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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Beast

    The Keltner List

    Yeah, it's a real shame that he's been overshadowed by Ripken and Smith. It's sort of comparable to Santo being overshadowed by Banks and Williams on the Cubs alone, and then by Brooks Robinson as a 60's 3rd baseman. It's clear that Trammell and Larkin are similar players, at least statwise, and hopefully they both get in, since they both deserve it. Rizzuto lowered the bar for shortstops getting into the Hall, so one would think that a player of Trammell's ability would have no trouble getting in. Sadly, it doesn't look like Trammell has any chance of getting in, not counting the Veterans Committee, with his consistantly low vote totals. What is worse though, is that Whitaker wasn't even given a nice chance, picking up 2% of the votes and becoming inelgible his first time in. How does even Dave Stewart get more votes then him? It shows you how much the BBWA knows when someone actually votes for Lenny Dykstra to get in. Sidenote: Maz spent the prime of his career working with Gene Alley, not Groat, who was gone by 1962. I don't know the specific stats, but I believe the Alley-Maz combo rates right up with the top of the double play combos. Of course other famous partnerships are Robinson and Reese, and earlier in their career's, Molitor and Yount. Sidenote 2: Thought of another player. I often see Bobby Grich listed as one of the greatest underrated players of all time. Rob Neyer has him listed as the greatest Angel of all, in his Team book. I barely know anything about him though.
  2. Beast

    The Keltner List

    Ted Simmons, Don Mattingly, Ryne Sandberg, Ron Santo, Alan Trammel, Minnie Minoso, Jim Wynn, Dave Parker, Carl Mays, Bert Blyleven, Wes Ferrell, and Lon Warneke.
  3. Beast

    MLB HOF Class of 2005

    Boggs is a lock, deservingly so, but like most of you, I want Sandberg and Blyleven in as soon as possible. Sutter, I don't see as ever making it in, unless he is inducted by the Veterans Committe, which probably won't happen since they've made it harder to get in. I'm more interested with the Committe's votes for 2005, especially since no one made it in 2003, and now we have to wait every other year for elections from them. Hodges finished first last time, and I'd love to see him get in, but I do realize that from his stats alone, he is not as worthy as Santo, among others. However, the 1969 Mets World Title, has to add something to his accomplishments. Plus, if the actual players of the hall, (i.e. the people who vote for the Veterans Committe), thought of him as the best person elgible, that's gotta say something. So 2005, my hopes - HOF - Boggs, Sandberg, Blyleven Veterans - Hodges
  4. Beast

    The Keltner List

    While I don't know enough about Gossage in particular to give a definte opinion, he does seem like a HOFamer looking at his stats. He was a dominating relief ace for a long time and is probably behind only Wilhelm and Eckersley as the greatest reliever, not counting any active players since I'm not as familliar. Plus, since you are using James' methods, his HOF Monitor score is 126, meaning that that sees him as being worthy of enshrinement. James also has him ranked as the 36th best pitcher of all time, above Blyleven, Early Wynn, Bob Lemon, Red Ruffing, and Catfish Hunter among others. Fingers isn't even in the top 100. This was an interesting post though, please do more Keltners.
  5. Beast

    WWE News & Notes from the 7/26 Observer

    Yeah, the WWE is being really adult about the situation, bringing it up everytime they go to Canada. Why is it wrong for Bret to not want a DVD about HIM, to not make him look bad? The Monday Night Wars DVD was a one-sided attack on WCW, from all sides. Bret obviously doesn't want everyone to be demeaning him for the incident, while backing up current employees, McMahon and Michaels, on BRET's DVD.
  6. Beast

    The Watchmen

    Road To Perdition was a graphic novel that I believe was somewhat based on the Japanese comic, Lone Wolf And Cub, different story, same type of concept. They turned Road To Perdition into a movie, not Lone Wolf.
  7. Beast

    Movie Characters

    Too many movie characters to list so here's the first couple I can think of that haven't already been said. Mr. Potter from It's A Wonderful Life Chris Cooper's character in American Beauty Kim Novak in Vertigo Someone mentioned everyone from Lacuna in Eternal Sunshine, except Elijah Wood. I'd like to revise that to especially Elijah Wood. What a jackhole. Ethan Surpee and Stacy Keach in American History X, plus the black dude at the end. Charles Bronson's character in Great Escape, he almost totally blew it with his goddamn claustrophobia. And finally, the character I hate the most, of all time..... SEAN PENN IN MYSTIC RIVER.
  8. Beast

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    Missed the show tonight, thank god Heffron is still there. Did they announce the wild card yet?
  9. Beast

    Jack Black to play Green Lantern?

