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Posts posted by Perfxion

  1. Maybe a world of difference, but you are saying the Supreme Court getting involved in the law making(or disbanning) is wrong. So, by your logic, the case I pointed would be wrong of them doing it. Roe vs Wade isn't the Supreme Court going out of line, it proves that the US or no State Constitution had previsions for this. So they were not Un-Constitution. How is that stepping out of its duties?

  2. Mike, so you are saying when a state or country makes laws that goes against the Constitution of either the state or the United States, that the Supreme Court can not shoot it down as being Un-Constitution? So by this logic, Jim Crow laws should have been delt by the states even though they go against the 14th Amendment. Knowing that most of these states would NEVER change these laws. So how the fuck is there a check and balance if the Supreme Court isn't allowed to do its job?

  3. Don't pretend to assume that the Europeans who came to America to work in factories were ANY better off than slaves. They died in shocking numbers and their lives, arguably, were of LESS value to their bosses than slaves were to their masters (seeing as how slaves were property while labor was an astonishingly easily replacable commodity).


    Doesn't make it good --- but it is the sad truth.


    Um, being consider property is a million times worse. Because as soon as these factory workers(US born or not) were considered citzens, they had rights backed by the laws of this land. Slaves had NOTHING! They were treated worse than shit. Scott vs Stanford layed out the law that slavory was allowed because blacks were considered property. And as property have no laws of protection. Thus it made it perfectly legal to kill a slave. Factory workers dieing, while bad, still had it better. It is a reason why these groups were able to move up the social ladder so fast. As Ripper et al said, they were not black. You seem not to gasp this problem. These groups had it better for this. Name one case in the supreme court where they were basically law bound to be treated like complete and utter shit?

  4. Um, mainstream music does not suck. The problem with it is this, as Gooddear said, you are too old for it. My mom thought alot of the mainstream music of the 80s and 90s suck when it was stuff like Guns and Rose, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Grangsta Rap, P-Funk Rap, Hair bands, Boy Bands, ect. ect. Some people are just too old to like the stuff greared towards younger people. Reason people said GnR sucked is because they were a hairband(true) and no different from the whitesnakes of that time. There is always good music out, it just not what you like. And the reason most of you don't like it is because you stuck to the music you grew up to, which is heavier metal, hair-bands, grundge/Alt. Rock music.

  5. This theory is so flawed because alot of crap came out in the good time peroids, and alot of good came out in the Bad time peroids. This whole thing is a crock of shit. You can name so many good albums to come out all over this time peroid and this only looks at what, heavy/Alt. rock? Because other genres existed. It may not be maystream, but alot of good comes out all over the place. Just because your style of rock isn't big, doesn't mean that era sucks(IE: right now).

  6. We are now about 40 years removed from when racism was written LAW in this country. 2-3 generations tops. The progress has been wonderful despite what the media tells you(speaking of the media, its funny how you will use magazines and such as sources when they support your argument, but everything else is lying crap if it doesn't...hmm...).


    Wasn't it mostly contained in the South? I really don't remember any laws in Michigan restricting blacks, nor out west. Please don't claim it was law everywhere when it really wasn't.


    My argument is, while racism isn't dead, it isn't the problem anymore. That's stuck on mainly an individual level and will become more and more scarce as we move forwards. The main problem is the idea that everyone is still a racist and that the system will always be geared against you so you won't be able to succeed without help. The whole "thug" thing that is really prevailant among inner-city kids (Not rap music).

    Well, it wasn't something that was only in the south. It was a problem in the North too. It wasn't as big as a problem because black labor was cheap. Example of racsim in the North, durring the Great Depresson, all major work done in this country that had Empire State Building, George Washington Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Hoover Dam, Grand Coolie(sp?) dam, ect had no blacks working for it. It was GOVEREMENT projects that used racism to only give jobs to white males and Native Americans for high rise jobs since "they had no fear of hights and rail walking".


