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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    MLW falsely advertising Raven + Sabu for 2/14?

    www.mlw.com/board's response to my making a post asking if Raven + Sabu were booked for 2/14 and providing a link to the above article in a display of my conclusion: I mean I'd understand them getting pissed maybe, hell even maybe a time out period (like a few day suspension), but 5,123 days a.k.a. like a decade and a half (actually more, b/c I got this message a few days ago and just decided to post it here now)...ain't that shit a little much, especially for a "temporary" suspension. I'll be a grown man by then. Although there's no comma after 24, so I don't know, maybe the 2018 doesn't signify the year, but it's really confusing...Oyyy, MLW censorship sucks.
  2. LucharesuFan619


    What about JAPW? And what does IIRC stand for, since it's been bugging me for awhile?
  3. LucharesuFan619


    Yeah, but then what about Jamal? He's on RAW or HeAT every week, yet is booked for WXW's (Afa's promotion) upcoming show, which has a weekly TV show. I don't know for sure, but I imagine they'd be airing his match, and even if they didn't, he's still wrestling on their show, despite having a regular role on WWE TV. And Batista worked a show awhile back for what may've been WXW or may've been another promotion...I forget, but he worked a non-OVW indy match shortly after joining WWE. The mystery deepens, LOL
  4. LucharesuFan619

    Ring of Honor Wrestling

    Holy crap...I'm surprised nobody has thought of that as a dream match yet. That match would have the potential to be absolutely INCREDIBLE. Awesome idea.
  5. LucharesuFan619

    ZERO-ONE U$A Cards

    You know it's the UPW Ruckus, not CZW's black flippidy floppidy on the shizzledy schloscippy Claude Maurrow dude, right? I don't know what you're talking about when you say Spanky/Ki/Kazarian likely won't be phenomenal. That's like a dream match, and in Japan I imagine they'll go all out. That match alone sounds fantastic. And although it also sounds excellent, Emblem vs. Ki/Kazarian makes no sense, since Ki and Kazarian are facing each other just one night later...The match SO lacks logic.
  6. LucharesuFan619

    CZW's Doubleheader Show Tonight

    I read the first few matches. I will read the rest later before I go too bed. Isnt Sabians finisher the 450 splash and Shun's the Senton. I have seen 2 of his matches and he won both with the senton. I try to keep a list of wrestler finishing/signature moves and stuff, and I refer to that for my cards. You're prolly right...I likely just mixed the two up. Yeah, I'll keep posting my cards here. Can't guarantee how often. I'll prolly do one for the CZW anniversary show in February. I have a lot of other misc. themed cards I'm working on - i.e. best of the US indies (I invented some cool PBP-esque reversals for Trent Acid vs. Kaos, and Fleisch vs. Teddy Hart vs. Red), Japan vs. the World, ROH vs. So-Cal, and one on the upcoming 2nd anniv. ROH show. That one should prolly be up in a few weeks. It definitely won't be quite as indepth as this one, but it'll still be really detailed. Homicide/Raven vs. Corino/Punk Dream Partner Tag Match, baby! That's one of the matches I have booked. I may also do a Best of the 5 Years of CZW, which would be diff. than the anniv. one, as it wouldn't really go with storylines, and would just be like a big fantasy card featuring their past and present guys against each other in interesting matches. It really all depends on how much free time I can find, and that doesn't come in big periods, really. I was thinking of bringing Pain back on my fantasy card for COD5 (posted a few weeks ago). I haven't seen most of the original H8 Club's matches (I'm assuming by original you mean Pain/WBeater, right? Or were they the Big Dealz...I forget, really), and WBeater isn't really much of a wrestler, so it'd be kinda hard to book a PBP thing with him, but Pain's a great wrestler, so I could definitely do stuff with him. I'd definitely feature both if I do the Best of CZW's 5 Years I mentioned above. Thanks...I got your PM also praising them, but never got around to replying, so thanks for both compliments.
  7. LucharesuFan619