    I'm thrilled that Jack Black is going to play a superhero. I never expected this to happen. As a huge fan of comic books, movies, and Jack Black, this is going to be the ultimate movie for me. True, it would be cool to have a regular Green Lantern movie to pay tribute to the character of Hal Jordan, but let's stop and think for a second. The past comic movies that have been generalized by the public as "good movies", (Batman I and II, the X-Men series, the Spider-Man series) are pretty wacked out. It's hard to compare a movie about a guy who dresses up to fight crime with his spider-based powers or a group of outcast mutants who fight a guy who can control metal with his mind, to movies like The Godfather I and II and The Shawshank Redemption. True movies like Star Wars and the LOTR series are masterpieces, but most comic movies try to combine real world people and over the top superheroes like Daredevil and Catwoman. While LOTR had a ton of fantastic adventure stuff, it took place in another world so it seemed more plausible and not distracting. Watching Halle Berry in a cat suit jumped stories and landing on her feet from a balcony just looks stupid. I'm as big of a X-Men fan you can get, but even I'll admit that if I wasn't a fan before the movies, I wouldn't have been the least impressed with the story or characters. Truly, Spider-Man 2 was the first of the comic book movies since Blade came out to impress me not just as a comic book movie, but as a movie in general. Now, with them deciding to make Green Lantern a comedy, I think it's a good chance to open up the superhero genre to more than the basic hero aquires powers-fights villian movie. I'm sure WB execs were drooling at the comedic possibilities in a power ring which can create anything you can imagine. Personally, I can't wait to see it. It's kind of a bonus for a comic reader like me. If I want to read classic stories like the Lantern-Arrow team ups, I can pick up a TPB or comic and read. Now, instead of having to sit and watch GL get his origin and fight Sinistro in a straight-laced film that changes a lot of the GL story and myth to fit the 2 hrs time slot, I can watch something that I'm not expecting and be entertained with. Hopefully some members of the comic industry agree, because the only thing that would change my mind, would be if everyone was as offended as you all are. Here's hoping that people like Geoff Johns or Kurt Busiak can look past the changes and be alright with this new concept. I know I rambled a lot, but it's early here, (8:00) and I had a lot of things to say. P.S. - My number one concern (question) - What GL is he gonna be? I'd love for it to be Guy.
  10. Robert De Niro Gregory Peck Kevin Spacey Clint Eastwood Al Pacino Marlon Brando Harrison Ford Morgan Freeman
  11. Beast


    I haven't heard Quadrophenia in its entirety, but I do love Love Reign O'er Me, 5:15, Dr. Jimmy, and I'm One, the only 4 songs I've heard from it. I've heard Tommy as a whole many times and I still think it's fantastic.
  12. Dragon vs. Ki, only because I have it and I want to see your opinion
  13. Beast

    And in a shocking development

    Well, this can't be good. Out of all the Raw's lately, this one was so weak compared to the rest. I had a friend over and I decided to watch the beginning of Raw even though he isnt much more than a mark who doesnt really care for wrestling besides the great matches anymore. We both thought the Rock promo dragged on and on....and on and on. We were planning on watching it til at least 9 30 and we ended up watching about none, since there was a 20 minute BORING Rock promo, followed by a ladies match, that we didnt care about. My friend was sure the ratings were going to plummet. I guess the ship has passed by us and we dont understand what the people like anymore, because I thought that was the biggest waste of time and the worst way to open a Raw in a long time.
  14. Bret/Perfect is my fave match of all time, so thats my vote.
  15. I saw some clips from the movie on TV, and I went out to rent it, but couldn't find it at any of the local video stores. I would appreciate it if anyone who has seen it could post a list of how people die and how people survive, as that's what I am most interested in, esp. people like Robert Vaughn, Robert Wagner, Richard Chamberlain, and Willliam Holden.
  16. A Clockwork Orange The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Reservoir Dogs Psycho (1960) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Goodfellas Ghostbusters Casino L.A. Confidential Back to the Future Blazing Saddles Dogma Almost Famous Scarface The Shawshank Redemption The Matrix Fight Club Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Platoon Seven (Se7en) Memento Raiders of the Lost Ark The Usual Suspects American Beauty North by Northwest The Breakfast Club The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Kill Bill Vol. 1 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Forrest Gump Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Clerks
  17. Damn!, I forgot about the easter song. Now, those songs are the only reason I can stand Sanz and Fallon. Good tune, and its always good. Yeah, I do wish I had seen Simon with them too. Still, I love Christopher Walken. I HATE Snoop Dogg. If he's hosting for Soul Plane, then that makes it even worse.
  18. Beast