    I forget which state it was, could very well be Michigan, but they had two law schools. A Black law school and a white law school. The case went to the state supreme court because the blacks complained that if it is going to be seperate but equal, the school would need to have two complete libaries for the students to use. Since no school could afford to stock two, they had to intergrate the law schools.


    Now as for the debate on the merits of Rap, well, since I am a big fan of both rock and rap I like rap more for its lyrics, but not to say all rock songs don't have good lyrics. I like rock more for the "music" part, as in not the lyrics. But not to say rap can't have good riffs and drum lines. I find hybrids to be good but never really have both in well, sans Rage Against The Machine. As for Rap not being real music, the only people who say that are people who don't listen to rap. I have had neighbors say that line of bullshit before and well, now they are all big rap fans because they opened their ears and listen to what was said. Now only if people here could do that.

  7. So let me get this straight: you're taking offense at a caricature of one ethnic group while simultaneously defending a caricature of another as perfectly justifiable because you believe it reflects reality, and then you're calling everyone else a racist? Gotcha.

    Um, no, I am not saying it is "Kosher". It is a fact that the major jewels are Jewish. I am not saying all are but try to get a good diamond ring on Yam Kippor. I am not saying that the whole industry is Jewish, but alot of the major ones are. That is all. I am not saying it is ok to make fun of it. I am stating a fact.


    And the rest of what you said can easily be stated as this: You are just a fucking moron. You get on someone for thinking a game with a big lipped black guy with a 40 and a gun on the cover is racist is wrong and full of hypocrisy. Yet, it is ok for you to flame a guy who says and follows his religious beliefs while you state your Christian beliefs as well. Ok, makes perfect sense.

  8. My 2cents.


    I: Racism isn't dead. It will never die. Racisim isn't as big as it was 30 years ago. It might never ever reach that level. But there are many racist groups out there. It is better in the deep south than it is in the North. Racism in the deep south is people who tell you they don't like you. Or it is people they physically show it. That is why racist actions in the south is on a deciline. Because there isn't much to protest about. Everyone sees the fence and knows what side to stand on. It is worst in a North because people don't tell you. The rare times the KKK shows its face in the North, everyone is all hidden. Nobody admits who they are. .They seldom talked, (check out the the story of Waterbury, CT being the last city in CT to celebrate MLK day. If I can find it, I will edit this post). So racism isn't as right in your face. (Proof of racism, Channel 8 WTNH ABC did a story/package called "True Colors" and showed a black and a white person going for the same job, asking for a buck for the bus, ect. ect. ect. ect as the 20/20 but atleast said it took longer to fill up the package). The problem with racism is that while most blacks know about it and move on. Some use it as crutch. SOME blacks feel they want their 40 archers and a mule. But SOME(like myself) blacks think the whole idea of repperations from tax payers is silly because since all Citizens are tax payers, one would pay more taxes to get a little back and pay taxes on that as well. Waste of time and money.


    II: Racial profiling is wrong. If you want to go by the numbers of people who speed. They are young males, OF ALL COLORS. And if you want to go by the numbers, more whites speed the blacks on the simple reason of there are more whites than blacks. The is the fact of life. Of crimes COMMITTED, more whites do them than blacks. Of crimes CONVICTED, there are more blacks than whites. What RP tries to do is get convictions by following "Suspects" with out prop cause and bust on the minoriest of things. Then to see it is a young black male, so there must be drugs. Just because a person listens to Jadakiss doesn't mean they push crack. Just because a person listens to cobain, doesn't mean they are going to kill themselves. I am not saying all people in jail show by freed(except YAYO), but something is fucked up when most convictions go to blacks. Could it be a money issue(difference between a good lawyer, a bad lawyer and a public defender is weather you go away or not, weather you are guilty or not) , could it be a racist issue(if a judge finds it funny that a he is dressed like a black man who is a convict, when you are standing trail, how are you going to feel if he is deciding your fate). There are better ways to catch people than racial profiling. I have an easy idea. If a car is speeding in traffic, then catch that person. If a person is weaving in and out of traffic, then catch that person. If a car is going 58 ina 55 zone and they aren't doing anything but the car is full of blacks don't follow it for a few miles because you believe someone is high.


