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Everything posted by LucharesuFan619
http://noholdsbarredwrestling.com/columns/.../66791439.shtml News on East Coast stars on upcoming AJPW tour, Jimmy Yang's signing with WWE, the new dates for the NWA Virginia King of Virginia Tournament, news on recently announced CZW shows, Abby/Cornette's ROH returns, IWA-MS talent heading to Japan and Europe, MLW and NWA-TNA backstage info, and more.
I was there and thought the show was great, but the attendance was in fact pretty low unfortunately. That didn't take away from the work ethic of the wrestlers, though.
You yourself admit that RVD was stiff. What you don't admit was that he was TOO stiff, to the point that wrestlers were complaining. So I think HHH would have a legit complain about RVD, considering HHH is a fantastic worker, 10x that of RVD, who doesn't wrestle, but rather does gymnastics. HHH may be a moron, but he's not wrong in every case, although I know so many of you would like to think that he is.
1Wrestling.com is reporting that Jimmy Yang has signed developmental deal with WWE. He was said to have impressed officials with his match vs. Tommy Dreamer that aired on WWE Sunday Night HeAT a few weeks ago. Yang worked as a Jung Dragon under the name of Yung Yang in WCW.
And besides the ones in ROH, the Grimes/Luke/Guido match was the best three-way I've seen in a LONG time.
XPW FIRST PPV A SUCCESS! NOW YOU CAN HAVE A SAY IN WHAT IS ON PPV #2! Friday afternoon, XPW was informed that with the success of "The Best of XPW," the company's first Pay-Per-View, a second edition would air this December. Now, XPW wants to hear from its fans as to what matches were among the best in XPW's history! What should be included in their second PPV? Get in your suggestions THIS WEEKEND to [email protected] and watch for XPW's second Pay-Per-View this December on In Demand and DirecTV. For more information on XPW, please check out XPWrestling.com or XPWTV.com.
I do. I'm going to LXW tonight and in the next few weeks, ROH, NEWF, and others.
But it DOES exist - at Smart Mark Video. It wouldn't have taken much, all they would have had to do was to let Mondo know that they were goingt o make the tape and the whole situation would have probably been avoided. It isn't just selling a match with Mondo in it, it is selling his likeness. This is expressed in cover art, pictures and the name of the tape. While RF can legally reproduce the matches, they are using Mondo's name to sell the tape, thus using his likeness. Without having seen (or having any intention to see) the tape, i think most are assuming that it is legal. Well, the video is only called Unscarred, so Nick Mondo isn't in the name of it. Unless it's something like Unscarred: the true life of Nick Monod, they're not usin ghis name. The only way they would be using his name is in the match listings, which is the same thing SMV and CZW do when they sell their video tapes with match listings that include Mondo's name. "I can see where you're coming from, here. But I think you missed the point. The primary difference is, I write a column for a website. I don't *have* to be professional. I make it a point of pride that I DON'T kiss anybody's ass or mince my words when I write my columns in order to get free tapes. I could care less what Ring of Honor thinks, or RF Video. The column is called "True 'Till Death" for a reason." Well, I can see you're point, no doubt about it it. However, you can still be professional and not "kiss anybody's ass" or "mince [your[ words when [you] write [your] columns in order to get free tapes." Mr. Tito does it. Scott Keith does...errr...bad example. I do it when I review tapes, that I know. Since according to you you don't have to be professional when writing your columns, I think that naturally takes away some of your credibility in this circumstance (not all, but in this particular one, and I'll explain why). Gabe has the pressure to be professional, since he owns a company. You don't, so I think it's kind of like "easier said than done." You don't have to be professional, dor does he. However, if you want your opinions to be respected, you SHOULD be professional, considering - as you admitted - you're writing for a popular, largely-viewed web site. Your opinions don't have to be expressed professionally, no doubt about it, but if you want them to be taken as seriously as you seem to have intended, they should be. I have no heat with you, Jay. I enjoy your reviews and especially enjoyed this IWA one. However, I also stand by my contention that your bitching about ROH, Gabe and the various wrestlers is very unprofessional. I guess where we differ isn't that you were unprofessional, but whether or not you must be professional. And it doesn't matter that you're not "in the business anymore." You brought that contention into the situation in the column, so naturally it can be used against you. In this circumstance, it's able to be. You said in the column that you were in the business, so naturally you should know not to defamate the abilities of various workers, no matter who they are, because as you admitted, they all put their bodies on the line each night, especially Special K (as does Mondo and the others you mentioned).
http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...ST&f=19&t=41719 My review for the first XPW DVD I ever watched, a few months back...I went into the show with some interest for XPW, but no set opinion on the product...So if you want something unbiased, I think you'll find that as unbiased as it gets... At the same time, while you did watch it with an open mind, you need to realize how much XPW has changed since GFY, no matter how much the critics contend that it hasn't. Try your hand on some of the recent shows, like Redemption, HTO, LOD, NOC, etc. You'll enjoy them much more than GFY.
