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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    Barnett's linking to http://www.cafeshops.com/iwafranchise.10227721?zoom=yes#zoom, saying that RF has his own t-shirt. The link doesn't seem to work though.
  2. LucharesuFan619

    WTF is w/ PWTorch.com's main page

    Who said I do?
  3. LucharesuFan619

    Teddy Hart's ROH return

    Found this on PWTorch.com... Teddy Hart's last chance - ROH wrestlers tell the Torch he's on his final strike By Sean Radican, Torch Team Contributor Mar 10, 2004, 4:38 pm Recently ROH announced that Teddy Hart would be returning to their roster to take part in a match at this Saturday's event in Elizabeth, N.J. Hart, who undeniably has a great deal of talent, ruffled some feathers during his last appearance at ROH on Nov. 1 last year. Hart was involved in a scramble cage match which featured ramps on all four corners of the cage. Hart did a number of impressive flips off those ramps during the match, but it wwas his actions after the match that got him in trouble with ROH. Hart climbed the cage and leapt off one of the ramps onto the remaining wrestlers in the ring, despite the fact that the Backseat Boyz had won the match. Hart received criticism from his peers for two reasons. One, by doing the flip, he wasn't selling the fact that he just lost the match. Two, he put himself and the other participants in the match in great danger by performing flips onto them when they were not expecting him to do so. From all accounts when Hart returned to the locker room, most of the wrestlers wanted to physically assault him. Hart was eventually thrown out of the ROH locker room with his bags and told he would not be welcomed back to ROH. Following the events of Nov. 1, 2003, Hart released a statement apologizing for his actions and claimed that he had suffered a concussion and did not remember what had transpired after his match. "I want to make it clear that as a man, I take 100 percent responsibility for my actions Saturday night and feel horrible that my post match conduct has taken away from what was a tremendous event." Hart went on to say, "I am human and have made, and I'm sure will continue to make, mistakes in my life. I want to officially apologize to all Ring of Honor Staff, Talent, and Fans." Since the incident, Hart has released several derogatory statements targeting ROH wrestlers, most notably Steve Corino and C.M. Punk. Hart has been trying to blur the lines between real life and wrestling by creating a loose cannon persona on the internet. Two weeks ago Hart released a statement which claimed that he would be at the Mar. 13 ROH show whether he was booked or not. "Since Rob (Feinstein) and Gabe (Sapolsky) have not returned any of my agent's phone calls, I have taken it upon myself to book a plane ticket and will be at that event, even if I have to buy a ticket and walk through the front door. It has also come to my attention that there will be another Tag Team Scramble at the March 13th Event. I find it insulting for myself, for Jack Evans, and for the ROH fans that they would hold a Scramble without Ted Hart, the man who put that contest on the wrestling map. As the saying goes, 'We can do this the easy way or the hard way' but whichever way the front office at ROH decides I will be at the March 13th Event with Harry and Jack." By all accounts, people who have been around Teddy Hart say that he has a huge ego and loves the attention that his statements create for him. They also say that Hart crazy enough to try any sort of stunt to gain publicity for himself. Shortly after Hart released his statement, ROH announced that he had been added to a six man match at the March 13 event in order to avoid having Hart cause a disruption at the event. ROH co-founder Gabe Sapolsky tells PWTorch.com that Hart was brought back because he believed he deserved a second chance. "Teddy has stated time and time again in the last few months that he learned his lesson," he says. "I'm always one to give people a second chance. However, if you blow the second chance then you are done. So Hart has his second chance and now we'll see if he backed up his words and learned his lessons. If he did, then we have a great talent on our hands. If he didn't then I'll look stupid for bringing him back and he'll be done in ROH for good." It seemed at the time Hart was brought back in ROH in part to play up to his reputation as a loose cannon, but Sapolsky says that's not true. "We said we aren't doing a 'buy a ticket' storyline and we put him in the Six Man Mayhem match on March 13th in Elizabeth, N.J. at the RexPlex and that will be a spectacular match," he tells PWTorch.com. "We haven't once mentioned the term 'loose cannon' and Teddy Hart when it comes to promoting Hart in