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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    Impact Spoilers

    Courtesy of Alan Wojck: TNA Impact dark matches for August 5, 2004 Fans were able to receive t-shirts autographed by Jeff Jarrett, Raven, AJ Styles and 3 Live Kru among others for being the loudest people in the soundstage. Jeremy Borash continued “the feud” that Nashville fans don’t care about and ask the fans to fill out the comment cards, not sure if they are doing the same in Nashville. Match One, refereed by Billy “the Kid” Dalton: former IPW World champion “the Miami Pound Machine” Rod Steel vs. Amazing Red. This was a big contrast in styles. Steel is a natural heel and he showed it to the TNA fans. Shame the Orlando crowd doesn’t know Steel because he is a great worker. Red won after hitting a superkick after Steel blocked Red’s attempted power sunset flip. Match Two, refereed by Billy “the Kid” Dalton: Mikey Batts and “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark vs. the NWA World tag team champions The Naturals(Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas) who came with new ring jackets and tights. The fans really love Clark and Batts and hate Douglas and Stevens. The Naturals won the match by hitting Batts with the Natural Disaster. Match Three, refereed by Billy “the Kid” Dalton: Team Canada members Bobby Roode, “Hotshot” Johnny Devine and “Showtime Eric Young vs. 3 Live Kru. This seems to be the way TNA is running the pre-taping, show two good matches then give the fans a PPV style match. 3 Live Kru is super over with the crowd. Konnan and BJ James hit the mic with James doing a variation on the old New Age Outlaws pre-match mic ritual. BJ James got the win for the 3LK by pinning Young after a pump-handle slam. Matches for TNA Impact to air on Friday August 6, 2004 Match Four, refereed by Rudy Charles: Antonio Banks and Sal Rinnauro vs. America’s Most Wanted. AMW did not show any rust from the “country whipping” match last night with Team Canada. AMW hit Rinnauro with the Death Sentence for the win but Team Canada members hit the ring but 3 Live Kru and XXX came out to fight them off as the Naturals stood atop the rampway watching the action. Roode lost his Canadian tanktop in the scuffle and BJ James tore it to shreds with help from James Storm. Video package hyping Monty Brown plays for the fans. Match Five, refereed by Mike Posey: “Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. former NWA FL Heavyweight champion Bruce Steele. Somehow Brown has become a fan favorite with the Orlando crowd despite coming from the heel rampway. Brown is now billed as hailing from the Serengeti and finally lost the leopard spotted tights. Steele looked good in the ring with Brown who is as big as a Shane Twin. Brown hit the Pounce tackle to pin Steele. From out of nowhere came Raven and Sabu fighting around ringside as they went to commercial and continued to fight almost until the show came back for the next match. Rod Steel doubled as TNA security was punched out by Sabu. It seemed forever but Sabu jumped from the ring off a chair onto Raven who was in the crowd being held back by Rudy Charles. Match Six, refereed by Mike Posey: Jason Cross vs. former NWA World X Division champion AJ Styles. Cross is no stranger to the X division having battled in TNA during 2002 and 2003. Cross missed what appeared to be an inverted 450 splash. Styles got the win with the Styles Clash. Dumbest thing the WWE ever did was not grabbing Styles when they had the chance. Match Seven, refereed by Mike Posey: NWA Wildside’s Gabriel vs. Jeff Hardy. Fans in “the pit” area do not like Hardy but they are drowned out through the match but at one point chanted “we want Matt”. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate and the Swanton bomb to finish off Gabriel. Jeff Hammond’s “Six Points of Impact” feature on the upcoming 20 man X Division gauntlet battle royal to break the co-championship held by Frankie Kazarian and Michael Shane. Don West and Mike Tenay did their standup to hype the September 6-7th “Gut Check” for the TNA Academy as well as the TNA Wrestling PPV. Jeff Jarrett came out to the ring calling out Jeff Hardy not wanting to wait for the TNA championship committee to announce the date. Hardy answered and beat on Jarrett until the Elite Guard (Onyx, Chad Collyer and Hotstuff Hernandez) came out and fought with Hardy until Jarrett got back to his feet and put Hardy in a figure four leg lock. This was broken up by Ron Killings who was followed to the ring by Vince Russo and Dusty Rhodes Match Eight, refereed by Rudy Charles: NWA X division co-champions Frankie “’the Future” Kazarian and Michael Shane (w/Traci), Kid Kash (w/Dallas and Team Canada member Petey Williams (w/Scott D’amore) vs. XXX (Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and “Primetime” Elix Skipper, Sonjay Dutt and “the Future” Chris Sabin. Just an observation there seems to be no babyface managers in TNA but Desire. Kazarian had his hair in braids. Daniels wore black and silver and Skipper wore black and gold tights, each had a big X on the side. This was a PPV style match that hopefully looks as good on TV as it did in person. TV might have gone to commercial during the match. I cannot describe what I saw because it would take me a while. Sonjay hit the Hindu Press on Shane but D’amore distracted Charles as Raven stopped the pin, Williams pinned Dutt with the Canadian destroyer. BJ James and Konnan charged the ring as the show ended so I am not sure how much of the brawling made the TV show but it went on for several minutes. During one part of the scuffle Daniels hit D’amore with the BME. Jerry Lynn signed autographs after the show. The biggest crowd pops of the evening were for AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, the post main event brawl and anyone, namely Rick Santel, who gave the fans free t-shirts. Good to see my local boy Mikey Batts getting a shot, and I know we got a bunch of Wildside fans on this board, so no doubt they'll be happy to hear about Sal Rinaruo and Gabriel's debut and Cross' return.
  2. LucharesuFan619

