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Posts posted by Beast

  1. That would be Tales Of Suspense 57, first appearence of Hawkeye. Bought it when I was like 10 at a sports card show for 37 bucks, as the comic guy was having a half off sale and Hawkeye was my favorite character (10 years later it's Beast). I don't know why it was only priced at 75, since it is in NM condition so it would be pretty close to the regular price at the time which was 150. I suppose that has gone up considering how popular he's gotten.

  2. I was there, front row tonight, and the show was just top notch. Strong/Danielson was my MOTN. Didn't even realize it went 37 minutes. Danielson's heel schtick was awesome, everyone crowd was 50/50 anyways of course. And what made the match was Strong getting pissed off and frusterated at Danielson's arrogance. It's not a straight heel run yet, more like I'm the champ so I'm the best wrestler schtick. The ending came after Danielson played possum then sprung up, traded blows and slapped on the armbar for a surprise submission. Strong rolled out of the ring quickly looking mad at himself and Danielson. The crowd was super into it. Both that and Styles/Aries were right up there.


    Side note: During the Cabana/Homicide brawl (which not only included the Ace Cutter off the ring apron, but the Ace Cutter went through a table!), Smokes went to hit Cabana near my section, and ended hitting some dude with the end of the chair. The guy was PISSED. Cabana and Homicide went around the building and when Smokes went over the rail to follow, the guy got in Smokes face and was held back by his friends or family. Throughout the whole 10 minutes or so of Cabana/Homicide ring area brawling, the guy was yelling about getting hit and was absolutely livid. My friend and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.


    Daniels and Lethal was overshadowed by the crowd wanting them to dance off, including the ref, announcer, and Alison. Daniels finally got on the mic and told the crowd to be quiet so they could wrestle which got a "ROH" chant. I'm assuming Daniels was Curry Man only because he was the "Halloween" replacement for Daniels which is what Allison Danger announced him as.


    B-Boy was ok, but he didn't seem any different than the other Rottweilers to me. This is from someone who's only seen 5 ROH shows, the first two on DVD, and 2 in Fairfield in '03, and this one, so I might not know what I'm talking about. The crowd seemed syked that even though Cabana/Homicide was canceled for the night, the segment was doubled by the two of them brawling after the match. They are really building Cabana up because he held his own vs. Homicide, Smokes, Reyes and some other guy. B-Boy didnt stay for the Rottweilers beat down.

  3. Yeah, front row seats, first RoH/wrestling show in 2 years. Disappointed no Homicide and I know my non-wrestling fan friend will be as well, since when I brought him once, Homicide jumped over the guardrail at our feet, so Homicide is one of the only wrestlers he knows. Also really disappointed Joe canceled. Looking forward to seeing Aries vs. Styles, Danielson vs. Strong, Cabana, and Daniels.

  4. I just assumed that if the Sox and Yankees finished tied, they'd have a playoff to see who won the division. It doesn't seem right to see the Yankees celebrating about winning their 8th straight division championship when the Sox could finish tied with them. When the Giants and Dodgers had their playoff games in the 50s and 60s, it didn't matter who won the season series. And I'm not biased as a Sox fan, I could care less what team it was, it just seems weird.

  5. It's funny, because when I saw the clip, I immediately thought of when SNL made fun of Harry Belafonte a couple years back. I don't remember what the real Belafonte said but they had Tracy Morgan as Belafonte saying things like "Pokemon is the slavemaster and Pikachu is the slavetrader.", just random pseudo-political things.


    Kanye busting out "George Bush hates black people" after Myers is explaining how we can all help made me laugh out loud. Him looking all "emotional" just made it funnier.


    As for my view, it wasn't the time or place for West to bash the president or government. It wasn't about Kanye, it was about helping the people down south, and he going off to script to bash the people trying to help is in poor taste. He betrayed the organizers of the fundraiser by doing that, and it's just another example of him thinking he has something more important to say than everyone else.


    If the media is showing footage of looters and they happen to be black, how does that make them racist. Unless we find out that news broadcasts have been lying, it just seems like a stupid thing to get mad about.


