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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    Major PWU fiasco

    CREDIT: DOI There was a major shake-up today at the Animal House, the home of Pro Wrestling Unplugged. Apparently, there was some sort of movement in PWU, where Rockin Rebel (Chuck Williams) was going to overthrow Johnny Kashmere as PWU owner, and try to eliminate Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid from the company. The whole heat between Kashmere and Rockin Rebel started when Rockin Rebel was having secret meetings with PWU students, as he tried turning the PWU students against Johnny Kashmere. The Blue Meanie also sat-in these meetings. Rebel also put up a sign, above Johnny Kashmere's desk, saying "Go Home Johnny, No One Wants You Here." Apparently, according to Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere, Rebel was trying to oust Trent and Johnny from their own company. Rebel, who brought in Meanie, wanted to use PWU as a minor-league affiliate for 3PW. As you can tell from previous 3PW shows, lots of PWU students have had matches in 3PW. Trent Acid told the DOI that "I had to swallow my pride like a fucking jerkoff", about letting Meanie join the Animal House. Trent said he had lots of heat with Meanie, stemming from an incident in 3PW, where he was shorted in cash. Trent said before returning to 3PW this year, he did a show for 3PW 2 1/2 years ago. Trent told the DOI, "I had to do a double-shot for PCW and 3PW. I did the 3PW show first. I was supposed to get $150 from 3PW. When I got my money after my match (with Ric Blade) there was only $125. I also received the money by Jasmin St. Claire, as she put the money inside my pants, and felt my frontal area with the money. I told Jasmin I was missing $25, and she said she wouldn't give it to me unless I put her over. (Had sex with) I then told her to get out of here, and I told Brian what happened, and Brian took her side and wouldn't give me my $25. That's why I left 3PW the first time." As you can ,see, Trent was upset with Meanie for not getting his money to him in full, and did not want Meanie part of the Animal House. The only reason Meanie was brought in, according to the Backseat Boyz was because Rebel is now part of the 3PW booking team, and this was considered a political move by Rebel. It was also found out that Rebel was telling people that Trent Acid was a liability for PWU, and told Trent that he would help pull strings to get Trent booked in 3PW. Trent told the DOI that he doesn't need anyone to pull strings to get him booked, as he is working all over the place. To make matters worse, it was also found out that Rebel was overcharging PWU on fees such as insurance. One person told the DOI that "Rebel was raping PWU like Goodman raped Sabboth when Sabboth ran shows." With Rebel trying to kick Kashmere and Trent out of PWU, Kashmere and Trent had to fight back. Today, Kashmere, Acid, Donnie B., Big Joe, Sol Stroudsburg, Gary Wolfe and Billy Reil, all showed up at the school, where Rockin Rebel and Blue Meanie were holding court. Meanie and Billy Reil, who have heat in the past over Jasmin St. Claire ruining their friendship, got right into it, as Billy Reil decked The Blue Meanie and punched him in the face repeatedly. Billy Reil told the DOI that "It's a shame Brian slipped into my fist". Others told the DOI that Meanie was thrown across the PWU concession table. After the fist fight, Reil challenged Meanie in the ring. Meanie, who was outnumbered, opted not to fight and walked out of the Animal House. After seeing the fight, and being outnumbered and outwitted, Rockin Rebel left the Animal House and held court outside with several PWU students, telling them that he will straighten everything out. He offered the students ring crew jobs with 3PW, a cry from actually wrestling in 3PW, and in PWU. Rebel was rumored to be pressing charges for being kicked out of PWU, and for the damage to Blue Meanie. No charges have been confirmed yet. For the record, Johnny Kashmere owns the lease on the Animal House building, which makes it ridiculous to think that he could be kicked out of his own company, although it wouldn't be the first time that someone sneaky was able to con an owner out of his own company in wrestling. Johnny Kashmere told the DOI that PWU will now be owned by four seperate men. Johnny Kashmere, Trent Acid, Dr. Bootz and Donnie B. are now the new owners of PWU. Trent Acid, Johnny Kashmere, Gary Wolfe and Billy Reil are now the new trainers of PWU. Billy Reil has also earned the figurehead title of "Vice President of Operations". Gary Wolfe, who hasn't been seen in some time, came down to show his support for Kashmere and Acid, the two men he helped train. He also had a previous issue with the Blue Meanie, which he wanted to confront him on, but Reil beat him to the punch (literally). The students of PWU are siding with "Team Kashmere" in all of this, as The Backseat Boyz, and not Rebel, is the reason why they signed up in the first place. Trent Acid told the DOI that "Rockin Rebel is a 40 year old loser with no where to go." Acid also added about The Blue Meanie that "Blue Meanie puts up a wall. Everyone thinks he's a nice guy, but he's a piece of shit. He was just as bad as Jasmin and he's blaming Jasmin for all the wrong decisions he's made in the past. He's totally fake and not as cool as he seems." For the record, I can say I've always found The Blue Meanie to be a cool and nice guy, which really makes Trent Acid's quote shocking. With Rebel out of the company, Don Weiss will be using his promoter's license to promote PWU. It should be interesting to see what happens here, as Rebel has had problems with CZW, when he stopped letting CZW use his license. Kashmere told the DOI they are ready for Rebel and all the bullshit he brings with him. Trent Acid told the DOI that "there's a reason why Rebel doesn't get booked anywhere outside of Pennsylvania, and that's because he sucks and needs his license to get booked." For the record, Rebel has worked in NJ before, wrestling for JAPW and UCW. Rebel is also supposed to be wrestling Bison Bravado at WXW for the Heavyweight title on Sunday afternoon, and that is a company that doesn't need his license. It should be extremely interesting to see where PWU's storylines and angles go from here, as Rebel was highly involved, even bringing WXW angles into the mix. Kashmere told the DOI that there will be certain wrestlers who will never ever work for any company that books or uses Rebel on their shows again. He also said that anyone brought into the company by Rebel, outside of Blue Meanie, will be used again, as the heat is with Rebel and Meanie and not with anyone else. Trent Acid will no longer be working for 3PW, as he said "I'll piss on 3PW and everyone in that company for all the shit they pulled." PWU will be purchasing a new ring, and will be giving Rebel back his ring that currently sits in the middle of the Animal House. This is obviously a huge night for PWU, where alot went down, and actually provided more drama and some entertainment, then some of the stuff actually booked on PWU shows. All of this stuff has certainly piqued my interest. The DOI will try to contact Rebel and Meanie, to see where they stand on this story, and will ask them for quotes about the situation. We'll have more on this fascinating story as soon as news becomes available.
  2. LucharesuFan619

