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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    http://colelovestazz.ytmnd.com/ WOW
  2. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Night Of Infamy

    He hasn't been on a CZW show in awhile, to the best of my knowledge. Come to think of it, the cage match is Ruckus is the last match I remember him having in CZW (someone help me here)...
  3. LucharesuFan619

    Tajiri leaving WWE soon ?

    Rob Feinstein of all people actually broke the news that he singed a new contract. LOL it wasn't even Scherer or anyone like that.
  4. LucharesuFan619

    Benoit's contract up in 3 weeks

    What's all this talk about him going to Italy? What makes him more inclined to work in such a random country as that than say...ohhh...maybe the US?
  5. LucharesuFan619

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    Jarrett's wife has cancer, so that'd kinda be pretty tasteless. (leave it to WWE for that type of angle - ::coughjrdrheineycough:: )
  6. LucharesuFan619

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    To Downhome: Mike Modest has never worked for TNA. He did do some of the early ROH shows, but Gabe Sapolsky was a total dick to him so he refused to work ROH anymore. He and Donovan Morgan are mainly working in Japan for NOAH.
  7. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    It's scenario B. Eric Gargiulo is notorious for calling moves different each match, although in part its the fault of the wrestlers who don't always tell him the name of a move.
  8. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    I dunno. I'm really confused now.
  9. LucharesuFan619

    Should TNA do away with Ultimate X?

    Twice. Happened in a match before BFG.
  10. LucharesuFan619

    iMPACT 10/29 thread

    I loved this show last night. The wrestling was great, even the stuff that could've been bad (like 3LK vs. AMW...god bless Ron Killings, he's amazing). Also, Alex Shelley is God. 9/10 in my opinion. Great show.
  11. LucharesuFan619

    A Brief History of TNA

    Good column so far, Corey, but one suggestion: Paragraph separation via one line in between = your friend :-)
  12. LucharesuFan619


    OK, well here goes...I was in the process of contacting Buh Buh Ray Dudley, Sabu, Konnan, Sean Waltman, and a few others through TNA, but it turns out that just this week, the person who was going to hook me up with those interviews left the company. So, those were the "big names" I was talking about, but unfortunately I guess they'll have to wait until TNA gets their PR department back together (because right now they don't have anyone in charge of it, as Brad Bernstein left in June and now this person is gone). I'll keep yalls posted.
  13. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Correction: Claudio's Atlantida Cutter and UBS are the same thing - a torture rack cutter (he uses it on Derek Frazier at BOTB5).
  14. LucharesuFan619

    Places to download full wrestling matches?

    http://scmedia.globalwebforumservices.info/index.php http://www.owmf.ru/index.php?sid=58780c12e...eebc89ba9e9937b http://wicked-wrestling.com/forums/
  15. LucharesuFan619

    Chris Kanyon speaks out on his arrest.

    Yes, that's what happened with Saturn, and he got shot in the neck in the process.
  16. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Standing 360º Horizontally Corkscrew Moonsault Splash (in other words a 360 backflip splash) He might as well just call it Gravity be Damned because that's what it is.
  17. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Yeah, it does. That's right.
  18. LucharesuFan619

    Chris Kanyon speaks out on his arrest.

    On Wednesday, 10/21, Kanyon contacted me himself via e-mail and later phone (I gave him my #) because I posted a link to the arrest report on SoCalUncensored.com. He wanted to know how I found out about it. As I told him, I found the link originally in a post on UXWMessageBoard.com. I too am interested in knowing how it got out, because I know for a fact Dave Meltzer, who was the first of the big three (w/ Keller and PWI) to report it and he got the news first from me when I e-mailed him, so it wasn't through one of the big Internet reporters. If anyone knows of a message board where the news was posted BEFORE 6 PM EST on 10/20 (Tuesday), PLEASE let me know via PM (and e-mail Jackie at [email protected], also, so she cal tell Kanyon).
  19. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Atlantida Cutter = modified Torture Rack into Cutter (Ace Crusher) Not sure about the Ricola Bomb. Where'd you hear of the Ricola Bomb? Here's a whole list of Castignoli's moves: Finishers: The Pyramid Bomb (Sitdown Straight Jacket Powerbomb) Other moves: 720° Phoenix DDT, *The Arm and Hammer (whole bunch of crazy submission moves)*, Atlantida Cutter (Torture Rack Cutter), *The Break Special*, The Cough Drop (Back Body Drop Lift into Catching/Midair Swi$$ Uppercut), The Money Dive Headbutt (Diving Headbutt Drop), Swi$$ Sleeper Holding (Buffalo Sleeper Hold), Swi$$ Uppercut (European Uppercut), UBS (Cross-Legged Inverted Fireman's Carry Cutter) (used vs. Derek Frazier at BOTB5) *jklewjlweljk* = submission
  20. LucharesuFan619


    Eh, I'm not a big fan of rock music so I don't know exactly how highly regarded Danzig is. Anyway, Lazie has TONS of stories. He traveled with Sabu all around the world and was Sabu's personal confidant/booking agent/best friend for the better part of two years.
  21. LucharesuFan619


    Sabu's former manager and ex-Danzig (well known rock band) member Josh Lazie is in the process of being contacted.
  22. LucharesuFan619


    WOW, I thought I knew it all about XPW. Never heard about that one, though. Nope, nothing ever came of it. Back in 2000, Rob certainly hated Paul E. enough to do a character like that, though? Do you by chance remember where you heard that?
  23. LucharesuFan619

    Does anyone have video of Benoit's dive?

    More reason that Benoit is God, I guess...
  24. LucharesuFan619

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Eugene knows his gimmick sucks: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Eugene recently broke character at a RAW house show in front of the entire audience. When walking to the back, a fan yelled out “You can do better than this”, to which Eugene broke character and replied to, in a normal voice, saying “I know”. We hope to have more on this story soon, including what, if any, punishment Eugene got for not only breaking character in front of fans, but actually doing it at ringside. WWE has been making Eugene stay in character whenever fans come around or someone recognizes him outside of WWE events ever since he started the gimmick. So does that mean he actually said it on the house mic?