    OaO Velocity Thread

    My WrestlingObserver.com report of the show should be up soon. I sent it in, but Da Meltz never seems to post it for a few hours.
  3. LucharesuFan619

    Why The Pounce Is A Credible Finisher

    ya - montys da shit anz gonna be da fucha uddis indusry baby. wuzzahh
  4. LucharesuFan619


  5. LucharesuFan619

    Give me info on these indy wrestlers

    Disco Machine has a funny gimmick. Sabian has a cool Tumbleweed off the top rope to ringside, but that's about it. Very green. Larry Sweeney is best known for his USA Pro work. Never seen him work. If you've seen Super Dragon, Excalibur is similar in style, only with more of a comedy gimmick. He also does more promos than Super D.
  6. LucharesuFan619

    Former WWE Star Planning To Release New Film

    It won't load for me either, and I wanna see it.
  7. LucharesuFan619

    OaO 8/4/04 TNA PPV Thread

    According to the RajahWWF.com Oratory message board: Match 1 - Raven d. Sabu via pinfall when Raven DDTed Sabu on a table tilted at an angle (man, they didn't take my advice in that article in the General Wrestling section [shill - check it out and find out how TNA SHOULD'VE booked this match and the rest of the feud!!!! ] at all and put those two in the FIRST fucking match...ridiculous...) Match 2 - Abyss d. Sonny Siaki via pinfall Match 3 - Michael Shane and Kazarian d. Chris Sabin and Jerry Lynn via pinfall Russo announces a "Championship Committee" headed by Terry Funk, Harley Race, and Larry Zybkdslaklskldklsdhngljsko or however you spell it. Dusty Rhodes got furious about something and a heel turn was hinted at. Currently happening apparently is Pat Kenney vs. Big Vito & Trinity in a weapons match of sorts (handicap match, I guess).
  8. LucharesuFan619

    The Wrestling Channel Newsletter

    God DAMNIT. I really wish I lived in England. That lineup is just fucking amazing. DAMN.
  9. LucharesuFan619

    George Mayfield doing his last

    Aahaha. I remember that, it was on that pathetic CZWFans board or something. Nah, SCU. Speaking of which, I can't get on right now for some reason, and I wanna find out more about Gary Yap's arrest (The ex-EPIC Pro Wrestling owner) and I know SCU would have the info.
  10. LucharesuFan619

    CZW on PPV

    Ummm, seeing as how the reason Funk couldn't do the PPV was because CZW didn't pay him, that kinda supports what I had been saying all along...
  11. LucharesuFan619

    CZW on PPV

    Actually, according to an interview with Funk by none other than Eric Gargiulo, Funk had EVERY intention of doing the match until he found out CZW wasn't going to pay him.
  12. LucharesuFan619

    First Sixteen For Ted Petty Invitational Announced

    I'm picking Cannon. I can see him winning it all.
  13. LucharesuFan619

    George Mayfield doing his last

    Hi, anonymous. How ya doin?
  14. LucharesuFan619

    WWE MulletMania!