    Major PWU fiasco

    And even more nonsense: Trent Acid told the DOI today, in regards to the PWU controversy this week, that he'd like to retract his comment of, "I'll piss on 3PW and everyone in that company for all the shit they pulled." In this "Urination Clarification", Trent Acid said he'd "like to urinate only on The Blue Meanie and Rockin Rebel. I respect the other wrestlers who work for 3PW such as Simon Diamond, Roadkill and the other boys who do business there." Johnny Kashmere also told the DOI today that he's been hearing rumors of his alleged drug use. He said he'd like to make an open challenge to Rockin Rebel, where both men would have their urine and blood tested for drugs and steroids. Kashmere swears that he his fluids will come up clean, and would like to see if Rebel's would as well. Obviously this is a first in indy wrestling, as we are having a battle over clean piss and blood. Even though this is a real-life beef/situation, I could definitely see an angle like this being booked in Frank Goodman's UXW! KASHMERE vs. REBEL in a URINATION TEST MATCH, make it happen Goodman!!!!
  3. LucharesuFan619

    Major PWU fiasco

    Jasmin responds. Credit: DOI Jasmin St. Claire, the former promoter of 3PW, contacted the DOI today to speak out against Trent Acid's recent comments on the DOI, where Trent Acid claimed that Jasmin wanted him "to put her over." Jasmin told the DOI, "Trent Acid is a liar and mentally challenged. I never paid anyone like that [Taking money and paying the wrestlers like they were male strippers]. Maybe other promoters pay wrestlers like that, but not me. Trent might've been disgruntled because I didn't want to use him again and because I kicked him out of the locker room in the past. Trent is opening himself for a lawsuit based on slandering my name. Trent obviously has no life, by bringing my name into his war with others." There were also some questions about Jasmin's no-show at IWI on 5/21. Jasmin told the DOI, that "someone cancelled my plane ticket and I didn't have enough time to make it out there when I found out the ticket was cancelled." Also in other news, Jasmin St. Claire is engaged to be married. Jasmin was actually shopping for engagement rings, with her boyfriend and fiancee, Matthew Wicklund, when she contacted the DOI about the Trent Acid story. Matt is currently in a band that is popular in the Seattle area. The couple plans to marry later on this year. For more on Jasmin, visit http://www.jasminstclaire.com
  4. LucharesuFan619

