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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619

  1. LucharesuFan619

    IWA draws a scary low

    Talk about unprofessional promoting. You're suggesting that they promote beer in order to get fans to come to the show. We all know that that wouldn't be looked upon positively by anyone, whether it be the Internet or the local community. And if it weren't to be frowned upon by the Internet, the ONLY reason would be because IWA has a generally good rep of being quality wrestling that doesn't get the support it deserves. If it was XPW following your suggestion, we all know that there's be ppl. bitching left and right.
  2. LucharesuFan619

    Another NWA-FL star debuting tomorrow

    Press Release: 11-17-03, Tampa, FL NWA Fl's own Mikey Tenderfoot will be on the TNA Explosion taping tomorrow night in Nashville, TN. Once again showing that NWA FL is one of the most dominant promotions in the NWA. Tenderfoot is a former IPW Cruiserweight Champion when he was under the "Hood" wrestling as Seijin Akki Please show your support and purchase the TNA PPV tomorrow night and show the TNA executives that you want to see the stars of NWA FL on the PPV!! Going up in the coming weeks to TNA is Bruce Steele and Mr. 630 Jerelle Clark! NWA FL Office
  3. LucharesuFan619

    REMINDER: ROH on Velocity...

    Just a reminder, because I remember when AJ Styles was on awhile back, nobody posted it and I wanted to kill somebody for having missed it (I ended up downloading it)... So tonight on Velocity, ROH invades...kinda. SPANKY/PAUL LONDON VS. "AMERICAN DRAGON" BRYAN DANIELSON a.k.a. our savior/JOHN WALTERS Don't miss it, or else I'll break into your house with a copy of XPW Exit Sandman, bind you to a chair, and make you watch the video. You KNOW you don't want that.
  4. LucharesuFan619

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    And the three-way match with Grimes, Luke, and Guido is one of the best triple-threats of 2002, U.S. indy, international, or WWE included. It's so amazing to see how spectacular Brian XL can be when working with internationally acclaimed workers, rather than the untalented spot monkeys that he's normally forced to work with (Red and the SAT).
  5. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Night of Infamy 2

    Yeah but that would make the match 6 on 5. So at least one of those guys won't be in the match. True. My bad.
  6. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Night of Infamy 2

    Magee's recap says the participants in the match. Acid, Kashmere, Flash, and B-Boy are included. So, I do know the participants, actually.
  7. LucharesuFan619

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    Actually I had no intention to even post a response in this thread, until I saw your statement. No need for dumb assumptions. Wasn't really that dumb. You always seem to defend XPW every chance you get. that's your gimmick right? Granted - it was at a point. That's for sure. Not really anymore.
  8. LucharesuFan619

    REMINDER: ROH on Velocity...

    Dude...come on...we're talking about WWE here...LOL.
  9. LucharesuFan619

    Raven vs Punk THE CONCLUSION

    Already have my tix...can't wait. And why don't you at least credit ROHWrestling.com for writing that press release?
  10. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Night of Infamy 2

    Making me correct. No need for the immature cheap shots, homeboy. You're just demeaning your already low rep. I find it funny that Magee said, "In precisely the kind of hot, well-thought out show that CZW needed to do to lead up to cage of Death." That's one of the funniest quotes I've ever heard. CZW is NOT trying to make things work this time, dude. Booking B-Boy, Trent Acid, and others in a Cage of Death Match is wasting talent, exactly like I was stating straight out in the article that I planned to post yesterday, but was unable to, after learning that about a quarter of it was innaccurate b/c Rave/B-Boy was only for Rave to gain a shot at Acid's title, not B-Boy, too, and I was unable to edit it in time to post it before the show. I'll be posting a more up to date version with the info from NOI in a few weeks. I can crticiize the booking without being the show without a problem. You, Sandman, Magee, EMAXSUAN, any fan there is has done it. Don't hold me to different standards b/c you KNOW that you are. And there's also no need for the name calling. It's predictable booking to the umpth degree. That's illogical booking. Wrestling is supposed to be primarily unpredictable. Read what I said in my first few paragraphs above. Everybody judges by results, man. I'm not the only one. Your holding me to different standards than you would anybody else. Why? B/c you don't like me. Now, let's be at least SOMEWHAT fair.
  11. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Night of Infamy 2

    Ooops...meant to write "Matthews" in place of the 2nd Holmes. LOL. A cradle breaker is seriously quite far from the Rubix Cube. Considering he's at every CZW Viking Hall show, Ryan REALLY needs to learn the names of the wrestling moves, or AT LEAST those regularly performed by the CZW guys. His terminology makes Donnie B. look like Solie or some smart dude, which Ryan doesn't strike me as, LOL. I've been at a bankquet all day long and was really looking forward to coming home and reading the PBP of a great show, but this is building up to the second coming of Hardcore in Hellaware or whatever the hell it was.
  12. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Night of Infamy 2

    It wasn't Joey Matthews, holmes...it was an indy guy who's last name happens to be Holmes. And that Cage of Death Match looks like truly one of the ILLOGICAL matches CZW has EVER booked, and that covers A LOT of ground. And the Ruckus/Sonjay storyline is HORRIBLY mistimed. Just when you're building momentum for them, you break them up, and COINCIDENTALLY JUST before COD. I like my wrestling believable...Plus, they just fucked up the Rave/Acid match for tonight. There's no point in having it anymore. Seriously, I was looking forward to this show, but these are three of the worst decisions CZW has ever made.
  13. LucharesuFan619