    Found this site while surfing yahoo: http://www.fortunecity.co.uk/southbank/pot.../wwfindex1.html. It's got a bunch of photos of the MULLETS~! that have been seen in the WWF/WWE. Great stuff. From HBK to Sid to Jake The Snake to tons others. Funny site that's worth a look if you have a spare moment and are into mullets.
  15. LucharesuFan619

    George Mayfield doing his last

    George is a good guy. I met him once and he was cool. Balls Mahoney gave him and me a noogie. Good times.
  16. LucharesuFan619

    CZW on PPV

    Onita Pro? WTF. It was to be a BIG JAPAN vs. CZW PPV.
  17. LucharesuFan619

    CZW on PPV

    Ya, they had the help of a major Japanese promotion like Big Japan and also ADV Films to help them out last time and yet they still couldn't deliver. This time all they have is XEG and that's about it. And plus, back then, Zandig had his mind on business and was really focused. Anyone who works with him now will tell you that's not the case anymore. They got a lot of stuff going against them. I did say I hope it pays off for them, but judging by the past, I don't think it will.
  18. LucharesuFan619

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Big difference. Cradle Shock = Fireman's Carry Michinoku Driver II w/ little head drop. Ki Krusher '99 = Leg Cradle Fisherman's Michinoku Driver II w/ mega head drop.
  19. LucharesuFan619

    CZW on PPV

    Honestly, I hope it pays off for them, but if they pull anything like they did when they were going to air their last PPV, then I'll be the first one to laugh. And hopefully they'll pay everyone they say they're going to pay who's gonna be featured on the PPV (if they plan to pay them...I don't know what the logistics are and if people are usualy paid for being featured on a taped PPV, but since it's apparently gonna be full matches, I don't know why they shouldn't be.) and not give the cold shoulder to someone like Terry Funk.
  20. JOSH PROHIBITION~! Sweet. I haven't seen the kid in awhile, but his match with Puma should be good.
  21. LucharesuFan619

    URL of the TNA message board?

    Anyone have the link to the TNA message board? I did a search for it and nothing came up. Thanks in advance.
  22. LucharesuFan619

    Official 8-4-04 TNA PPV Preview

    Looks alright. Kash vs. Styles should be fun.
  23. LucharesuFan619


    The link to the flyer should work now. I re-ul'ed it. The next part focuses on the rise of Extreme Associates and Rob Black meeting Lizzy Borden. Then we get into the wrestling as Verne Langdon talks about the Slammers Wrestling Federation, and details about the Rob Black/ECW discussions are told. Ya, overdetailing stuff has always been a weakness of mine. I'll try to work on that. I'm hoping to have the answer of whether this big name wrestler will be contributing in the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted.
  24. LucharesuFan619