    Indy wrestler dies after missing a plancha

    This is the woman I was talking about. I'm going to leave it at this because I couldn't say it any better. I know a lot of people haven't seen him work, but I for one have seen him and met him many times so this is downright horrible. Spider/Dan will very much be missed. How things can change in one day, I can't believe this...
  5. LucharesuFan619

    Indy wrestler dies after missing a plancha

    I now realize a mistake I made in my above post. I mentioned I had met his mom before, it wasn't his mom but a mega fan of his. I don't know her real name, but she was always at any show he was on. She's always come to the shows wearing the official t-shirt of his web site, would always have signs putting him over, and would always cheer like crazy during his match. I'm not sure of her name, but she was always at Spider's matches which is why I mixed her up as being his mom. She definitely thought of him like a son, that's for sure. She attended his matches religiously. There's another thread in this forum about what makes indy wrestling better than WWE wrestling. I guess it's the fact that you can actually interact with your favorite wrestler so closely because they're so much more accessible. Damn, this day really sucks.
  6. LucharesuFan619

    Indy wrestler dies after missing a plancha

    Oh shit, it's true...I can't believe it. He was one of my favorite local workers and a damn nice guy. I met his mom once too, I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. Rest in peace, man... He was so young, too. I remember the first time I saw him on a show that also featured Sabu vs. Balls Mahoney, I thought he must've been like 17, he looked so young. That was just two years ago so he was about 20.
  7. LucharesuFan619

