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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Beast

    American Splender

    I saw both American Splendor and Cold Mountain, so I have seen both performances. While I too was very impressed with Giamatti, I was blown away by Law. I think he did a spectacular job in Cold Mountain and he defintely deserved the nomination. Who was the other nominee besides Law, Murray, Penn, and Depp anyway. I cant even remember who it was so I guess Giamatti could have took his spot.
  2. Beast

    Wondering how to copy a tape.

    nice, thanks a lot for the quick response.
  3. Beast


    I just took the match for what it was. I'll have to watch my tape to see if HHH was as blown out on the suplexes as everyones saying. I expected to see 3-3.5 stars from the reviews since I thought it was a good match. I was entertained, and the clusterfluck at the end shouldnt take away from the enjoyment as I was seriously entertained when more and more people kept coming out. Of course it wasnt as good with Eddy's matches with Rey and Kurt but it was entertaining nevertheless.
  4. My favorite match of all time. Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect are two of my all time faves and for some reason, I just LOVE this match. Everything clicks for me. The tearing of Perfect's outfit, the spinning across the ring bumps, the falling off the top onto Bret for an awesome pin, even the immediate tap out, which works fine in my opinion since Perfects back was legitimatly fucked. Great, great match that brought Bret up to another level. *****
  5. Beast

    Downloading WWE PPV/DVDs online

    You say you've found the Monday Night Wars DVD and extras online. I downloaded the DVD, but no extras. Where did you find them?
  6. Beast

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    Hey, as long as there is a good amount of footage and matches on it, I'll be happy. When I saw the news, my jaw dropped. So happy.
  7. Beast

    Should Molly quit the company?

    Ok, first of all, I too am not that happy that Molly's head was shaved since I believe she is one of the most attractive women in WWE, in addition to being a great wrestler. But, we don't know if she had a problem with it. I'd be pissed too if she was basically forced to do this, but she is injured and perhaps she agreed because she would be getting some time off anyways. Just don't get bent out of shape about unless we hear something else. I think it would be cool if she was wearing a skullcap with a wig, and it was the wig that was shaved off. You never know.
  8. Beast

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Wrestlemania 19 with Lesnar vs. Angle is the only one.
  9. Beast

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Charles Wright - Papa Shango, Kama Mustafa, Godfather, Goodfather He only wrestled twice though, he ran in as Papa and was at ringside as Kama. Rikishi has wrestled as Rikishi, Fatu, and The Sultan Foley has wrestled as Foley, Mankind, Cactus.
  10. Beast

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    The timespan one is Barry Windham, not Flair. His was 1 to 13. Also Funk has more than Flair going from 2 to 14.
  11. Beast

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Steamboat, Valentine, and Piper
  12. The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom Money Inc. The Brainbusters The British Bulldogs
  13. Beast

    Fantasy Tag Team Tournament

    Demolition (Axe & Smash) The Road Warriors/Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) The Steiner Brothers (Scott & Rick) Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & IRS) The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) The Eliminators (Perry Saturn & John Kronus) The British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith) The Hart Foundation (Jim Neidhart & Bret Hart)
  14. Beast

    American Idol 3

    Gosunkugi, I totally marked out when you mentioned That Means A Lot. Probably in my top 5 Beatle songs, but it has a snowball's chance in hell of being sung in a Beatles' round.
  15. Brian Christopher AKA Grandmasta Sexay
  16. Gotta be Jeff, but it was Smackdown when O'Haire and Palumbo first appeared. During a Dudleyz-Hardyz match, the WCW Tag Champs interfered and beat down both teams, but then a ton of the boys from the back came out and kicked their asses.
  17. Beast

    Scrubs 2/24

    Did anyone else watch it? When J.D. said "Where do you think we are?", I almost lost it. Very well done episode with great acting by Fraser and McGinley.
  18. While Greg Valentine was WWF World Tag Team Champion, his manager sold Valentine's contract to another manager. Who were the two managers involved in the transaction?
  19. At Wrestlemania 2, the Junkyard Dog slammed Terry Funk into a table during the Dog/Santana vs. Funks match.
  20. I rented Souled Out 1998 and Spring Stampede 98 from Blockbuster in 1999 with a buddy of mine on what I look back on as the summer of Wrestling videos where I pretty much watched wrestling everyday. It was in the US.
  21. Who are we to say that Lockwood is an ass for ending his OWN life. We do not have the right to say that considering we will never know what he was going through. Living your life just for the people around you is no way to live, and I don't think he should be faulted for not wanting to go on in life anymore. Who says that a person has to live until an outside force decides when they are supposed to die.
  22. Morales, Backlund, Rock, HHH, Austin, Andre, Mankind, Taker, Kane, Eddie (unless Smackdown doesn't count), Jericho, Michaels, Bret Hart, Flair, and thats it I believe.
  23. That would be the Smackdown World Title which is a continuation of the 1963 WWWF title, held first by Buddy Rogers. However, the Tag Titles can be traced through 3 different belts to 1957 if thats what you are looking for.