    CZW's Doubleheader Show Tonight

    CZW January 2004 Doubleheader Event BOOKED: By LucharesuFan619 of NoHoldsBarredWrestling.com and ObsessedWithWrestling.com on 1/16/04 1/16 in Allentown, PA - Sabian vs. Shun the Kabuki Kid BACKSTORY: There's not really much. This is mainly being booked just to build up to the six-man elimination tag team match the next night of this doubleheader event (these two will be participatinig in that match). Anyway, though, Sabian has been having some solid matches over the last few months, even having a very good match at Cage of Death V in December, and since debuting Shun's been passable, showcasing a Japanese style that's pretty blah, but with some experience, could become pretty decent. Like I said, though, the main reason I'm booking this bout is to add some heat going into tomorrow's six-man tag team match. MATCH: There's not many highlights, as this is basically a "crap match," so to say," with the main purpose of beginning the show and building to the six-man bout the following night. The finish comes when Sabian hits a Flying Senton Splash for the pinfall win (5:58). - Non-Elimination Match: Chri$ Ca$h vs. Derek Frazier vs. Jimmy Jacobs (w/ Becky Bayless) vs. Johnny Kashmere BACKSTORY: Up until about a month ago, Ca$h didn't really have any steady feud. His "New School" tag team with GQ seemed to have disbanded without any real achknowledgement, and he was just floating. Then...he lit the sh*t up. At Cage of Death V in December, he and Joker stole the show in a fantastic Ladder Match that was eventually won by JokerThis match alone catapulted Ca$h back into the spotlight that he previously had during his memorable three-way dances with Ruckus and Sonjay Dutt earlier in the year. I'm continuing the Ca$h/Joker feud by booking a special challenge dream tag team match the second night of this doubleheader, so this match would be used as a way to sort of "prepare" Ca$h - so to say - for that match. Frazier - who's a member of the heel Rebel's Army stable - has been relatively impressive as of late, having solid matches with Ruckus, Deranged, Ca$h, and Nick Berk. Jacobs actually won a three-way dance over Frazier and Sabian at C.O.D. V. Jacobs' IWA-MS feud with Alex Shelley had carried over to CZW, and that was his first match in CZW where the two weren't paired up against one another. Kashmere, meanwhile, returned to CZW at Night of Infamy II after a short abscence. He's a member of the Backseat Boyz tag team with Trent Acid, and although he's generally looked upon as inferior to the much more successful Acid, he's very talented and pretty charismatic (although less so than Acid). He partook in the five-on-five Cage of Death Scaffold Match at C.O.D. V and - like the others involved in that bout - took some sick bumps, which solidified his reputation as being someone who doesn't quite receive their due credit. This would be an interesting three-way dance and I'm especially confident that even the three that would lose would have something to gain because the match would almost assuredly be of excellent quality. In the end, I'd use this match to put over Kashmere because - as I mentioned - he's still in Acid's shadow and escaping that stereotype would do a great deal of good for both Hi-V's status in CZW and his career in general. MATCH: Highlights... - Frazier executes the Impact Driver (Full Nelson Sitdown Inverted Powerbomb) on Kashmere, but when he tries it on Ca$h a few moments later, the former-New School member rolls through the move (kind of like a victory roll, or the takedown that Kurt Angle sometimes uses so as to end up behind the victim while they're lying on the mat, so that he can apply the Ankle Lock) and then proceeds to lock on a Grounded Dragon Sleeper, which is eventually broken up by Jacobs. - Jacobs attempts the Contra Code (Sitout Corner Sliced Bread #2), but Ca$h refuses to let him complete the backflip and instead catches him in a sitting position on the top buckle, climbs up onto the middle one, and tosses his foe off via his signature Spider German Suplex! - Jacobs tries the Contra Code on Frazier, but when he flips over, Kashmere catches his legs on his shoulder. Fraizer then manuevers his hold on Jacobs so that he has him in position for an Ace Crusher, only with his legs outstretched fully so that they lay on Kashmere's shoulder. Then, all at once, Kashmere rotates his body 180º so that he ends up facing away from Frazier's back (previously, he had been facing it), in the process flipping Jacobs from a position where he faced downward into Frazier's shoulder (since Frazier was holding him for an Ace Crusher) into a position where he faces up towards the ceiling. As Kashmere then drops to the mat (keep in mind that from the time Kashmere started rotating 180º up until the end of sequence, everything is happening all at once), in the process Sideslamming Jacobs, Frazier drops down onto his back and executes a Neckbreaker. Since Jacobs has gone from facing downwards to facing upwards, it works perfectly, because the Ace Crusher position naturally turns into a Neckbreaker position at the same time that Kashmere drops to the mat for the Sideslam. The spot is executed very well and gets some "Ooh!"'s and "Aah!"'s from the crow.. - Kashmere holds Ca$h from behind as Frazier tries a Diving Huracanrana from the top buckle, only for Ca$h to duck out of the way, causing Frazier to end up 'ranaing Kashmere! The finish comes when Ca$h hits the Ca$h Flow on Frazier, and then climbs up top, signaling for some type of splash. Trent Acid, though, runs out and distracts the referee, which in turn confounds Ca$h. Kashmere uses this instant to roll Frazier out of the ring and then crotch Ca$h on the top buckle. Next, Kashmere - standing on the mat - applies a front facelock on Ca$h, lifts him up out of his position on the ringpost, and drops him onto his knee via the Cradlebreaker (Fisherman's Suplex Lift into Headbreaker)! Before he can re-enter the ring, Jacobs receives a running forearm from Kashmere, sending him crashing back down to ringside, after which Kashmere covers Ca$h. At the same time, Acid stops distracting the ref and climbs off of the apron. The ref turns around and counts the pinfall for Kashmere, giving him the screwjob win. After the bout, Acid enters the ring and helps Kashmere beat down on Ca$h, until SONJAY DUTT runs out and scares off The Backseat Boyz, in the process building up heat for his match vs. Acid later in the night! Sonjay also helps Ca$h struggle back up to his feet, solifying their alliance for their tag team match the next night. At this point, Joker & Ruckus come out to the ring with microphones and cut a promo towards Ca$h & Sonjay, hyping the aforementioned match. They say that tonight, they're preparing for that match by wrestling Corey Kastle & Jon Dahmer, but that once that match is over, there's no telling whether or not they'll want to wait to get it on with Ca$h & Sonjay. The faces (Ca$h & Sonjay) take the mics and tell their opponents for the next night that they look forward to beating them when their match happens. Ca$h & Sonjay turn around and start exiting the ring when Joker & Ruckus attack them, only to have the assault cut off when Kastle & Dahmer run out and make the save, beginning their match with Joker & Ruckus! After recovering from the impromptu assault, Ca$h & Sonjay have a seat at ringside and watch the match with the purpose of scouting their opponents for the next night. - Corey Kastle & Jon Dahmer vs. Joker & Ruckus BACKSTORY: None, really. I'd basically promote this match as having the purpose of letting Joker & Ruckus acquaint with each other so as to prepare for their aforementioned match vs. Ca$h & Sonjay the following night. Kastle & Dahmer ran out to the ring and attacked Joker & Ruckus so as to save Ca$h & Sonjay from the unsanctioned beating that they were receiving. MATCH: Throughout the bout, Joker & Ruckus have heated confrontations and exchange words with Ca$h & Sonjay, but no punches are thrown between the two duos...at least until after the match. There aren't many highlights to this bout, as it's primarily meant to put over Joker & Ruckus and promote their match for the following night, but here are a couple quick notable spots... - Dahmer whips Ruckus into the ropes and Ruckus attempts a Handspring/Backspring Leaping Corkscrew Heelkick off of the ropes. Dahmer, though, catches him in position for a backbreaker (only he's standing, as opposed to kneeling), and then lifts him up above his head, rotates him about 90º and sits out, dropping Ruckus on his head with a stiff Sitout Powerbomb, ending a nice sequence! Dahmer pushes down on Ruckus' chest while retaining the sitdown position and obtains a 2 count. - Kastle attempts a Diamond Dust, but Joker refuses to be taken down into the Stunner, and instead Kastle lands in a backwards bridging position, with his head under Joker's armpit via an inverted facelock. Joker then lifts him up into the air as if for an Inverted Suplex, but then sits down and turns it into an Inverted Brainbuster (Josh Prohibition's Straight Edge). The finish comes when Ruckus executes a Falcon Arrow on Kastle and then follows with the Sweet (Cartwheel Backflip Splash) for the pinfall win (6:34). After the match, Ca$h & Sonjay enter the ring and have a confrontation with Joker & Ruckus, resulting in a pushing match between the two duos. Security eventually breaks it up before it degenerates, but it's clear there's a lot of heat going into the tag team match tomorrow night. - CZW Strong Style Tournament First Round Match: Alex Shelley vs. Homicide BACKSTORY: Shelley is scheduled to receive a shot at Jimmy Rave's newly-won Ironman Title, but I decided that I'd build up that match by having him compete in a Strong Style Tournament first round match on the first night of this doubleheader. Why pick Homicide for his opponent? No particular reason, really...if I was the booker, I'd save the matches that really have a lot of meaning (i.e. B-Boy vs. Homicide) for the later rounds, rather than just use them up in the initial round. These two don't really have a great deal of history (although they did fight in a four-way match at Night of Infamy 2), but the past that they do have with each other would offer some use. If I was booking, I'd mention how neither one won in the match at N.O.I. 2 (although Homicide technically should've been declared co-winner, along with Hero, since both were making an opponent tap at the same time, and it was Hero who the ref saw, as opposed to Homicide) and hype this bout as being a final battle between these two independent standouts, both of whom are highly acclaimed. MATCH: Highlights... - Homicide tries to whip Shelley into the ropes, but Shelley holds onto Homicide's hand instead comes back at him with a lariat. Shelley ducks and catches him in positon for a uranage, but Shelley fights out and swings around behind him, in perfect position for an Angle Slam, which he attempts. Homicide drops out, however, and lands behind him before ducking a lariat, whipping Shelley into the ropes, and executing a Rydeen Bomb (Sky High)! - Shelley climbs up top, but Homicide crotches him, climbs up onto the middle buckle, and executes the *awesome* SUPER HIPTOSS INTO SITOUT MICHINOKU DRIVER II-style SLAM that he did to Chris Sabin at ROH Night of the Grudges! Homicide hooks Shelley's leg once they land (like he did to Sabin) and obtains a dramatic 2 count. - Homicide whips Shelley towards the opposite corner and following after him. Shelley tries a tipup, but Homicide catches his legs on his shoulder and hits a Double-Leg Slam! A few moments later, Shelley tries to whip Homicide into the corner, but Homicide reverses and Irish whips Shelley toward the post and follows in after him. Shelley tries to tip up and over him, but Homicide again catches his legs on his shoulders and tries another Double-Leg Slam. Shelley has it scouted, though, and wraps his arms around Homicide's waist so that he can't deliver the move, only to have the "Notorious 187" instead adjust his grip on Shelley and hit a friggin' RUNNING AIR RAID CRASH (Kryptonic Krunch) out of the corner! The two eventually fight to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw, but Zandig comes out and says that since it's a tournament match, it must have a winner, so he orders them to continue fighting until a definitive winner is determined. Homicide eventually wins the match about three minutes later when he executes the Shining Wizard on Shelley and pins him to advance (23:16). - Non-Title Match: Sonjay Dutt (BJPW Junior Heavyweight Champion) vs. Trent Acid BACKSTORY: These two have quite some history with one another. Their first meeting came at the first annual Tournament of Death in 2002, when The Backseat Boyz won a four-way tag team match that included Sonjay & Derek Frazier. Sonjay eventually embarked into singles competition and feuded with Ruckus, Chri$ Ca$h, and - before he left CZW by jumping to the rival XPW promotion - Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross. Sonjay and Acid met in their first one-on-one match (to my knowledge, at least; I know both men have also worked for Hardway Wrestling in PA, so they may've met there before) at One More Time on December 25, 2002 and it was Acid who emerged victorious. Sonjay's feud with Ruckus and Ca$h heated up as 2003 came along, and it was in the semifinal round of the "Best of the Best 3" Junior Heavyweight Tournament that they met in their second one-on-one match. This time, it was Sonjay who captured the upset win over Acid, en route to eventually becoming the tournament's runner-up to B-Boy. Acid and Sonjay met in a tag team match at Extreme 8 in June of this year. In that bout, The Backseat Boyz emerged defeated the team of Ruckus & Sonjay. The next match between Acid and Sonjay transpired at Uprising on October 11, and Sonjay escaped with the victory in a four-way match that included Acid, thereby retaining his IWA-MS Light Heavyweight Title (which he's since lost to "Spyder" Nate Webb). The most recent bout between the two rivals came at CZW's debut show in Italy, entitled "Shockwave." It was there - on October 25 - that both Ruckus and Sonjay defeated Acid & his Hi-V cohort, B-Boy. All four of the participants in that match had already wrestled once previously that evening, making their performancse all the more impressive. Sonjay and Ruckus' alliance ended at the next CZW show, Night of Infamy 2, and at the promotion's most recent show, Cage of Death V, Sonjay captured the BJPW Junior Heavyweight Title from Ruckus. So, to say the least, Sonjay Dutt and Trent Acid are most certainly no strangers to one another, and their matches together have highlighted a number of past CZW shows. After finishing my construction of this card, both were left without matches, so I decided to book them against one another. If I was the booker, I'd hype this contest as a "Special Challenge"-type bout, with the purpose of preparing Sonjay for his high-profile tag team match the following night at Viking Hall. MATCH: Highlights... - Acid attempts an Irish whip, but Sonjay reverses it and sends Acid into the ropes before bending forward for a back body drop. Acid stops short, though, and kicks the living hell out of Sonjay's chest before running back off of the ropes and attempting the Yakuza Kick. Sonjay ducks and delivers delivers an inverted atomic drop before executing a backflip kick! He then applies a grounded hammerlock, but Acid eventually fights out and applies an armbar before rising to his feet. Sonjay escapes and applies an inverted