    Oh give me a break

    I think they should give Bonds a drug test so his godfather and the rest of the baseball community can see what a pumped up loser he is
  19. I can't stress how much I've hated this season. Not only was their a severe overflow of Sanz and Fallon combined with a major underflow of Forte and to a lesser extent Armisen, plus Richards leaving right when he was becoming one of my top 3 favorite cast members, but they've had unquestionably the worst hosts ever. Jack Black - Awesome start, my favorite current actor and a awesome show. Justin Timberlake - What the hell. I liked the Kermit sketch, the Bee Gees, and of course the Gary Busey Direct TV ad, but Timberlake shouldn't have even been hosting. He performed 3 songs, thus canceling out the 3 great sketches. Halle Berry - No problem with this choice, I mean she won an Oscar, plus it could have been Britney. Kelly Ripa - Some good moments, but honestly, I'd rather see Regis, or Gelman for that matter host. Andy Roddick - I'm sorry, I remember expecting shit, but I also remember really liking this one. Looking back at the sketch list though, I don't think I would again, so another sports figure hosting for no reason. I cant wait til David Beckham hosts next year. I think I'd literally jump off my roof if LeBron James hosts. Alec Baldwin - Another HR for the Baldman Al Sharpton - McCain and Gore were diamonds in the rough for political hosts, Sharpton wasn't even a serious candidate and he brought Brian Fellows with him. Greaaaatttt. Another waste of a show. Elijah Wood - Nothing bad to say, at least he can act. Jennifer Aniston - Not a great show, but the writers' fault, not Jen's or the casts. Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachy - Great, can't wait til Ozzy or Anna Nicole Smith hosts. The dumb Jessica bit was annoying before SNL had her do it in every sketch. Megan Mullaly, Drew Barrymore, Christina Aguilara - 3 shows I missed, so no comment, although its been said Aguilara did OK, I'll believe it when I see it. Colin Firth - Loved this show, Firth doing the bad accent in the Civil War movie, Calhoun on trial, Benny Hill as Jesus, good stuff. Affleck - Missed it Donald Trump - Played himself in every sketch but one, need I say more. Janet Jackson - Watched first 2 sketches, couldnt stomach anymore. Lohan - I missed Forte as Bush, but everything else I caught. Loved the Billy Joel, even if just for the can getting stuck on the car and Sanz having to use the beer bottle, and Debbie Downer was great. Lohans hot and only like 5 months younger than me so score. Snoop Dogg - Why the fuck is he hosting, not watching it. Olsen Twins - Personalities, look like monkeys, not watching it. I sincerely hope Fallon, Sanz, Hammond, and Rudolph leave for next year, and that Michaels forgets about ratings for the moment and tries to get some true comedic talent. Plus - Bob, did you see the Entertainment Weekly's top 25 people in America. Maya Rudolph made the list somehow. Then, when they did a followup listing the 10 people who recieved the most write in replies, Tina Fey made it and was excused for not making the top 25, because Maya took the SNL spot. WTF? Then this week, they go ahead and write a whole article on Fey, thank god.
  20. Beast

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I swear, this is frickin' bizarro world now. The WWE treated Raw like the major brand before the trades, but now, it totally is. I cannot express in words how f'ed up it is that Jackie won the belt. They have frickin' London and Jimmy Yang to name two wrestlers who could have put on a classic with Guerrero. I know that Matt from TE 3 was supposed to be the surprise, but Holly gave him a concussion over the weekend, (Fire that dumb stiff non-wrestler now), but I would rather see Jeff Hardy win the belt than a frickin' woman who's prime, if she ever had one, was in 1997. I'm happy Smackdown is the taped one so I can just read these every Wed, and not think about watching the show. Smackdown is the new WCW.
  21. Beast

    Media post: Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Benoit

    Thanks for the Eugene segment as well.