ROH." In order to have any success in ROH, Sapolsky has made it clear that Hart's success will come from his ability inside the ring and not from his self-made reputation, but it is clear that several ROH wrestlers are not thrilled with Hart's return to the ROH locker room. Longtime ROH wrestler H.C. Loc tells PWTorch.com that he is not happy with Hart's return to the ROH locker room. "I am not happy about it at all," he says. "What Teddy Hart did at Main Event Spectacles at the end of the Scramble Cage match was unprofessional and wrong. Period. I love the ROH fans but, with all due respect, those few fans who are saying that what Hart did was not wrong, simply, don't understand the wrestling industry as much as they think they do.” Loc's comments illustrate the root of Hart's problems. Wrestlers have a code of conduct amongst themselves, a code that each wrestler is expected to follow. One of the most sacred codes is to never go into business for yourself, which is a code that Hart has broken not only in ROH, but in other organizations for which he has wrestled. According to Loc, Hart's return to the locker room can only happen if he is professional. “Teddy Hart has his own agenda and cares about getting himself over more than the product," he tells the Torch. "If you look at what happened when Hart was here the last time you will see, that even though the whole locker room had our back and wanted him out of there, the only people that actually went after him in the locker room were Devito and myself because we were the veterans in the match he tried to ruin. He later got into it with Samoa Joe which goes without saying is a very dumb move. However, in the days that followed during Ted's fake concussion excuses and what not, he chose to mainly bad mouth Steve Corino, A.J. Styles, and C.M. Punk. "What is my point? Teddy Hart does not care about ROH and he knows that Loc and Devito are exclusive to ROH. He chose to bad mouth those other men so he could get his name around the internet and try to use it in his lame attempt at a Brian Pillman angle to get booked in places besides ROH. All that said though, believe it or not, I DO think our locker room can coexist with Teddy Hart as long as he is there to do business the right way. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and will not pick a fight of any kind. That said I guarantee you this, if Teddy is unprofessional in the locker room he will never make it to the ring. If he is unprofessional in the ring, he will never make it out.” Teddy Hart's return to ROH is obviously a sore subject among members of the locker room. It is clear from Loc's comments that he resents that Hart used the incident from 11/1/03 in order to make money for himself in other organizations. One longtime ROH wrestler who asked not to be named tells the Torch that he does not believe Hart deserves a second chance in ROH. “All the fans who support him (Hart) think so, but they need to think about what he has done,” he tells PWTorch.com. "He got kicked out of the WWF Dojo. He was thrown out of NWA-TNA for doing back flips after a match he lost and not to mention no-sold the finish and then doing what he did in ROH, putting the boys in danger ,trying to steal the spotlight, and just totally disrespecting the ROH locker room, you fans of Teddy's might think that's okay and that he's a great wrestler. Well, being able to do flips to me doesn't make you a good wrestler the last time I checked. He is not and never will be a star. Hell, he will never even be a has been because he will always be a never was.” It is obvious from all accounts that Hart is running out of chances with ROH. If Hart chooses to be professional, he may have a future in ROH. It seems as if the ROH locker room is willing to accept Hart if he is truly sorry for his actions in the past and has learned his lesson, especially if he can contribute to making ROH a better product. There is skepticism regarding Hart for good reason. Two weeks ago, Hart had an altercation with C.M. Punk, an ROH wrestler, in Nashville prior to an NWA-TNA event at which both men were booked. These two men are booked for the Saturday's ROH event in Elizabeth, N.J. Teddy Hart posses an incredible amount of ability, but the question is whether he will use it for his own gain at the expense of the promotion or as parrt of the team for the gain of the entire promotion. CREDIT: PWTorch.com
  4. LucharesuFan619

    One and Only NWA: TNA March 10th Thread

    Actually, Hart is a very impressive scientific wrestler if you pay him to do that.
  5. LucharesuFan619

    One and Only NWA: TNA March 10th Thread

    This just in! BREAKING NEWS: Keller has came back to life! KTHXBYE. The tag match sounds excellent. I look forward to downloading it later this week
  6. LucharesuFan619

