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Toshiaki Koala

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Everything posted by Toshiaki Koala

  1. Toshiaki Koala

    Tom Waits

    I just listened to Rain Dogs a few hours ago--probably the most "atmospheric" album I've ever heard, in that you can actually smell, taste, and FEEL the places that Waits is describing. Music that can do that is really, really rare.
  2. Toshiaki Koala


    I'd like to think that if Rakim had been murdered, people would actually be digging up his corpse and performing fellatio on it.
  3. Toshiaki Koala

    So, Princess Leena is getting married

    You don't know dildos from snakes about punk rock.
  4. Toshiaki Koala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Music today needs less screaming and more yawning and sneezing.
  5. Toshiaki Koala

    Iron Maiden

    I think I'm going to exit this thead quietly before I make a fool of myself any further.
  6. Toshiaki Koala

    So, Princess Leena is getting married

    ALL the album is a Descendents album, not an ALL album, right?
  7. Toshiaki Koala

    Iron Maiden

    I've heard it called their best album by people whose opinions on music I respect far more than those of anyone on this board. Wow, that was a run-on sentence of almost Meltzerian proportions!
  8. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  9. Toshiaki Koala

    The Youtube thread

  10. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  11. Toshiaki Koala

    So, Princess Leena is getting married

    "Clean Sheets" is such a great song.
  12. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  13. Toshiaki Koala

    A positive thread about Princess Leena.

    It's only a matter of time before TSM implodes under the weight of its own self-consciousness.
  14. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    I don't get the crunk picture. They spelled "bukkake" wrong. More albatross chicks 4 u:
  15. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  16. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  17. Toshiaki Koala

    Jack Palance has died

    One of the baddest men who ever lived. RIP.
  18. Toshiaki Koala

    Iron Maiden

    It's gotta be Hetfield, simply because when people who don't know anything hear heavy music, they automatically assume it's Metallica. "Ew, is this, like, Metallica or something? Put on OAR."
  19. Toshiaki Koala

    Decapitations I like

  20. Toshiaki Koala

    Post pictures of your pet(s).

  21. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    Best one in pages.
  22. Toshiaki Koala

    Wikipedia is garbage

  23. Toshiaki Koala

    I have something I want to say to Incandenza

    This could have gone in the college girl thread, you know.
  24. JustPassinBy's world is collapsing around him.