armbar, which Acid tries to counter into an Angle Slam, but Sonjay drops out and lands on his feet behind him before running off of the ropes and trying a leaping spinkick. Acid ducks it and executes a bulldog lariat before trying to whip Sonjay into the ropes, only to have it reversed. Acid tries a hiptoss, but Sonjay refuses to go anywhere and instead swings around into a DDT attempt. That's blocked by Acid, who swings his body around full circle and turns it into his own DDT. He lifts Acid back up and Irish whips him again before running off of the ropes himself and attempts a roaring elbow, but Acid ducks that and runs off of the ropes again. Sonjay attempts a corkscrew pickup, but Acid flips out and lands on his feet before running off of the ropes again, only to receive a tilt-a-whirl sideslam. Sonjay follows with an armdrag and then a Japanese armdrag. - Sonjay executes a *sweet* Catapult Somersault Huracanrana on Acid, and then when the Backseat Boy climbs back up to his feet, charges at him and leaps into a bodyscissors position. He attempts to bounce back up and turn it into a bulldog, but Acid instead counters by powering him over via his signature Wheelbarrow Suplex! - Acid reverses an Irish whips and sends Sonjay into the ropes. Sonjay flips out and lands on his feet when Acid attempts a corkscrew pickup and immediately executes an armdrag. Another armdrag and then a dropkick follows from Sonjay. - Acid - on the mat - stands Sonjay on the middle buckle and grabs both of his hands in preparation for the Acid Bomb (Iconoclasm w/ the victim doing a front flip and landing on his back), but when he's catapulted forward so as for Acid to catch him via the Sitdown Inverted Powerbomb, Sonjay instead wraps his legs around Acid's head and takes him over via a Somersault Headscissors, sending him rolling into the middle of the ring! - Sonjay drops out of Acid's attempted suplex and lands behind him before applying a waistlock. Acid charges towards the ropes and grabs them, the momentum of which causes Sonjay to do a back roll and eventually roll back to his feet in the center of the ring. Acid charges at him with a Yakuza Kick, but Sonjay ducks, feeds Acid his left leg, and then delivers an enziguri kick with his right leg! - Sonjay signals for the Hindusault (Phoenix Splash) and climbs up top, but Acid recovers, climbs back to his feet, and crotches him on the buckle before hitting his signature "LSD" Super Inverted Huracanrana! - Sonjay executes the Calcutta Cutta (DDT onto his knee directly followed by a Leaping Neckbreaker) onto Acid. The finish comes when Acid - on the mat - stands Sonjay on the middle buckle and grabs both of his hands in preparation for the Acid Bomb (Iconoclasm w/ the victim doing a front flip and landing on his back), but Sonjay fights out of it with kicks to Acid's back and then steps up onto the top buckle and leaps off, hitting a DragonRana (Flying Somersault Huracanrana) (12:11)! - Nick Berk & Z-Barr vs. Rebel's Army (Greg Matthews & Rockin' Rebel) (Have Berk/Z-Barr win) BACKSTORY: These two teams have wrestled each other before not only in tag team situations, but also one-on-one, in various combinations. Most recently, their rivalry came about when Berk & Z-Barr reformed their former-"Softcore Connection" alliance. After the Berk & Z-Barr vs. The Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz match at Night of Infamy 2 on November 15, Rebel's Army attacked the two teams, setting up a triangle tag team match - which Rebel's Army would end up winning - at Cage of Death V. I figure it'd be reasonable to have these two duos face off one-on-one at this show, especially since The D.R.S. appear to be either on the backburner or being kept out of the main spotlight by the CZW creative department. MATCH: Highlights... - Berk takes Matthews down to the mat with a running jumping neckbreaker off of the ropes. A running leg drop follows for 2. - Rebel executes a belly-to-belly overhead suplex for 2 on Z-Barr. Shortly thereafter, he performs a vertical suplex on Z-Barr and follows this with a Diving Knee Drop off of the middle buckle for 2. - Rebel counters Z-Barr's attempted Irish whip, sends him into the ropes, and executes a Powerslam. - Berk ducks Matthews' lariat and nails a leaping heelkick. Then, after a short reversal, he hits a Leg-Face Driver (Fameasser), which sets up for a Diving Senton Splash from the middle buckle. Mtthews kicks out at 2. Berk starts working him over in the corner with some forearms and chops, but his Irish whip is reversed and he's sent into the opposite ringpost before being squashed into the post by a running lariat from Matthews. This is followed by a sideslam fromo the big man, after which the pace slows down and the action gets somewhat boring, although Matthews' great heel mannerisms make most of it pretty enjoyable. Matthews eventually piledrives his foe on a steel chair for 2. - Rebel climbs up top, but Berk crotches him and tries a superplex. Rebel fights out of this and pushes Berk down to the mat, and then waits until he gets back to his feet before executing a Flying Lariat. Shortly thereafter, he sets up for a powerbomb, but Berk escapes with a double-leg takedown and looks to apply the Texas Cloverleaf 2K2. Rebel, however, fights out of it, climbs back to his feet and goes back on the offense, nailing a Davey Boy Smith-style over-the-shoulder powerslam for 2. The finishing sequence occurs when Matthews whips Berk from one corner to the opposite one, and charges after him. Berk springs backwards off, though, of the middle buckle and back elbows the big man down in midair. Then, after a short reversal, Berk drills Matthews' knee with a Japanese dropkick, and shortly thereafter (following another brief reversal) hits a modified Double Shot (à la David Young), nailing a DDT onto his knee that he immediately transitions into an Ace Crusher. Berk then brings Matthews into the corner and sets up for a Tornado DDT, but Matthews fights out of it and climbs up top, setting up for a superplex. Berk fights out of this, though, and knocks Matthews back down to the mat before leaping off of the middle buckle and spiking the big man with a Flying DDT, which is enough for the pinfall win (8:34)! - CZW Strong Style Tournament First Round Match: Chris Hero vs. Tony Mamaluke BACKSTORY: Hero returned to CZW at Redefined in September and turned in two impressive performances. He returned to the promotion a couple months later at Night of Infamy II, at which he obtained a controversial win in a four-way match that also included Homicide, Alex Shelley, and Jimmy Jacobs. In December at Cage of Death V, he was the first man eliminated from a three-way dance that also included Alex Shelley and B-Boy. Mamaluke - like Hero - hasn't really had a steady feud in CZW since he became a regular for the promotion, despite having had very impressive technical matches with Nick Berk, Jimmy Rave, B-Boy, and others. He lost a 20 minute Ironman Match to Jimmy Rave at Uprising in October, and then - in his most recent CZW performance - defeated CZW debutee Scotty Matthews at Night of Infamy II in November. He was scheduled to participate in a Cage of Death V four-way match, but he was unable to make the show and the bout was changed to a three-way. Alex Shelley eventually gained the win in it over B-Boy and Hero. So, since both are fantastic technical talents and were scheduled to meet at C.O.D. (but didn't due to Mamaluke's no-show), this match seems pretty logical for the Strong Style Tournament, and not only that - it'd most certainly deliver, given sufficient time. MATCH: The two start with a solid mat sequence that lasts about two minutes long, in which they exchange armbars, armringers, hammerlocks, wristlocks, headlocks, etc. Mamaluke continually gains the advantage by using his quickness and his smaller stature (which allows him to squeeze out of several of Mamaluke's attempted submissions, suplexes, etc.). Mamaluke eventually gains the advantage towards the latter part of this sequence and he starts focusing on taking out his foe's legs, using Japanese dropkicks and the such. - Hero attempts the Hero's Welcome, but in mid-move, he loses his grasp and Mamaluke escapes from the hold. Hero finishes the rotation that the move entails and then charges at Mamaluke, who ducks a forearm, runs off of the ropes, and executes a nice Tilt-a-Whirl into a Fujiwara Armbar Takedown! - Mamaluke attempts an Irish whip, but Hero refuses to go anywhere and instead grabs a hold of his foe and executes a Cravate Plex (3/4 Chancery Suplex). - Hero lifts Mamaluke up onto his shoulders and attempts the Rubik's Cube (Neck Cradle Shoulder Mount into Sitout Neck Cradle Michinoku Driver II), but Mamaluke fights out of it and instead counters, rolling forward and taking Hero down into a victory roll for 2. Hero beats Mamaluke back to his feet and damn near lariats him out of his boots. - Hero whips Mamaluke from one corner to the opposite one and chases directly after him. Mamaluke tries a Corner Slingshot Crossbody Block, but Hero catches him in position for a fallaway slam and swings that into the Hero Sandwhich II (Fallaway Slam Hold into Uranage Backbreaker)! - Mamaluke applies a hammerlock, but Mafia transitions and it looks like he's going to lock on his own, but he instead surprises Mamaluke with a schoolboy rollup. Mamaluke kicks out at 2 and immediately keeps Mafia grounded by locking on an inverted jujigatame (w/ Mafia on his chest, rather than on his back). With his arm wrenched through Mamaluke's legs, he applies an abdominal stretch, so it initially looks like he's going to execute a pumphandle lift, but he instead stays with the simple stretch. Mamaluke eventually escapes via a single-leg takedown and applies a kneebar. The finish comes when Mamaluke's Irish whip is reversed and he's sent into the ropes. He leaps into a bodyscissors hold and rolls forward, taking Hero over so that he collapses face-first into the mat, at which point Mamaluke applies the Sicilian Crab (Elevated Half Crab w/ Hero's leg wrapped behind Mamaluke's head). Hero holds out for awhile, but is eventually forced to tap (12:39), giving Mamaluke the submission upset (well, not so much upset, but Hero was definitely the favorite, so it's a surprise)! - The H8 Club (Nick Gage & Nate Hatred) & Ian Knoxx vs. Hi-V (Adam Flash, B-Boy, & The Messiah) (have H8 Club win) BACKSTORY: Messiah has been feuding with Gage for all of 2003. Gage & Hatred comprised the most popular and the most successful tag team in CZW history, The H8 Club, up until early 2003, when they broke up and Hatred joined Messiah's Hi-V stable. During 2003, Gage and Hatred faced off in a variety of combinations, both in singles bouts and in tag team matches where Hatred teamed with Messiah and Gage with Zandig. B-Boy and later Flash joined Hi-V, and both, along with Messiah, participated in the five-on-five Cage of Death Scaffold Match at C.O.D. V in December. Gage and Knoxx were also part of that match, during which New Jack made his CZW debut and allied with Hi-V, and Hatred turned on Hi-V and realigned with Gage, bringing back The H8 Club and becoming a face again. I figure this match is therefore pretty logical and it would serve to build up to New Jack's official CZW in-ring debut in the main event of the second night of this doubleheader event, when I'm having him team with Messiah to take on The H8 Club in a regular (four-man) tag team contest. I'd give Gage & Hatred the win here, to reestablish their position as a force to be reckoned with. Truthfully, they don't really need the win because they're already so over that they could have a considerable losing streak and still be two of CZW's most popular stars. However, New Jack should win the match the next night because losing his first official bout in CZW wouldn't put him over too well and, with that in mind, putting Hi-V over The H8 Club in two straight matches probably wouldn't be too great of an idea. Even though The H8 Club ARE extremely over, having them lose two straight matches, both of which are their first time teaming with one another in more than half a year, would be risky. So, I figure I'll put The H8 Club over in this match (their first one teaming together since reforming) and give The H8 Club the victory the next night. Plus, since this is a six-man tag team match, giving the win to the face team would also continue Ian Knoxx' push, which CZW seems to be intent on maintaining, based on how he has been thrown into the main event mix as of late (i.e. participating in the top match at CZW's top card of the year in December at C.O.D. V). Also, I later realized that this was actually the very main event scheduled for this show, so that makes it fit even more, and believe it or not - it wasn't until after I wrote this whole "Backstory" feature that I realized that it had already been booked. MATCH: Highlights... - Messiah takes out Hatred with the Holy Roller (Running Apron-Dive Somersault Body Attack Suicida). - Knoxx attempts the Off Switch (Super Sitdown Chokeslam), but Flash fights out of it and hits the Move of the Month (Super Sitout Face Slam), only for Hatred to hustle into the ring and break up the count at 2. - Knoxx's Irish whip is reversed and he's sent into the ropes. He bounces off and receives Carlito's Way from Messiah. - Hatred sets up for a Northern Lights Suplex, but B-Boy fights out of it with elbow smashes to the back of the neck, and then executes the Plex Breaker (modified Swinging Neckbreaker) for 2. - B-Boy hits a Corkscrew Fishermanbuster on Knoxx for 2, and then a few moments later the Criss-Cross Cradle Piledriver, but gets the same result. - Gage attempts the Hardcore Drop (Brainbuster Suplex), but B-Boy drops out of it and lands behind him with an inverted facelock applied, so he decides to immediately transition into a Neckbreaker (anotherwards an Inverted Twist of Fate)! - B-Boy hits the Shining Wizard on Gage, but right before the ref can reach the 3 count, Knoxx flies off of the top buckle and breaks up the count with the 100 Proof (Flying Somersault Elbow Drop)! - Messiah tries a Tornado DDT, but Hatred refuses to be taken over and Messiah instead lands on his feet, only to receive a Northern Lights Suplex into the nearby ringpost! - B-Boy delivers the Facelift Dropkick to Gage, who's sitting in the corner! - Hatred lifts B-Boy up onto his shoulders and attempts the Bio Thunder Driver (Rikishi Driver), but B-Boy drops out and lands on his feet behind him. When Hatred turns around, he receives from B-Boy a flurry of stiff kicks to the legs and hips, some shoteis (palm thrust strikes) to the face, and finally a leaping spinkick to the head, knocking him down to the mat. - Gage hits the Gage Driller (Pain Thriller/Head Drop Angle Slam) on Messiah and then heads up top, signaling for his signature Deep Frog Splash, but Messiah hustles back to his feet, crotches him on the buckle, and executes the Sinnter (Super [from middle buckle] Death Valley Driver)! The finish comes when The H8 Club whip Flash into the ropes and deliver a modified hiptoss, in which they catch him before he lands on the mat, lifts him up into position for an H-Bomb, and then turns that into a SICKENINGLY STIFF Sitout Powerbomb (Gage)/Falling Inverted DDT (Hatred) combo for the pinfall win (21:22)! Matches of the Night (in order from best to worst): Hero/Mamaluke, Homicide/Shelley, Ca$h/Frazier/Jacobs/Kashmere, Sonjay/Acid, Six-Man Tag Main Event, Sabian/Shun, Joker/Ruckus vs. Dahmer/Kastle, Berk/Z-Barr vs. Rebel's Army 1/17 at Viking Hall in Philadelphia, PA - Derek Frazier vs. Z-Barr