    One and Only NWA: TNA March 10th Thread

    Well, Keller's "ongoing coverage" seems to be...dead...
  7. LucharesuFan619

    One and Only NWA: TNA March 10th Thread

    Jack Evans vs. Hector Garza has got to be one of the wierdest style clashes (no pun intended) TNA has EVER booked...right up there with Gowen/Road Dogg...
  8. LucharesuFan619

    WTF is w/ PWTorch.com's main page

    Because I think its stupid that people who run a site thats supposed to be considered professional are absolutely lazy as fuck to the umpth degree.
  9. LucharesuFan619

    One and Only NWA: TNA March 10th Thread

    Keller's ongoing review can be found at http://www.pwtorch.com/artman/publish/article_7460.shtml And anyone who's watching...WTF is a Juvi Driver '04? That 911 Juvi Driver thing or something different?
  10. LucharesuFan619

    Teddy Hart vs. Homicide video clips

    http://users3.ev1.net/~neighbor311/modtrom...IEW_MODTROM.wmv Looks nothing short of spectacular.
  11. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    You're right...it wasn't. One of the major websites reported a few days ago that they were taken off the card so as not to offend anybody. They WILL, though, be brought back to ROH after a show or two...they just wanna wait till it cools down a bit... (like that will ever happen...people are gonna be talking about this for awhile)
  12. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    More important statements and stuff...it'll really mob the board if I do all this in one post, so I'm spreading it out over two... This is an e-mail from Bob Ryder to a 1Wrestling.com reader. CREDIT: DeclarationOfIndependents.net Message Board Sonjay Dutt's ridiculously thoughtout response: Man, Sonjay really needs to rethink this one. No need for the Mike King statement? Why? It just makes him (Sonjay) out as a hypocrite. How? If Sonjay had a problem with RF sending King to jail, then he shouldn't have worked for RF in the first place...but he did. Sonjay is an idiot. He made the choice to work for RF. USA Pro owner Frank Goodman's stupid ass statement: ...BAHAHAHAHA! Now I know why everyone hates USA Pro...
  13. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    I don't THINK anyone has posted this yet...if they have, sorry... CREDIT: PWTorch.com This is a statement from Chris Idol/Chris Cabana/Hyjinx: CREDIT: DeclarationofIndependents.net
  14. LucharesuFan619

    Backyard Wrestling DVD being released nationwide

    Actually, I was referring to the fact that they forgot the "s" at the end of his name, dude...oyyyyy...nice, try, though.
  15. LucharesuFan619