    Indy wrestler dies after missing a plancha

    Oh my God. Please don't let this be the guy I'm thinking of because I've watched him grow over the past few years. He's a really nice guy, I hope it's not the Spider I'm thinking of. http://wrestlingspider.com/ - that's the Spider I'm thinking of EDIT: I think it may be the guy. The Observer is saying the match was at the Elks Lodge and I know he wrestles there often. I hold out hope though.
  8. The "I NEED TO MAKE ROOM FOR DVDs and GET RID OF A LOT OF OLD VHS'es" Shill: I will trade these tapes and DVDs for stuff on my want list or for custom comps (DVD preferred if possible, but VHS is OK, too). I'm mainly interested in indy wrestling custom comps. PM me if you're interested in anything. If you want to do a custom comp trade, then PM me your tape/DVD list, too. If you want to do a regular trade, well, PM me your list, too, I guess. However, you’re going to get a MUCH better deal if you make me a custom comp. For instance, in you'll get 2 and in some cases 3 tapes (mostly masters) for one custom comp (preferably DVD). So, I would prefer custom comps, as there's a lot of stuff I'm seeking that aren't on the same shows and you're going to get a much better deal that way, but if there’s something on my want list that you have and you can't do custom comps, please PM me. I have many positive references. Thanks. All masters are perfect quality. - Martha Hart's "Broken Harts" book - 3PW Ravens Rules – master w/ box art and case (Raven vs. Sandman vs. Sabu, Low Ki vs. Joey Matthews, Homicide vs. Xavier, and more) - Best of Sting: Deadly Venom – master (box art and case included) - RF Video shoot interview with CM Punk/Breaking Kayfabe (both on same tape) - WWF RAW Attitude – WWF master (highlights from 1998 RAW episodes) - WWF SummerSlam 1999 – WWF master (box art and case included) - WWE Hulk Still Rules - 2-DVD WWE master set w/ box art (must-have for Hogan fans) - WWF Armageddon 1999 - PPV master - WWF Backlash 2000 - PPV master - WWF Fully Loaded 1998 - WWF master - WWF Survivor Series 1998 - WWF master w/ box art and cover - ROH Do or Die I - ROH master w/ box art and case - ROH Night of the Grudges - ROH master w/ box art and case - WWF One Night Only 1998 - WWF master w/ box art and case - WWF’s Stone Cold Steve Austin: Hell Yeah! - WWF master w/ box art and case - WWF SummerSlam 1998 – WWF master (box art and case included) (TEMPORARILY ON HOLD) - WWF Survivor Series 1999 - PPV master - WWF Armageddon 2000 - PPV master - Messiah custom comp (great quality - features some XPW matches, along with CZW debut vs. Justice Pain, CZW vs. Adam Flash, CZW vs. Nick Mondo, and 64-minute High Stakes match with Pain, Flash, and Mondo) - Ultimate Hardy Boyz (indy matches from the Hardy Boyz, including Hardy Boyz vs. RVD & Sabu) - RF Video master - Rare footage of Lance Storm and Chris Jericho training in Calgary/Best of Vic Grimes in Memphis Power Pro Wrestling - Best of Reckless Youth (master; featuring matches with Devon Storm, Ace Darling, Lance “Simon” Diamond, and many others) (TEMPORARILY ON HOLD) - History of Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat – Mayfield Mayhem master (perfect quality w/ box art and case included) – all of their best NWA/WCW matches, in full and unclipped - Best of Chris Sabin in TNA - Best of Amazing Red in TNA - Best of Rey Mysterio Jr. in WCW - New Jack RF Video shoot interview 1996 (jumpy) (features the famed Gangsta in-ring interview by Jim Ross, among other stuff) - Pioneer Entertainment’s Best of Cactus Jack in ECW – 1rst generation, great quality - Chris Benoit: Hard Knocks VHS (featuring all of the extra DVD features and matches) - I'll tell you in advance the quality isn't very good on this, so if you want it you can get it and a couple other tapes for a really good deal - IWA-MS Battleground in Bloomington (SMV master) - IWA-MS Autumn Armageddon (SMV master) - WWF Wham Bam Bodyslam – WWF master (box art and case included) –Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels & Diesel & Lex Luger vs. The Smoking Gunns & Tatanka, and more (hosted by Ted DiBiase) - Best of RAW Volume 1 – WWF master (box art and case included) – covering the Corporation and the Ministry of Darkness era - Best of RAW Volume 2 – WWF master (box art and case included) – covering the McMahon-Helmsley era - Best of EPIC (great quality) – featuring Samoa Joe vs. American Dragon, Nick Mondo vs. Messiah (uncut), B-Boy & Super Dragon vs. Bobby Quance & Jardi Frantz, and an International Collision Music Video) - History of Taz in ECW - RF Video master - Best of Japan 2001 (Volume 3) – RF Video master (14 matches, including Muto/Tenryu title change, Chono/Kojima, Muto/Kojima, Tenzan/Liger, and more with Juvi, Misawa, Kawada, Nagata, both Tanakas, Hashimoto, Ogawa, and more) - WWE RAW 10th Anniversary Special/”The Tricks of the Trade” documentary featuring ROH, WXW, XPW, and Women of Wrestling footage and comments from Rob Feinstein, Gabe Sapolsky, Xavier, Scoot Andrews, Christopher Daniels, and others (taped live) - TV master - ECW Living Dangerously 1999 (cuts off about 5 minutes before end of Sabu vs. Taz) - ECW Enter the Sandman - ECW The Doctor Is In - ECW November to Remember 1995 - ECW Natural Born Killaz - ECW Wrestlepalooza 1998 - NWA-TNA Impact TV (8/20/04, 8/27/04, and 9/3/04 all on one tape) - NWA-TNA PPV (7/10/02, 7/17/02, and 7/24/02 all on one tape) – featuring 6-Man X-Division Match, Sabu vs. Malice, Styles vs. Ki, Red vs. Ki, Shamrock