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Toshiaki Koala

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Everything posted by Toshiaki Koala

  1. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  2. Toshiaki Koala

    Campaign 2008

    I really wish the next GOP debate would just be Ron Paul talking for two hours.
  3. Toshiaki Koala

    Campaign 2008

    Mike Gravel rules all, and I say that without a trace of irony.
  4. Toshiaki Koala

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Download "The Laws Have Changed." It's really, really great.
  5. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  6. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  7. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    This is real.
  8. Toshiaki Koala

    Cthulhu is real.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloop In other words, we're fucked.
  9. Toshiaki Koala

    Big-ass Pig killed by 11 year old boy

    Eh, it's still forty pounds lighter than the Colossal Squid.
  10. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  11. Toshiaki Koala

    Top 100 "Hip-Hop" Singles

    I don't think the DVDVR folks are well liked around these parts. They said some mean things about Shawn Michaels a few years ago, don't you know.
  12. Toshiaki Koala

    NO WAI!

    http://www.mosnews.com/news/2007/03/22/harrypotter.shtml The culprit, according to other sources:
  13. Toshiaki Koala


    Weezer - "Tired of Sex"
  14. Toshiaki Koala

    Rev. Jerry Falwell

    Phelps might be the funniest man alive today.
  15. Toshiaki Koala

    NO WAI!

    I'm pretty sure an Eagle Owl has killed a gentleman as well (some bloke who was trying to band its young), as has its smaller but equally terrifying American cousin the Great Horned Owl. They're still not a patch on this guy. It could fucking swallow dogs fucking whole.
  16. Toshiaki Koala

    Rev. Jerry Falwell

    Jerry's will. Hitchens' touching eulogy.
  17. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  18. Toshiaki Koala

    TSM Death Pool - 2007

    Great news. I'd have preferred Pat Robertson but I'm definitely not gonna complain.
  19. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    Same girl as in the chokeslam clip:
  20. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

    That DVD cover I posted is real, by the way.
  21. Toshiaki Koala


    Ministry - "N.W.O."
  22. Toshiaki Koala

    The Youtube Thread

    I watched this last night and was cracking up over it all day. Mean Gene's expression is even better than in the Patera promo.
  23. Toshiaki Koala

    Pictures I Like

  24. Toshiaki Koala

    lol @ black people

    And you're not making things any better by denigrating them.