    Fantasy Card

    Great reads, man. Keep it up.
  16. Galavision Lucha Libre report Aired Sunday, March 7, 2004 By LucharesuFan619 CMLL 1. Six-Man Tag Team Match: Tarzan Boy, Black Tiger, & Pierroth (Technicos) vs. (Atlantis, Super Crazy, & “El Brazo de Plata” Super Porky (Rudos) PRIMERA CAIDA (First Fall): A lot of this match is comedy, but it’s still fun stuff to watch. Super Crazy and Pierroth start us off. Crazy does an armdrag and Pierroth utilizes an armringer a few moments later, only for Crazy to escape via a cartwheel/kipup-style roll-through. “The Insane Luchadore” then performs another armdrag, after which he ducks a lariat and connects with a spinning heelkick. Tarzan Boy and Atlantis enter. Atlantis hits a running crossbody block and then a monkey flip, but Tarzan Boy dodges a running dropkick. Tarzan gets backdroped over the ropes and onto the apron. When he goes to climb onto the top turnbuckle, though, he’s crotched by Atlantis, causing him to tumble down to ringside, where Atlantis takes him out with a Plancha. Super Porky and Black Tiger do some comedy spots. Pierroth attacks Porky and some more comedy spots ensue. Tarzan and Tiger are double splashed by the big Super Porky. Atlantis is then tagged in and he hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Black Tiger. Porky follows with a Flying Splash on Tiger and a few moments later, Porky’s teammate, Super Crazy, gets a crucifix pin on an opponent to win the fall. SEGUNDA CAIDA (Second Fall): Super Crazy and Black Tiger start us off. A great roperun sequence ensues, featuring shoulderblocks, dropdowns, and leapfrogs. Crazy flips out of a tilt-a-whirl pickup, only to receive a lariat, which knocks him down. The former-ECW and XPW star fights back by rolling through a sunset flip and nailing a basement dropkick to the face, at which point Atlantis comes in and fights with Pierroth. Atlantis is lariated down to the mat and Pierroth follows by slamming him before finally applying an armlock/crooked single-leg crab combo. At the same time, Tarzan hits a nice-looking Chocoball Mukai-esque front facelock/body cradle lift into a Brainbuster Suplex onto Crazy. He gets the pin over Crazy at the same time Atlantis submits to Pierroth’s submission. The rudos get the second fall. TERCERA CAIDA (Third Fall): Pierroth and Black Tiger whip Porky into the ropes and perform a double-team back body drop onto him. Pierroth and Porky exchange chops, headbutts, etc. Atlantis knocks Tarzan off the apron as Plato running splashes Pierroth in the corner. A few moments later, Crazy whips Pierroth with something. He fights back, and backdrops Crazy to the apron, but receives a springboard dropkick. Crazy is then knocked onto the ropes by Black Tiger via a drop toehold, and Tiger hits a 619. Atlantis hits a sweet monkey flip on Black Tiger and then hiptosses him out of the ring, Tiger drags Atlantis out. In the ring. Plato hits a Rikishi-like Sitdown BUTT Splash onto Tarzan Boy’s face to get the pinfall and thereby win the match for his team. WINNERS: Rudos After the match, Porky kisses the blue monkey midget as his team celebrates. 2. Mr. Niebla vs. Dr. Wagner Jr. A UNE CAIDA (One Fall To A Finish): Wagner attacks Niebla and starts an impromptu brawl at ringside. Wagner hits a suicide dive through the ropes. They re-enter the ring and Wagner lariats Neibla in the corner. Scoop slam by Wagner and a Flying Moonsault Splash, but he doesn’t cover. He goes for another Moonsault, but Niebla rolls it. Running dropkick to the face by niebla. After a snapmare, Niebla executes a Running dropkick to the back of the head, and – when Wagner rolls out to ringside – takes his foe out with a Running Apron-Dive Somersault Body Attack. In the ring, Niebla applies an armlock submission and pulls Wagner’s hair a bit. Niebla then proceeds to Irish whip Wagner into the ropes and spinebuster him down to the mat for 2. Wagner tries a sunset flip and finally pulls Niebla down for 2. Niebla locks on a rear chinlock to slow down the pace and then yells at the ref. Wagner gets knocked out to ringside, but fights back and flies in with a Flying Crossbody Block for 2. Wagner hits a nice-looking Handspring Backwards Leaping Body Attack and follows with a Folding Powerbomb for 2. Next, Niebla unloads with chest slaps, but Wagner fights back by slapping him down to the mat. His Irish whip is countered, though, and Niebla tosses his foe into the ref, knocking him down. Wagner fights back, though, and gets a pin to win the first fall when the ref refuses to count Niebla’s pinfall. This was somewhat of an awkward and extremely abrupt finish, but the rest of the match was pretty good. WINNER: Dr. Wagner Jr. Afterwards, Niebla cuts a promo at his opponent before Wagner mouths back with one of his own. - They hype that El Encos and Super Estelar will wrestle next week. End of show. OVERALL THOUGHTS: It’s unfortunate that there were only two matches. I would’ve liked to see at least one more, but those that were aired were solid, so I won’t complain. Both matches were solid, although I’m leaning towards the first one (the six-man tag contest) as being the better of the two. This is only the second time in my life I've done a live PBP recap. The first time was of a WWF HeAT episode several years ago when Dean Malenko was the co-host. So, be generous with any feedback, LOL. Hope my time was well spent. I may do this next week...I don't know...I just was bored, so I opted to write this up as I watched the show. I would've done AAA too (that's on right now), but it was more difficult to decipher who was wrestling on there, whereas the CMLL announcers reiterated each match's participants more often.
