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Toshiaki Koala

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Everything posted by Toshiaki Koala

  1. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  2. Toshiaki Koala

    Recent Purchases

    At The Drive-In — Relationship of Command Mars Volta annoys the shit out of me, but this is an undeniably awesome nu-Fugazi album. And it was only $7.99.
  3. Toshiaki Koala

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Dammit, I SO almost picked Robert Anton Wilson.
  4. Toshiaki Koala


    ...Michael Stephen Brooks? Emma Brooks? David Attenborough Brooks? One of these people exists, sez I.
  5. Toshiaki Koala

    The Boys.

    "This Preacher guy really likes it when people get their faces blown off." --My dad, five minutes ago.
  6. Toshiaki Koala

    Lurker/Retiree roll call!

    I never read. Ever. I'm not even reading right now, let alone posting.
  7. Toshiaki Koala

    I want an answer, Byron The Bulb.

    Leena is probably a dude named Byron.
  8. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  9. Toshiaki Koala

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Sorry, Bev.
  10. Toshiaki Koala

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Fox News' take is much more classy, IMO.
  11. Toshiaki Koala

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Looks like he'll be swinging within the next five minutes. The only sad part is that I'll probably have to add Beverly Cleary to my death pool in place of Saddam. If anyone deserves to live to 120, it's her.
  12. Toshiaki Koala

    MikeSC's Website?

    WND is a fucking diamond mine. In addition to Jim Rutz's brilliant exposé of the faggotizing powers of soybeans, there's a glorious weekly column by Chuck Norris Himself that includes such tidbits as this: You simply cannot make this stuff up. WND BOOKS WorldNetDaily Exclusive Illegals to kill the USA? Congressman warns America's existence 'In Mortal Danger' --WND
  13. Toshiaki Koala

    the saddest song

    Leonard Cohen - "One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong" It doesn't make you weep so much as it makes you want to crawl into a dark corner of the room and die. Great song, though—who doesn't love a whistling solo?
  14. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    Close the fuckin' thread.
  15. Toshiaki Koala

    Worst Song(s) of 2006

    The opening to Fergalicious sounds so similar to that of Donkey Kong 64's DK Rap that I can't bring myself to hate it. Whenever the song comes on, I'm like, fuck yeah, it's the fuckin' DK Rap. And then it's not... but the good feeling of thinking it is somehow carries over, allowing me to leave the room before the rest of the song can really get to me. Ya know?
  16. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  17. Toshiaki Koala

    24 - Season 6

    Powers Fuckin' Boothe. Like I said, Deadwood does nothing for me, but he was the man in Extreme Prejudice. If he plays a bad guy... oh, man.
  18. Toshiaki Koala

    Orange juice.

    It's OK, girls. Pulp is only for the REAL men.
  19. Toshiaki Koala

    Siskel and Ebert hate on Proestants

    Yeah, the whole "tolerating Jews" thing would not sit well with him at all.
  20. Toshiaki Koala

    Okay, now this has gone too far.

    I hope Brotha Lynch Hung makes a Christmas record some day. Eatin' Santa's nuts Takin' baths in Santa's guts...
  21. Toshiaki Koala

    Soy is turning our children gay!

    http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=53327 <joke>
  22. Toshiaki Koala

    Soy is turning our children gay!

    I think it is. A Bowhead Whale you are not. Your great grandchildren, though? Who knows.
  23. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  24. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  25. Toshiaki Koala

    Christmas Coke

    As well they should have. The image of Santa Claus is incredibly offensive to people who don't believe that God incarnated Himself in human form, died for the sins of man, and was resurrected to sit at the right hand of the Father, His sacrifice serving as a gateway through which all mankind may enter the Kingdom of Heaven.