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Just call me Dan

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Everything posted by Just call me Dan

  1. Just call me Dan

    Alright, who's avatar is better?

    Yes, frozen's does own, and I didn't recognize it until after the topic was posted. He's definitely at #2, until, of course, Nevermortal gets the greatness back online. what the hell happened, and why don't you let us know where we could get some freat avatars like that. I'd read this board a LOT more if everyone could get avatars close to that kind of ass.
  2. Just call me Dan

    Alright, who's avatar is better?

    Holy shit!!! It's gone!!!
  3. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Nice trailer, I just hate how the Bra and Panties match thing seems to be the #1 selling point behind the game. I won't even give it a try.
  4. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Does anyone else get the BET2 vibe from UPN?
  5. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    I think he was referring to Show's beatdown of Eddie before NM where he smashed the glass in with his hand.
  6. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    I think he's growing it back out so he can do the Deadman gimmick again.......I'm serious......don't you believe me? No, I think he's pulling a Paul Wight and being lazy as fuck. I am near positive there are staff that ensure the performers are properlygroomed and trimmed for TV performances. All they have to do is say "Hey, cut my hair 5 minutes before I go out there!". Instead, they lumber around in that middle stage for a month and THEN cut it. WHY?
  7. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Man, eveyone would have looked 10x better if that would have just ended with the 1st fall.
  8. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Time for a haircut, Mark.
  9. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    FUCK!!! I just realized I was watching the baseball game and I missed holly's promo. something about this little feud he'll have with Brock intrigues me. I hate the guy, but on the stick, he's comedic gold. Shit.
  10. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    Damn, that top rope Choke Slam to Show looked SOOO much better than I thought it would.
  11. Just call me Dan

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread 10-23-03

    USA chant? What a bunch of morons. There is no reason to chant USA at Tajiri.
  12. Just call me Dan

    Nash's carrer in jeopardy!

    So who delivered the "stiff kick"?
  13. Just call me Dan

    The burning question

    It just doesn't make sense seeing as Benoit has been given absolutely no character development or big angles in the past 4 mopnths. Eddie has been a centerpiece of Smackdown, and it only makes sense for him to move along into the main.
  14. Just call me Dan

    No Mercy results and ratings

    I don't give a flying shit about that crippled fuck. What did Matt ever do to deserve this? I didn't see the show, but I heard Hardy blew the finish to the McMahon match by saying he gave the tape to the NEW GM of smackdown, and if the match ending involved a fluke pin, it might have been changed lasy minute as punishment for the slip ( It involved McMahons DAMMIT! UNACCEPTABLE!)
  15. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    What's funny is Hebner can't bring himself to even look.
  16. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I totally agree. He could grow a great beard (you know, some people's beards just look choppy and suck) It was very precisely cut during most of the years he had it, so I'd say he could easily pull it off with his current character.
  17. Just call me Dan

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Old-school HBK tights came back at Armageddon. HJe wore those incomplete and horrible brown tights with cowboy boots at the EC. He's referring to thights with hearts.
  18. Just call me Dan

    The SmackDown! Thread!

    wow, no love for that SWANK~ beatdown on Eddie from show? That was quite a mansized beating to take. Awesome segment, best of the show.
  19. Just call me Dan

    Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth

    Taker was quite easy to do it with. I think he has a grapple move tahat involves a punch to the face or a kick that puts them in that stunned mode for just a second (enough time to warrant the Smackdown Icon). then oif course the rest is academic. And , of course, taunt like mad. Keep hitting a direction everytime you hit the taunt button to reset it and not have to wait out the whole thing. The meter just keeps on rolling.
  20. Just call me Dan

    Real Smackdown Spoilers

    OH MY GOD. This honestly sounds like THE WORST SMACKDOWN EVER PRODUCED. I'm not one to throw that out there regularly, but this looks absolutely pathetic. I don't want to watch ANY of this, and I am severely pissed after reading these spoilers.
  21. Just call me Dan

    Smackdown Spoilers

    HEY!!! What did I tell you kids about post whoring in the spoilers thread!?!?! Oh, you've done it now! I want you to all go to bed and no spoilers for you tonight. GOT IT?
  22. Just call me Dan

    Two Rumored 'Mania XX Matches

    I think I see selling points needing to be manifested and big drawing angles/matches needing to be hammered upon because of the lackluster buyrate that WMXIX was involved with. I think Brok/Angle and Vince/Hogan were built up so hard, but they weren't the matches people wanted to REALLY see at Wrestlemania (not meaning a lot of us, because *I* for sure wanted to see Brock/Angle), but let's face it when you incorporate the vast audience of marks and casual fans, those matches were perhaps not the spectacle they saw something in buying.
  23. Just call me Dan

    Raw Rating

    That's bad logic, considering the one sided match he had against THE ROCK and HHH. Are they no longer threats? HBK had already been in there for the rest of the match, and Goldberg was completely fired up. That was not a one on one bout, it was more of shawn's fatigue allowing Goldberg's adrenaline rush to overtake him easily. Now.... if this proposed shawn/Goldberg match happens and Shawn takes the fall quickly, he's really going to be hurt. Question, though, is, who hasn't? Jericho has twice, but he's still on. shawn could easily be a threat as a heel, and if he beat HHH, there is quite the possibility he can beat Goldberg. the possibility is even greater seeing as they kept Henry strong. why wouldn't they do it for HBK?
  24. Just call me Dan

    Two Rumored 'Mania XX Matches

    Someone of Taker's calibre should have thier final match as a selling point for a Wrestlemania, and I am a firm believer in going out laying on your back. I do agree, though, if Taker loses at this Mania and there are no plans for him to get a title shortly thereafter, his career is dead, and he'd be wasting time continuing on. I don't think this is the time for him to go down at a Wrestlemania, but if he and Kane face off, he can't win. It would kill Kane deader than he is already thanks to Shane or whatever else they do to bury him soon.
  25. Just call me Dan

    Two Rumored 'Mania XX Matches

    Well hopefully you wouldn't already know because if Kane were to win, your anticipation during the whole match along with the near falls would make for entertainment.