BACKSTORY: These two don't directly have history with one another, but Z-Barr and his tag team partner, Nick Berk, have been feuding with Rebel's Army since reforming their partnership. Frazier is a member of Rebel's Army, so this match seems pretty logical for the second night of this doubleheader event. Frazier would be turning in a very impressive performance the first night, while Z-Barr would've gained the win in his tag team match vs. Rebel's Army members Greg Matthews & Rockin' Rebel. So, I'd use this match to continue, or even end (I'd have to think about the advantages and disadvantages of each possibility before making a final decision), the Berk & Z-Barr/Rebel's Army feud. MATCH: Highlights... - Frazier counters Z-Barr's attempted Death Valley Driver in midair by grabbing his head while being flipped over and landing with a Neckbreaker on his foe, in a pretty nice-looking spot. - Frazier hits his trademark Running Corner Shining Wizard on Z-Barr before climbing up onto the middle buckle and leaping off, catching Z-Barr on the way down with a Rick Steiner-style Flying Bulldog for 2! - Frazier is lifted up into a Powerbomb position, by Z-Barr, but he turns that into a sunset flip, only to have Z-Barr roll all the way throught he move and Japanese dropkick him square in the face! - Frazier attempts a Vertaebreaker, but Joker drops out of it, lifts the Rebel's Army member up onto his shoulders, and attempts the Joker Driver, only for Frazier to fight out of it with bunches to the head and then leans backwards, taking Joker over via a pretty well-executed Inverted Huracanrana! - Z-Barr hits the Doggy in the Bathtub (Fireman's Carry Inverted DDT) for 2. - Frazier scoop slams Z-Barr, but the former-Softcore Connection member drops out of the move and lands behind his foe with an inverted facelock applied, so he naturally executes an Inverted DDT. Z-Barr then signals for THE DONKEY PUNCH~!, but Frazier scrambles back up to his feet and attacks him before he can execute it. He tries an Irish whip, but Z-Barr reverses it and sends his foe into the ropes, only to receive a running Swinging DDT! - Z-Barr attempts an Exploder Suplex, but Frazier fights out of it and runs off of the ropes. Z-Barr executes a tilt-a-whirl lift, but Frazier turns that into a pretty well-executed Satellite Headscissors into Bulldog sequence! - Z-Barr - running off of the ropes - hits the Barracuda (Jumping Spinning Bulldog Lariat). - A few moments later, Z-Barr hits a Death Valley Driver (which Frazier doesn't counter, like Joker did earlier into the bout) and then nails the Toe Jam (Leg Drop off of the middle buckle) for 2. The finish comes during an exchange between Frazier and Z-Barr, while Joker is taking a breather at ringside. Z-Barr sets up for the Fluff (modified Single Underhook Inverted Russian Leg Sweep), but Frazier fights out of it and - after a short sequence of reversals - nails the move he used to call the Impact Driver (Full Nelson Toss into Sitdown Inverted Powerbomb) for the pinfall win (9:12), thereby gaining the upset over the CZW veteran. - Johnny Kashmere vs. Tony Mamaluke BACKSTORY: Kashmere - a member of The Backseat Boyz with Trent Acid and of the heel Hi-V stable - returned to CZW in November at Night of Infamy II, and then participated in the chaotic five-on-five Cage of Death Scaffold Match at C.O.D. V the next month. While in the shadow of Acid, by most fans' perspectives, my giving him the victory in a four-way match on the previous night's event would hopefully serve to re-establish him as a legitimate contender in CZW, because God knows he has the talent to be such. Mamaluke, meanwhile, became a regular on CZW's roster earlier this year. During his time with the promotion, he's produced excellent technical showings against Jimmy Rave, B-Boy, Nick Berk, and Trent Acid and has become pretty popular with the fans. In my fantasty booking, I had him gain the upset win over Chris Hero in the first round of the Strong Style Tournament. So - with that in mind - I think Kashmere would probably be better served winning this match, since - even if he was to win a four-way like I had him do in this fantasy booking - he still has awhile to go if he hopes to legitimize himself as someone other than simply Acid's Backseat Boyz partner. Creating a credible winning streak would probably be the first step to accomplishing that deed, so I figure this is a good way to contribute to that streak. Mamaluke is still widely regarded by CZW and even general indy fans, having been an F.B.I. member in ECW, so - while it'd be nice to have him gain some momentum going into the second round of the Strong Style Tournament - his reputation probably wouldn't be hurt too much, and it seems more important to continue pushing Kashmere and give him this win, as opposed to letting Mamaluke obtain it. MATCH: Highlights... - Kashmere lifts Mamaluke up into a Powerbomb position, but Mamaluke takes him over via a Sunset Flip for 2. - Kashmere lifts Mamaluke up into a Fireman's Carry and tries to turn that into a Stunner, but Mamaluke counters via a Fujiwara Armbar Takedown, and then wrenches down on that hold until Kashmere is able to make it to the ropes. - Mamaluke's Irish whip is reversed and he's sent into the ropes. He leaps into a bodyscissors hold and rolls forward, taking Kashmere over so that he collapses face-first into the mat, at which point Mamaluke applies the Sicilian Crab, the same hold that he defeated Hero with the previous night! Kashmere eventually makes it to the ropes, forcing Mamaluke to break the hold. - Mamaluke runs off of the ropes and attempts a Running Jumping Swinging DDT, but Kashmere refuses to be taken down and Mamaluke ends up landing on his feet, only to receive an Exploder Suplex! The finish comes out of nowhere. A few moments before, Mamaluke had ran off of the ropes, swung up onto Kashmere's shoulders and ended up in a crucifix position, and then rotated 90º and executed a sunset flip for a 2 count. Mamaluke tries the same move again, but this time when he tries to turn it into the sunset flip, Kashmere counters by dropping down onto one knee and smashing Mamaluke's head onto his other knee via an Air Raid Crash-style Headbreaker (Dixie of Special K calls it the Dixie Driver, and Jeremy Lopez also uses the move), making for an excellent reversal. This is enough for Kashmere to obtain the pinfall win (8:06) to continue his newly-found winning streak. - Six-Man Elimination Match: Corey Kastle, Jon Dahmer, & Sabian vs. DJ Hyde, Josh Samuels, & Shun the Kubaki Kid BACKSTORY: Dahmer and DJ have been feuding for the last few months...kinda. DJ debuted in September 2003 at Redefined and teamed with Dahmer against Rebel's Army (Greg Matthews & Rockin' Rebel), but the duo lost and DJ turned on Dahmer after the bout. This led to a singles match between them at Uprising in October, and DJ upset Dahmer to win that match. On the same show, Kastle (Dahmer's regular tag team partner for the last year) and Shun participated in a three-way match that was eventually won by Chri$ Ca$h. November 15's Night of Infamy II saw Jude, Niles Young, & DJ defeat Kastle, Dahmer, & Sabian in a six-man tag team match when DJ pinned Dahmer. Finally, at December's Cage of Death V, Dahmer got a win when he and Kastle won a triangle tag team match over Jude & Young and DJ & Josh Samuels, who was making his CZW in-ring debut. I had Kastle & Dahmer lose a tag team match to Joker & Ruckus on the first night of this doubleheader event, and I also had Sabian defeat Shun on the same card, to build up this match. Dahmer - having been pinned by the rookie DJ twice in just a few months - desperately needs to get some more wins if CZW wants him to retain any significance, so I'd definitely have him get some pinfalls in this bout, including the winning one. MATCH: Highlights... - Shun attempts a Tiger Driver, but Sabian fights out of it and tries to counter into a Back Body Drop, only for Shun to take him over into a Sunset Flip for 2. - Kastle attempts his signature Superkick, but DJ ducks, and then when Kastle charges back toward him, hits a Rydeen Bomb (Skyhigh)! Kastle lands in a sitdown pin position, but Dahmer hustles into the ring and breaks up the count at 2, saving his student and partner from being eliminated. - With Dahmer standing on the ring mat, Shun tries a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, but Dahmer refuses to be taken down and instead catches Shun in a hanging position over his back. He then turns around so that he's facing towards the opposite corner and delivers a STIFF version of Bob "Hardcore" Holly's Alabama Slam (Snap Double-Leg Spinebuster Slam)! Dahmer then bends down and lifts Shun off of the ground and up into a Powerbomb position before delivering three consecutive rolling Folding Powerbombs, the last one for the pinfall elimination (3:15)! Shun - pretty much dead - rolls out of the ring and is helped backstage by a few referees and misc. officials. - DJ tries a Powerbomb on Sabian, but Sabian does a Billy Kidman-style counter and reverses it into an X-Factor for a 2 count. - Sabian attempts a Tornado DDT, but when he spits around, DJ refuses to be taken down into the DDT and also doesn't let Sabian even get his feet on the ground, instead opting to apply a Bearhug while Sabian's still in midair (in the process of swinging around into the DDT). DJ then manuevers his hold on Sabian and lifts him up onto his shoulder for a British Bulldog-style Running Powerslam, only to instead run toward the corner and ram Sabian back-first into it, a move he's used a few times before, and then bounce off, run into the center of the ring, and deliver the Bulldog-esque Running Powerslam for the pinfall elimination (4:51)! - Castle sets up for an Inverted Russian Leg Sweep (Flatliner) on Samuels, but Samuels fights out of it with back elbows to the head, and then locks his arm around that of Kastle's before using that as a pivot position, rotating around 480º and ending up in position for a Tomakaze/Kid Krusher/Unprettier. Kastle, though, counters that by hooking Samuels' arms and lifting him up onto his back and attempting a Vertaebreaker, only for Samuels to use his weight effectively and drop out, landing on his feet. Samuels then lifts Kastle up onto his shoulders from behind and PLANTS him face-first via an Electric Chair Drop (Shoulder-Mount into Sitdown Inverted Powerbomb) for the pinfall elimination (6:37). - Samuels lifts Dahmer up onto his shoulders via a Fireman's Carry, but Dahmer eventually uses his weight to his advantage and drops out behind him, landing on his feet. Dahmer then delivers a Snap Backdrop Driver and rolls through into a Brainbuster Suplex for the pinfall elimination, making the match down to himself and DJ (8:32). The finish comes when DJ sets up for a Chokeslam, but Dahmer fights out with back elbow smashes to the side of the head, and then hits a Falcon Arrow for the pinfall win (11:02). - Adam Flash vs. Homicide BACKSTORY: Flash joined Hi-V at Shockwave in Italy on October 25, which was something that was probably a smart idea, as up until then, he had been kept in a tag team with Ian Knoxx, despite being a more than 10 year veteran in the business and being pretty over with the fans. He participated in the chaotic five-on-five Cage of Death Scaffold Match at C.O.D. V and - like the other participants in that match - took some impressive bumps, something that he generally hasn't been known for in the past. Homicide, meanwhile, debuted in CZW earlier in the year and immediately began a feud with Flash's fellow Hi-V member, Acid. The two had some fantastic matches in both CZW and ROH, producing one of the most prominent highlights on each of the shows that they worked one another on. After that feud ended, Homicide had an impressive match with another Hi-V member in B-Boy at Uprising in October. Then, at Night of Infamy 2 in November, he lost a controversial four-way match to Chris Hero, although the controversy was generated by the fact that both Hero and Homicide had their opponent's tapping out to submissions, but the ref only saw Hero's submission attainment and not Homicide's. I had Homicide win his first round match in the Strong Style Tournament on the first night of this doubleheader event, so he'd be coming off of the previous night with some momentum. Flash would be coming off a loss in a six-man tag team vs. Ian Knoxx & The H8 Club the previous night, while Homicide would've advanced to the second round of the CZW Strong Style Tournament by defeating Alex Shelley. I think - since he would've lost the first night - Flash would need a win to maintain his overness, so I'd put him over in this match, with the knowledge that Homicide is already very over both in CZW and all of the other promotions that he works for, so he'd have little to lose. Regarding the purpose for booking this match, it has some backstory, as Homicide has been feuding with Acid and the rest of Hi-V since debuting in CZW in mid-2003, so that would make this match pretty logical, in terms of storylines. Plus, there's the added incentive that - if booked the right way - it could also be pretty entertaining, even though at first glance this may appear to be somewhat of a styles clash. MATCH: Highlights... - The two start with a solid sequence, as a tieup leads to a side headlock by Flash. Homicide pushes him into the ropes and Flash comes off with a shoulderblock, but Homicide doesn't even budge. Flash runs off of the ropes again and Homicide attempts a running Yakuza Kick as he charges toward him again, but Flash ducks that. Flash then attempts lariat, but Homicide ducks and Flash ends up in a full nelson. He fights out of a full nelson suplex attempt, though, and runs off of the ropes again. Homicide tries a hiptoss, but Flash doesn't budge and instead tries a lariat, but Homicide ducks that and ends up behind Flash with a waistlock. He attempts a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Flash counters in mid-move by shifting his weight and takes him down to the mat, landing with a bulldog lariat hold, which he clamps down on. Homicide eventually fights back to his feet and escapes what's now been transitioned into a side headlock via elbows to the gut. He then runs off of the ropes, but Flash floors him with a back elbow smash, sending him down to the mat. From then on, Flash slows down the pace and works Homicide over with some submissions and the like until... - Flash attempts a running bulldog, but Homicide suddenly clamps down around his victim's waist, thereby stopping him in mid-run, and powers him backwards via a *harsh* backdrop driver that drops Flash at a SICK angle on his head! - Homicide sits Flash on the top buckle and then climbs up onto the middle one, from where he attempts a Superplex. Flash fights out of it, though, bends under Homicide's arm, grabs his neck, and leaps off, taking the "Notorious 187" off of the buckle and down to the mat via a Neckbreaker! - Homicide attempts a Northern Lights Suplex, but Flash fights out of it with knee lifts to the gut, and then hits a Flash Driver (Michinoku Driver II) for a 2 count. - Homicide sets up for a powerbomb, but Flash back body drops him. He then lifts Homicide back up and goes to lift him up for a sideslam, but Homicide fights out with some elbow smashes to the back of Flash's head, and then a knee lift to the gut. Homicide then executes a Belly-to-Back Lift into a Backbreaker, and decides to maintain the hold, pushing down on the legs and neck of Flash while he's still laid across his knee. Homicide breaks the hold after about 12 seconds. He then