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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Beast

    BENIOT/Angle From RR 2003

    A dozen? Name at least a dozen specific matches better than the Benoit-Angle.
  2. Beast

    BENIOT/Angle From RR 2003

    Trust me, Benoit - Angle is better than Corino - Homicidie. Im saying that and I was saw the latter live and Homicide landed literally at my feet when he tried to jump the rail. The Corino match had a real slow flow, Benoit - Angle is consistantly interesting. Thats my view at least
  3. From RSPW July 1993 [email protected] (Eric Chmiel) writes I've said it before: show North American fans Hogan vs. Warrior and then Owen Hart vs. Benoit back to back. Then ask them to distingush which match was the ****1/2 and which was the *. Because the concept of "workrate" does not even exist in the minds of most North American fans, I'll bet most people would tell you the ****1/2 was Hogan vs. Warrior. After all, to them Hogan and Warrior are the "better" (i.e. pushed) wrestlers anyway. Keith's reply But this is again the assumption that the only "good" wrestling is the wrestling that is not power wrestling. Hogan and Warrior might be the "better" wrestlers in a lot of people's eyes, and it's unfair to say they're wrong because they're marks. It just means that your view of "good" wrestling has become too elitist. I happen to enjoy power wrestling very much, and while I wouldn't consider H & W even close to the class of Benoit or Pillman, it's a little insensitive to consider people dumb for calling the WMVI match better..
  4. Beast

    SNL Review

    Ive like Finesse so far this season. It's great that he is making fun of ghetto girls since they are so annoying. People were complaining he talked to fast during his commentary, but I didnt seem to notice. I just think he is the next Tracy or Tim, while Kenan will go the way of Dean and Jerry.
  5. The official preview for the Ultimate Ric Flair DVD Collection, scheduled to be released in November by WWE now features the following updated previews on , including complete matches: "His name draws universal awe and admiration. He is the 16-time Heavyweight Champion of the world. He has held the World Championship more times than any competitor in the history of sports-entertainment. Fans around the world pay tribute by shouting his trademark “Woooooo!” He’s influenced more Superstars than anyone else. There are legends and all-time greats, but there is only one Ric Flair. Wrestling match footage from the 70's, 80's, 90's and today. This includes some of Ric's most famous matches with: Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, and Sting. Ric Flair vs. ... (shown in their entirety) 1. Harley Race Starrcade (11/24/83) 2. Dusty Rhodes Starrcade (11/28/85) 3. Barry Windham World Wide Wrestling (01/20/87) 4. Ricky Steamboat Clash of the Champions VI (04/02/89) 5. Ricky Steamboat WrestleWar (05/07/89) 6. Terry Funk I Quit Match Clash of the Champions IX (11/15/89) 7. Royal Rumble (01/19/92) 8. Sting Undisputed World Title Unification Clash of the Champions XXVII (06/23/94) The DVD will also feature: *Debut match with the WWWF vs. Pete Sanchez 3/1/76 *A day in the life of the Four Horsemen *Flair'd match with Triple H from 5.19.03 Raw with a post-show tribute that has never-been-seen before on TV Plus all the promos & controversies surrounding his greatest matches against Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Terry Funk, Sting as well as his 1992 Royal Rumble victory. BONUS: 6 hidden Easter eggs
  6. Beast

    Flair DVD Matches Announced

    The people complaining about missing matches must know that the WWE isnt sitting there going, "hmm i wonder what Jim at the Smart Marks wants on the Flair DVD". Most people do not own these matches already. Hell, Ive been a fan since 1994 and the only ones Ive seen is the Rumble.
  7. Beast

    Flair DVD Matches Announced

    When have they aired the Flair-Savage match? What are you talking about? Is there some secret WWE show where they just show all classic matches? I know Bulldog-Bret was shown once on Confidential and that its on that DVD, but I dont remember the Flair-Savage match ever being shown. Anyway, don't complain about the DVD. I know you are all prob going to buy it and who's to say they wont come out with another Flair one in a couple of years. They just happened to pick some of the greatest. Im just happy that there are two Steamboat matches.
  8. Beast

    Flair DVD Matches Announced

    That was a great match, but Flair spent the majority of it getting his ass kicked. He won with a frickin rollup. And of course he lost to Savage in the Savage match and the WWF hates Savage now so they opted just for the Royal Rumble.
  9. Beast

    What are your favorite death scenes of all-time?