vs. Sabu, and more - NWA-TNA PPV (2/19/03, 2/26/03, and 3/5/03 all on one tape) – featuring the debuts of Vader and Super Crazy, Kid Kash vs. London, Jarrett/Styles, Lynn/Juvi, Raven/Sandman (both singles and tag!), and more - NWA-TNA PPV (8/6/03, 8/13/03, and 8/20/03 all on one tape) – featuring Styles/D’Lo in a cage, Styles vs. Ki, Ultimate X 1, Multi-Man Gauntlet Match, and more - NWA-TNA PPV (8/21/02) – featuring 2/3 Falls series between Styles/Lynn and Siaki/Yang, plus Low Ki vs. The S.A.T. and much more - Border City Wrestling TV (11/15/02, 12/6/02, 12/13/02, 12/20/02, 1/3/03, 1/10/03, 1/17/03, 1/31/03, 2/7/03) (perfect quality, but no sound) - UPW TV (5/4/01, 5/11/01, 5/25/01, 6/1/01, 6/8/01, 6/15/01, 6/22/01, 6/29/01) (jumpy) (TV show featuring older matches that include Jerry Lawler, Kerry Von Erich, Ivan Putski, Steve Austin, Jeff Jarrett, Public Enemy, and others) - 8 x 10 Cactus Jack autographed promo pic - 8 x 10 autographed promo pic of The Rock I’m willing to either buy or trade for this stuff. I would prefer to buy in bulk. PM me if you’re interested. 3PW United We Stand, Divided We Brawl (DVD only) Highspots’ UPW TV Show Episodes 1-6 USA PRO Meltdown 2: Turning up the Heat (6/19/04) USA PRO Deadly Sins (5/14/04) UXW Genesis ICW (8/29/02; NY) Best of the Brian Pillman Memorial Show 1998-2000 Either of LXW’s shows ECW Fancam (2/14/97; Webster, MA) – featuring Scott Taylor (Scotty 2 Hotty), the original Beef Wellington, Lenny Lane, Michinoku Pro 6-man action, Bobby Duncum’s ECW debut, Tommy Rich, Killer Kowalski, and more ECW Fancam (2/15/97; Revere, MA) – featuring more of Scott Taylor, Michinoku Pro, Tommy Rich, and Killer Kowalski RF Video’s ECW shoot session (Tod Gordon, Sandman, Too Cold Scorpio, Paul E. Dangerously, Taz, Woman, Public Enemy, Ian Rotten, Hack Myers plus Ian Rotten private interview from hotel.) RF Video’s ECW pre-CyberSlam Shoot Session ’96 (Paul E. Dangerously, Taz, Dreamer, Shane Douglas, Pitbulls, Eliminators, Tod Gordon, Sandman, Beulah, Francine, Joey Styles, Lance Wright, Dudleys, Too Cold Scorpio, Bill Alfonso, & more) Any other ECW Question & Answer sessions Wrestling Universe/ICWZone.com shoots: Nicole Bass RobVanDam.com’s RVD Xposed/I Did It My Way 2000 (two tape series) CZW High Stakes 2004: Afternoon Show CZW Night of Infamy 3 CZW Possession CZW Trifecta 3 CZW Retribution (all CZW shows I would prefer to be DVD with menus. If you have most of them I list here only on VHS, then still PM me) 1997 ECW Terry Funk Tribute Banquet RF Video compilations: - Best of The Amazing Red (Red Alert) - Best of UPW 2004 Several of the recent UXW shows (contact me and lemmee know which ones you have) All of ROH's PWU DVDs EWA (1/24/04; Baltimore, MD) – featuring Nate Hatred Sonjay Dutt, Derek Frazier, Adam Flash, Trent Acid, etc. East Coast Wrestling Alliance/NWA Tri-State (3/24/02; Harrisville, WV) – featuring Jerry Lynn vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. Best of Chris Hamrick: Volume 1 (made by Hamrick himself) Best of Retro Chris Hamrick (featuring Hamrick vs. Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart, 1-2-3 Kid, and others) Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup 2004 New Era Pro Wrestling “Five-Star February” (2/9/02; Painesville, OH) –Christopher Daniels & J-Rocc vs Julio Dinero & Chris Hamrick, Red vs. M-Dogg 20, and more New Era Pro Wrestling “March Madness” (3/9/02) – featuring Kid Kash vs. Julio Dinero and more Best of IWA-MS Volume 4 (featuring Cash Flo vs. fan, Tracy Smothers riot, Rey Mysterio Jr., Nick Mondo, and more) CBS Early Edition with Tommy Dreamer and New Jack XPW featured on EXTRA TV (June or July 2000) Best of Vic Grimes in APW EWA (1/24/04) – featuring Ruckus, Sonjay Dutt, Chri$ Ca$h, Trent Acid, Derek Frazier, The H8 Club, etc. Urban Empire Wrestling debut show (featuring Mike Quackenbush, Xavier, Sonny Siaki, Ruckus, Sonjay Dutt, Qenaan Creed, etc.) Any tape with a good quality version of the Vic Grimes vs. Erin O’Grady (Crash Holly) WWF dark match in early 1999 that got them their developmental contracts. PWA Collision With Tradition (3/9/03; Danbury, CT) – Balls Mahoney vs. Sabu and more WES's Eastside Connection Volume 1 (1/26/01 - 7/28/01) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 2 (7/22/00 - 7/28/01) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 3 (2/24/01 - 12/15/01) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 4 (7/18/01 - 12/16/01) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 5 (2/23/01 - 12/15/01) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 6 (1/11/02 - 5/4/02) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 7 (10/12/01 - 5/11/02) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 8 (4/02 - 11/30/02) WES's Eastside Connection Volume 9 (10/12/01 - 5/11/02) Any compilations of injuries and/or shoot incidents A custom USA Pro compilation – PM me for what matches I would want on there (only do this if you have 10 or more USA Pro tapes from the last three years) Any compilation of Vic Grimes’ indy matches, excluding his matches for Power Pro Wrestling and XPW (anotherwards, with his UPW, CWA, BTW, etc. matches) I’m also looking for a 3PW custom comp and somebody who can make me a compilation of All Money Is Legal’s non-CZW/JAPW/ICW/USA Pro matches – anotherwards, mainly their WXW matches. Also contact me if you're interested in the XPW CD-R Xposed Pack or the XPW Behind-the-Scenes/Fancam video (the only place you can get these are me!).
  9. LucharesuFan619

