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Toshiaki Koala

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Everything posted by Toshiaki Koala

  1. Toshiaki Koala

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Demo(n)crats are the real terrorists, anyway.
  2. Toshiaki Koala

    The OAO Official SWF 2006 Party Birthday Thread

    It's Thugg's birthday. Happy birthday, Thugg!
  3. Toshiaki Koala

    Wikipedia is garbage

  4. Toshiaki Koala

    Stranger Than Fiction

    Not many people see good movies.
  5. Toshiaki Koala

    Stranger Than Fiction

    I do. Imagine if they were in movies with people who were actually funny! Now that'd be something. LAWLER: (Something about Andy Kaufman) JR: Yeah, and they made a movie about it that eight people saw!
  6. Toshiaki Koala

    Wikipedia is garbage

    yea dude hes such a faggit! lol!
  7. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  8. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  9. Toshiaki Koala

    Recommend Some Jazz for Me

    Well, the 'lypse aren't exactly jazz-informed, now, are they? Find the song "Koko" by Charlie Parker and Dizzie Gillespie. I don't know shit about jazz but I know that this is awesome.
  10. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  11. Toshiaki Koala

    The Youtube Thread

    The one where his car gets dropped from thirty feet in the air, causing him to incur some scratches? That was magic. Or are you referring to the segment in which Flair (?) drove a forklift around in the background for no apparent reason? Either way, do post it.
  12. Toshiaki Koala

    Singer signs on for Superman Sequel

    The guy from They Live? Is he still around? I hope he is--he ruled. Put on the sunglasses.
  13. Toshiaki Koala

    Recommend Some Jazz for Me

    Corey, now's your chance to recommend Dillinger Escape Plan! If you like them, that is.
  14. Toshiaki Koala

    Very crazy suicide clip. Take a look here !

    Probably the most disgusting thread title ever. If it's the same clip as that one on Youtube, though, then it really is pretty fucking crazy.
  15. Toshiaki Koala

    Singer signs on for Superman Sequel

    I want Mr. Mxyzpltkthfbnkszphfd.
  16. Toshiaki Koala

    Painted Marvin Showdown Halloween '06

    Or Marvin-as-Kane.
  17. Toshiaki Koala

    Painted Marvin Showdown Halloween '06

    I'm not going to dispute that.
  18. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  19. Toshiaki Koala

    Painted Marvin Showdown Halloween '06

    He might if they were that age. Sorry, I mean no harm. Luminous beings are we...
  20. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    Ah. Looks like the bandwidth wasn't exceeded after all.
  21. Toshiaki Koala

    Haiku you

    Teacher Conference Room Service Elevator Shaft In Africa Mine Cart Race Track Record Setting Sun Bear Market Economy Class Clown College Course Corrections Officer Chalk it up to my incredible generosity that I didn't end that with "corps."
  22. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Please re-upload this so I can save it to my hard drive!
  23. Toshiaki Koala

    Haiku you

    Brittle Star Player Piano Key Word Game Time Travel Agent Orange Juice Bar Code Name Drop Leaf Spring Cleaning Lady Bug Spray Paint Roller Derby Hat Rack
  24. Toshiaki Koala

    Haiku you

    I believe the word you're looking for is, ahem, chode. Although it's usually spelled "choad." CLOSE CLONE CRONE CRANE CRAZE GRAZE GRAPE GRIPE TRIPE TRIBE BRIBE BRIDE PRIDE PRUDE PRUNE PRONE DRONE DROVE GROVE GRAVE CRAVE CRATE GRATE Man, that sucked. The R and the E hardly ever changed.
  25. Toshiaki Koala

    Tom Waits

    The benefits of a Hollywood education.