  17. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    Bob Barnett hates RF. The only person who Bob Ryder (a.k.a. 1bob) really hates is Bob Magee (since Magee accused all of his reporting to be innaccurate because at the time, Ryder worked for WCW...the columns and shenanigan summaries are stored on the almighty RSPW if you wanna take a look), and that rivlary seems to have ended a few years ago. You got the 2 mixed up. Bob Barnett's official site is BobBarnett.com and Bob Ryder's official site is 1Wrestling.com. They're two different people. Hope that clears it up.
  18. http://www.redraiders.com/stories/032303/wbb_032303016.shtml Bond between Ayers, godfather unbreakable By PATRICK GONZALES Avalanche-Journal Texas Tech's Jolee Ayers (33) has emerged as one of the Lady Raiders' toughest players during her three years with the squad. Ayers learned to be tough from her father John Ayers, a former NFL lineman, and her godfather, wrestler Terry Funk. The first memories Jolee Ayers has of her godfather are those of amazement. But then again, Terry Funk tends to have that affect on a lot of people. Whether it's rolling around in barbed wire or getting smacked across the forehead with a chair, Funk has become one of most world-renowned hardcore wrestlers in the last 30 years. The 58-year-old West Texas native, who still makes his home at the Double Cross Ranch in Canyon, has never been shy about sacrificing his body to give his fans their money's worth. The same can be said about his relationship with Ayers, a junior guard on the Texas Tech women's basketball team. Their story is united by friendship. Funk was best friends with Jolee's dad John, who died more than seven years ago. He has devoted himself as a caretaker for Jolee and her family ever since. His support is immeasurable. One might catch Funk with his guns up at a Lady Raiders game, including today when they face Southwest Missouri State at 6:05 p.m. in a first-round NCAA Tournament matchup. One might see him walking Jolee down the aisle at her wedding later this year, filled with so much pride you would think it was his own daughter. Simply put, "Terrible" Terry Funk, considered by many as one of the most ferocious wrestlers alive, has finally found a hold he can't escape. "You can never substitute a pop, and her dad was a good one, but I'm just trying to make the best of it," Funk said. "I wish I could say that I taught that kid everything she knows, but I didn't. She's just a great kid that I love dearly. It's easy to be a good godfather when you have a great goddaughter." Keeping it simple The secret behind Funk's and John Ayers' friendship was simple: The two country boys were one in the same. It was like that from the beginning. Funk first met Ayers in the early 1970s through mutual friend Ted Dibiase, whose father Mike was considered one of wrestling's early pioneers. Funk played football for West Texas State University in Canyon from 1963-66 and helped get the younger Dibiase a football scholarship at the school about a decade later. Ted Dibiase, who would go on to make his own name in professional wrestling as the Million Dollar Man, would occasionally drop by the Double Cross Ranch near campus to visit Funk. One day he brought along fellow freshman football player John Ayers. "He was just a big, goofy, lanky kid at the time, but we hit it off pretty quick," Funk said. "We were just a great deal alike. We both liked drinking beer and just driving around in the country. We both liked hunting, we both liked horses and we both liked dogs. We just both liked keeping life simple." The bond became contagious as the years trekked on. Funk's wife of 36 years, Vicki, soon became best friends with Ayers' bride, Laurel. Nothing changed when the kids came along, either. Funk and his wife became the godparents for both Jolee and her older brother John T., which brought the families even closer. Late-night games of pinochle and spades soon became a weekly ritual. "I just remember every time we went over there he would do crazy things to impress us ... or at least we thought they were crazy," Jolee Ayers said. "He would be eating an apple and then eat the core, just because we thought it was cool. He was always eating weird stuff just to impress us." The families also spent holidays together. There was Christmas Eve, when they joined forces and spent the entire night singing along to carols before Funk did his annual reading of the Christmas story from the Bible. The Fourth of July was even a bigger treat. After a day of relaxing, cooking and eating, Funk and popping firecrackers took center stage at nightfall. "He would put a lot of cherry bombs in his belt and set them off at the same time, and we just thought he was so amazing because it never hurt him," Jolee said. "He would shoot bottle rockets out of his hand and just do all sorts of crazy stuff. There was never a dull moment when he was around." Thing started to get dark, however, for both families in 1993 when John Ayers was diagnosed with cancer. He battled for two years before dying on Oct. 2, 1995. Funk rarely left Ayers' side, and occasionally snuck his partner a pinch of snuff, even if it was prohibited. "Terry's daughter was a hospice nurse and took care of my dad, so Terry was over there all the time," said Jolee, who was 13 when her father died. "He would give him anything he wanted. It was a tough time, but he tried to make it better for everybody." 