls folder since it was built to kind of wade this problem.

  2. The Smarks board had a GC like chats going in their flaming folder because there wasn't a GC, so all threads of the like went where it needed to go. Most of the shit in that folder was GC shit and posting cliques. The few flames in there were less than a page of flames with more of the shit being bullshit.


    On this board lately, more threads in NHB/HD have nothing to do with flames. They are really GC shit in a different folder. Current Events gets better arguments going. It is mostly people who don't want to lose a hangout spot that has nothing to do with flaming. Besides, the good Doc has it right. Flaming is a weak attack. Most of the big shit to get a person banned is death threats(The Game), racism(The Brain), and the raped and found dead in a dtich(PerfectPlex). Most of the bullshit in HD is just bullshit. Even all the shit banky does, most of it is him having a good time and people taking this messageboard shit way too serious. Besides the SQL errors that that place brings up and the free memory from bullshit not killing the board, I can't think of other reasons to get rid of it.

  3. The two problems with the WWE folder is:


    1- that half of the threads should be in general wrestling. All the who was the most over, who is the best, why Benoit rules/doesn't rule.


    2- too many damn threads of the same shit. On a good monday night, three or four threads on RAW. PPV have on avrage of 4 or 5. Any news item has four or 5 people posting it. And worse of all SD spoiler threads being about anything but spoilers. So you end up having like 3 of them cause everyone is sick of wading through the bullshit.

  4. Well since it is a govermental entity and by MA law it says any two PEOPLE(not man and woman, not woman and woman, not man and man) it is well within the right of the judges to state that banning gay marriages in the state of MA as UN-Constitutional. It is ILLEGAL ONLY IN MA for gay marriages not to be allowed.


    Judges are within law to make a ruling based on the lawbooks and constitution of the state(either Country or State, doesn't matter in the case). They can not make new laws, just denouce or enforce said rules. IE: Grandfather clause being UC because it violated the 15th amendment. Seeing that NOWHERE in the Constitution speaks on the subject gay marriage, either it falls under the 10th amendment, being that it is only a STATE issue(Roe vs Wade should have ruled this way) or it is denouced since congress doesn't have the power over this issue. That being said, I just hope it stays a state issue.

  5. ABC did one of these JFK things back in November. And it reaired durring X-mas on the History channel. This show did have atleast 6 major theories told (Lone Gun-Man, Mafia, CIA, Cuba, Russia, and Grassy Knoll). It findings was Oswald acted alone, and was a marksman. He had a good shot. And there is no magic bullet. Gov was sitting bellow and further inside from the President.

  6. yes and no.


    nigger is a racist word towards blacks. It still holds all past aggression and illthought to blacks.


    Nigga has two meanings. It is either an over used word among blacks(Either in music, on TV, on streets, in movies, ect. ect.) that now some other races adpoted to use which is dumb on all accounts. The second is the racist meaning that nigger has, only misspelled.


    90% of the world HATES both words and is a reason both are edited out on most TV shows except Dave Chapelle.



    Tony: <Insert wrestler> with a massive back leg front kick to <insert wrestler>.


    Knowing how they did Dynamite Kid and Hogan, Sting will be both the crow and the Cali blonde.


    Also, with the room still left open, they can and might add more wrestlers, I hope the Midnight Express get in it. And some puro stars, if they can get them. Seeing NJPW and AJPW do make games and some comps already own rights.

  8. The point of terrorism is the change another person's or country's lifestyle so they can feel safe. IE: KKK making black males hide at night so if the KKK comes storming in, blacks do not have to worry about being killed.


    Personal freedom is what makes this world worth living. I am not going to give up my rights so The Man can "protect" me, while I can simply die hitting my head on the bathtub after slipping on the soap. Shit can happen, why be scared of what can happen.

  9. The problem with Zero Tolerence is like that one epp of Boston Public where the kid gets the full monty on pills to prevent his studdering problem. The second problem is that you put a bunch of kids on the street doing nothing better for themselves. Now, they hang out with those not in school. Soon you got these groups of kids doing not a god damn thing and only bad will lead from it. Whether is is crime, or just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    Drugs are bad, helping these kids break these habbits is more important than just kicking them out of the system. Not every town is like here where you have 1 private school, atleast two public schools, a magnet school, and a school for troubled youth at ALL levels. Other places have it that you are ending up fucking the lives of these kids. Suspend them for four weeks and send them into drug rehab, co-payed by their parents/gaurdians.

  10. We see a few theads in here of crimes committed by people under the age of 16. We heard of many crimes done by youth. Three major crimes is the DC sniping, School schootings, and Lionel Tate. Should these be treated as adults? Should these people be treated as minors?


    Few things to think about:


    1- Upkeeping. Their parents raised them to do these acts. Or, you can say didn't raise them.


    2- Pop Culture. If you see your TV heros like 50 Cent and Stone Cold being against the law and acting bad ass. Do you see it as just TV or as people leading people down the wrong lines?


    3- Legal system. Each state is different, what age does adult crimes begin and child crimes end.


    4- What is an adult in this country?


    My opinion: If you need to be 18 to smoke, go to the arm forces, and vote; you need to be 21 to drink; most states it is 16 to have sex; You can legally stop going to school at 16 in most states; when are you a true adult? If you aren't old enough to do adult things, why are you old enough to be tried as an adult?


    Pop Culture and Parents play a big part. If a person is brought up that drugs and guns are bad. They will more than likely not be into drugs and not shoot people. IE: At a young age your parents teach you to use guns. Then not tell you that it is wrong to use them on people. Then when a soilder gets near you, you need up a story like this. Or you watch TV and see clips of every rapper talking about how cool a cokehead is and that he is their idol. People are going to come up thinking crimes are not a bad thing. Parents were blamed for the Colobime shootings. They didn't watch their kids enoguh. It is true but it the full answer?

  11. "Dead Presidents", "Takeover", "Renegade", "My 1st Song", "Politics as Usual". But I think "Brooklyn's Finest" and "Moment of Clarity" are his best ones.


    But as far as selling goes, hands down goes to "Hard Knock Life". Completely different and completely hot.

  12. Doing a quote from a TV show or a movie is one thing. Rapping on with Jay-Z and 50 is another thing. Two whites in a school saying "Nigga did you see the Superbowl. Janet was tite. She showed her tit." That is disrespectful. Having a Hispanic, white, or any other race calling someone a nigga is disrespectful. A black saying it is disrespectful. The word is disrespectful. Using it in Comedy is one thing, using it to describe someone is just plain wrong. It is fucked up that we even need to have this discussion. The word should stay with the racist terms like Wetback, gook, Jap, and other racist terms not used anymore except as racist terms.

  13. I thought it was dumb to have everyone do mini part of songs. Why Nelly and Diddy doing "Shake Your Tailfeather" to you know, do atleast one full song. Why not Janet doing one song, Kid Rock able to sing more than one verse of each song. And Justin getting a little more time.


    BTW: It could have been a tassle, that looked too big to be a nipple ring. Jesus christ, she most have a steel pipe for a nipple if that was a ring.

  14. Not really, because he is still living, just with no connection to the outside world. Current prisions give better life to prisioners than to lower class people. In CT they have gyms, HUGE libaries, Cable TV, great heathcare, great dental, ect. While some people in this country can't afford any of these. This giving him a prision without most of these "perks" is what is needed.