    Major PWU fiasco

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  10. CREDIT: DOI Last night at the Pro Wrestling Unplugged event, called "Crazy 8", at the Animal House, in Philadelphia, PA, CZW star, and ex-CZW World Heavyweight Champion, The Messiah, appeared on the show. Messiah, who was advertised by PWU, refused to sign a PWU contract, citing that he had "a contract with another company", entered himself into the PWU Heavyweight Title Tournament. Messiah, after entering himself into the Heavyweight Title tournament, wrestled at PWU, as he tagged with Johnny Kashmere to face Abyss and Corporal Robinson. Messiah gave the DOI an exclusive quote as he said "I ran my course in CZW and I am looking forward to having fun and wrestling for PWU." Messiah, who looks to be in the best shape of his life, received a big pop from the crowd. Also making his PWU debut was Nick Berk, as he attacked Messiah during the show. I'll have more on Nick Berk and Messiah and what they did on the PWU show in my review, later on today.
  11. LucharesuFan619

    Matt Hardy to debut at No Surrender?

    From Matt's latest commentary on TheMattHardy.com: July 17 is the date of No Surrender. Do you think that's when he'll debut?
  12. LucharesuFan619


    Unfortunately, Messiah won't be contributing. He wanted too much money for the interview ($250). I was willing to pay him a little more than $100. Sorry for those who wanted to hear it straight from him. I would've liked to also, but oh well...I hope to have news on another XPW mainstay within the next couple days (possibly even tonight) and their status. That $250, BTW, is much more than I'm going to have to pay even a guy like Sabu (who I'm working on, but I won't say anything more than that...). And if I haven't mentioned it yet, Kingdom James is in and will be contributing. He has some great stories from XPW's Philly days about Juventud Guerrera and what Juvi was like to deal with backstage, Chris Candido stories, and more.
  13. Found this ad... 101 Reason not to be a Pro Wrestler, the most talked about pro wrestling movie since Beyond the Mat is now available for pre-order! The documentary movie runs over 3 hours long + 2 hours of bonus footage and it's packed with controversial material regarding the pro wrestling industry that needs to be heard. 101 Reasons Not to be a Pro Wrestler is filled with the biggest names in pro wrestling today such as New Jack, Vampiro, Diamond Dallas Page, Tylene Buck, Predator from Zero-One and MMA fame, Joanie Laurer (formerly known as Chyna), Psichosis, Nozawa, Babi Slymm, Sean O'haire, Fatu (formerly known as Rikishi), Konnan and more... You can check out the NEW 6 minute trailer of never before released footage at:http://www.hollymoodentertainment.com/media/longtrailer.wmv Order the DVD online or by sending check or money order. Ordering information is located at: http://www.hollymoodentertainment.com/order.htm There's a trailer at the above web site, along with two video clips from the movie. I've seen the old trailer that was only up for download for a few days on the old web site, and that had some different stuff included, like Sean O'Haire getting stumped on questions about Vince McMahon and drugs in wrestling...pretty funny. Anyway, it looks pretty cool, and it's even got the infamous New Jack/Gypsy Joe match as an extra...in DVD quality! So it looks like a pretty good guy. These are the same guys that put out The Shooting Range, Masters of the Ring, and Backyard Criminals, so they have a pretty good track record.
  14. LucharesuFan619

    Messiah leaves CZW (at least it appears so)

    Yeah, but I doubt XPW has ever had 50 paid to any of their shows.
  15. LucharesuFan619

    Messiah leaves CZW (at least it appears so)

    Not so, but really it's not worth arguing with you, so have it your way.
  16. LucharesuFan619


    I've spoken to Messiah, but still don't know for sure one way or another whether he'll be contributing. I'm hoping to know within the next few days.
  17. LucharesuFan619

    That Geico commercial

    "White Trash" Johnny Webb (of XPW) did a local (So-Cal) commercial for "Bell Bail Bonds" a few years ago.
  18. LucharesuFan619

    WWE Cruiserweight Division

    Sign Mistico, push him to the moon, and you have yourselves a dynasty. Rey vs. Mistico, make it happen!!!!
  19. LucharesuFan619

    I met Edge and Stacy Keibler at E3!