runs off of the ropes and executes a leaping senton splash to Flash's chest, building upon the damage of the previously applied backbreaker submission. The senton move gets a 2 count. - Flash lifts Homicide up onto his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver, but Homicide drops out and lands on his feet behind his foe and when Flash turns around, delivers a gut kick. Homicide then lifts Flash up and attempts his Bodyslam/Cradle Tombstone Piledriver combo, but Flash drops off of his shoulder and lands on his feet behind him with an inverted facelock applied, so he immediately transitions into an Inverted DDT. The finish comes when Homicide - instead of resorting to his usual Shining Wizard or Cop Killa (Vertaebreaker) - delivers a Damien 666-style Dropdown (to his knees) Martinette for the pinfall elimination (11:28). - Chri$ Ca$h & Sonjay Dutt vs. Joker & Ruckus BACKSTORY: Ca$h and Ruckus have faced off several times before, as have Sonjay and Ruckus. In fact, Sonjay and Ruckus - tag team partners just a few months ago - had a falling out in late 2003 and engaged in an exciting match at Cage of Death V in December, which saw Sonjay capture Ruckus' BJPW Junior Heavyweight Title. On that same show, Ca$h and Joker produced a Ladder Match that contained a series of teriffic bumps, including a Joker Driver off of a ladder and through a table. Joker eventually captured the upset pinfall win. Since both of these feuds are so hot with the fans, I'd continue them, if I were booking. On the first night of this doubleheader event, I had Ca$h participate in a solid four-way match. He had the win in his hands, until Joker and Ruckus ran out and knocked him out, allowing Johnny Kashmere to pick up the win. As Joker & Ruckus beat on Ca$h post-match, Sonjay ran out and scared them off. Then, Corey Kastle & Jon Dahmer came out and served as Joker & Ruckus' opponents for that night, and were made relatively short work of. To liven up the heat, I had Ca$h & Sonjay remain at ringside for that match, so there could be some staredowns between themselves and Joker & Ruckus, so as to increase the heat going into that match. After it ended, Joker & Ruckus and Ca$h & Sonjay got into a pushing match, but security broke it up, so going into this match, there's quite a bit of heat...and not to mention a lot of anticipation, since many would consider this a CZW dream match. MATCH: Highlights... - Ruckus whips Sonjay into the ropes and attempts a hiptoss, but Sonjay doesn't budge. "The Original Playa from the Himalaya" instead tries his own hiptoss, only to have Ruckus counter in midair with a monkey flip! - Ruckus lifts Ca$h up onto his shoulders for a powerbomb, but Sonjay counters and takes him back down via a DDT! - Ruckus attempts the modified Parker-type move that he did to M-Dogg 20 at last year's C.O.D. show (a Powerbomb Lift into a Canadian Backbreaker Rack into a Michinoku Driver II-style sitout slam), but Sonjay awesomely counters while he's being swuning around 180º and takes Ruckus down to the mat via a Bulldog! - Joker executes a tilt-a-whirl lift after whipping Ca$h into the ropes, but Ca$h drops off of his shoulder, lands with an inverted facelock, and immediately transitions into a nice Inverted DDT. - Joker whips Sonjay into the corner and charges at him, only to receive a boot to the face. Another charge results in the same result. Joker tries one more time, and this time - as Joker charges - Sonjay springs up onto the middle buckle and leaps over the incoming Joker, taking him down into a sunset flip. Joker rolls through the takedown, though, and Japanese Dropkicks Sonjay's face (à la Nosawa, Taka, Funaki, etc.), ending the creative sequence. - Ruckus whips Sonjay into the opposite corner and charges after him. Sonjay performs a tipup, but Ruckus smartly stops and catches his foe's legs on his shoulders. He then hurls him up into the air and over the ring ropes, but Sonjay lands on the apron. He blocks a punch from Ruckus and slaps him across the face before climbing up to the top buckle. However, Ruckus recovers quickly and runs up the turnbuckle and Super Armdrags Sonjay off of it and down to the ring mat below. Once Sonjay starts to climb back up to his feet, Ruckus charges at him and hits a Shining Enziguri. He follows with the Sweet (Handspring Standing Backflip Splash) for 2. - Sonjay tries to whip Ruckus into the corner, but his longtime rival counters and sends Sonjay into the opposite ringpost. Ruckus charges at him and Sonjay gets a boot up into his face. Ruckus runs towards him again and gets the same present, straight in his face. Sonjay then positions Ruckus with his back to the corner before climbing up onto the middle buckle, diving off, and taking Ruckus over with a nice Diving Somersault Headscissors Takeover! - Ca$h & Sonjay execute a Double-Team Indian Summer (Double-Team Fishermanbuster) on Joker! - Ruckus tries RVD's Running Front Roll into a Corner Monkey Flip, but Sonjay lands on his feet after being flipped forward by the move and proceeds to down Ruckus via a Spinning Heelkick. - Joker lifts Sonjay up onto his shoulders, setting up for the Joker Driver (Sitout Electric Chair Driver), but Sonjay counters into an Inverted Huracanrana! - Sonjay - looking for a Huracanrana - leaps up onto Joker's shoulders and then executes a Shoulder Spin so that he's in position to execute an Inverted Huracanrana, but Joker instead grabs his foe's head, pulls it downward, and executes the Joker Driver! The finish comes when Ruckus lifts Ca$h up onto his shoulders in a shoulder-mounted position and at the same time, Joker leaps off of the top buckle and Swinging DDTs Ca$h off of Ruckus' shoulders, completing The DOOMSDAY SWINGING DDT (often used by The S.A.T.), which gets the 3 count win for Ruckus (who made the pin) & Joker! - CZW Strong Style Tournament First Round Match: B-Boy vs. Jimmy Jacobs (w/ Becky Bayless) BACKSTORY: B-Boy is of course a member of the heel Hi-V stable and has been arguably CZW's Breakout Star of the Year, along with Sonjay Dutt. He's had excellent matches with Sonjay, Tony Mamaluke, Homicide, Jay Briscoe, Jimmy Rave, and others and was the "Best of the Best" Junior Heavyweight Tournament winner. He's one of the premiere - if not *the* premiere - technical wrestlers in CZW, so he most certainly deserves to be in this tournament. He'd be coming off a six-man tag team win over The H8 Club and Ian Knoxx the previous night. Jacobs, meanwhile, is feuding with Alex Shelley in IWA-MS and their rivalry carried over into CZW, as the two had some solid matches in the last few months. At Cage of Death V in December, Jacobs won a three-way dance over Sabian and Derek Frazier to win a shot at Sonjay Dutt's CZW Junior Heavyweight Title at one of these two doubleheader shows. I decided that I'd rather go with Sonjay vs. Trent Acid and then Sonjay & Chri$ Ca$h vs. Ruckus & Joker, though, because I think that'd be more beneficial to the CZW runs of those four, since Sonjay vs. Ruckus and Ca$h vs. Joker are two of the most popular feuds in CZW and I think it'd be smart to continue building them while those matchups are popular with the fans. Jacobs - while probably not at the level of B-Boy when it comes to scientific prowess - is quite an impressive wrestler and looks to be on the verge of breaking out on the general indy circuit, so I think he deserves a shot in the Strong Style Tournament. I'd of course put B-Boy over him, but still - since CZW seems to be intent on pushing Jacobs, judging by how they booked him for a title shot vs. Sonjay - I'd book him to look good in the process. Like most of the other matches in the first round of this tournament, there isn't really any history between these two, as this would be their first match together. As mentioned, I'm saving such combos as B-Boy vs. Homicide for the latter rounds of the tournament, as opposed to using them up in the initial round. MATCH: Highlights... - Jacobs whips B-Boy into the ropes and attempting a hiptoss, but B-Boy refuses to be catapulted off of the mat. Instead, he pivots around by his arm that is now interlocked with Jacobs' and then drops down to a sitting position on the mat, in the process bringing Jacobs' arm down on his shoulder via a stiff armbreaker. - B-Boy whips Jacobs into the ropes and attempts a lariat, but that's ducked. Jacobs comes off with a Yakuza Kick attempt, but that's also ducked. B-Boy then attempts a Rolling (Roaring) Elbow, but that's ducked as well. Jacobs then tries another Yakuza Kick, and this time B-Boy's catches him with his (Jacobs') leg on top of his (B-Boy's) shoulder and tosses him with a Taz-style Belly-to-Belly Leg Cradle Overhead Suplex! - Jacobs attempts an Irish whip, but B-Boy holds onto his arm, refusing to go anywhere, and and leaps toward him with a forearm. Jacobs ducks and when B-Boy - who lands on his feet - turns back around so that he's facing his foe, applies a 3/4 bulldog facelock (stunner hold) and charges into the center of the ring, attempting a running Ace Crusher. B-Boy, though, refuses to be taken down with the move and - instead - applies a cobra clutch, stopping Jacobs in mid-run. He then applies an inverted facelock and attempts Tommy Dreamer's Neckbreaker out of the corner, only with an Inverted DDT instead. Jacobs fights out of this, though, only for B-Boy to fight back and repeatedly pound him on the back of his head before stepping up onto the middle buckle. His Super Backdrop Suplex attempt is fought off with back elbows to the head, eventually knocking B-Boy back down to the mat. Before Jacobs (currently sitting on the top buckle, with his legs hanging out of the ring) can struggle onto his feet, though, B-Boy - resilient as can be - makes it back to his feet and attacks again, before applying a cobra clutch and attempting a Cobra Clutch-style Suplex that would pull Jacobs off of the ringpost and drop him head-first onto the mat. Jacobs fights this off, too, though, and then applies a 3/4 bulldog facelock, lifts his feet up and over the post and positions them against the top post (rather than on it), and then kicks himself backwards and delivering a *sweet* Springshot (I guess that's what I'd call it because it's a combo of a catapult and springboard) Stunner, like Frankie Kazarian ever so occasionally uses! - Jacobs attempts a backdrop suplex and gets B-Boy somewhat up into the air, but the So-Cal star shifts his weight effectively and ends up falling back downward the opposite way he was lifted and lands on one knee, using the other to ram Jacob's face into! Jacobs starts leaning forward, as if he's about to fall down to the mat, so B-Boy unloads with some stiff kicks to the chest, hip, and legs of his opponent, until Jacobs catches one of his legs against his hip and executes a dragon screw leg whip. - Jacobs fights out of an attempted t-bone suplex from B-Boy and tries a Little Guido/Nunzio-style Rope-Assisted Springshot Swinging Armbar DDT. However, when he finishes the rotation, B-Boy refuses to be taken down to the mat with the DDT part of the move and instead executes an EXPLODER SUPLEX INTO THE RINGPOST~! Next, B-Boy adjusts Jacob so that he's in a sitting position in the corner before backing up, charging at his foe, and executing his signature Facelift Dropkick! - B-Boy is whipped into the ropes. Jacobs tries a lariat, but B-Boy ducks it and at the same time, wraps his arm nearest to Jacobs' hip around the arm of the foe that's closest to him. Jacobs - for a split second, since this sequence occurs at considerably fast speed - has his one arm in a full nelson, but B-Boy continues pivoting until he's standing fully behind Jacobs. At that point, he applies an Inverted Facelock and attempts an Inverted Facelock Suplex, but Jacobs flips over and lands on his feet behind him. He sets up for a backdrop suplex, but B-Boy uses some elbow smashes to escape, and then graps Jacobs' arm, pivots/swings around, and ends up in position for a Pain Thriller, which he attempts. Jacobs drops out and lands on his feet behind him again, though, at which time B-Boy attacks with a Roaring (Rolling) Elbow. Jacobs, though, ducks his head and catches a hold of B-Boy as he attempts the move, and then delivers the "New Age Punisher"'s *own* T-Bone Suplex! The finish comes when Jacobs attempts the Contra Code (Sitout Sliced Bread #2), but B-Boy wrenches down on a cobra clutch hold when Jacobs has his feet on the top buckle and is in mid-run. The Hi-V member then proceeds to pull Jacobs off of the buckle and slam him head-first via a SICK Cobra Clutch Overhead Suplex! B-Boy then executes The Stuff (Flying Double-Foot Stomp to the chest) for the pinfall win (14:43), obtaining the right to advance to the tournament's semifinal round. - CZW Strong Style Tournament First Round Match: Mafia vs. Nick Berk BACKSTORY: Mafia debuted in CZW earlier this year with the purpose of assisting his friend, Homicide, in his feud with Trent Acid. At Night of Infamy II in November, Mafia turned in an impressive - albeit unsuccessful - attempt to nab Acid's Ironman Title (which he's since lost to Jimmy Rave). Berk, meanwhile, reformed his tag team with Z-Barr a few months ago, and the duo has been feuding with Rebel's Army and The Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz. If I was booking these shows, I'd have Berk & Z-Barr defeat Rebel's Army the first night of this doubleheader event (as I describe above), so Berk & Z-Barr would have some momentum going into the second night. Mafia and Berk don't really have much history with one another, and truth be told, both are faces, but still - it'd be an interesting pairing. I'm saving the really intriguing combinations (i.e. B-Boy vs. Homicide) for later in the tournament, so I settled on this match to occur in the second round. MATCH: Highlights... - Mafia lifts Berk up for a Backdrop Suplex, but Berk uses his weight effectively and takes Mafia back down the way he brought him up, planting him face-first into the mat via a nice-looking Bulldog! - Berk attempts a Tornado DDT and Mafia - as Berk is rotating his body around - counters the move into a STIFF Sidewalk Slam! - Mafia reverses Berk's Irish whip and sends him into the ropes. Berk swings up onto Mafia's back and attempts to take him down via a crucifix pin, but Mafia stays on his feet and instead adjusts his hold on Jacobs into that of a fireman's carry before trying to turn that into a Michinoku Driver II. Jacobs, though, grabs Mafia's head while in midair and ends up turning the move into a Stunner, as he lands in a sitting position, while ramming Mafia face down onto his shoulder. - Berk leaps up onto Mafia's shoulders and tries a Huracanrana, but Mafia instead tosses him up into the air and catches him with a Back Sitdown Inverted Powerbomb, completing the Vic Grimes-style Gory Special! The finish comes when Mafia atomic drops Berk into a crotched position on the top buckle, so that he's facing away from the ring. Mafia then climbs up onto the middle buckle and lifts Berk up onto his shoulders in a Torture Rack. He signals for a SUPER BURNING HAMMER, but Berk fights out of it and ends up in a standing position on the top ring rope. He then proceeds to place his leg on top of Mafia's head, push off of the ring rope with his other leg and plant Mafia face-first into the ring mat below with a SUPER LEG-FACE DRIVER (Super Fameasser)! Berk then turns Mafia over so that he's laying on his back and proceeds to climb back up to the top buckle and leap off, delivering a Flying Frog Splash for the pinfall upset (11:31)! - CZW Ironman Title - Jimmy Rave © vs. Alex Shelley
  8. LucharesuFan619

