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Posts posted by Beast

  1. I tend not to want to give Jimmy the benefit of the "Oh, it's only his first couple of episodes, give him a break" excuse or comparing him to Conan's early stuff. Conan was a total unknown when he started. Yeah, he was a writer for some very popular shows, but no one knew who he was. Jimmy Fallon has had leads in movies, been on the cover of numerous magazines like Entertainment Weekly and was the breakout of SNL after Will Ferrell left. He's an entertainer with a name out there and considering the lead time he was given to prepare, he shouldn't be putting out bad shows. How long did it take Kimmel and Ferguson to get settled?

  2. Just happened to see this thread. I don't know you Matt, but as a fellow bi-polar sufferer I'm happy you've gotten some help for it. Reading that opening post and the symptoms you've suffered really hit home. Manic depression is a bitch that knows no bounds. I was also misdiagnosed in the beginning of high school, but for the past 7-8 yrs or so I've been on some form of medication for manic depression/bi-polar. It works fine, but the only problem is taking it consistently. Seriously though, it's real nice to hear someone is overcoming a similar problem.