'As close as you can get' Making things better for Jolee and her family still serves as motivation for Funk. Jolee went on to graduate from Canyon in 2000, as one of the best high school players in the state. She averaged 16.5 points, 8.8 rebounds and 3.8 assists and helped power Canyon to the Class 4A state championship. She was named the state tournament Most Valuable Player and named first-team all-state, before accepting a scholarship with Texas Tech. Through it all, Funk gave his utmost support. "Even before my dad passed away, I've always thought of Terry a my crazy uncle, who was always looking after me," Jolee, 20, said. "That was especially true after my dad passed away, because he was always there for my family and always came around to check on us. He'd just come around and do the dad things, like making sure your car was running OK. He was always supportive of what we did. "A dad is irreplaceable, but he's as close as you can get." Funk also is quick to point out that his role as godfather has been an easy one, thanks to the great job Jolee's parents did raising her. Especially when it came to basketball. "I didn't teach her how to bounce a basketball, that's for sure damn sure, but I showed her a pretty good headlock," Funk jokes. "Jolee is such a great person with a great attitude about life itself. She is an intelligent lady and a great competitor. She loves the simple things in life, and there is nothing wrong with that." And Funk said John Ayers had the same type of humility, even after he won two Super Bowls as a lineman with San Francisco in 1981 and 1984. "He wasn't much of a bragger, he would just go out and play his tail off every day," Funk said. "I think a true leader of a team is the person to be followed, and John Ayers was a leader. You can't just go out there and say 'Hey guys follow me.' "It's your actions that will do that. I thnk that is something Jolee inherited from her father." The feeling is mutual. And when Ayers got engaged with Texas Tech track athlete Ryan Curry, she couldn't think of another person whom she wanted to walk her down the aisle. The wedding is set for Aug. 2 in Canyon. Funk hopes his body will hold up by then, as he is feeling the effects of more than three decades of wrestling. He said he's retired about 20 times and just returned from a match in Japan about four weeks ago. Funk doesn't have any cartilage left in his knees, but he plans on being there for Jolee on her wedding day even if he has to crawl down the aisle. "Oh my gosh, what an honor," Funk said. "It just thrilled me to death when she asked me. I just hope it's the only time I walk her down the aisle." Evoking memories But the support comes in many other fashions. Funk is a self-proclaimed Lady Raider fan and is excited about Tech's upcoming run in the NCAA tournament, which begins today. If the Lady Raiders are able to defeat Southwest Missouri State today, he will be back at the United Spirit Arena on Tuesday for the subregional championship. Tech coach Marsha Sharp is thrilled to have one of the meanest wrestlers in the world on her bandwagon. Sharp, who grew up near Canyon in Tulia, can still remember watching Funk and his brother Dory when they were just beginning their wrestling careers. She can definitely see some of Funk's toughness in the 6-foot-2 Jolee. "Jolee is one of the most physical kids that I have ever coached," Sharp said. "She just has this mentality about her, that she's not going to let anybody drive in the paint without getting a little roughed up. She's probably our toughest defender. I'm sure Terry has shown her a few take-down moves." Funk has also met several of Jolee's teammates, including Natalie Ritchie and Casey Jackson, who are all from the Amarillo area. Ritchie remembers taking a camping trip with Jolee on Funk's ranch a while back and laughing for almost the entire trip. "Terry is a blast and a really fun guy," Ritchie said. "I can see Terry as being the life of the party when he was younger. I know he's older, but I think he is still that type of guy. He wants to make sure that everybody in the room is having a good time. "He's really proud of Jolee and watches over her just like a dad. I think that's pretty cool." Funk would next like to take the role of wrestling manager for Jolee. He plans on training her after she finishes her basketball career and putting her in a wrestling ring. Chyna, who has been one of the most famous women's wrestlers in the past few years, wouldn't have a chance against "Terrible" Jolee, Funk said. Jolee just laughs at the idea. "I can't wait to watch her beat the crap out of Chyna in a short period of time," Funk said. "I think she could do it. Chyna wouldn't know what would happen if Jolee got a hold of her. Jolee is a lot better looking, too." But no matter what the future holds, the two will forever be etched together by John's memory. When Funk is asked if he sees a lot of John in Jolee, he replies "You bet I do. She has everyone of his traits." He pauses, as to take a second to reminisce, lets out a chuckle and then adds "She's a great deal like her dad." That's exactly why Jolee also enjoys spending time with Funk. He helps keep her dad's spirit alive. They don't spend as much time together since she started attending Tech, but they will occasionally talk on the phone. And when Jolee ever heads back north to visit, she always has to make a stop at the Double Cross Ranch. She always leaves thinking her godfather is even more amazing than he was before. "Terry and my dad were a lot alike — that's why they were best friends," Ayers said. "He talks about my dad a lot, and it's special to have that reminder. He brings out a lot of things that I love about my dad. He's a great man, and I couldn't have wished for a better godfather." [email protected] 766-8736
  19. LucharesuFan619