    MLW falsely advertising Raven + Sabu for 2/14?

    Chad Collyer bolted for Japan without telling ROH. I don't think he meant Collyer worked for XPW, he meant that anyone seeking work in XPW was promptly fired due to the Philly Indy Wars. I may be wrong, but I don't remember hearing Collyer contacting XPW. I think the guy above is right, that he went to Japan without telling ROH...but I may be wrong, I don't know. I know Justice Pain, Boogalu, and a few others were the guys to first contact XPW, as opposed to XPW, but I don't know about Collyer.
  9. LucharesuFan619

    This World-1 card sounds...

    Spanky replaced someone who dropped off the card. I forget who.
  10. LucharesuFan619

    CZW results

    Credit: CZWWrestling.com/McGee CZW debuted in Allentown on a cold Friday night, entering unfamiliar territory, such that this show was appropriately named The Allentown Project. The quick show results are as follows: Jon Dahmer defeated DJ Hyde. Dahmer split DJ Hyde wide open with one crack of the chair that forced him to be helped to the back. Yellow Michinoku Ranger (Sumie Sakai) defeated Die Hard Joey Corman and Samir defeated Barr and Berk. Barr and Berk will seek revenge as they will square off in a return match tonight in Philadelphia. Joker won a 5-man Elimination match that saw the likes of Corey Kastle, Niles Young, Sabian, and Johnny Storm in a fast-paced match with the future of the CZW Junior Heavyweight Division demonstrating their skills. Joker and Johnny Storm were the last two participants when joker scored the win. Sonjay defeated Derek Frazier to retain his CZW Junior Heavyweight Title. Frazier had everyone fooled when he faked what appeared to be a serous leg injury in order to get the upper-hand on the defending champ. The Backseat Boyz with the wheel-chaired, leg-braced, and neck-braced Dew, who is said to be recovering slowly but nicley from the DVD at COD V, defeated Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley when Jacobs fell victim to the T-Gimmick. After the match, Rebel and Greg Matthews made short work of Alex Shelley to give the Backseat Boyz a preview of what they are in store for tonight in Philadelphia. The Backseat Boyz looked on yet were confident that about their chances tonight. Once the ring cleared, Alex Shelley took upon himself to call out Jacobs for leaving him for dead with Rebel's Army. Shelley made it clear that he was sick and tired of carrying Jacobs and that Jacobs was embarrassing him every time they work as a team for various promotions. Shelley stated that this was the last time and Jacobs cost him CZW Tag-Team Gold last night. Jimmy Rave defeated Ruckus. Being the champion that he is, Jimmy Rave gave Ruckus the chance to win the Iron-Man Title with one fall and any other stipulations. The crowd began to chant for a return to the Old Iron-Man title roots. The fan-friendly Ruckus was more than happy to deny their request. Finally in the Main Event, the team of Ian Knoxx and the H8 Club defeated Messiah, B-Boy, and Adam Flash in a match that had nothing short of an odd ending. The official announcement was that this was to be a "Falls Count Anywhere" Match. Ian Knoxx to the brunt of the punishment as he tried to prove himself to his tag-team partners, the H8 Club. For his efforts, the rising star suffered an injury to what appeared to be his left arm, forcing him to leave the match. Always the opportunists, The Backseat Boyz, fellow Hi-V brethren, came to the ring to add to the onslaught. In an effort to even the sides, Wifebeater hit the ring and planted Adam Flash in the center of the ring through a table for, out of the nowhere, the 1-2-3! CZW will be returning to the Mountainville "Bowling" Center on March 5, 2004...
  11. Credit to the Observer and NWA-FL's Joe Price for this info: On January 28th, Former NWA World Jr. Heavyweight & FL Junior Heavyweight Champion Lex Lovett will be making his debut appearance on NWA TNA Explosion, Lex was also recently seen on Raw in the role of a security guard and worked in World Japan Wrestling as Lex Meyer. Lex is an incredible talent that has had great success recently in NWA Florida, and a recent tour of China with NWA Mid Atlantic. Lex is a former IPW World Champion, the former Junior Heavweight has shed that persona and is jacked and on track to capturing some heavyweight singles gold! Also NWA FL Referee Billy Dalton will be reffing a match at TNA Explosion Shortly, to be followed by NWA FL's Richie Rich! Expect more and more NWA Florida talent to be visiting TNA in the next few weeks...TNA knows where to go in the Sunshine State when they are looking for "talent" The Premiere Wrestling Promotion in the state... NWA Florida.
  12. LucharesuFan619

    New to lucha

    Go to VivaLaLuchaLibre.net. The site's not updated anymore, but it's very good in terms of acquainting you to the stars of lucha and giving you a good gist of what to look for. Be sure to surf around the entire site for awhile, because they have some really good articles and stuff. For AAA, watch out for the guy formerly known as Essa Rios. Believe it or not, he uses the old DX theme music, which rules. Great high flyer. In CMLL, it's all about the Guerreros. But check out VivaLaLuchaLibre.net. Highly recommended. And Ricky Marvin can move like Rey Jr. Marvin is excellent. Same with Essa Rios (Papi Chulo now). And also the Havana Pitbulls, who now work MLW, work CMLL sometimes, so you'll occasionally catch them on Galavision. But in both AAA and CMLL, you'd be surprised - even the big guys can do a lot of stuff. I've watched shit and got pissed that I didn't tape some matches, expecting them to suck becuz the guys were big, only for them to pull of some impressive moves.
  13. LucharesuFan619

    MLW falsely advertising Raven + Sabu for 2/14?

    I hate to go on a rant here, but you don't know the guy. It very well may be just an act, trying to act nice, but on the MLW board, he was as cordial as could be. I posted a photo of the one of the Samoan family members asking which one it was, and he told me no problem, and even wished me a happy holiday and told me to call him Court, instead of Mr. Bauer. Again, he may just want to act all nice to make MLW look fan friendly, and that very well may be the case, but you don't know if he's a moron until you met him. From what I've heard, Corino praises Bauer in his most recent RF shoot. That very well may be b/c he's getting paid by him and is his champ, but still...Bauer seems like a nice guy. It's like Rob Black...everyone bitches about him, but everyone who's met him say he's nice as can be, and once you get past the fact that his image is intimidating, he's a really cool guy who just so happens to have sick ass hobbies as a second job. I guess I'll find out tomorrow, since I'm planning on calling Kevin Kleinrock at the offices to see if Black will contribute to my XPW retrospective, but from all indications, Black, Bauer, and a lot of other promoters sound pretty cool, and just get a lot of shit. I know I just focused on that one phrase you said, but it ticked me off when I read it.
  14. LucharesuFan619