    PART ONE: The Story of XTREME PRO WRESTLING Written by Jonathan and originally printed on Saturday, July 31, 2004 Feedback can be sent to [email protected]. How many entertainment industries that exist have are more controversial than professional wrestling and pornography? With storylines that have touched on every subject one could think of – from public crucifixion, necrophilia, and racism to female degradation, gay marriage, and mental retardation – pro wrestling has become no longer suitable for the entire family, as it was just a couple of decades ago. Likewise, pornography was a central concern during the Nixon administration and is recently returning to the public eye again, thanks to the revelations that some of its actors and actresses unknowingly possessed AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases during their active careers. Consequently, each business have sparked more than its fair share of mainstream disapproval in recent years. Each, that is… As it presently stands, most people consider pro wrestling and pornography two completely different industries. Granted, both target similar fan bases (young to middle-aged males), but these two facets of “entertainment” aren’t about to officially “combine” anytime soon. However, what about if they were to be intermixed with one another? In what manner would America’s citizens react to an atmosphere where wrestlers were to make cameos in porn productions and porn stars were to appear on wrestling cards? Furthermore, who in God's name would ever dare to engage in such a risky venture, from the perspectives of both finances and reputation? The man’s name is Robert Zicari. As the mastermind behind the Chatsworth, CA-based Extreme Associates pornography corporation and former-companies Extreme Video and Xtreme Pro Wrestling, Zicari – better known by his porn alias of “Rob Black” – is the most controversial man in perhaps the two most controversial industries on Earth: wrestling and porn. And about a year ago, all of it – the lawsuits, the Internet and dirtsheet critics, the debts, the disgruntled ex-employees, the rival conglomerates – it may have all finally caught up with him. On August 27, 2003, Zicari and his wife, former-porn actress and now director Janet Romano (known professionally as Lizzy Borden), were indicted by the federal government for selling obscene videos across state lines (specifically into Pittsburgh, PA). The incident represented the first major pornography bust in the past decade and thus, Zicari and Romano are left to fight the charges while simultaneously trying to run Extreme Associates on a daily basis. Controversy, however, is nothing new to Rob Zicari. In fact, many observers of both the wrestling and porn side of things believe that controversy is what motivates him, perhaps even what he lives for. And judging by his past, this assessment may not be too far from the truth. Before he became the notorious figurehead in the California porn world who is currently facing up to 50 years in jail, Rob Zicari – who hails from Sicilian ancestry – was a native New Yorker, having grown up on the streets of Rochester. He participated in the Golden Gloves Boxing league as a teenager ("I was in decent shape, but it was either go to the Catskills and get beaten up for the rest of my life, or go to college," Zicari reminisced in a 1998 Adult Video News interview.) and he even aspired to be a DEA agent for a short while. However, none of this was meant to be; Rob Zicari dropped out of college in order to enter the industry in which he'd become an icon like few others – pornography. And quite frankly, this decision didn’t come to a great deal of surprise from those who knew him well. After all, the profession had surrounded Zicari for most of his adolescence. Four years before Rob was even born, his father, Dominic, had become the first person in the Western New York area to own adult entertainment bookstores. Within only a few years, Dominic operated about 40 different “peep shops” – as they were called – in the region. According to Rob in his first interview with Roger T. Pipe of RogReviews.com in September 2000, the Zicari family "never had pornography around the house," but young Rob was fully aware of his father’s vocational endeavors. In fact, Dominic Zicari often bought along his son to his porn shops for the day: "I would go in through the back to the office. There was no porn around, but I would sit and roll quarters from the peep machines. That was my job. When I was done, my dad would give me a couple of rolls and I would go to the batting cages. I was like fourteen with a hundred dollars in f*cking quarters." Having been raised in an atmosphere like this one, Zicari’s exposure to the more sexually explicit forms of amusement at an earlier age than most people isn’t overly surprising: “As I hit puberty, [my dad] would go downstairs and I would grab all the stuff I could. I was jerking off to DP’s and sh*t when kids were just looking at Penthouse.” Dominic wasn’t the only member of the Zicari family who made a living out of promoting adult entertainment. Dominic’s younger brother (by about 10 years), Charles “Chuck” Zicari (better known as pornographer “Chuck Zane”), had worked as a shoe vendor before the brothers’ grandfather (Rob Zicari’s great grandfather) convinced them to begin working together in the early 1980s. Initially, all Dominic was willing to give to his brother was the position of manager in one of his shops, but he eventually transferred to him ownership of that entire store and – soon thereafter – the brothers partnered up in 1983 to establish their own porn company, Zane Entertainment. However, it wasn’t long before Dominic lost his prominence in the adult entertainment industry during the eighties when the government got a hold of Zane Entertainment’s contentious 1986 production, “Backside to the Future.” At that time, the government was already cracking down on the content of pornography (in large part because of the famous Tracy Lords scandal of that era) and Dominic was one of several pornographers to feel the repercussions. According to his son in the September 2000 interview by Pipe, Dominic ended up being arrested about 170 times tax evasion, selling obscene materials, and other crimes during the late ‘80s. After he had been incarcerated a few times (although he’d have plenty more gigs in prison in the future in the future), Dominic Zicari was convinced that the expertise he once possessed in promoting porn was long gone, so he sold the stores that he owned to Chuck for about $150,000. Shortly thereafter, Chuck (whose son, Matt, is also a prominent name in the porn industry) hired a right-hand man, Frank DeLucia, to help him run the stores that he had bought from Dominic. Upon being released from his final prison sentence, Dominic went to Chuck and seeked the money shares of Zane Entertainment that Chuck had reimbursed him for, but Chuck gave him a “that was then, this is now” attitude and refused to pay him back. Ever since learned of how Chuck gave