Now if that doesn't make you support Mondo, what does? This guy doesn't sound like the Mondo I've talked to several times, that's for sure. First off, his point about this incident being about "respect" is ridiculous. Respect is non existent in this world, whether people wish to believe it or not, and to think that it exists in pro wrestling, of all industries, is assanine. "But nobody can tell me he paid for the rights to MY CHARACTER, because CZW does not own my character, likeness, or name, which is what's being sold on that tape." Then according to Mondo CZW doesn't have the rights to profit off of Mondo's matches, either, yet they're paid for the tapes they sell that have his matches. A wrestler gives the rights to profit from his matches to his promoter, so Zandig has the right to sell his tapes. Does Feinstein? It depends. Since this is a documentary, I would think that it has backstage footage that was filmed of Mondo, away from the ring. I doubt RF or his company has the legal rights to that footage, so in that case, they'd be doing something wrong. If it is just of matches, though, which everyone seems to be saying it is, then they're doing nothing wrong. You didn't hear Messiah, Justice Pain, Zandig, etc. complain about the Best of Tapes RF made for them. Jay, I read your IWA-MS review and I enjoyed it, until you got to the diatribe on this situation. Your comments toward RF Video were absolutely unprofessional, yet you said, "What professionalism and maturity from one of the heads of a major video company, bravo." You did the same thing as what was done by Gabe. If you hadn't said that and the other disses you made toward RF, your points could be taken as they are, but by doing this, you've made yourself resort to the same level as you say RF Video is resorting to. "has been in some of the most memorable matches of the past few years and skill-wise, blows worthless loads like Slugger, J-Train, Prince Nana and most of your precious Special K spotmonkeys out of the water." You say you've been involved in the wrestling industry, yet you have the *nerve* to defamate the abilities of these wrestlers, who - just like Mondo - put their bodies on the line. How is what Special K does "worthless?" You could make the point that at least they wrestle primarily, instead of resorting to weedwhackers and stuff. The points you made in your article were completely contradictory to themselves, man. I'm not going to argue about who's a good wrestler or not. I don't need to start some dumb debate about why/if Abby, Louie, Funk, etc. are better than Mondo. The bottom line is that they all have something in common - they're job is being a pro wrestler. And what you've made the "spotmonkeys," "worthless loads," etc. out to be completely debase your assertions. CZW has continued to use the BJPW death match title belt without BJPW's consent and without paying them for it's use. Companies are always going to engage in questionable activities. It's a fact of American society, which is built upon technicalites. Very few things are perfect, and that includes both CZW and RF Video, along with the other wresting promotions throughout the world.
Mike Modest told me that RF also did this with the debut show of Pro Wrestling Iron.
So, appearantly, I'll be working the same card
LucharesuFan619 replied to a topic in General Wrestling
Holy crap. That card is incredible. You're really lucky to be there. -
I really like the idea of Briscoe vs. Joe, the big vs. small type formula. It should be interesting to see how ROH plays the idea out, as compared to Brock vs. Spanky/Gowen, Kane vs. X-Pac, and other similar rivalries.
