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Posts posted by Beast

  1. Just read Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck. Great, great read. It's a 58 year old Steinbeck traveling from Long Island through New England, Maine, the Midwest, Montana, Oregon, Northern California, Texas, and the Deep South with his French poodle Charley in 1960. He's got a decked out camper and meets tons of interesting people in his quest to rediscover America. He spends three months doing what almost any man would love to do; just see the country with no strings attached. However, his initial expectations are eventually replaced by the realization that America as a common people has morphed into something totally different than he ever hoped. It's crazy reading this for the first time and seeing how many of the subjects he delves into are still especially relevant today. I'm going to have to let my feelings on this rest for a few weeks, but I might go as far as to say it's my favorite book, def my favorite Steinbeck.

  2. The Razor Ramon vs. Crush match is nothing, but the Monsoon-Johnny Polo commentary is remarkably entertaining. It's comparable to Heenan and Monsoon, but if Monsoon was entertained by Heenan instead of annoyed or disgusted. Johnny Polo's commentary might be the greatest thing Scott Levy ever did.

  3. OK, how did he not get buried. He's a cowardly heel who won the title by sneaking a win. He didn't beat anyone decisively except Punk in the cage and Michaels in the ladder match. Even those matches could be seen as flukes. Then in the buildup to this show, Batista said that Jericho had no chance of beating him. Jericho lost. So Batista effectively beat no one important. I understand that Jericho's character is a frickin' awesome cowardly heel, but they pulled the plug on his run way too soon, or at least did not give him a well-built up send off.

  4. I was seriously thinking about keeping my team exactly the same for next month, but falling to 5th after reigning atop for most of the month has frightened me a little.


    Minus - Kane - 8m

    Add - John Morrison - 4.5 m, Tony Atlas 2.5 m


    Updated Roster -

    Cody Rhodes - 5m

    CM Punk - 8m

    John Morrison - 4.5m

    Mark Henry - 5.5m

    Matt Hardy - 6m

    Ted Dibiase - 5m

    The Great Khali - 6m

    Tony Atlas - 2.5m

    Vladimir Kozlov - 6m

    - 48.5m

  5. On the first new Raw posted on online, the Quebecers absolutely destroy a jobber. It's this short squat guy, Bert Santano or something and they just massacre him with slaps, kicks, a piledriver, and spectacular double teams. The guy looks so out of it that he falls down as they whip him into the ropes for a double team so Jacques just laughs at him. God, I love Jacques Rougeau and the Rougeau Brothers and now Pierre Oulette is getting up there as well.


    Also first time I've ever seen Heenan's exit from the WWF. Really sad actually.

  6. I was looking through my picks since I finally got on the board for Estelle Getty and I noticed that I didn't get any points for Albert Hoffman (the inventor of LSD). He died April 29th. EDIT - And jeez, Suzanne Pleschette died 1/29, should have defintely got something for her.

  7. I wasn't planning on getting it because I figured all the best bits ended up on the boards; nevertheless the next time I found myself in Borders, I spotted it and ended up picking it up. I spent the rest of the day flipping through most of it, trying to find the best stuff and for the most part I was greatly intrigued. The book has a little bit of everything. And what most people are forgetting is that while the book is going to be bought by mostly hardcore wrestling fans; the goal of Randazzo and his publishing company had to have been to sell to the general public. I'm assuming that's why he spends time giving his opinion on certain wrestlers' (the aforementioned Randy Orton gay porn comparison). When Randazzo intruded on the story I didn't mind as much because I tried to look at it as if I'd never watched wrestling or read Meltzer before. Since I'd been reading about his overwhelming negativity from everyone before I bought it, it didn't seem to stand out to me as much. I thought he was pretty evenhanded.


    As a read, it was defintely buyable. There seemed to be info on every page that I'd never heard before. And using Benoit's life as a guidemap was a really nice choice. It meant we got details from Stampede, New Japan, ECW, WCW, and then finally WWE, with little detours to talk about guys like Dynamite, Heyman, Vince and other standout individuals. Randazzo mentioned on a F4 Daily that he would be interested in writing a Vince Bio and I'd love to see that happen.

  8. I've watched everything up to and including the Flair-Savage match on Wrestlemania VIII and it reaffirms why I have such fond memories of 1992 WWF. Piper-Bret is just fantastic and really stands out among all the average 80's style house show/tv style matches I've been watching. Flair-Savage started out hot, slowed down, but the final "act" of it was so hot that it made me wish 24/7 would show the follow up angles with the two of them. No matter how bad the WWF did business wise that year, I think they might have had the best roster talent wise. Hart, Piper, Michaels, Flair, Savage, Taker, all in the first five matches. Also, the Flair, Perfect, Heenan trio might be untouchable in amazingness.

  9. Henry Allingham

    Henri Cartan

    Fidel Castro (Best Bet)

    Kirk Douglas

    Boris Efimov

    John Forsythe

    Estelle Getty

    Billy Graham

    Albert Hoffman

    Jack Kevorkian

    Ali Khamenei

    Claude Levi-Strauss

    John Mahoney

    Ruby Muhammad

    Emilio Navarro

    Suzanne Pleshette

    Ariel Sharon

    Tony Siragusa

    Chuck Strahl

    Jack Weil

  10. I went to Burger King today for lunch and I was telling my friend the exact same thing. In my opinion, when McDonalds, Burger King, or Wendy's are on, they are ON. However, it's so rare to have a burger made even almost perfect at one of the chains. Wendy's is the one that disappoints me the most because when they make a good burger, it's the best fast food burger. When the burger is overcooked or messed up, it's undoubtably the worst.