    I also agree that our administration is doing a piss-poor job of helping out, and it took them way too long to get down there. I'm not a huge fan of Bush. But I don't see why it becomes a black thing. It boils down to, it wasn't the proper moment for him to express his opinion, it was a fundraiser with a script and he obviously didn't have permission. It wasn't "Kanye West presents a Fundraiser for the Hurricane victims", I'm sure Myers and Tucker were just as broken up as it as he was, however they were able to contain their emotions and do their frickin' jobs.

  6. Probably my favorite show of all time, just for the sheer number of great episodes.


    My faves: w/o ending spoilers


    Martin Balsam in the hour long episode where he works at a wax museum and takes 5 of the figures home to start his own museums since it's closing down. However, he takes a bunch of famous killers like Jack the Ripper and when his wife goes down to check on them she's killed, as are a couple of other acquaintences of his. So then the question is, is he doing the murders or are the wax murderers coming to life?


    Robert Duvall in Miniature, another hour long one where this lonely guy goes to a museum and sees these minature collections, including a toy house and toy woman inside it. Inside the house, life is going on though, and he watches the woman go through daily routines. It comforts him and he grows attracted to her, but when he tells his family, they think he's crazy.


    John Carradine in the Howling Man, a man is in Europe between WW1 and WW2 and has to stay at a monestary overnight. He hears weird howling coming from the celler and finds a man trapped in a cell. The monks tell him it's the devil, imprisoned.


    Lee Marvin in Steel; Boxing is outlawed in the future and they use robots, but Marvin doesn't have enought money for a new model robot and his opponent has the newest most efficient one. So he's either gotta find some way to hold off the fight, get money quick, or maybe there's another option to make the fight go long enough for him to make a profit.


    James Coburn in the Old Man In The Cave, post-nuclear war future, a village lives according to whatever the old man in the cave tells them to eat and do. His message is relayed by another man in the village and all seems well. However, Coburn and his gang come by and shake things up and convince the villagers to see the old man and find out why he knows so much.

  7. It's funny, before all these crazy Tom Cruise stories started happening, he was on my list of 10 favorite actors of today, (yes I have a list). But after listening to all the things he's been saying and doing, I had to take him off. Then, coincidently, I recived tickets to Letterman, the same day Cruise was the guest. Ben Folds was the other guest, and he's one of my favorite musicians so I was really pumped.


    So, being that the water squirting incident had just happened, Letterman totally kissed up to Cruise and supported him, which I pretty much agreed with, since I though he handled it well. But there were so many pauses for applause that it was kind of awkward. Then Cruise started comparing the guy to a bully and saying that there are so many bullies in this world, I had to stand up to him. Well, I'm in my seat, thinking, the guy was from a prank show, so he wasn't really a bully. The bully remarks got more and more applause.


    Then they talked about Holmes and he was really passionate as usual and then WOTW and that was it. Plus during one of the commercials, Dave and Tom didn't talk at all, they just turned in different directions, looking at different things, until 2 or 3 seconds before the show came on, Tom rushed up to the crowd and started shaking hands, then rushed back to his seat. Really really staged.


    Anyway, so the next day I see this Today show interview on TV, continuing our fascination with Cruise, and I must say that right from the start, Cruise is cutting off Lauer, when Lauer's just trying to respond to Cruise's first question back to him. He literally says like "The difference is..." and Cruise is like "No, no, Matt, Matt". It really seemed like Cruise was freaking out over nothing, especially since watching it, Lauer is calm and collected the whole time, and Cruise looks like he's going to cry. It would have been great if Lauer had been into Psychiatry, so when Cruise said "You don't know", Lauer could have shot back, "Uh, yeah I do, buddy". Because what would lead Cruise to just to assume Lauer didn't know. The best part was when Lauer told Cruise that Cruise didn't know Lauer's friends and what had worked for them, so he was basically talking out his ass.


    I don't know, I just can't stand this crap Cruise is saying since I take some anti-depressants, and they definately work for me. Before I took them, I was really really down, but with them, I'm not super hyper or anything, I'm steady. Plus, when you're basing you're "facts" on a group that believes that you signed a billion year contract for reincarnation over and over, it really doesn't hold up.

  8. Yeah, you know that all of them could, talent-wise. I definitely could see Hoffman eventually doing it now. I mean, DeNiro's done it twice. Pacino, probably not. Depp and Del Toro, it doesn't seem like their type of thing, especially since it's not really hip right now. Smith, if the show ever hits big again, and with it's up and down cycle, it should, I can see him hosting it.
