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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    Keep TSM on Wikipedia

    Sorry man, but that's just going to add to the deletion argument, so I deleted it most of it (all it was was a summary of the forums). We really need to get stuff int here that helps argue about its notability. Plus your version just adds to the advertisement argument.
  2. LucharesuFan619

    So... Is Terry Funk a Sellout?

    Perhaps because Heyman is now as much of a WWE stooge as any of their other employees and has little to no power over long-term decisions?
  3. LucharesuFan619

    MTV is starting a wrestling promotion

    Kloss is the co-commentator, along with Bret Ernst.
  4. LucharesuFan619


    Believe it or not, some MORE drama just recently went down between Messiah and Lizzy Borden... "Mr. XPW" Kristian Blood and Altar Boy Luke have officially joined the ranks of "XPW: Bleeding Was Only HALF the Job." And last but not least... Damien Steele has risen from the ashes...(no details...that's all I'll say for now) In 1999, a revolution began in Southern California. From then on, independent wrestling was never the same again. Go behind closed doors and hear the stories that Jasmin St. Claire, Messiah, and others don't want you to hear. Learn the true story of XPW, straight from those who lived it. Featuring shoot-style interviews with Shane Douglas, Jerry Lynn, Danzig bassist Josh Lazie, Chris Hamrick, and many, many others.
  5. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Lethal Injection 1 is a Arm Trap / Cutthroat / Pumphandle / Wrist Clutch / whatever the fuck you wanna call itStraight Jacket Piledriver; foe's own arm is caught a la Regal's arm trap neck breaker; foe is bended down and his other arm is hooked through his leg before he's picked up and Michinoku Driver II'd)--he did this variation at ROH Final Battle '03...sorta looks like DJ Hyde's finisher Lethan Injection 2 is a Tajiri-style Back-Mounted Octopus into Head Drop; wraps foe around his back so that they're back-to-back and then falls to one side, drilling the victim's head into the mat; it kind of ends like a crucifix pin, only that it's done quite stiffly, rather than relatively gently like a pin
  6. LucharesuFan619

    Northeast Wrestling Danbury CT Report

    It was the second generation "Flying" Fred Curry Jr.
  7. LucharesuFan619

    Northeast Wrestling Danbury CT Report

  8. LucharesuFan619


    There is a very interesting development in the works that I will have more info on in the next week. I contacted Evan Karagias for an interview about XPW (he did 2 or three matches for them) but he wanted $100 so I said no. I asked Justin Credible last night if he would do an interview but he just wanted to go back to the hotel so maybe another time (hopefully)... I am trying to work something out with Tommy Dreamer although I don't think it will happen.
  9. LucharesuFan619

    Northeast Wrestling Danbury CT Report

    Its not Sex and Violins, LOL, its Sex & Violence. The first match was Josh Daniels vs. Damian Adams who have wrestled hundreds of times, so of course (As would be expected) their match was good. Jerry Lawler and Dusty Rhodes didn't appear as was hyped which pissed me off. A rep from RF Video (not RF or Doug) was there selling tapes. What you failed to mention was that Dreamer TOTALLY put over TNA in his promo. ("I am a fan of TNA") Also line of the night goes to Dreamer, as he served Abyss - "Are you half-man or half-beast and is that beast a pussy cat?" spman, was Dreamer signing autographs for free or was he charging??
  10. LucharesuFan619

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Tommy Dreamer signed a new contract with WWE for the ECW brand yesterday. It disallows him from wrestling/appearing on any non-WWE/ECW shows (in other words, indy shows).
  11. Here I am, returning with another random, dumb question that I need to know the answer to: I leave a message for somebody at their office. Is it legal for the boss of said employee to listen to the messages on the phones of an employee of theirs? If it is legal, DO employers generally, like, monitor so to say, the messages of their employees??????
  12. LucharesuFan619

    Taka Michinoku question

    From his Wikipedia profile at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taka_Michinoku: TAKA published his diary of his WWE days in December of 2002. In it, he detailed his thoughts on every important match he had on the organization, his gimmicks, as well as giving his opinions of many WWE stars. Where can I find more info on this "diary"?
  13. LucharesuFan619

    Absolutely fantastic article on OWW

    Check it out...one of the best articles I've read in a long time. http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/colum...gliarini01.html
  14. LucharesuFan619

    He weights 1,200 pounds...