    NWA Wildside report: Abyss returns

    Abyss made a surprise return to NWA Wildside last night. His mission: to destroy Onyx. The former NWA Wildside Heavyweight Champion, aka Prince Justice, made his presence known when he entered the ring following another successful title defense by Onyx. Abyss left the reigning NWA Wildside Heavyweight champion laying and reunited with the evil forces of Attorney Jeff G. Bailey. The Abyss/Onyx confrontation was the high point of a generally average taping that featured short matches without any major storyline developments. The crowd on 90 was not one of the more responsive groups to frequent the NWA Arena. The heat picked up some in the second half, but never really caught fire. (1) Angel Dust & Seth Delay beat Fast Eddie & Salvatore Rinauro in 11:45. Dan "The Dragon" Wilson introduced his favorite official, Andrew Thomas, as a "Dutch oven licker." Eddie gets more arrogant each time out. This started out as singles match between Dust and Eddie, with Rinauro in his meal ticket's corner. Dust was looking good with his lucha styles offense. Eddie was in trouble, so Rinauro jumped in and Thomas declared that it was a tag match. But Dust had a tag team partner of his own. Eddie and Sal started having trouble getting along. They did this tripped out four way spot that ended up with Rinauro having Eddie in an Indian deathlock. Delay hit a picture perfect tope con giro. Rinauro stepped through the ropes to avoid Dust's charge and hit a springboard lariat. Eddie got heat on Dust. Dust came back with a DVD on Rinauro. Delay was on fire off the hot tag. Delay hit the Kool Krusher on Eddie and Rinauro saved. Rinauro hit the Phoenix Fury Legdrop but the ref said he wasn't the legal man. Dust hit a springboard somersault ace crusher on Sal. Eddie dropped Dust on his head with that wild variation of a russian legsweep he's using. Delay caught Eddie with the Overnite Sensation for the pin. Dust tried to give the Junior belt to Delay. Thomas grabbed the belt out of Dust's hands and handed it to Eddie. Thomas ruled that the title was not on the line because it was a tag match. Delay showed a lot of class putting Dust over in the postmatch. A fun opener. (2) Altar Boy Luke & Gabriel beat Jay Fury & Nick Halen in 6 minutes. This was a showcase for Luke and Gabriel's offense. Fury kept his flashy stuff on the down low. Face vs. face so it lacked heat. The God Squad took it Halen early. Gabriel did the top rope double stomp to Halen's back. Luke and Gabriel obliterated Halen with a sequence of stereo ninja moves. Halen did a leg lariat and made a much needed tag. Gabriel and Fury had an awesome exchange that popped the crowd. Luke used a DVD to set up the Halo on Halen. Fury made the save. Luke hit the Holy Driver on Fury and Halen saved with a stiff shot. Gabriel destroyed Halen with From The Cradle To The Grave, but the ref said he wasn't legal. It must be law and order night. Luke hit a guillotine legdrop for the pin. (3) Ray Gordy beat Jeff Lewis in 5:36. Crowd was dead for the intros. There was Jacey North sitting in the first row, still suffering the humiliating consquences of the Loser Becomes a Fan match. Lewis tried to ground Gordy with his mat skills. Gordy escaped and came roaring back with a vengeance. Gordy did his spinning fisherman suplex for a near fall. Lewis used a sloppy counter to regain the advantage. Lewis sold an enzuigiri by falling on his face ala Flair. Gordy hit a senton bomb and covered, but Lewis got a foot on the ropes. Gordy said one more time. Lewis knocked the ref into the ropes to crotch Gordy. Lewis mocked North with the Iconoclasm. A man in a gold mask wearing a familiar "Magnum Condoms" t-shirt appeared at ringside. Lewis whined that it was North under the hood. Meanwhile, Gordy recovered and and surprised Lewis with a bridging german suplex for the pin. It took Lewis a few minutes to gather his wits about him (not an easy task). The masked man had disappeared and there was North, taunting Lewis from the seating area. Bailey entered the ring accompanied by the NWA Elite. Azrael was wearing a "Hail Satan" t-shirt. Bailey said the new year meant new goals and bigger accomplishments. Bailey welcomed "pro wrestling's most spectacular athlete," Jason Cross back to the Elite. Bailey said Onyx was walking around with Elite property. Bailey made a solemn oath to solve the Onyx problem in '04. Bailey vowed that it would be Onyx's last year as a pro wrestler and said the same thing would be true for Caprice Coleman. Bailey said they were going to disfigure Coleman's pretty face. "You're going to be uglier than Kelly Osbourne and that's ugly." Bailey claimed he would prove to Gabriel that his so-called friends were deceivers and users, and bring Gabriel back to the Elite where he belonged. In closing, Bailey said the Elite were the most vulgar display since the outlawing of public hangings. (4) The NWA Elite (Rainman & Jason Cross & Azrael & Mikal Adryan with Jeff G. Bailey) beat Drew the Don & Apollo & Nick Rampage & Skeeter Frost in 8:22. This match had problems in the cooperation department. It was supposed to be almost 100% squash but some of the jobbers had other ideas. Adryan wound up selling, and he's the last member of the Elite that should have been put in that position. The Elite started getting stiff to make sure there was no misunderstanding. Cross dropped an elbow from the apron on Rampage. The impact made a sick thud. The Elite made Frost pay for an insolent slap. Rainman gave the Busta Rhymes looking dude (Apollo?) an ass whipping and refused to make the pin. Apollo finally got a chance to tag, but the Elite pulled his teammates of the apron and beat the hell out of them. Cross hit his brainbuster. Azrael spiked Apollo with a Michinoku driver. Cross ended it with the Shooting Star Legdrop. Adryan gave Apollo a postmatch Assisted Suicide for good measure. (5) Texas Death Club (Todd Sexton & Masada) beat Carolina Connection (Jeremy V & Brandon P) to retain the NWA Wildside tag titles in 7:55. This was a really good match until the finish. They pulled off a lot of intricate spots that were built on their previous encounters. TDC tried a Pearl Harbor job, but CC returned fire, hurling the heels into a bigtime collision. V hit the VDT on Sexton and Masada pulled his partner out to regroup. Masada and P pulled off a swank sequence of moves, wherein Masada did an impressive moonsault to his feet only to get nailed by P's springboard leg lariat. Sexton's interference set up a powerslam by Masada. P took the heat. Masada did a sick double stomp on P's back while the poor guy's head was resting on the bottom turnbuckle. TDC pulled out their combo move of the week, a Masada backbreaker/Sexton bombs away kneedrop. P suplexed Masada into the buckles to set up the hot tag. It looked like Masada hurt is ankle there. V cleaned house. BIG double backdrop on Masada. Double superplex on Sexton. CC went for a new combo finisher, a missile dropkick/powerbomb deal, but Masada broke up the pin. CC blocked a Masadamizer and a Sexton superkick. A double dropkick sent Masada through the ropes. Sexton rolled away from P's top rope elbow. It looked like V was supposed to hit the 450 but it was botched. V covered anyway and Masada pulled ref Speedy Nelson out. Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson and Nemesis) showed up to give V the beatdown. Sexton pinned V using an O'Connor roll with an assist from Masada. (6) Jenny Taylor beat Special K (Krissy Vaine) in 4:22. For aesthetics, this was the best women's match I've seen in Wildside. Taylor and K are North Carolina-based workers that recently appeared on the NACW television show. The women in OVW have nothing on them in the looks department. And the wrestling wasn't all that bad either. K couldn't hang wih Taylor and bailed. Taylor reached for K's hair, but K snapped her throat on the top rope to take over. Taylor did a nice Gibson roll hope spot. K cut Taylor off with a lariat. K stood on Taylor's hair and pulled on her arms. K thought she had Taylor beaten with a backbreaker and complained to the ref. Taylor surprised K with a schoolgirl roll up. (7) Tank & Iceberg beat The Dobbins Brothers (Chad & Jason with Al Getz) via DQ in 4:45. This was OK for a short four-way brawl. You won't see to many matches where Tank is the smallest guy. Iceberg hit a corner clothesline on Chad and rammed him with a series of shoulder blocks. A couple of minutes in, and it was already time to break out the oxygen tank for Chad. Chad choked Tank with an extension cord. Tank went for a nut shot and nailed Chad with a Yakuza kick. Iceberg hit a stacked corner splash that felled both Dobbins Brothers. That's a lot of beef, folks. The finish saw Al Getz distract ref Mike Posey, allowing Bulldog Raines to clock Tank with a chain. That brought Ray Gordy to ringside. Gordy stooged off the interference to Posey, who reversed the decision. More brawling and the faces cleared the ring. Tank said "the son of a legend" had joined forces with them. Tank challenged to Getz Enterprises to a six-man match. "Before it's all over, all of y'all will be licking our balls." (8) Caprice Coleman beat Don Juan to retain the NWA World TV Title in 5:37. Juan's physique has shriveled since his last appearance in Wildside. Coleman pretty much squashed him. Coleman's offense looked good. Juan's selling did not. Coleman worked on Juan's knee and forced him to tap out with a modified stump puller. Juan tried to get some postmatch revenge and Coleman smoked him with the Comatoser. Azrael hit the ring on Coleman, with Bailey bringing up the rear. Azrael hit a killer move, the Ted Bundy (vertical suplex into a uranage) on Coleman. Gabriel and Luke made the save. (9) Murder One beat Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) via DQ in 6:08. This got as much heat as anything on the show. This was scheduled as a tag match, but Slim J couldn't work because he cut off the end of one of his fingers in an accident (they sowed it back on and he's going to be OK). M1 was more than holding his own against UAS, until he tried going to the top rope. Jackson grabbed M1's leg and M1 took a Flair flip bump off the top. M1 demonstrated how to take a lariat like a man. M1 ducked Jackson's lariat but not the one from Nemesis. M1 dug down deep for a comeback. UAS took the crowd out of it with a messed up combo move. M1 got them back by cold cocking Nemesis with the Blazin' Lariat. M1 had Jackson pinned, when Nemesis dumped the ref for the DQ. UAS hit their finisher on M1. P and V came out to make the save. (10) Onyx beat Rudy Boy Gonzalez to retain the NWA Wildside Heavyweight Title in 6:09. Nothing wrong with the match except the heat. Gonzalez started out with some vicious knees. The champion battled back. An Onyx dropkick couldn't put Gonzalez down, but a vertical suplex did the trick. Onyx locked in a full nelson and Gonzalez was forced to go to the ropes. Rudy Boy went flying like he had slipped on banana peel on a legsweep. Gonzalez got down in the gutter. He went for a cheap shot on the break and spit in Onyx's eyes. They battled on the outside, with Onyx getting the best of it. Back inside, Onyx tried for his finisher, but Gonzalez blocked it and hit a superkick for a near fall. Gonzalez missed with a Vader Bomb. Onyx seized the opportunity and hit the Blackout (spinning implant DDT) finisher for the win. As Onyx began to celebrate another successful title defense, Abyss made a surprise appearance to confront the champion. They stood toe-to-toe, which really accented the incredible size disparity between them. Abyss tried for the choke bomb, but Onyx blocked it. Onyx was not so lucky on the Black Hole. Abyss wound that sucker up full force. Out came Jeff G. Bailey for a joyous reunion with his all-time favorite monster. Abyss hit a sitout backbreaker that left the champion in a crumpled heap. There were referees and security guys all over the place trying to restore order. Abyss wasn't done. He destroyed one of the security guys with a devastating sitout backbreaker. A match between Onyx and Abyss was announced for the next taping on 2/7. NOTES: Hardcore Hell '04 was announced as another two night extravaganza to be held on March 26 and 27…Members of the Wildside crew will be appearing at shows on 3/12 in Douglasville at the National Guard Armory and 3/19 in Woodstock at the Recreation Center…Fright Night '03 is now available on DVD, making it Wildside's first DVD release. CREDIT: Larry f'n Goodman and NWA-Wildside.com
  15. LucharesuFan619

    International Wrestling Cartel

    http://www.jtmindyshows.vze.com 's Pittsburgh Feds section is where your answer lies...
  16. LucharesuFan619

    Street Fight 2k4

    When will this guy ever learn? First Cornette, then Heyman, then Grimes, then the Jarretts, now the Dudleyz. Faggot. Leave wrestling while you still can, New Jack. The show looks a lot better than the first. Good to see my boys, AMIL and Grim Reefer getting work. Some talented and really underrated motherfuckers right there. The reviews were definitely better than the first night, but a lot of people are saying that it was still lackluster. One long-time fan called IT the worst CZW show they've ever seen. The main complaint seems to be its length. Sounds like a good show overall, just way overbooked, with some highpoints and some lowpoints. And DeVito and Justin Credible? WTF?
  17. LucharesuFan619

    3PW, IWA-MS, Other indy feds...

    As you can see from my sig, I have an article coming in a few days that I'll be posting here, about 3PW. Keep an eye out for that. The guy above did a pretty good job explaining the gist of things. IWA-MS is ran by former-ECW'er Ian Rotten and run in hick towns in Indiana and draw horribly, but produce some of the best hardcore wrestling and best mat wrestling in the nation. They've used throughout their existence (they started in I think '97) Sabu, 2 Cold Scorpio, Big Dick Dudley, Jerry Lynn (their current champ), Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, The Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Spike Dudley, Corino, Blue Meanie, and others. They hold highly acclaimed technical wrestling tournaments and death match tournaments on a yearly basis. IWAMidSouthWrestling.com, SmartMarkVideo.com CZW was formed out of John Zandig's backyard, pretty much. He was a wrestler and made CZW so that he could put the guys he trained onto shows and give them a crowd to work in front of. They're known for the hardcore shit, but have a lot of other relatively good stuff, if you pick the right shows. Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Jerry Lynn, and Kronus have worked for them. CZWWrestling.com, SmartMarkVideo.com Wildside was formed through a merger of NWA territory and NCW in like 2000. It brought Ron "The Truth/K-Kwik" Killings, David Young, Rick Michaels, Jimmy Rave, Slim J, and AJ Styles - among others - to the forefront of indy wrestling. They've used The Hurricane, Shannon Moore, Jeff Hardy, and others. They have some of the best cruiserweight and technical wrestling you'll find. NWA-Wildside.com Ring of Honor has the best technical wrestling in the United States, period. ROHWrestling.com, RFVideo.com Xtreme Pro Wrestling (XPW) was formed in 1999 by Rob Black, a pornographer. He was friends with a lot of ECW wrestlers, so he was able to bring in Sabu, Kronus, Abdullah the Butcher, New Jack, Vic Grimes, Shane Douglas, Chris Candido, and others. XPW recently went out of business. If you pick the right stuff, there's definitely some good stuff out there. A lot of people hate it, but for the most part, that's because of who owns it. It's very controversial, but a lot of the shit it gets isn't deserved, and a lot of it is. I'm doing a major feature about it's history in the next few months. Everything you ever wanted to know. Stay tuned. XPWrestling.com, WrestlingSuperstore.com PWG is ran by a bunch of So-Cal workers. Go to ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com or SmartMarkVideo.com.
  18. LucharesuFan619

