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Everything posted by Chazz

  1. Does anybody know If The Real World's Boston and Seattle Seasons are available on DVD? If so, do they have any Interesting extras or cut scenes? Boston and Seattle were my Favorite Seasons of The Series. Thanks!
  2. Chazz

    Dropped Storylines

    Out of all The dropped storylines Of The last couple years In The WWE (And There Have been a lot), which Is one you wish was continued till It played out? For me, It would have to be The time Eddie Gurrerro started helping The Hardy Boyz and Lita out for no apparent reason. He took a Gore from Rhyno protecting Lita, he turned on The Radicals to prove his worth, hell, he even started to dress like them! Then before the storyline concluded, It was dropped. I believe this was due to Eddie having to go to Rehab for Substance Abuse Issues, but I'm not sure. Anyways, It was never finished. That's mine, what about yours?
  3. Chazz

    Which wrestlers have you meet?

    I met Jeff Jarrett at Monroville Mall (Near Pittsburgh,PA) for an Autograph Signing Circa 1995. I also met and talked briefly with The Blue Meanie and Steven Richards at an Indy Show at The Western PA. School for The Deaf (Also near Pittsburgh.) In 1996.
  4. Chazz

    Dawson's Creek...

    What did Jen die from?
  5. Chazz

    Worst PPV Ever

    The Original WCW "Uncensored" 1995. Nearly 3 Hours of Sheer Tourture!!
  6. Is anyone else sick of The WWE airing commercials right In The middle of It's matches? When they first started doing It about a year ago, I didn't mind It so much. Now I think they do It so much that It has grown old ,especially on Smackdown! Not only do I think It kills the flow of a good match, It prolongs the agony of a bad one. But that's me. What do you guys think?
  7. Has anyone here seen MTV's Documentary Series "Sex In The 90's"? If so, what was your favorite ep? I.E.- "What He Wants", What She Wants, "Love Sucks", etc. My personal fav had to be The "Want He Wants" ep featuring The Infamous "Dogg Brothers" and "The Nice Guy." Their scene at The end where they were giving The Nice Guy tips on how to pick up women was CLASSIC! Anybody else?
  8. Chazz

    Vampire Movies

    Out of all The Vampire Movies ever made (Interview with a Vampire, The From Dusk Till Dawn Trilogy, The Lost Boys,and The Addiction just to name a few), what Is the best one ever made?
  9. Chazz

    Raw 5-12-03

    What did you all think about tonight's show? I really can't give an opinion because I was doing other things while It was on. But I'm curious to know what you guys thought of It. Anybody?
  10. Hey Bob, Do you ever think The WWE's upcoming Brand only PPV's are gonna work? With The joint PPV's drawing dick, I don't see the point In Brand only PPV's unless they are purposely trying to lose money.
  11. Chazz

    Shows on MTV

    Some of The "Sex In The 90's" Series was good for a laugh. Who could ever forget The Imfamous "Dogg Brothers"? LOL!!
  12. What's up with The SNL Classic Eps going all out of order? Just a couple months ago they were airing Bob's Fav 1996-1997 Season. Now they are going with the 89-90 Season. What's up wit dat?
  13. Chazz

    "The Addiction"

    Although I'm really into Vampire Movies, I found "The Addiction" to be too slow and Artsy-Fartsy. But that's just me. What are your thoughts If you have seen It?
  14. Chazz

    The OZ Movie

    I was watching The Series Finale of OZ (again) on tape, and I got to thinking. Would any of you like to see an OZ Movie on HBO In a couple of years? You Know, after The Prison Is Decontaminated of Anthrax, or whatever Keller used to kill all The Aryans. McManus did tell Murphy the move was temporary, and they'd be back someday. Not only that, I don't feel several storylines were given proper closure. I.E.- It was never made clear If Devlin was charged with Murder: It was also left hanging If Beecher would get The Death Penalty for "killing" Keller. What do you guys think??
  15. Chazz

    Dracula 2: Ascension

    Has anyone here seen The direct to video sequel of 2000's" Dracula": "Dracula 2: Ascension?"? I know It doesn't hit Video Store Shelves until June, but I thought some of you may have been lucky enough to have been given a sneak preview. If so, how about a review?
  16. Chazz

    The Attitude era in the WWF

    I personally think The Attitude Era Died In November 2000 when Stephanie McMahon was officially placed In charge of The Creative Team. What at absolute joke! What credentials does she have that would place her In that position,other than she Is a McMahon? Do you realize that under her watch, The Creative Team have blown sure-fire angles like The WCW Invasion, and The return of The NWO, just to name a few. For all the shit that Vince Russo has endured from The 'Net over the years, I'd take him back In The WWE anyday than that bunch of talentless, yes-men lackey's that Vince and Stephanie like to surround themselves with. Sorry. End of Rant.
  17. Does anyone out there own OZ Season 1 and 2 on DVD? Were any of the deleted scenes any good?
  18. Chazz

    The Scream Movies

    [email protected] anybody know what The original Script to Scream 3 that Kevin Williamson wrote was about? If not, does anybody know where I might be able to get my hands on It?
  19. Did anybody out there ever see Fox's "Murder In Small Town X"? when It originally aired from July 2001-Sept. 2001? It remains the only "Reality Show" ,Other than Seasons of MTV's Real World Boston and Seattle), that I actually got Into, even though The Series Itself was part Mystery part Reality Show. I hope Fox does another one In the near future. What do those of you that saw It think?
  20. Chazz

    The OZ Season Finale

    I understand That multiple endings were shot for the Series Finale of OZ this past Feb. Does anybody know anything specific about The alternate endings?