    III: Afrimative Action to a degree is needed. Here is the better way to do Afrimiative Action. Make ALL kids go to pre-school. Stamford has a program where all kids must go to pre-school. It was made to curb AA in the town by making all kids go on the same footing. All companies in this town are forced to do equal-opp employment. Which means if you are black or white, it doesn't matter it is how well your shit matches to another. AA was made because after Jim Crow was just made illegal, you have a few generations of blacks just screwed over. Because Jim Crow was a problem ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY, that blacks when second class everywhere. It isn't easy(at the time) to be on the same level as whites because education(just speaking public) was that black schools were worse off than white schools. Now. If black schools are worse off, SATS will show that blacks will not be on the same level as whites. With the lower SAT scores, how the fuck do you expect blacks to get into college? It isn't as cut and dry as people think. Jim Crow laws really fucked up the ENTIRE black race. Without AA, it would be another form of segeration because blacks with less chances for equal rights in job hunting and education would have nothing. So it takes another generation. So lets say there was no AA, which started in what? 1970-2? Ok, everyone born from 1968 to Now would be on equal education funding. What about all the parents and grand parents who are still alive and working? How do you help them get a chance? You have two working generations just stuck in a pile of shit called Jim Crow. Forced Intgration wasn't done in some areas until as a late as 1970(VA law). AA did was make it so people who were shitted on have a chance. Now adays AA isn't in practiced in some areas. It is by equal chance. It is not a quota, though some places have it as such. It takes generations to erase the problems of Jim Crow. The goverment wanted to clean it up stat. The problem with AA is that some places and/or some people abuse it. Some places hire Token to look good, which still goes on today. They look for quota scale. Some people scream racism to get hired and then do jack shit. An old thread on this showed blacks fresh off the civil rights movement sticking it to the man because he had the law on his side. Some places ban AA because it isn't fair while some places need it(like the never talked about black employers who only hire blacks). It isn't going to go away anytime soon until employers all over(of all races) are fair to everyone.


    IV: Now the whole debate on what the problems with blacks are. While Papacita stated there are many problems. MikeSC acts like all blacks are the problem. And Spicy thinks it is just as bad to make fun of a tall person than for a white person to put on black makeup. There are many problems with black America as a whole. But not all blacks are for hand-outs. There are alot of us(wow, picture this) that don't give a shit about what Jesse Jackson says. I know it is shocking to some of you. Black leaders lead such a small group. Most blacks don't care. Al Sharpton is needed on small issues so change is made. He isn't need to become president. There won't be a black male president for a while. Olddie but goodie: The closeest to a black president there will be is Bill Clinton. The 5 major problems with black America from being on par with white America:


    1: Black Leaders - these people help, but are just as bad as good. NAACP helps all with college. But screams racsim is Billy goes expelled for smoking weed in the public school's bathroom.


    2: Jim Crow/Enslavement - We all should about this.


    3: Entertainment/Media - Jadakiss speaks to a small group of black people. Will Smith speaks to a MUCH larger group. Media goes for Jadakiss because he talks about the ghetto hard life. But on the other hand, people like Tupac and Ice-T were rapping about the life they grew up and saw. LL Cool J only raps about love. It is just that all get grouped together because rap is nothing but thugs and hoodlims.


    4: Blacks who do not want to move on from the past - There are a lot, but most blacks do not fall into this group. This group is small group that holds onto it. The problem is that this group gets amost all the media on black America. Blacks for the most part moved on.