the cold shoulder to his older brother, Rob Zicari has hated his uncle. Zicari told Luke Ford in late 1998 that “if Chuck walked in that door, I’d punch him in the mouth. He’s the biggest piece of garbage in the world because he f*cks family. That's the worst.” However, physically compelling his younger brother into returning the monetary stakes of Zane Entertainment that he was owed wasn’t an option to Dominic Zicari. “It is his little brother. What is he going to do?” Rob asks Luke Ford. “My dad is very Italian [devoted to family]. He’s very loyal. You don’t beat up family.” So, what Dominic did was leave Chuck to be, and initially, it appeared that that strategy was working fine because Chuck was digging his own hole. He led Zane Entertainment filed into bankruptcy only a few years after Dominic’s ownership of the peep stores was transferred to his name. However, with the assistance of porn veterans John T. Bone and Max Hardcore (real name: Paul Little), Chuck was able to struggle his financial slumps and eventually relaunch what was basically “version 2.0” – so to say – of Zane Entertainment. The company is still an active competitor in the adult film market to this day (it’s mainly ran by Chuck’s son, Matt). Rob Zicari’s first direct involvement in the porn business came when he began attending the annual Consumer Electronic Shows in Las Vegas each January. Despite being only a teenager at that point, he gained plenty of acquaintances who worked in the business, one of whom was famous porn actor and director Tom Byron (real name: Thomas Taliaferro). When he and Byron first met slightly less than a decade ago on the set of a porn movie (this was the first time that Zicari had seen one shot live, although obviously far from the last), Zicari was only about 20 years old, while Byron was in his early thirties. Byron initially resented Zicari’s excessively inquisitive demeanor, believing him to be "kind of the opposite of [his own] personality" and especially "boisterous," according to Pipe’s May 2000 interview with him. That didn’t matter to Zicari, though. His curiosity got the best of him and he became infatuated with the industry Byron was a legend in, and he’d soon follow the same path and devote all of his time to adult entertainment. Around the time that they first met one another, Zicari and Byron attended the AVN Awards Show together. Byron drove Zicari to the show, but refused accompany him in and instead handed him his business card. Zicari tried to contact Byron for advice in 1988 when he began to plan the filming of his first porn movie (entitled “Tender Loins 2”). However, Byron didn’t return the young Zicari’s calls and in fact didn’t really want anything to do with him. That left Zicari to make a choice that may’ve led to him changed the course of his life forever (from his mayoral candidacy to the current trial to possibly whether XPW was ever formed) had he acted differently in any sort of way. Desperately wanting to direct his own porn film, Black was determined to go through with the task whether he had Bryon’s help or not. Without any prior full-time job or even college background, Zicari was basically broke at the time, and as a result, he used the money that his father had designated as his college funds and flew in a crew to New York shoot the movie (entitled “Tender Loins 1”): “I…used my college money. Basically, it was money I wasn’t authorized to use. I basically stole the money to shoot the first movie.” For the most part, Black stopped using his college savings account after “Tender Loins 1” was completed. Over the next few years, he started building near Rochester a company that – around 1993/’94 – became officially known as Extreme Video. It was during the rise of Extreme Video that “Rob Black” was born. According to his 2001 interview with PBS, Zicari wanted the name to be more than just an alias. He intended for Rob Black character to be “this demonic-like figure, this boisterous, obnoxious person. And I'm going to direct movies that are just out there." And the movies directed by the newly-dubbed Rob Black were “out there.” Pornography is obviously not considered politically correct by most communities, but pornographers at this time (during the early ‘90’s) were recovering from the Nixon administration’s concentrated effort on the industry. With the knowledge of how the government had taken action against Dominic Zicari and others unlike him, most directors aimed to comply as much as possible with society’s standards of acceptability. Extreme Video wasn’t one of those companies. Extreme Video refused to conform. Extreme Video was constructed as an alternative to an industry that the Rob Black believed wasn’t living up to its purpose: “I sat back and I said, ‘Well, you never see movies that are edgy. You never see movies that are just entertaining. It's either just an all-sex movie or it's a plot about the pizza guy who delivers a pizza, and the girl doesn't have money, so she has sex with him for the pizza.’ I sat there and I said, ‘Let's get a representation of life, the grittier edge.’” (2001 PBS interview) Despite only lasting a few years, Extreme Video’s movies served as previews of the brash attitude and outrageous content that would become a signature of Rob Black’s work in the coming years. However, not everybody was happy with what Rob Zicari had become and what he was doing. Upon learning how his son’s college money had been misallocated, Dominic Zicari was certainly no happy camper. He first learned of his son’s financial dishonesty when the filming of “Cellar Dweller” (Rob’s second movie) was completed and gave him a call: “My dad said ‘When you get home, we have to have a conversation.’ I knew I was in trouble. He confronted me, ‘you stole this, you stole that’ and I was like ‘yeah, but I’m going to make all this money.’ It became a shouting match – ‘F*ck you,’ ‘No – f*ck you,’ and I just left.” (September 2000 interview with Roger T. Pipe) This was 1996. Rob Black – then in his early 20s – no longer had the desire to live around the rules and limits that his father demanded he abide by. He had a vision of what he wanted to accomplish in the porn industry and he wasn’t going to get there while living in New York. So, he’s and his girlfriend, Tricia Devereaux (whom he had first met while directing her in “Cellar Dweller”) moved to California, where he’s lived ever since. It was a year and a half before he and his father returned to speaking terms with another and in that time, Rob Black’s life was about to travel down a pathway that he never nor his family ever could’ve envisioned.
  25. LucharesuFan619


    If you're really looking to get a basic gist of Lucha, there's NO web site better than vivalaluchalibre.net. There's a section specifically devoted to introducing new fans to Lucha's stars. Once you want to get more advanced, go to highspots.com/laarena (I think that's the URL; if that doesn't work, just type in "La Arena highspots" at yahoo.com), but not until you've read through a fair amount of vivalaluchalibre.net.