How about doing us all a favor and not bitching about things you have no knowledge about? Grimes wasn't "blackballed" from the WWF. The reason he was released was because of roster cuts that were made. If you did any research, you'd find that the very same day he was released, Blue Meanie and Steve Bradley were also released. "He then topped this by getting himself nearly killed in ECW" So, you're telling me that as someone with five years of experience and being trained by some of the best trainers in the world, he doesn't have the right to take risky bumps? Would you say the same about Nick Mondo? Chris Hero hasn't worked for TNA. Nor has American Dragon. You're an idiot. "The only reason his matches are any "good" (in the XPW sense of the word) are because his opponents are carrying him. And when Shane Douglas is carrying you to matches, youve got problems" Considering you obviously haven't seen any of his XPW matches, I wouldn't be talking. And even if you've seen any, you've proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in this reply that those that you have seen you entered with an immensely negative mindset that would prevent AmDrag/London from being considered "good." And consider that he's the one maintaining the pace of the match most often because he's the heel when he's in XPW (besides his matches there in the last year). Too bad you didn't think before bitching. Don't try again. Jesus Johnny Calm Down. When Grimes was brought into the WWF, as Key (as in Kilo, of Drugs, God Bless ya Russo, my hero) he was dressed all in white. However, he couldnt find any white wrestling boots (highspots is thataway ->), and BADLY blew his big shot. As a result, he was sent to ECW as part of that hokey talent exchange and got involved in DA Baldies, taking over from Vito when he went WCW. When Vic and New Jack threw themselves off whatever that thing was, WWF severed ties with him. Which is disapointing, because as a garbage wrestler he's pretty decent, and was considered for a huge push, working with Foley of all people. Russo considered him to bring in on two occasions, but the higher ups considered him a liability. Personally though, as a wrestler i think he's overrated, and not even a big man either. While he's no Paul London, he certainly aint Iceberg. If Iceberg is comparable to anyone in XPW, its Supreme, or Pogo Chris Hero has worked for TNA, he worked XPlosion a while Back. The only reason Danielsen hasnt been considered is because allof his matches are mat orientated and need at least ten minutes psychology before he does anything. And I've seen loads of XPW, mainly the really early stuff, or the Shane Douglas stuff (blame that on my blind markdom for him) Actually, the scaffold incident happened in March and he was released in July. So, clearly WWE didn't release him just b/c of the scaffold incident. If they did, they would've released him not one not two not three but *Four* months earlier than they did. After the scaffold thing, he was kept by WWF for four whole months. "Which is disapointing, because as a garbage wrestler he's pretty decent, and was considered for a huge push, working with Foley of all people." There were NEVER any plans for him to work with Foley. He was going to work with Godfather, until he got injured. There's no way that they would book him from feuding with a midcarder like Godfather to a main eventer like Foley. The reason he was sent to ECW was not because of the boots incident. WWE could've easily supplied him with boots and even though they didn't, they never would've fired him for that. As he's cited many times, the reasons that he was sent to ECW were a. Vince Russo's leaving WWF left creative w/ out interest in him and b. Godfather got injured and that was who he was cheduled to feud with. Forget Hero, if you'd like. B-Boy, Derek Wylde, Homicide, Danny Maff, Xavier, etc. were all never used by NWA-TNA, despite being fantastic workers. Not working for TNA doesn't mean a thing. Besides, Grimes rarely works on the East Coast. TNA has to fly out Kazarian each week already, so why add to that list and continually use Grimes. They're not exactly as financially prosperous as WWE. "And I've seen loads of XPW, mainly the really early stuff, or the Shane Douglas stuff (blame that on my blind markdom for him)" There are very few really early matches in XPW that were great. Which ones pre-2001 have you seen? And which ones have you seen before the Philly run but after January 2001? Unless you've bought XPW TV shows, you haven't seen most of Grimes' best work. The home videos that have been released have primarily showcased his less impressive bouts. If you'd like, I could personally ask Grimes about whether he was scheduled to work with Foley. I just got in contact w/ him a month ago through JR Benson and I think he'd be more than happy to shoot down that rumor.
How about doing us all a favor and not bitching about things you have no knowledge about? Grimes wasn't "blackballed" from the WWF. The reason he was released was because of roster cuts that were made. If you did any research, you'd find that the very same day he was released, Blue Meanie and Steve Bradley were also released. "He then topped this by getting himself nearly killed in ECW" So, you're telling me that as someone with five years of experience and being trained by some of the best trainers in the world, he doesn't have the right to take risky bumps? Would you say the same about Nick Mondo? Chris Hero hasn't worked for TNA. Nor has American Dragon. You're an idiot. "The only reason his matches are any "good" (in the XPW sense of the word) are because his opponents are carrying him. And when Shane Douglas is carrying you to matches, youve got problems" Considering you obviously haven't seen any of his XPW matches, I wouldn't be talking. And even if you've seen any, you've proved beyond a shadow of a doubt in this reply that those that you have seen you entered with an immensely negative mindset that would prevent AmDrag/London from being considered "good." And consider that he's the one maintaining the pace of the match most often because he's the heel when he's in XPW (besides his matches there in the last year). Too bad you didn't think before bitching. Don't try again.
Which former-XPW wrestler has benefited...