    5: There is ZERO black unity or community. Blacks un-like Irish, Asians, or Jews that came to this country do not have that feeling of their past. There past coming to this country is on a wooden ship with chains. There isn't a black link to Africa because those links where broken on the ships to this country. That is a big one. As bad as it was for Asian Americans, there is a way to link to their past from another county and move on together. They made something for themselves and kept a bond to the mother country. Name one country you can say a group of blacks came from? Except for the Islanders that came lately, most blacks do not have a link in the past.


    These are the problems for black America. Those are the major ones. It isn't just blacks are hurting blacks. It is the above. Now, anyone who disputes needs to first be reminded that what you see on TV isn't all of Black America.


    V: History of Africa would be better without Colonalization. For proof, let me quote a Nas song that tells the truth, just faster than I could:

    Be, be, 'fore we came to this country

    We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys

    It was empires in Africa called Kush

    Timbuktu, where every race came to get books

    To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans

    Asian Arabs and gave them gold when

    Gold was converted to money it all changed

    Money then became empowerment for Europeans

    The Persian military invaded

    They learned about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred

    Africa was almost robbed naked

    Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships

    Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went

    He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces

    Shot up they nose to impose what basically

    Still goes on today, you see?

    If the truth is told, the youth can grow

    They learn to survive until they gain control

    Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes

    Read more learn more, change the globe

    Before Africa was taken over by British and et al rule, the place was much better than it is now. How can anyone say the place is better off now when such things like Small pox didn't exist until whites came. And how the fuck can it be good when EVERY major diamond field is owned by whites from America and Europe? AIDS shouldn't even be brought up because that problem would be big no matter where you are. Africa was a more peaceful place before the white man, and was fucked over Afterwards. For more proof look at South Africa.

  9. The game is completely racist. It has all pics of black people with big lips, all they are doing is getting high and drinking 40s. They are sex crazed and buying stolen prop. It is just a complete slap in the face to all blacks. You know, not all blacks in the world want to be reminded of the ghetto. Games like this paint blacks as being in the ghetto. And if you try to say it doesn't why does every black person in the game look like a KKK picture of MLK that they show on their websites? And the other races in the game....well, almost all major jewelers in the World are JEWISH. No suprise, the mexican joint is because some hispanics live next to blacks in the "hood", ie: Spanish Harlem. The Oriental massage place. Well no matter where you go in the country the typecast of Asain Americans is that they love to be your servent in said places. The game isn't just poking fun at the ghetto-stereotypes. The game is poking fun at blacks. Three games poking fun at blacks. That is overkill. THe game is a complete racist game. bottomline. It is a joke and anyone who doesn't see the crap involved in it is just as stupid as the makers of this game. And for a major clothing chain to carry it is a bigger slap in the face.


    And The "Don't be a men...." Well, the movie and all others like it are called blackspoitations. They are funny movies but all they show are ghetto and hood blacks selling drugs and drinking 40s because they are lazy fucks. They are complete sexed crazed and always have that one chick on walfare with the 30 kids who she doesn't know who their daddy is. These movies do more to hurt blacks than helping the few get into hollywood. I rather take 30 movies like the Wood or Sprung over this crap. The end result is the only blacks really getting a shot into movies is if they get drunk or high for most of the money and the good guys steal the money for the druggies(the first two Fridays).

  10. Stupid fans are the worst. It doesn't matter what genre it is. THey all fucking suck. Rap fans who don't know about sampling. Rock fans that blindy hate rap even when their favorite groups rap their lyrics. Metal and Indy fans that say anything top 40 is crap. MTV fans that say anything non mainstream is crap. People who can't stand that people like Coldplay, Creed, Cleine Dion, 50 Cent, Brit ect. ect. Anyone that calls any group "Sellouts". Rap fans that think D-Block and the like is true hip-hop and that Nelly and Diddy aren't hip-hop. Older people who think all rap sucks. Older people that hate everything past 1981. Anyone who calls any group overrated(looking at a lot of people on this board right now). Anyone who thinks pop music sucks because the artist "are puppets of the record comps". Anyone who says Linkin Park sucks because they are "BSB with gutairs". Any old school rock fans that think they 60s and 70s was all about the music excluding the drugs and war going on. Old school fans of many genres that hate RnB, Rock, and Rap now adays because it talks about sex too much, but own every CD of Barry White. People who say this is "White music" and this is "Black Music". Country fans that won't give rap one second. Rap fans that won't give country a second. Artist who make "White Music" and "Black Music" for their fans to be dumb enough to think music is only for some races.. Women who think rap and rock degrades women yet is blind to the million women trying to be Miss Applebottom. And finally, for now, Men who think RnB is nothing but male bashers while listening to a 2 Live Crew CD.