    Links don't work.
  20. LucharesuFan619


    "Man, it's always 4:20 on his clock." - Matt, about RVD when discussing a recent autograph signing he did with RVD in England
  21. LucharesuFan619


    Messiah's interview with TTR just finished up. They got to a couple of my questions, as Messiah discussed Tom Byron, UPW, Onita, Gary Yap (interesting response), and lots more. I should have an answer later this week as to whether I'll be getting an interview with Messiah. With the exception of the Yap question, these were the less controversial questions I submitted. If Messiah is on in the future, I expect to either cohost the show or at least get all the rest of my questions answered, so check TTR out, it's a great, great show!!! Tonight's show also will feature Elix Skipper (who is on right now as I post this) and Matt Hardy (in about an hour). I'd like to give a special thanks to Trish at TTR for fielding my questions. Towards the end of the interview, you can hear her mention my name in the background. The interview will be up for download tomorrow at TrashTalkingRadio.com. PS - this is also the first interview ever where Messiah has came straight out and said that he thinks Rob was the one who masterminded the real-life attack on him. Previously, he kayfabed it and said it had to do with a former-employer.
  22. 05.12.05 | THE SPIRIT OF WRESTLING THE SPIRIT OF WRESTLING - by David Sahadi TNAwrestling.com is proud to announce that TNA producer David Sahadi has joined the website team for a bi-monthly column on the world of wrestling and his experiences in the sport. In his first contribution, Sahadi shares the story of Derrick McClure, a fan who realized a dream by meeting AJ Styles last week during a film shoot. Sahadi will return with a new column in the upcoming weeks here on TNAwrestling.com. “A Phenomenal Gift” When he awoke at 9:00 on a cloudy Friday morning, he was as excited as a schoolboy on Christmas day, even though the calendar said it was May. There would be no school today, though that was not the reason for this youngster’s happiness. A dream was about to come true. In just a few hours, fifteen-year-old Derrick McClure was going to meet one of his heroes, TNA Superstar AJ Styles. On this glorious morning he shunned the school bus and rode with his mom in their Thunderbird to his father’s place of work, a concrete factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It was there that Derrick was going to meet AJ Styles while The Phenomenal One was filmed training for his upcoming title match against Jeff Jarrett at Hard Justice. When AJ first emerged from our vehicle, Derrick’s eyes widened. A discernible smile immediately beamed from ear to ear. His joy spread even further, beyond his physical reactions, beyond the realms of our perceptible knowing. In moments like this you can truly feel the positive energy of glee and exhilaration expand. If you’re a caring human being, it touches you. “Hello Derrick,” said AJ as he approached the youngster. Overcome with enthusiasm, Derrick extended his eager hand in greeting and was momentarily lost for words. While I discussed the impending shoot with our cameraman, AJ engaged Derrick fully. Photos were snapped, hugs shared, conversation easily exchanged. It unmistakably became clear that this was no longer about idol and fan, superstar and mark. The camaraderie between the two was genuine, as if they were big brother and little brother, familiar friends, or, perhaps even more profoundly, two kindred spirits lapping in the tender tides of life. For fifteen minutes AJ gave Derrick - who is a special-needs child - his undivided attention. More importantly, he gave Derrick something far more significant than a photo op and the excitement that comes from a brush with celebrity. He gave Derrick status. Status as someone of equal importance. Status as a human being. It was a moment that was not lost on Derrick’s father, Randall McClure. “AJ did not look upon Derrick as a child with a disability,” noted Randall, “but rather a big fan of wrestling. That meant a lot.” When the shoot began, AJ went through a grueling workout in the abandoned section of the massive factory, doing pushups and pull-ups amongst dust and ash, running tirelessly up countless flights of concrete stairs that rose above the rubble of a this once mighty edifice. Soon he was covered with sweat and soot, the grime nonetheless unable to deter his spirits or conceal the dark, reddened scabs suffered in his recent brutal cage match against the monster Abyss at Lockdown. All the while, as AJ grunted and gasped for air, and fresh blood emerged from those recent wounds, Derrick stood quietly in the shadows, camera in hand, a smile indelibly etched on his youthful face. “AJ is my favorite wrestler,” he gushed, “because of his high-flying moves and his athleticism.” After today, AJ’s compassion was surely another attribute Derrick admired. Later that night, while dining at the Big River Brewing Company in downtown Chattanooga before the return home, I commended AJ. “Thanks for giving Derrick some of your time today,” I praised. “It was nothing,” AJ humbly replied. “You are mistaken. It was something. You made his day. That young boy will remember that brief moment for the rest of his life.” AJ turned to me and smiled. It became evident that he was now the teacher imparting invaluable wisdom on me. “As I said, it was nothing at all,” he reiterated. Finally, I grasped the essence of the message. AJ had given something far greater than a material gift that would rust and wither with time. He had given the simple yet profound gift of himself. That is a treasure both free and priceless, one that has the power to elevate and expand, one that dwells in the ether and echoes forever through time. It is a blessing so easy to give, yet so seldom given in the self-absorbed culture we live in today. We give little when we give of our possessions; we give greatly when we give of ourselves. That is a universal principle, one that transcends the laws of man and the dogmas of mans’ religions. That day, AJ’s kindness made a great impact. And not just on Derrick. “A father is many things to his child,” remarked Randall. “He can be a friend, a mentor, a coach, or one of any number of hats depending on the circumstances. AJ’s visit (at my place of work) made me a hero to my son. I can’t thank him enough.” Two weeks later, Randall says Derrick is still smiling. Two weeks later, I find myself smiling, too. CREDIT: TNAWrestling.com
  23. LucharesuFan619

