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Everything posted by OldSchoolWrestling

  1. OldSchoolWrestling

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    They don't sell beer in 7-11's around here. When I was under 21, we had to stand outside the sleaziest bar in the area and get 40s, usually of some disgusting malt liquor. I hope you aren't referring to Old E, because I'll have to come looking for you. 11th grade we used to cut our morning class and go drink it in the park. Nothing like drinking a fine malt liquer at 9am in cold ass weather.
  2. OldSchoolWrestling

    The O.C.

    If I remember the preview after last weeks' episode, it appeared that it had something to do with Kirsten. Notice in the above preview it says nothing about Kirsten or Sandy.
  3. OldSchoolWrestling

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    What you didn't realize was you stole a bunch of Schlitz. Now that you are gone I can break out the classy beer........wait, I have no classy beer! Shit, oh well, here comes some Bud Light. Ahhh, the highschool days. When you would wait outside a 7-11 and ask someone over 21 to buy you and your friends a case of the cheapest beer for a few bucks.
  4. OldSchoolWrestling

    OAO Let's Bitch About Thanksgiving Thread

    As much as I love football, on Turkey Day this year, I just might have to pass on it. ESPN is showing the 2003 World Series of Poker from 12:30 until 7:30, and Fox Sports Net has another poker tourney on in the evening. I'll probably miss the latter one, though, since I'll be having dinner with my parents at a friend of the family's. Unless I can persuade them to watch it. Speaking of poker, it is a tradition at my parents house that on Thanksgiving, all the men congregate in my dad's bar area and play either poker or liar's dice. This has been going on for close to 30 years and much money is won and lost at this time. Each year one of the hen's always comes out there and drags her husband away pissed off because he has to leave the game. Usually its the hen whose kids are driving her the craziest in the house.
  5. OldSchoolWrestling

    JAxlMorrison's 1000th Post Party!

    *grabs a beer. leaves* edit: and after posting realizes he wasted his fucking 2500th post on this. *comes back. steals all the beer. shoots a snot-rocket. leaves.*
  6. OldSchoolWrestling

    The O.C.

    And Anna played with Capt Oats. Can you imagine what Summer would have done? Ask yourself. WWSD?
  7. OldSchoolWrestling

    Saturday Night Live

    If they want the big name stars, they have to give in to their demands.
  8. OldSchoolWrestling

    WWE in the Bay Area

    I'm pretty sure this is the first WWE/F ppv in San Fran. They did hold a Royal Rumble or two in San Jose a few years back but other than WCW Superbrawls and an AWA Superclash back in 87 I don't think their have been any.
  9. OldSchoolWrestling

    Trish + Jericho

    Its just like turning Cena face. He's still going to be awesome, he'll just be having different opponents.
  10. OldSchoolWrestling

    Bad Santa

    And don't forget the song "I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus" as well. Fucker is bagging your mom.
  11. OldSchoolWrestling

    What color did you save for last......

    Who cares about the colors? Just make sure you save all the marshmellows for last.
  12. OldSchoolWrestling

    Trish + Jericho

    All this will lead to HHH/Steph reuniting and having a tv wedding.
  13. OldSchoolWrestling

    Trish + Jericho

    A Trish heel turn would be nice. Then maybe have X turn face in support of Lita. Lita vs Trish and X vs Y2J.
  14. OldSchoolWrestling

    The O.C.

    Is Julie Leah Remini's (King of Queens) twin sister?
  15. OldSchoolWrestling

    Bad Santa

    I tell my kids: "Santa isn't real. But wrestling is."
  16. OldSchoolWrestling

    OAO Let's Bitch About Thanksgiving Thread

    I have to drive 90 minutes to eat with HER family who I could care less about. Then I have to drive 2 hours to eat with my family who annoys me. That's fucked up.
  17. OldSchoolWrestling

    The O.C.

    Rowan is smoking in a MILF kind of way. Don't get me wrong, she is smoking, but as women get into their late 30's early 40's and the face wrinkles start, you see who they were, but also who they are becoming.
  18. OldSchoolWrestling

    A Note to Admins

    Don't insult tripe. Menudo owns baby!
  19. OldSchoolWrestling

    Can't have your cake and eat it too

    I always thought it was cool.
  20. OldSchoolWrestling

    Can't have your cake and eat it too

    Hey man, off topic, I used to love your name when you had the FeAr HaVoc stuff going on. Why'd you have to change it???
  21. OldSchoolWrestling

    Can't have your cake and eat it too

    That's not cake then. That's pie.
  22. OldSchoolWrestling

    Can't have your cake and eat it too

    Because life doesn't work that way my friend.
  23. OldSchoolWrestling

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    As long as they only show them while they are talking about something upcoming. I don't care for them in angles though.
  24. OldSchoolWrestling

    Can't have your cake and eat it too

    Something to do with getting what you want AND enjoying it at the same time.
  25. OldSchoolWrestling

    WHY do you enjoy Nwa Tna ???

    AJ Abyss Kid Kash's heelness AMW Sonny Siaki's music Trinity's body Cage Dancers Don West's enthusiasm Raven's cool promos Dusty Rhodes promos that no one can understand seeing old NWA/WCW stars, until they get in the ring Roadkill Simon/Swinger