  11. ::Zack watches as Jay is bleeding all over his "love bus" while Ripper and Marney view what happenend::


    Ripper: Jesus christ! What the fuck?!?


    Marney: Where the hell did that come from?


    Zack: Shit, my love bus! This sucks, I just cleaned this shit.


    Marney: Well, that car had a UConn sticker, but I didn't get the number. I think it was unmarked.


    Ripper: Well, lets get this shit moving and find that fucker.


    BPP: You know I onced saved the board.


    Marney: If he says that again, we are going to one less member.


    Zack: Marney, just start the shit lets get going.


    :: Marney starts the van and drives off following the way the car went ::


    Ripper: Is Jay ok? He doesn't seem to be well.


    Zack: I don't know but his blood is pissing me off. You know how much it cost for this detail job?


    BPP: My dream I had was good.


    Marney: Pass me a gun, if he utters a word, he is dead.


    :: Jay wakes up::


    Jay: I feel sick....


    ::pukes bloods and dies::


    Ripper: I think he is dead. SHIT! We lost him.


    BPP: We didn't lose the board once...


    ::Marney puts the car in park and slaps the living shit of Popick puts the car back in drive and goes back on the road::


    Marney: That feels much better.


    Ripper: We are near the highway, it is only two hours through CT.


    Zack: Who would want to shoot us?


    Marney: Hell if I know, but when I find out. I will kill that fucker.


    Ripper: We have few bullets. We need bullets. We only have enough in this one gun.


    Zack: Well, where can we get bullets?


    Ripper: Um....how about....


    ::The car that shot the van up is parked on the side of the road::


    Marney: That fucker, there it is. Get me the gun.


    Ripper: You drive, I'll shoot.


    ::the car turns on::


    Marney: Can this shit go any faster? I am hitting 70 and he is just down there. I want to get back at that fucker.


    Ripper: Yeah, that piece of shit killed Jay....


    ::Jay sits up with blood stop pouring::


    Jay: Who?


    Ripper: WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!


    Zack: How, the.....what the.....shit, I am too sober for this.


    ::Marney gets closer the car::


    Marney: Ripper, get your aim ready.


    Ripper: Don't worry about me. I won't fire until I see the whites...


    Marney: Of the their eyes!


    Ripper: Who's eyes?


    Marney: Don't fire until you see t....fuck it, shoot the fucking car.


    ::Car starts to pull off but dies::


    Marney: YES! easy target, We are going to....


    ::engine cuts off::


    Marney:: God damnit.


    Zack: Why is all this happening to me? And where is the fucking booze?


    Ripper: Ah well, I'l shoot anyways.


    ::A man pulls out of the car with an AK-47 and aims::


    Zack: shit, duck.


    ::everyone ducks but Jay. The man shoots the van hitting only Jay, AGAIN::


    Man: Shit. Only one person.


    :: Opens up more rounds into the Van. Ripper puts his hands up and shoots towards the car making the shooter stop. Ripper and Marney split the bullets and walk out. Going right to the guy::


    Marney: Drop the weapon or taste lead.


    Man: Shut the fuck up, ho.


    Ripper: She isn't a ho, but you will die.


    Man: Do you even know why I shot at that van?


    Ripper: Because you want to keep the brother-man down?


    :: Zack comes out::


    Zack: What the fuck?! You know what you did to my car. I should kill you right now.