    RF and Dana Dameson had sex

    Credit: DOI Dana Dameson and Valentina Apply for WWE's Second Diva Search Current female wrestler/valet, Valentina, who started off in the Northeast, working even for JAPW, has confirmed that she has been called back by the WWE for WWE's second ever Diva Search. The first Diva Search saw red-head Christie Hemme, win the whole search, and even get a match at WrestleMania 21. Valentina, who left the northeast area, after personal problems, moved to the West Coast and started working for promotions there, including working for UPW. The DOI has independently confirmed that Valentina did get a call back from the WWE, concerning the Diva Search. Former indy valet, Dana Dameson, who is the subject of many jokes and many immoral stories, (Just call the Masked Maniac Hotline) due to her sexual promiscuity, claims that she applied and has been called back by the WWE to appear at a Diva Search try-out. The DOI has not been able to confirm Dana's claims that she got a call back from the WWE. In fact, just to speculate, once the WWE finds out about Dana's past, and due to her petitte size, Dana should be easily eliminated from the contest. The general consensus right now, is that Valentina has a shot in this contest, but it is not known if WWE wants girls with pro wrestling experience, although it couldn't hurt, because at least those girls would understand the wrestling business, unlike other divas, such as Amy Webber. Some female indy wrestlers I have talked to are against the Diva Search contest, and think it's like a female version of "Tough Enough". It is being looked at as the easy way out (or into, in this case). Most people, in the business, think you should be noticed by the WWE for your talent, and not because of how you look in a bikini. The flipside to that however, is that the winner gets $250,000 and world wide fame, for just throwing on a bathing suit. One indy wrestler told me that it is no surprise that Dana and Valentina applied for the contest, due to their checkered past, which has been publicized around the internet and in several locker rooms. For someone like Valentina, who has had to withstand alot in the wrestling business, and actually has done her best to be successful, the DOI wishes her the best of luck. For someone like Dana Dameson, who has been nothing but trouble for indy wrestling, and has been a hole for lots of wrestlers and video tape sellers, the DOI hopes she's eliminated early, as she would be nothing but a cancer for a WWE locker room. [Although Dana in a WWE locker room would be classic reality TV and blow out the Surreal Life. Just imagine the self-admittedly racist Dana Dameson telling Vince that she won't be part of a storyline with Viscera. That would be money in the bank.] It should be interesting to see how Valentina's peers (as Dana is no longer in the business) perceive Valentina for making this somewhat controversial decision. We'll have more on this story as news becomes available.
  24. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Best of the Best 5

    Great to see Quack win. Shit to see them waste Kenny the Bastard.
  25. LucharesuFan619

    Converting wma/wmv audio to mp3

    How do I convert WMA or WMV audio files to mp3? Is there a program I can download? Thanks in advance.