LucharesuFan619 replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in General Wrestling
I just learned that Luke had a pre-RAW WWE dark match earlier this month - teamed w/ Mortis/Kanyon. So you can add that to his accomplishments, too. -
I'm thinking that this could make a very interesting topic for dicussion. Since XPW went on hiatus, which of it's wrestlers has benefited most? There are many choices and here are some quick summaries of each one's endeavours since XPW went on hiatus: - Angel: works Revolution Pro very regularly; currently feuding with former tag team partner Mr. Excitement in Revolution Pro; worked on Califa LLE debut show; booked vs. Supreme on the tremendous LXW debut show on 9/27 - Altar Boy Luke: became a regular performer in NWA Wildside; feuded in Wildside w/ Salvatore Rinauro and participated in what many have called the Wildside Match of the Year, a four-way Ladder Match; wrestled for HWA a few times; received some dark matches on NWA-TNA; appeared in a fantastic six-man X Division match on LIVE NWA-TNA PPV and wrestled uppercarder Joe E. Legend; booked for tremendous LXW debut show on 9/27; wrestled John Saxon on a card in New Orleans, LA - Pogo the Clown: worked in a battle royal for the EWF as Big Vito; wrestled in APW-CC; worked a tag team match on the Califa LLE debut show; did a runin on the New Orleans, LA card that Luke was on; booked in an NWA-TNA dark match vs. uppercarder Glenn Gilberti (Disco Inferno) - Smokey Charmichael: wrestled GQ Money in HWA and NWA Rocky Mountain Championship Wrestling; worked a tag team match in NWA Wildside; booked for tremendous LXW debut show on 9/27 - Vic Grimes: worked what's been called the So-Cal match of the year for 2003, a fantastic four-way tag team match; won an APW battle royal; forced longtime rival Robert Thompson into retirement; won a fantastic three-way dance on the debut Califa LLE show - Kaos: worked a tag team match in NWA Wildside; worked in HWA several times; booked vs. Jimmy Rave in an NWA-TNA dark match - Supreme: did a runin for Revolution Pro; booked vs. Angel on the tremendous LXW debut show on 9/27; booked for IWA-MS KOTDM tournament before being pulled Who do you think has benefited most from XPW's hiatus?
If you want to see a fat guy who's really good, check out Vic f'n Grimes a.k.a. Da Man.
No, Luke was not one of them. I know for a fact. GQ Money, however, was. GQ told me tonight that he's going to be appearing as one of Daniel's right hand men on most of the upcoming PPVs. As for where AB Matt is, check out my upcoming interview w/ GQ Money for the most complete story about where Matt came from, how he got into XPW, and why you never saw him again after Liberty or Death. And even if you don't care about Matt personally, you'll damn sure be entertained by the HILARIOUS story GQ tells about him backstage at LOD.
The eighth edition of my East Coast Indy Wrestling Update is up at http://noholdsbarredwrestling.com/columns/.../66027533.shtml . Also, don't forget to check out NHB for all of your indy, WWE, puroresu, lucha, and general wrestling news/results.
In XPW, Messiah won the World Title while he was the Death Match champ.
Yah, Grimes/Jack had one at Freefall on 2/23/03. It resulted in Grimes taking a 40 foot fall. Check out http://www.geocities.com/joycebarber2001/g.../grimesjack.htm for full info on the feud. XPW then had another scaffold match, but this time with an Exploding Ring addition, a few months later with Angel and Supreme. Angel was tossed off and crashed 40 feet down into a ring that exploded (literally) upon impact.
Which former-XPW wrestler has benefited...
LucharesuFan619 replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in General Wrestling
Keep an eye out for parts 5 and 6 of my GQ Money interview. He reveals the answer to that question and "The Mystery of AB Matt." hehe I asked that very question and he gave a VERY indepth explanation, along with a HILARIOUS story about Matthew. The answer was very interesting to say the least. "I'm a regular reader of socaluncensored.com and I remember people talking about that match but I dont remember it being called the match of the year. Looking at the monthly rankings archive at scu at http://www.socaluncensored.com/rankings/matches.htm it finished 3rd in June with 0 first place votes. That is still a strong showing in my opinion but not moty strong." In the review of the show on that site, the match was called a MOTYC. "who do you think was most ruined by XPW dieing, id have to say justin pain or m dog and josh as they all gave up CZW for xpw...i havent even heard pains name since xpw died" M-Dogg/J-Pro have worked UNION and IWA since XPW stopped running. Pain's on the upcoming LXW show. -