    ::Man points gun at his nuts::


    Man: You where saying?


    Zack: Marney help me!


    Marney: Lose your nuts, I don't care for them.


    ::Ripper points gun at the man's nuts::


    Zack: Thank you ripper. And,....FUCK YOU MARNEY~!


    Ripper: Fuck this bullshit, who the fuck are you?


    Zack: Yeah, who the hell are you?


    Marney: What is your fucking name?


    Man: Everywhere I goooo, people want to know, who I am. So I tell them. This is MX, mighty mighty MX.


    Marney: ....Right.


    Ripper: MX......ah, I know.


    MX: Yeah, thats why I didn't shoot you.


    ::pulls up gun::


    Marney: Who the fuck are you pointing at?


    MX: You, bitch.


    ::Marney cocks gun and points it at MX's head::


    MX: Put that gun down right now or you won't see the next second.


    Ripper: You killed my boy, I should kill you now.


    Zack: You fucked my van. You shall die.


    MX: All three of you will die then....


    ::BPP walks out of the Van and walks over to others::


    BPP: Hey MX, did you know I saved the board?


    ::MX and Marney both shoot BPP in his left arm::


    MX and Marney: SHUT THE FUCK UP~!


    Ripper and Zack: Jesus Christ!


    Ripper: Fuck this. We need to get to New York.


    MX: I was payed by a person to kill Marney..


    BPP: That hurt, fuckers.


    Marney: You payed you?


    MX: I am not at liberty to say.


    Marney: Say it. You piece of shit.


    MX: I won't say, but....


    BPP: I demans a sorry for that shooting.


    MX: Fuck off, but Marney....he goes by TM.


    Marney: TM....McClelland! That bastard! Look I will pay you not to kill me, as soon as we get to Dames.


    MX: Fine. But I still hate you.


    BPP: I just saved the bullet woods from killing me, like the time I sav....


    MX: Say one more word and die.


    BPP: I am going back into the van.


    Zack: Well, can we get to New York already?


    Ripper: You noticed I didn't say shit the last 5 mins?


    Marney: Enough of this shit, lets go.


    ::BPP gets back on the van::


    MX: Well, I'll ride with you if you can get me to the boarder. The cheif is after me for what I did to his daughter. I did it like this. I did it like that. I did it with a wiffle ball bat.


    Zack and Ripper: A BAT~?!


    Marney: THis talk fest is boring. Lets fix the van and go.


    MX: What was the problem?


    Marney: Engine cut off from running out of gas.


    MX: My batt died so here.


    ::MX goes to trunk and pulls out a siphon pump and drains his tank to fill the van. Then pulls out more guns and losts of ammo::


    MX: You might need this.


    Ripper: Sweet more guns.


    Zack: Damn, sawed-off shotgun is mine. But where did you get this.


    MX: All I know is bitches and money, rims and guns.


    ::They all get on the van::


    Marney: I'm driving.


    Zack: I wish Jay was alive to see this.


    Ripper: Well, he is now in a better place.


    Zack: Once we get some booze, I will be in a better place.


    :: As soon as they pull off another car comes through and shoots for the van but only hits Jay's dead body again::


    MX: Shit, what the fuck?


    ::MX pulls out his gun and shoots but every shot misses::


    MX: Drive faster.


    ::BPP takes the old gun from ripper and shoots once and hits a tire::


    BPP: Just like the time I saved the board, I am the man.


    MX: Good shot, but if you say that one more time....your metrosexual ass will be dead.


    Marney: BPP, you didn't do shit. He is still moving.


    Ripper: Damnit, are we atleast in Connecticut?


    Zack: yeah, this is Connecticut. See how much this area sucks?


    Marney: Ok, won't be too long before we get to New York.


    :: Van drives off after the car to New York::

    - - -


    Will they get to New York. Will BPP die? Will Jay ever make it out of the saga alive. Tune into the next installment of the SAGA~!