    Godfather's hos

    I know that for one show, porno stars Kendra Jade and Zoe served as his hos. I *BELIEVE* it was at Royal Rumble '99, but I'm not quite sure, and I'm interested for an article I'm doing about XPW's history. Can anyone confirm if it was at RR99, or if it was at another event, and if so, which? Thanks in advance.
  19. LucharesuFan619

    IWA-MS results

    CREDIT: Stacy McMackin IWA Mid-South News for 01.17.04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Stacy McMackin, Moderator --JERRY LYNN PINS DANNY DANIELS TO WIN IWA TITLE!! --BAILEY MAKES ROTTEN SAY I QUIT; COSTS WEBB MATCH!! --CHIKARA WRESTLERS RETURN TO THE IWA!! IWA Mid-South Wrestling presented "A Matter Of Pride" on Friday night, January 16th at the Community Center Gym in Oolitic, Indiana. Here's what went down... 1. TRIK DAVIS def. "The Tremendous" EMIL SITOCI in the opening contest. MICKIE KNUCKLES came out to the ring to inform the fans that due to a back injury she was deemed unable to compete by IWA management. This brought ALLISON DANGER out to the ring infuriated that she didn't have a match. DAIZEE HAZE wound up coming to the ring to defend Mickie, and told Danger that she would be willing to wrestle her. Danger finally attacked Daizee, which led to the locker room clearing to pull the two women apart. 2. RYAN BOZ def. "Metalhead" STEVE STONE with a rollup with a handful of tights. 3. "Lightning" MIKE QUACKENBUSH & GRAN AKUMA & JIGSAW def. "King of Diamonds" EDDIE KINGSTON & "Black" JACK MARCIANO & HALLOWICKED in a six man tag bout held under lucha libre rules. 4. ALLISON DANGER def. DAIZEE HAZE following an STO, with her feet on the ropes for leverage. As a result of the controversial pinfall, after the match Daizee was granted a rematch against Danger in Highland on Saturday night. 5. MATT SYDAL def. "Spyder" NATE WEBB after a shooting star press. Webb had Sydal set up for the Fang (moonsault van terminator) in the tree of woe with the chair over his face. JC BAILEY approached ringside and hurled a chair at Webb as he went for the maneuver, and then gave Webb a fisherman buster. Bailey slid out of the ring as Sydal pushed the chair away from his face, and took himself out of the tree of woe. Sydal then hit a shooting star on Webb to gain the pinfall, and was immedately attacked by Bailey after the bell. Bailey will defend his Light Heavyweight Championship against Sydal on Saturday night in Highland. 6. JERRY LYNN def. DANNY DANIELS (w/ Jim Fannin) to win the IWA World Heavyweight Championship following a cradle piledriver. Daniels and Lynn battled for the duration of the contest to hit their respective piledriver. Following the match, half the locker room came to the ring to congratulate Lynn on his title victory, raising him up on their shoulders. CHRIS HERO reluctantly came out of the locker room to shake Lynn's hand, but was visibly dismayed that his match with Daniels in Highland on Saturday night would now not be for the championship. 7. JC BAILEY def. IAN ROTTEN in an I Quit match with a ring post figure four leglock. Much like in their previous encounters, Rotten dished out a brutal beating in an attempt to teach Bailey the lesson that sometimes it's best to submit for the sake of preserving your body for the future. Both men wound up a bloody mess, amidst brutal headbutts, and maneuvers involving chairs, a ladder, and a staple gun. After the match, a very cocky Bailey proclaimed that he was the true King of Hardcore and Ian Rotten's days of being on top are over. 8. CHRIS HERO def. DELIRIOUS with a modified Hangman's Clutch involving the arm and the cravate. 9. MAD MAN PONDO def. CORPORAL ROBINSON and THE NECRO BUTCHER (w/ Jim Fannin) in a three way Thumbtack Death Match main event. The show was filmed with two cameras for home video release, with commentary by Dave Prazak, Chris Hero, Eddie Kingston, Allison Danger, and Nate Webb. IWA presents "Put Up Or Shut Up" at the Lincoln Center (located at 2450 Lincoln Street) in Highland, Indiana on Saturday night, January 17th. Tickets are $15, $12, and $10, and will be available at the door. Ringside tickets are also available in advance at the Lincoln Center box office. ***Steel Cage Match/Loser Leaves IWA*** DANNY DANIELS vs. CHRIS HERO ***IWA Light Heavyweight Title Match*** [Champion] JC BAILEY vs. MATT SYDAL ***Falls Count Anywhere/Tag Team Grudge Match*** IAN ROTTEN & "Metalhead" STEVE STONE vs. BRAD BRADLEY & RYAN BOZ ***Six Man Tag Team Rematch From Friday Night*** "Lightning" MIKE QUACKENBUSH & GRAN AKUMA & JIGSAW vs. "King of Diamonds" EDDIE KINGSTON & "Black" JACK MARCIANO & HALLOWICKED ***Womens Rematch From Friday Night*** DAIZEE HAZE vs. ALLISON DANGER "The Future" CHRIS SABIN vs. TRUTH MARTINI "Sexy" ACE STEEL vs. PETEY WILLIAMS Plus: "Spyder" NATE WEBB, DELIRIOUS, TRIK DAVIS, and more of your IWA favorites in action. For further information, call the IWA hotlines at 502-569-1701 in Louisville, or 630-585-3958 in Chicago. DIRECTIONS TO THE LINCOLN CENTER 2450 Lincoln Street - Highland, Indiana Coming from the south (Indianapolis)... Merge onto I-65 N. Merge onto US-30 W via exit number 253B toward MERRILLVILLE. 8.10 miles Turn RIGHT onto INDIANAPOLIS BLVD/ US-41. 4.24 miles Turn RIGHT onto LINCOLN ST. 0.09 miles Coming from the north (Chicago)... Merge onto I-94 E toward INDIANA. Merge onto INDIANAPOLIS BLVD/ US-41 S via exit number 2A. 1.93 miles Turn LEFT onto LINCOLN ST. 0.09 miles NEW LOUISVILLE AREA WRESTLING HOTLINE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Longtime IWA Mid-South Wrestling supporters Mac Daddy Mike and Bryan Redd have started a new wrestling hotline in the Louisville area for wrestling fans to check out. The line features a lenghty outgoing message, which will be updated regularly with all of the latest news and information. It's just the cost of a regular call to the 502 area code. Give them a listen at 502-588-5746 and let them know you heard about it from the IWA internet newsletter! DEC. 19th & 20th VIDEOTAPES NOW AVAILABLE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you missed December's IWA Mid-South events in person, or you'd simply like to re-live them on videotape, Smart Mark Video has them already available for immediate order! Both shows were filmed by SMV with a two camera setup and commentary. The "Winter Wars 2003" and "Stylin & Profilin" events featured several first time ever matches, including Chris Hero vs. AJ Styles, Michael Shane vs. "Spyder" Nate Webb, Ian Rotten vs. B-Boy, and AJ Styles vs. Michael Shane. Plus the much anticipated TPI rematch between Hero and B-Boy, three bouts in the Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs "Best of Seven Series," a four way elimination match between Danny Daniels, Alex Shelley, Jimmy Jacobs, and Chris Sabin, plus much more! Visit the link below to order! http://www.smartmarkvideo.com/ccp5/cgi-bin....cgi?pg=ste_new IWA MID-SOUTH LIVE EVENT SCHEDULE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Event dates and locations subject to change) 01.17.04 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center (2450 Lincoln St.) "Put Up Or Shut Up" 01.24.04 Salem, IN @ National Guard Armory (1100 N. Shelby St.) 01.31.04 Lafayette, IN @ National Guard Armory (5220 East 200 South) 02.13.04 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center (2450 Lincoln St.) 02.14.04 Salem, IN @ National Guard Armory (1100 N. Shelby St.) 02.28.04 Lafayette, IN @ National Guard Armory (5220 East 200 South) 03.06.04 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center (2450 Lincoln St.) 04.10.04 Highland, IN @ Lincoln Center (2450 Lincoln St.) "Simply The Best 5" ---------------------------- Call the IWA Mid-South Hardcore Hotlines (502) 569-1701 Louisville (630) 585-3958 Chicago ---------------------------- Visit us on the web at http://www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com
  20. LucharesuFan619

    CZW results

    Let's be realistic here...when a show sucks, it sucks, and this definitely sounds like a sucky show. The reports from CZWFans.com were decent from the longtime CZW fans, horrible from a first-time attendee, and the worst wrestling show another, relatively long-time CZW fan, has ever been to, period. Jeff Strauch and BarrMark said the show was decent, but they're two of the biggest CZW fans of all. Most others said it was pretty bad, and judging by the results...I tend to agree. The joshi match sounds awesome, Rave/Ruckus sounds good but was said to be subpar, and Sonjay/Frazier was said to be decent. BSB was said to be a clusterfuck with some good comedy. The Storm match was said to be good, but come on...as of late CZW has been pretty good, but this...this show sounds WAY subpar to their usual product. Give em credit when they deserve it, give em shit when they put on shit. This sounded like below average and borderline crap.
  21. LucharesuFan619

    IWA-MS: Hamrick vs. Punk match

    Holy crap.. So, I'm surfing through SMV's catalog and I find the 5/24/03 show that happens to have Hamrick vs. Punk...I had no idea these guys ever wrestled. This was one of my indy dream matches. The guys have the perfect personas to compliment each other, along with styles that I think would go together quite well. But damn...I had no idea they ever worked each other. For anyone who's seen the match and/or show, is it any good? Am I the only one who likes the sound of such a match? Is the show as a whole any good? The card looks pretty solid...Jacobs/Shelley 30 Min. Ironman...Hero/Steel...frikkin' Hido...and Whitmer/Dubb - STRONG STYLE! So, is the match and/or show good, out of curiosity? And am I the only one who had no idea that match ever happened?
  22. LucharesuFan619

    CZW's Doubleheader Show Tonight

    Thanks. I just realized...the second post I made is all spaced wrong. I copied and pasted it from a Frontpage file instead of doing what I usually do which is more complicated and makes it easier to read, so hopefully anyone who's interested in reading the piece can deal with the spacing problems. Hopefully I'll be doing a similar card for ROH's upcoming 2nd anniversary show. I have a card pretty much set, but need to do the choreographing shit. Should be up soon. If anyone's interested in past cards I've done, PM me and I'd be happy to send the XPW one I did and the 3PW and PWF ones I did in early 2003.
  23. LucharesuFan619

    ICP's site says they're debuting

    Surprisingly, their only match in XPW (Shaggy/Vampiro vs. Damien 666/Halloween) is one of my top 10 favorite matches in XPW. Surprisingly great, and more proof as to why MMW f'n rules. You're right when you say they can be carried, because even in WCW, they weren't as horrible as they could've been. But still, I hope they don't wrestle. If they're gonna be on, then hopefully they'll just sing...errr...rap...errr...shizzle their dizzles...errr...whatever they do...yeah...
  24. LucharesuFan619

    ICP's site says they're debuting

    I found it in the Observer's daily update.
  25. Bob Barnett's been promoting it for awhile, and the article is finally up. It examines the case recently filed against APW promoter Roland Alexander, one of the trainers for stars like Donovan Morgan, Mike Modest, Robert Thompson, Crash Holly, Vic Grimes, Steve Rizzono, Tony Jones, Joe "Pogo the Clown" Applebaumer, Spike Dudley, and several other accomplished workers, and talks about the death of one of his students at his training school earlier in the year. Quoted for the article are Barnett, Dave Meltzer, Alexander, and even Rizzono (who I gained a shitload more respect for after reading the article) and mentioned are Holly, Sabu, XPW, and others. The full article can be read at http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/curre...ml/1/index.html It's a REALLY good read and one of the best mainstream articles written on pro wrestling that I've read in a LONG time.