    http://articles.news.aol.com/news/article....S00010000000001 ROME (May 3) - A Mexican man who at 1,200 pounds is possibly the heaviest person in the world hopes to travel to Italy for a life-saving operation to shed weight. Manuel Uribe, bedridden for the past five years, cannot stand on his own and will need a special flight to take him from Monterrey, Mexico to Modena, where a surgical team has offered to perform an intestinal bypass free of charge. "I can't walk. I'm can't leave my bed," the 40-year-old Uribe, who weighs the same as five baby elephants, said in a recent telephone interview. "I'm trying to reduce my weight a bit right now so I can be in the right condition for the operation." Uribe made an impassioned plea for help earlier this year on Mexican television, saying he weighed a more normal 290 pounds until age 22 and did not know what happened to him. The broadcast drew the attention of doctor Giancarlo De Bernardinis, who visited Mexico with a medical team to examine Uribe in March. Bernardinis, whose biggest patient to date weighed 770 pounds, told Reuters he plans a gall bladder, intestinal bypass procedure that will allow Uribe to pass food more quickly without so many calories being absorbed. Bernardinis planned to perform the surgery in Modena as early as this month, although a Mexican health official doubted Uribe would be ready for a trip to Europe that quickly. MEDICAL MYSTERY Uribe's case puzzles doctors since his cholesterol and blood-sugar levels are normal, despite his extreme obesity. "His heart works very well. He has some respiratory difficulty because of his obesity, but in strict terms, he's well," said Marco Anibal Rodriguez Vargas, the director of hospitals in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. Rodriguez Vargas said Mexican hospitals still hoped to treat Uribe themselves, but added Uribe would ultimately decide what to do. Uribe said it was just a matter of time before he went to Italy: "Are we going? Yes. We're going. But the doctors will decide when." The operation would last four to five hours and would likely require Uribe to spend one month in Italy. "He will always be heavier than normal but certainly not like he is now ... We would be satisfied even if he weighed 330 pounds after two years," Bernardinis said. No one has managed to find suitable scales for Uribe in years and estimates of his weight are made partly by tape-measure. Guinness World Records 2006 only said it was aware of living people weighing over 1,120. The record for the heaviest man ever is held by Jon Brower Minnoch, who died in Seattle in 1983 after reaching a record 1,400 pounds. He was in his early 40s. Uribe hopes to avoid that fate. His wife, horrified by his increasing size, feared the worst and abandoned him more than a decade ago. "She left me because she must have thought I was dying," Uribe said. "Thank God, I'm still alive and hopefully will be able to take care of this problem."
  15. LucharesuFan619

    Mexico about to get totally stoned

    FINALLY, someone else BESIDES me realizes how tremendous of a news source AOL.com can be.
  16. LucharesuFan619

    So you're John Cena. Okay?

    I'd do like Delirious does and roll myself into a huge ball and hope I confused the crazy nut fans who just a second ago were about to rip my heart out.
  17. LucharesuFan619

    Very dumb question...but 100% serious

    How do I make myself get more of those "I have inherited a large sum of money and want to give a portion of it to you" e-mails? Yeah, you know what I mean, the emails that are designed to rip you off even though they say you're going to become a rich mofo. In all seriousness, is there any way I can actually like get my e-mail address out there for scammers like this to send me that type of stuff (like, any place where I can submit my e-mails and have it distributed to such people)? I want to get as many e-mails like that as possible. Why the fuck would I ever WANT to get e-mails like this? Well that's for me to know and you to wonder. But regardless, I want them. Any help would be appreciated. There's gotta be some people here with knowledge on this type of stuff.
  18. LucharesuFan619

    *MV* The IWA Mid-South Class of 2005-2006

    So can someone who downloaded it successfully reup it on a different server please? I'd really like to see it...
  19. LucharesuFan619

    *MV* The IWA Mid-South Class of 2005-2006

    I know about the "hxxp" thing, I did that and it still doesn't load.
  20. LucharesuFan619

    *MV* The IWA Mid-South Class of 2005-2006

    For the megaupload liunk it says i don't have the right codec (second time it said that when I tried to DL a video of yours) and for the yousendit one the full page doens't even load, so I'm not even able to click the download link.......
  21. LucharesuFan619


