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Posts posted by Beast

  1. Typical episode, so while nothing spectacular still good. Ray had some kind of normal surgury and was for some reason not coming out of his anestetic, so the nurse came out and told Debra, his father, Robert, and Amy that he was having troubles. They freaked out for 20 seconds and then the doctor came out and said he was alright. The episode was about keeping the info about Ray's near-death experience away from Ray himself and his mother.

  2. Well just because I like him alot. I was gonna put a disclaimer that he hasnt done much yet, but I didnt think it was necessary. It's been one season. I'll wait til he gets promoted hopefully. I think he has a bright future. If all else fails, bring on Rob Huebal, and make them a pseudo comedy team on the show.

  3. Seth, Forte, Armisan, Amy, Parnell, Riggle - Great

    Kenan - Decent

    Sudekas - Don't know yet, seems OK

    Finesse - Give or take

    Maya - Dislike alot

    Tina - Tired of

    Dratch - Like more than Maya less than Amy

    Darrell - Still good, but time to move on.

  4. Didn't realize Slovin and Allen wrote for the show. I've seen their standup special on Comedy Central. It's pretty out there, but hilarious.


    Parnell has been one of the totally wasted talents on SNL. It's too late now, but out Fallon, Sanz, and Parnell, since they started together, he's had the most talent, by far. He can save any sketch he's in, he doesn't break. Even in that Nuni nonsense tonight, his character is the only funny thing in it, usually, Will was good tonight as well. I guess Lorne and the gang might look at him as too plain, I don't know why he got fired and then rehired, but other than Will, and sometimes even more so, Parnell has always been the go to straight man for skits and he does it better than anyone else, so I think he gets overshadowed when he really shouldn't. Just look at the Dr. Poop sketch for a good example.

  5. It was not one of the better Smigal cartoons, I agree. Ferrell was the only thing great about the show. I can't remember every skit right now, but I did laugh out loud at his one man Oracle thing. He really fell right back into things very easily. It's too bad the show has fallen so far though. It was more a case of him pulling everyone else up an extra notch or two than anything else I guess. Most of the material for the last 45 minutes was just there.


    Plus - That Terry Funk thing had to be intentional... didn't it?

  6. Don't know is this has been brought up yet, but I was flipping through the channels and saw Hogan on MTV Cribs showing his "Wrestling Memories Room." He picked up a pair of boots which he proclaimed to be the most famous boots of all time, explaining that he beat Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania in these boots....and then Andre passed......A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER. Exact quote. He had this solemn look when he said it to. I don't know, but I'm starting to think that Hogan might actually believe that now, because didnt he say something like that on his DVD or in his book?

  7. I was at the 14-2 Mariners game, in Cleveland, on vacation. I used to be somewhat of a Mariners fan and my dad is somewhat of an A's fan so we saw an A's game and the next series was the Mariners and we had tickets for the game after the 14-2 game. We ended up buying scalped tickets for the 14-2 game also, and they were like 3rd row, right behind home plate. I was the only person rooting for the Mariners, and once the Indians came back, the drunken Indian fans sitting around me sure threw that in my face.

  8. I was thinking to myself writing it, these batting averages look weird, I wonder if I'm writing it correctly. Totally spaced.


    And I don't know about DH, I assumed.



    Edit - And for the hit record, you have to remember how bad the pitching has become in general. It might gradually become easier to get 200 + hits in a season since so many more pitchers make it to the majors and the ERAs have ballooned.