    I also gotta give the love to the Godfather films. I love all the ones mentioned especiallly Sonny's and Fredo's. Fredo's Hail Mary's do make it that much more tragic, along with the greatest scene ever. "You broke my heart". Not all showed the actually deaths but every murder in Se7en pretty much rules all. Then there are two I love because they are so beautifully sad. Dead Poet's Society's suicide along with Ethan Hawke running out into the snow in tears. Then Empire of the Sun with Christian Bale's japanese friend getting shot by Malkovich and his buddies because they think that Bale is getting attacked. Gotta hold back the tears on that one.
  10. The Twilight Zone is one of the top shows of all time. And it could have been even better as they tried to get the rights to many classic stories, but for one reason or another, were unable to. Only a handful of shows have a collection of so many memorable episodes. To Serve Man Time Enough At Last The Eye Of The Beholder The Howling Man Will The Real Martian PLease Stand Up? THe Invaders Nightmare At 20,000 Ft - With Shatner, oh yeah and many more
  11. I have both issues but I left them at home while I am at college. I'd like to know what Wizard lists as JIm Lee's essential stories in the Price Guide section in issue 0 and Perez's essential stories in issue 144. Many thanks to anyone who can supply me with this info.
  12. I have a mac so I cant download Kazaa, but I know that match is on there. Can someone send it to me at [email protected], or direct me to a site to get it. Thanks.
  13. Beast

    Sean O'Haire

    In my opinion, the WWE has dropped yet another ball with the halt of the O'Haire segments that were on earlier this year. They were entertaining and intriguing, but if I remember correctly, it was suddenly stopped when O'Haire was paired with Piper in a dead end feud with Hogan and then Los Guerreros. This has got to go down as one of the biggest wasted gimmicks ever, along with Waylon Mercy. I had just happened to pop in a unlabeled tape this morning, and a february raw was on it. An O'Haire promo about taxes was on, and I found myself excited at the prospects of this character, until I remembered that O'Haire has rarely been seen on WWE TV since Piper left. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
  14. My favorite match is the Summerslam 1991 encounter between two of the top wrestlers of the past twenty years, Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig. Like the Hart Wrestlemania match, I just don't get tired of watching or bored while watching it. The crowd is constantly into the match which, in my opinion says alot about the quality, since Bret had just started his singles push that summer. I believe this is a perfect match, not a low 4 star match that most people label it as. True, there is no one spot that makes this match stand out, but as a whole, it tells a very entertaining story that grips you to the very end. Watching it knowing that Hennig's back was totally wacked out, makes this match even more deserving of appreciation. Hennig constantly plays his arrogant, cocky character to the fullest, while Hart shines as the up and coming singles wrestler looking for a shot at glory. Even Piper constantly says, while commentating, that Hart needs to win or his career will be severely hampered, by this fork in the road. There are no missed spots, I believe. It is consistantly said that Hart and Hennig blew the spot where they fell from the top turnbuckle, but I say nay. Hart is punched off, falls, and Hennig decides to just fall right on top of him and get the pin. It's a pretty innovative heat-drawing spot and I love it. The ending itself is memorable in my opinion. Perfect thinks he has Hart down and out and decides to get some mocking and cheapshots done. However, Hart grabs Perfect's leg as he legdrops Hart and applies the Sharpshooter for the immediate tapout, due to Perfect's horrible back. That ending, is shall we say, totally perfect. Basically, I just believe that although this match does get a lot of appreciation, it is mostly as a pretty good match, not one of the best of all time. It's probably the best match of 1991, a year in which WCW produced a spectacular War Games and the memorable Steiner Bros. vs. Sting and Luger match. What do you all think of the match?
  15. I've never seen a NWA-TNA show aside from a few matches from Kazaa. Is anyone willing to send me last night's show?
  16. Now that Eddy has won the US Title, I want to make myself a comp of his best matches. However, I am unsure as to how his Vengeance match compares with his career of matches. Everyone please post a list of your top 10 Eddy matches, including Vengeance if applicable. Include, Japan, Mexico, ECW, WCW, and WWE matches. Thank you very much.
  17. Beast

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    Sure the Michaels DVD might not have YOUR favorite match, but it is essentially a compilation of the things that make Michaels one of the greatest. Like him or not, Michaels is one of the most prolific WWE wrestlers ever, so this DVD of course is going to feature his "best". The AWA of course is for an early look at him, but the rest are all, for the most part famous matches. Not every fan has a huge tape collection, not every fan has seen all these matches, not every fan is a smark. Personally, I can not wait til Tuesday to get this because, even though I have seen a handful of these matches at some point over the last 10 years, this DVD is the ultimate Michaels experience. It is for every fan, a compendium of Michaels' illustrious career. The WWE DVDs keep getting better and better, so perhaps, either a sequel to this DVD or a whole new DVD based on something else will feature the matches you all pine for. Until then, buy it or not buy it, but if you do, sit back and enjoy a presentation of one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. And no, I do not work for the WWE
  18. Apparently, the WWE plan to follow up the awesome classic match based Rey and Michaels DVDs with a Brock Lesnar one. May I be the first to say, what the fuck? The WWE has a dream collection of matches and footage, and when it looks like they've taken a step in the right direction with the From the Vault series w/Michaels, they pull this shit. "Watch an "oldie, but goodie" as Brock Lesnar takes on the Undertaker at Unforgiven 2002"!
  19. Before you all keep being ignorant and calling bull, here you go: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...&s=dvd&n=467972 Release date - August 12th Bravesfan, you are retarded. That is all.
  20. Beast

    Old School Matches on Kazaa

    Does anyone have Diesel vs. Bret from Survivor Series 1995?