    After three years of trying to get in touch, I FINALLY got a hold of the one and only "Queen of Xtreme," Lizzy Borden. Unfortunately, she was not willing to do an interview (nor is Rob Black). The one thing she was willing to say is, "We lost millions of dollars and trusted the wrong people." I don't know about the second part, but the first part is most definitely true. Nonetheless, though, it MUST be said that Lizzy is an absolute class act. She was extremely nice about it. If there is ANYBODY who you ever hear talk shit about Lizzy, I assure you they are totally full of shit (unless they're name is Billy Welch...he has SOME reason to be ticked off about her, but still, there is a lot more to that story than meets the eye). Lizzy sure does promote a sick and twisted type of entertainment, but she is an absolute sweetheart, and if anybody says otherwise they're a total asshole. Currently, Lizzy is very actively involved in a Save the Seals campaign designed to stop the murders of baby seals. More info at protectseals.org . If you donate to the campaign and send in proof to Extreme Associates, you can get a free porn DVD. As far as an update on the retrospective, just sit tight. EMAXSAUN is still working on getting the site up. Once it does go up, I have two XPW music videos that will coincide with its launch, and at that point, the written editions/articles will start coming out more regularly.
  22. LucharesuFan619

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I hear from someone involved that So-Cal Val fucked Jeremy Borash to get jer TNA job (seriously).
  23. http://articles.news.aol.com/news/article....S00010000000001 370-Mile Drive Wins Longest Commute Contest Studies Show Americans Travel Longer, Farther Than Ever to Work By Ellen Wulfhorst, Reuters NEW YORK (April 20) - Dave Givens drives 370 miles to work and back every day and considers his seven-hour commute the best answer to balancing his work with his personal life. The winner of a nationwide contest to find the commuter with the longest trek, Givens is one of millions of people who are commuting longer and farther than ever before. Studies show Americans spend more time than ever commuting and for a growing number, getting to work takes more than an hour. In the most recent U.S. Census Bureau study, 2.8 million people have so-called extreme commutes, topping 90 minutes. Givens, a 46-year-old electrical engineer, has an extreme commute between home in Mariposa, Calif., and his job in San Jose. He leaves home before dawn and returns after dark. His trip landed him first place among almost 3,000 entries in the search for America's longest commute, sponsored by automotive services provider Midas Inc. and announced last week. But as harrowing or tedious as Givens' trip may sound, he says it's the way to keep the home and job he loves. "I have the balance right now," Givens told Reuters. "I could do similar jobs closer, but not with the work reward and job satisfaction I have. And I could live closer, but I wouldn't have the lifestyle that I desire. "To me, this is not that long a commute," he added. "It's just something I do to go to work." Longer commutes frequently involve people who live in one suburb and work in another, said Alan Pisarski, author of "Commuting in America." Such a pattern tends to begin with companies moving out of a city to a suburb, enticing workers to move to less-expensive outer suburbs, he told Reuters. "People see this as an opportunity to go farther away," he said. Such a move may provide more affordable housing or better schools. Even high fuel costs -- Givens spends about $185 a week on gasoline -- can pay off in a better quality of life, Pisarski said. Doreen DeJesus rides a bus from her home in Tobyhanna, Pa., across New Jersey to her job in Manhattan. The payoff is a house in the country, she said. "It's a matter of getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city," said DeJesus, 37. "It's not an easy thing, but most days it's really worth it. "My boss thinks I'm nuts," she added. Studies show 7.6 percent of U.S. commuters traveled more than an hour to work in 2004, the most recent data available, up from 6 percent in 1990. The average one-way commute grew by 13 percent to 25.5 minutes between 1990 and 2000. In 1990, only in New York state did more than 10 percent of workers spend more than an hour to get to work, Pisarski said. Now that situation can be found in New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois and California as well, he said. Added to long commutes is increased congestion, according to the Texas Transportation Institute's 2005 Urban Mobility Report. Commuters typically spent 47 hours a year in traffic jams, up from 40 hours a decade earlier, the study showed. "That's the time wasted above and beyond just being able to make the trip," said David Schrank, co-author of the report. But the trips can be worthwhile, said Kay Phillips who works in Chapel Hill, N.C., 164 miles from her home in Granite Falls. "I really love what I do, so I don't mind," she said. While Givens spends much of his commute listening to the radio, especially traffic reports, Philips, 52, uses her five-hour commute in her own way -- she prays. "I say a long prayer starting out every morning for everybody, and it gives you quite a bit of time to do that," she said. 04/20/06 16:08 ET
  24. LucharesuFan619

    Very dumb question...but 100% serious

    No. Since my last post, I have received only one of these such e-mails, (which sucks, but still one is better than none) but when I replied and said I was interested, I never heard back again, which confusses (yes, confusses) me since I expressed my interest...but oh well...hopefully more will come. If you have any more suggestions on how to solicit these e-mails let me know.