LXW- LUCHA XTREME WRESTLING DEBUTS IN QUEENS, NY SEPTEMBER 27TH! Let me take this time to introduce myself. My name is Matt Picone and I am part of the creative team for Lucha Xtreme Wrestling. LXW has worked long and hard to create the best wrestling experience possible to bring you, the fans. I think wrestling fans will find the LXW as a True Alternative to the soap opera that airs on Mondays and Thursdays. I thought that the best way to get you, the fans, aquatinted with LXW is to bring you a brief overview of the announced wrestlers and matches, and provide you with some exclusive breaking news: LXW has signed two amazing technical matches for September 27. The first will be the long awaited return to the United States of Mexican Icon Shocker, as he takes on perhaps the most technically gifted athlete in all of pro wrestling, Jerry Lynn. Shocker is looking to show American fans just why he is the #1 attraction in all of Mexico, while Jerry Lynn has made it known that it will not be at his expense. This match is truly an "International Dream Match" that will only be seen here at LXW. Making their east coast debut will be two of the most talented high flyers from the West coast, the tag team of Quick Silver and Scorpio Sky. This exciting tag team have kept West coast fans in awe with their fearless and innovate tag team maneuvers. On September 27, they will have to bring their best game as they will take on the team of Josh Prohibition and MDogg20. Josh & MDogg have made a name for themselves as reckless high flyers and have held regional tag team championships across the states. With both teams being so evenly matched, the only clear cut winner will be the fans. La Parka will take on Justin Credible. Justin Credible had laid down the challenge to the man who is known worldwide as "The Xtreme Chairman" only to have it accepted under one condition- that there will be no disqualifications! To prepare for this match, Justin went back to his roots and has once again retained the services of one of the most devious mangers in wrestling history, the self proclaimed "Sexiest Man On Earth," Jason Knight. Credible didn't stop there. In order to stack the odds in his favor, Credible will also be accompanied by the sexiest and most dangerous valet in wresting, Ms. Veronica Caine. Will La Parka be able to beat the odds? In a match that I personally believe will steal the show, international superstar Super Dragon goes head to head with one of the West coast's standouts Jardi Frantz. Within the past year, Super Dragon had honed his skills in the rings of All Japan Pro Wrestling which has just added to his up front, hard hitting style of wrestling. Frantz is one of the most heralded independent superstars from the West coast. Primarily a tag team artist with his partner Bobby Quance, Jardi can adapt to any ring style and has vowed to take Super Dragon to his limits. Simply put, this match will give new meaning to the term "stiff style wrestling." Although I am a huge fan of all styles of wrestling, my personal favorite is the craziness of the Xtreme matches- matches that LXW have appropriately renamed Suicidal matches. And in an attempt to crown a true "Xtreme" champion, the Suicidal Tournament has been created. The Suicidal Title tournament begins at the inaugural LXW show on Saturday, September 27, 2003. The tournament is a single elimination tournament comprised of 8 of the most Xtreme athletes on the face of the Earth. The first pair of matches will be held on September 27, and the next set of quarterfinal matches will be announced at a later date. The winner of the Suicidal Title truly will be the new king of Xtreme! The first quarterfinal match for September 27 has already been announced, as the "Hardcore Feud From Hell" is rekindled as "The Human Horror Film" Supreme will take on his arch rival "The Hardcore Homo" Angel in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Supreme has made it known that he will go to all lengths to prove to the East coast is worthy of becoming LXW's first ever holder of the SUICIDAL TITLE. He has publicly stated that the beatings that he has given Angel in the past are nothing compared to what pain he will unleash on him on September 27. But don't count "The Hardcore Homo" out just yet. He said that after he defeats Supreme on September 27, he will make Supreme his "bi*ch." Now for the breaking news.....The second match in the Suicidal Tournament that will also take place on Saturday, September 27 will be a match featuring two lunatics from the south as Corporal Robinson goes one on one with The Necro Butcher!!!! For fans that are not familiar with these two, all I can say is that words can not do justice to the mayhem that these men bring to the ring. Robinson has been a mainstay in the south for years earning his reputation as one of the most skillfully rugged brawlers in the US. The Necro Butcher has been taking out the competition all over the states and has a tolerance for pain matched by no other. The chaos these two men will create is terrifying!! On paper, the card is shaping up to be biggest and best pro wrestling card this year....just imagine what it will be like to experience LIVE!!! Spread the word.....pro wrestling is back!!! Be there LIVE on September 27, 2003, at 7:00 at the Amazura Ballroom located at 91-12 144th place in Jamaica Queens, NY- (718)-298-6760 www.amazura.com to witness the rebirth of Pro Wrestling the way YOU want it! CREDIT: LXWrestling.com Holy crap! As an XPW fan, I can't wait to see M-Dogg/J-Pro, Angel, Supreme, Ms. Caine, etc. And with La Parka, Shocker, and Lynn on the card, you can't go wrong. BEST INDY CARD THIS YEAR...at least on paper. You must go to this.
Then what about an exploider. And Shut The Fuck Up Barber, no one cares what you think, or you "solving everyone's question" No wonder you're so hated on this board.