    IWA-MS 3/6 Highland results

    WTF? Do they not have a deal with SMV anymore? I'm confused...
  20. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    http://iwamidsouth.proboards19.com/index.c...&num=1078374708 WOW...as late as today, people were still finding out that this isn't a work...that's sad...
  21. LucharesuFan619

    Which "Finisher/move" makes you go....

    You mean Facelift Dropkick?
  22. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    WOW, that live journal was...different... But damn, he fuckin ripped RF, and I agree with most of what he had to say. He also pretty much put my thoughts on Eric Gargiulo's piece in a nutshell - Eric didn't need to wait till now to let his thoughts on RF be known, and his attempt to shill CZW simultaneously was both lame and uncalled for. But like Joe, I agreed with most of what he had to say.
  23. LucharesuFan619

    UWC On-Site Report up

  24. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    Also...SaveRob.net was taken down. This is the new site apparently: http://home.comcast.net/~secandido/home.html And some very interesting feedback about the RF matter from fans, wrestlers (identities witheld), and others): http://www.wrestling-news.com/artman/publi...icle_2190.shtml
  25. LucharesuFan619

    Rob Feinstein........

    And has this image been posted yet? Interesting thread... http://otherarena.com/cgi/post.cgi?14207&1&4&usindy I'm not saying that I agree with it or I don't, because I think a couple sentences were right on the mark and others the guy used a lot of bad logic...I'll let you people decide for yourselves. Also, two other interesting replies to a thread about the Feinstein incident, regarding possible scenarios and the like: http://otherarena.com/cgi/post.cgi?14097&1&4&usindy http://otherarena.com/cgi/post.cgi?14123&1&4&usindy And Barnett posted this on March 4 on tOA: But honestly...I kinda feel just a *BIT* - and I want to emphathize that word - sorry for the guy...I mean, he's just being fucking RRRRIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEDDDDDD SENSELESSLY by everyone on the net...A lot of people fuckin hated my guts on CZWFans.com (Mike Johnson included ) and still do, and I felt bad about that, but he's hated by about 10 times as many people as that. And I'm not saying he doesn't deserve the hate he gets...I think he does, but it may just be a tad excessive...Imagine what the guy is feeling right now, surfing the boards and seeing the jokes about him and shit...Then again, he tried to solicit a fucking 14 year old, so I gotta say, in the honor of Scott Keith, two hot pokers up the ass of that asshole. And over at tOA, some guy called Pat Patterson a sex predator...that's going a bit far...