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    Actually I had no intention to even post a response in this thread, until I saw your statement. No need for dumb assumptions. The whole show was a clusterfuck. The morale backstage was at an all-time low. It was that show more than any other during the Philly run that killed them. The whole deal with the DM's ban took away a lot of the fun, but the three-way DM is seriously one of the stiffest matches of 2002, ROH included. Supreme makes Low Ki look like fuckin Lance Storm @ Barely Legal, stiffing the living HELL out of both guys.
  14. LucharesuFan619

    Hogan report

    He was an author (wrote an autobiography). Don't forget that.
  15. LucharesuFan619

    Fall From Grace

    The Last Rites = an Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker. Apply an inverted facelock (inverted DDT hold), swing around and end up executing a diamond cutter. Daniels also uses the Curry Cradle, the Blue Thunder Bomb, the STO, a super kick, and more.
  16. LucharesuFan619

    Justin Credible stripped of 3PW title...

    That better not be an insult, Doring. Uh oh, Zack called me Doring, I KNOW I hit a nerve! Nah dude, there are some things I never get sick of, and one of them is Douglas insulting everyone he's ever met. Now that there's no more XPW, he's cool with me. Heck, I STILL dig his last WCW run. I marked for Viagra on a Pole dammit! I fully intend this as a clarification question and nothing else, despite what it may appear...but I'm mixed up by what you mean? You like him now because he's not in XPW? Did you like him before he was in XPW? I may've just misinterpreted, I don't know.
  17. Just got the 3PW newsletter, and here's what it says... NEW 3PW COMMISSIONER STRIPS JUSTIN CREDIBLE OF 3PW TITLE!!!! The new 3PW commissioner who has yet to be revealed has taken his first act in his role as commissioner. The mysterious new commissioner has stripped 3PW World Heavyweight Champion Justin Credible of his title for actions unbecoming a champion! He has mandated that there be a new champion crowned on Saturday November 22 in a 3 way dance!! The participants in this 3 way title encounter will be Sabu, The Sandman and……………..the new 3PW commissioner! The new 3PW commissioner will be revealed as he makes his way to the ring November 22!!! A lot of people suspect Shane Douglas, but although his site doesn't list it, he IS in fact booked for IWC (also in PA), so it's possible, but unlikely he'll be the guy. Any others want to take a guess? I guess I'll go with D'Lo Brown or Jerry Lynn, but with 3PW's ridiculous booking, it really could be anyone.
  18. LucharesuFan619

    Fall From Grace

    Nope, he doesn't have an official name for that move. He's right. It's the cross-armed iconoclasm.
  19. LucharesuFan619

    Does anyone do this move?

    Sound hard, but possible, but I could be wrong. I imagine The Amazing Red could do it, among a few others, maybe.
  20. LucharesuFan619

    Xplosion Taping Results

    (1) X (Who is Carl Oulette) beat Jonny Storm. (2) C.M. Punk & Julio Dinero defeated Roderick Strong & Caprice Coleman. (3) Erik Watts pinned John Saxon (the same guy who Altar Boy Luke wrestled awhile back on the Ground Zero Wrestling debut show in Louisiana a few months ago) (4) Joe Legend beat Chris Hero. (5) Konnan & Ron Killings & B.G. James defeated Nate Webb & Jared Steele & Johnny Curtis.
  21. LucharesuFan619

    PWG "An Inch Longer than Avarage" this weekend!

    [CHEAP SHILL] Keep an eye out on an article I'll be posting in a week or so about this (and another one w/ an indepth preview of CZW COD5), featuring comments from my yet-to-be-viewed GQ Money interview.[CHEAP SHILL] No offense to you but who cares about some wrestling washout like GQ Money? I hardly view him as a washout, considering that he's getting paid quite a lot just to accompany a guy to the ring in TNA. Anybody who's able to make money doing that gets my vote. And the guy is a very talented in-ring worker. Just b/c he's not wrestling in any major feds doesn't mean he sucks.
  22. LucharesuFan619

    Do You Wish To Write for TSM?

    Dames, any spots open for misc. tape reviewers, by chance? ECW, indy, puro, anything? I'd be quite happy to write for the site.
  23. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Truth or Consequences Review

    You're wrong and everybody else is right. Period.
  24. LucharesuFan619

    PWG "An Inch Longer than Avarage" this weekend!

    [CHEAP SHILL] Keep an eye out on an article I'll be posting in a week or so about this (and another one w/ an indepth preview of CZW COD5), featuring comments from my yet-to-be-viewed GQ Money interview.[CHEAP SHILL]
  25. LucharesuFan619

    CZW Truth or Consequences Review

    Nope, the only stuff I've seen is his other CZW match. Name some feds and I'll try to track some stuff down. And I do want to see DJ2 because of AJ/Rave and Sonjay/Bailey part 1. Don't have it yet though- soon. After reading the Reefer Best of review at http://www.declarationofindependents.net/d...reefertape.html , I checked out the three-way w/ Deranged and Azrael from USA Pro and it really is absolutely fantastic. Reefer also works ICW and the LIWF regularly. He's got a really innovative repertoire of moves - he uses a friggin' Frog Splash Suicida (out to ringside), a tumbleweed, and an awesome Skytwister Press variation.